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Created November 12, 2014 13:38
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# given a knapsack of size n, a list of items costs C and weights W
# this function returns a list of items which fits in the knapsack of
# maximum cost
# algorithm runs in O(nm) where m = len(C) = len(W)
def knapsack(n, C, W):
# m is number of items in list
m = len(C)
# create two dimensional array
K = [[0 for j in range(m + 1)] for i in range(n + 1)]
# fill out the two dimensional array
# need to do W[j - 1] to get jth item because python indices start at 0
for i in range(1, n + 1):
for j in range(1, m + 1):
# check that W[j - 1] <= i to see if there is room in the knapsack for item j
# then compare the case were we take item j with the case where we don't
if W[j - 1] <= i and C[j - 1] + K[i - W[j - 1]][j - 1] > K[i][j - 1]:
K[i][j] = C[j - 1] + K[i - W[j - 1]][j - 1]
K[i][j] = K[i][j - 1]
# backtrack to find out which items we actually took
R = []
i = n
j = m
while j > 0:
# assuming we have all positive cost items, taking item j causes cost to change
# so we only need to check that the total value in knapsack changes
if K[i][j] != K[i][j - 1]:
i = i - W[j - 1]
R.append(j - 1)
j = j - 1
return R
# takes a list S where N = sum(S) and attempts to
# split it into two sublists with sum N / 2.
# uses knapsack to solve in O(N * len(S))
def splitsum(S):
# use knapsack to solve problem
I = knapsack(sum(S) / 2, S, S)
# turn indices into two sublists of original list
R1 = [S[i] for i in I]
R2 = [S[i] for i in set(range(len(S))).difference(I)]
# return the sublists only if they have equal sums
if sum(R1) == sum(R2):
return (R1, R2)
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
S = [1, 3, 2, 5, 7, 6]
print("Split the numbers into two sets with equal sums")
T = [1, 3, 2, 5, 7, 9]
print("List has odd sum, so cannot be split")
U = [13, 3, 5, 9]
print("List has even sum, but still cannot be split")
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