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Created March 18, 2015 03:01
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  • Save zqfan/ffe23de6ff1ef7e2332d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zqfan/ffe23de6ff1ef7e2332d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from ceilometer.publisher import utils
import datetime
msg = {
'source': 'openstack',
'counter_name': 'cpu_util',
'counter_type': 'gauge',
'counter_unit': '%',
'counter_volume': '99',
'user_id': 'adf08413e7ee4926b3b2496be649c8b1',
'project_id': '6e8f5b1d05fe4cc39ed8b65b31548c21',
'resource_id': 'cc5402a6-82c1-4c30-93ce-59a861db697',
'timestamp': str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()),
'resource_metadata': {
"OS-EXT-AZ.availability_zone": "nova",
"disk_gb": "1",
"display_name": "hyp-vm",
"ephemeral_gb": "0",
"flavor.disk": "1",
"flavor.ephemeral": "0",
"": "1",
"flavor.links": [{u"href": u"", u"rel": u"bookmark"}],
"": "m1.tiny",
"flavor.ram": "512",
"flavor.vcpus": "1",
"host": "a92db3938a9b08b558d122bd6be230535f5f84d1970439d21b95c758",
"": "e3dfc897-2966-46b9-a028-9fbed95cbee6",
"image.links": [{u"href": u"", u"rel": u"bookmark"}],
"": "cirros-0.3.2-x86_64",
"image_ref": "e3dfc897-2966-46b9-a028-9fbed95cbee6",
"image_ref_url": "",
"instance_type": "1",
"kernel_id": "None",
"memory_mb": "512",
"name": "instance-00000030",
"ramdisk_id": "None",
"root_gb": "1",
"status": "shutoff",
"vcpus": "1"
'message_id': 'b960e423-511e-4f87-b95b-4ef75896ba3f',
count = 5000*13
secret = "metering"
start = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
for i in range(count):
msg['message_signature'] = utils.compute_signature(msg, secret)
# utils.verify_signature(msg, secret)
end = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
print 'data count:', count
print 'start time:', start
print 'finish time:', end
delta = (end - start).total_seconds()
print 'delta seconds:', delta
print 'average seconds:', delta / float(count)
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