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Created July 31, 2010 05:56
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Game Of Life in Ruby
initialize function gives a few options. You can specify the dimensions
of the board, and you can specify if you want the board to wrap around
to the other side.
evolve simply iterates though the state array and uses the rules to
determine if it should change states.
randomize_game_state is in a separate function, so it can easily be
called if desired.
is_alive returns false if you give it a cell off the board. Also you
can specify an origin cell and check a cell's state relative to it with
optional parameters.
count_neighbours simply counts all the alive cells around a particular
cell, using alive relative feature to simplify this.
update_dimensions if you set the state to an arbitrary array, this
method can be called to properly set the width and height. It uses the
smallest column height to avoid problems.
class GameOfLife
attr_accessor :state
DEAD = 0
def initialize(width, height = width, wrapped = true)
@wrapped = wrapped
randomize_game_state(width, height)
def evolve
# Copy game state
new_state = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(@state))
0.upto(@width - 1) do |x|
0.upto(@height - 1) do |y|
neighbours = count_neighbours(x, y)
if is_alive(x, y) and neighbours < 2
new_state[x][y] = DEAD
elsif is_alive(x, y) and neighbours > 3
new_state[x][y] = DEAD
elsif !is_alive(x, y) and neighbours == 3
new_state[x][y] = ALIVE
@state = new_state
def randomize_game_state(width, height)
@width = width
@height = height
@state = { { rand(2) } }
def is_alive(x, y, rel_x = 0, rel_y = 0)
cx = x + rel_x
cy = y + rel_y
if @wrapped
cx %= @width
cy %= @height
# return if out of range
return false if cx >= @width or cx < 0 or
cy >= @height or cy < 0
state[cx][cy] == ALIVE
def count_neighbours(x, y)
neighbours = 0
neighbours += 1 if is_alive(x, y, 1, 0) # East
neighbours += 1 if is_alive(x, y, 1, 1) # North East
neighbours += 1 if is_alive(x, y, 0, 1) # North
neighbours += 1 if is_alive(x, y, -1, 1) # North West
neighbours += 1 if is_alive(x, y, -1, 0) # West
neighbours += 1 if is_alive(x, y, -1, -1) # South West
neighbours += 1 if is_alive(x, y, 0, -1) # South
neighbours += 1 if is_alive(x, y, 1, -1) # South East
def update_dimensions
width = @state.length
height = @state[0].length
# Find minimum height
1.upto(width - 1) do |x|
height = @state[x].length if height > @state[x].length
@width = width
@height = height
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