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Start IPSec programmatically in iOS 8
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// init VPN manager
self.vpnManager = [NEVPNManager sharedManager];
// load config from perference
[_vpnManager loadFromPreferencesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Load config failed [%@]", error.localizedDescription);
NEVPNProtocolIPSec *p = _vpnManager.protocol;
if (p) {
// Protocol exists.
// If you don't want to edit it, just return here.
} else {
// create a new one.
p = [[NEVPNProtocolIPSec alloc] init];
// config IPSec protocol
p.username = @"[Your username]";
p.serverAddress = @"[Your server address]";;
// Get password persistent reference from keychain
// If password doesn't exist in keychain, should create it beforehand.
// [self createKeychainValue:@"your_password" forIdentifier:@"VPN_PASSWORD"];
p.passwordReference = [self searchKeychainCopyMatching:@"VPN_PASSWORD"];
// PSK
p.authenticationMethod = NEVPNIKEAuthenticationMethodSharedSecret;
// [self createKeychainValue:@"your_psk" forIdentifier:@"PSK"];
p.sharedSecretReference = [self searchKeychainCopyMatching:@"PSK"];
// certificate
p.identityData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"client" ofType:@"p12"]];
p.identityDataPassword = @"[Your certificate import password]";
p.localIdentifier = @"[VPN local identifier]";
p.remoteIdentifier = @"[VPN remote identifier]";
p.useExtendedAuthentication = YES;
p.disconnectOnSleep = NO;
_vpnManager.protocol = p;
_vpnManager.localizedDescription = @"IPSec Demo";
[_vpnManager saveToPreferencesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Save config failed [%@]", error.localizedDescription);
- (IBAction)startVPNConnection:(id)sender {
//[[VodManager sharedManager] installVPNProfile];
NSError *startError;
[_vpnManager.connection startVPNTunnelAndReturnError:&startError];
if (startError) {
NSLog(@"Start VPN failed: [%@]", startError.localizedDescription);
#pragma mark - KeyChain
static NSString * const serviceName = @"im.zorro.ipsec_demo.vpn_config";
- (NSMutableDictionary *)newSearchDictionary:(NSString *)identifier {
NSMutableDictionary *searchDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[searchDictionary setObject:(__bridge id)kSecClassGenericPassword forKey:(__bridge id)kSecClass];
NSData *encodedIdentifier = [identifier dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[searchDictionary setObject:encodedIdentifier forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrGeneric];
[searchDictionary setObject:encodedIdentifier forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrAccount];
[searchDictionary setObject:serviceName forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrService];
return searchDictionary;
- (NSData *)searchKeychainCopyMatching:(NSString *)identifier {
NSMutableDictionary *searchDictionary = [self newSearchDictionary:identifier];
// Add search attributes
[searchDictionary setObject:(__bridge id)kSecMatchLimitOne forKey:(__bridge id)kSecMatchLimit];
// Add search return types
// Must be persistent ref !!!!
[searchDictionary setObject:@YES forKey:(__bridge id)kSecReturnPersistentRef];
CFTypeRef result = NULL;
SecItemCopyMatching((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)searchDictionary, &result);
return (__bridge_transfer NSData *)result;
- (BOOL)createKeychainValue:(NSString *)password forIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier {
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [self newSearchDictionary:identifier];
OSStatus status = SecItemDelete((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)dictionary);
NSData *passwordData = [password dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[dictionary setObject:passwordData forKey:(__bridge id)kSecValueData];
status = SecItemAdd((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)dictionary, NULL);
if (status == errSecSuccess) {
return YES;
return NO;
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sdaren commented Nov 25, 2014

我想问一下,我的VPN连接每次都会提示“VPN 服务器未响应”,是我本地客户端哪里没设置好,还是服务器端需要特别的设置?

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zqqf16 commented Nov 28, 2014


  • 服务器端没配好,VPN 服务没起来
  • VPN 类型(L2tp/IPSec/IKEv2)不匹配
  • 网络问题

建议先用系统设置中的 VPN 连接,同时抓个包分析一下~

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我也遇到过 "VPN 服务器未响应"

原因是局域网内已经有一台机器连接 ipsec ,路由器上有个 ipsec alg
导致只能有一个客户端连接上去,第二个客户端 就 "VPN 服务器未响应"
把路由器上的 ipsec alg 关闭就解决问题了.

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zqqf16 commented Jan 20, 2015

@bronze1man IPSec 这样的协议太容易受中间网络设备的影响了

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zqqf16 commented Feb 11, 2015

@lhs71173717 还没遇到过这样的问题……

我做的时候提示输入预共享密钥一般都是因为从 Keychain 中没取到,或者取到的不是“PersistentRef”。

searchDictionary[(__bridge id)kSecReturnPersistentRef] = @YES;

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非常感谢你的回复哦。嗯,我调测了一下,会提示输入共享密钥,都是在keychain取不到值。但是奇怪的是,同一个ipa包,4s、5都可以取到,5s、6、6plus就取不到。。。请教一下,一般会是什么情况导致在keychain中取不到值呢?还有一个问题,我运行了一下你上面的代码提示错误:Save config failed [(null)],不知道是什么原因呢?谢谢啦

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zqqf16 commented Mar 6, 2015

@lhs71173717 我记得用 Network Extension 的方式装完后会显示“已验证”之类的,如果是自己生成的 mobileconfig 文件,可以参考这个Sign Apple mobileconfig files 在 Server 端实现比较简单,客户端的话够呛。

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zqqf16 commented Jun 23, 2015

@jameszoh Apple 应该是不打算在 Network Extension 中支持 L2TP 了。

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Do we have to write
on line 17:
if (_vpnManager.protocol) {
// config exists

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zqqf16 commented Jun 26, 2015

According to my experience (on iOS 8.0), if _vpnManager.protocol exists, assign a new protocol to it will cause an inexplicable error. This may be a bug 😄

I think it would be better to write like this:

NEVPNProtocolIPSec *protocol;

if (_vpnManager.protocol) {
    protocol = _vpnManager.protocol;
} else {
    protocol = [[NEVPNProtocolIPSec alloc] init];

// do more configurations...

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Whats localIdentifier & remoteidentifier. Are these values optional?

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zqqf16 commented Jun 30, 2015

localIdentifier is group name, and remoteidentifier is optional.

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Arvin-J commented Sep 25, 2015

请问一下,从keychain 中获取密码 。没有设置密码,怎么能获取到呢?还是预先在哪里设置加载的密码到keychain里面?

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p.identityData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"client" ofType:@"p12"]];
p.identityDataPassword = @"[Your certificate import password]"

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我也出现 VPN 服务器未响应,使用xcode自带的抓包发现没有发出验证请求,而我手动在iphone中配置l2tp连接时是成功的,并且抓包中成功发现VP验证请求,不知道是什么原因引起的

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zqqf16 commented Nov 13, 2015

@Yiranfantexi 差别不大,具体参见这个 Gist
据我现在掌握的,在 iOS 中,IKEv2 的“设备鉴定”方式只能是证书和共享密钥二选一。
至于那两个描述文件,可以用 Apple Configurator 打开看看,能看见 VPN 的配置信息。

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我试过买的账号,当p.authenticationMethod=NEVPNIKEAuthenticationMethodNone ,不要证书和密钥也是可以实现连接的!我也是用strong swan 搭建的服务器安卓的可以实现连接,但是苹果的ikev2不行 只有ipsec 可以!醉了!!

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zqqf16 commented Nov 23, 2015

@Yiranfantexi IPSec IKE(v1/v2) 各个公司的实现方式都不一样,支持的加密算法什么的也是乱七八糟 😂

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@lhs71173717你好我问一下 你那个ios8 描述文件的问题有解决办法吗 ?

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weqeo commented Mar 16, 2016

@Cutezhao,你好,请问你的描述文件会不会提示 Save config faild[(null),我的会提示,请问你现在解决了吗?

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al-ht10 commented Mar 21, 2016

How to use the above demo if .ovpn file is provided?

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点击按钮的时候 提示“Start VPN failed: [The operation couldn’t be completed. (NEVPNErrorDomain error 1.)]” 这怎么回事啊

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ghost commented Jun 6, 2016

Just call loadFromPreferencesWithCompletionHandler right before startVPNTunnelAndReturnError.
It should helps you. @duoduoyi

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vetrek commented Jul 3, 2016

Out of curiosity, is it possible to ignore local and remote identifier? or are they both mandatory?

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