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Forked from paniq/perfect_spatial_hashing.txt
Created September 18, 2018 16:20
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Perfect Spatial Hashing
# forays into
Perfect Spatial Hashing (Lefebvre & Hoppe)
how it works:
There are two parts: a slow encoding step, and a fast decoding step.
1. You have an array of n sparse points mapping from a domain of u pixels
or voxels in d dimensions, that is a domain of size u^d.
2. Your target hashmap size will be m^d where m = ceil(pow(n*1.01,1/d))
3. You will also need an offset map, whose size starts at r^d where
r = ceil(pow(n/(2d),1/d)) -- we might need to gradually increase
the resolution by 1 until it stops failing.
4. Most of the work that follows is about creating the offset map. Once
the offset map is built, the hashmap is trivial to populate.
5. Add each sparse point to a per-pixel linked list the size of the
offset map (r^d) -- since our offset map size r is much smaller than
the points range u, we simply modulate p % r to get the offset map
You end up with a texture that maps the offset coordinate to a list
of all points that share the same offset, as well as how many of them.
6. In order to be able to continue, we need to verify that for each
offset coordinate, the points that share it will not collide on the
main map. For this, we create a temporary map the size m, initialized
to -1, and for each offset coordinate's set of points, we write the
offset coordinate index to p % m on the temporary map - but first
we check if it hasn't already been written; if it has, then at least
two points will always been colliding, regardless of how we will
offset them, and we cannot continue; Instead, we must increase
r by 1, and restart our work from step (4). If no points from
the same offset coordinate are colliding, we can continue.
7. Sort the per-pixel linked list created in (5) so that the offset
coordinates that most points share will be processed first,
and the offsets frequented by a single point come second to last.
8. What comes now is a packing task. For each offset coordinate and its
points p % r that map to it, we now have to find a d-dimensional
offset h in the range (0..m) along each dimension so that
(p + h) % m will lead to a unique point on the hashmap that collides
with no other point. This is why we start with the offset coordinates
that have the most points, as they are the most difficult to assign.
Before we start, we must initialize the hashmap with an "undefined"
9. Now, for each offset coordinate, we start by randomizing h
and verify that all points mapping to this offset hit a
hashmap coordinate that is undefined. If they do not, then we can
either randomize h again or just offset h in such a manner that we
search the whole possible offset range. Especially for points
assigned later, it is possible that we can't find a single suitable
spot. In this case our offset map is too small and we must increase
r by 1 and restart our work from step (4). (We can also try to restart
(9) with new random offsets and hope that we're more lucky this time.)
If no point from the local set collides, we can now assume this
offset as a good offset for this hashmap and write our original point
coordinate to the hashmap, as well as writing the offset we found
to the offset map.
The paper notes a better strategy for gradually fitting r to succeed,
namely binary search: we first multiply r by 2 until the fitting succeeds,
and then attempt to find the optimal encoding spot between r/2 and r.
1. For any query point p from the whole domain u^d, fetch the offset
parameter h from the offset map, at (p % r).
2. From the hashmap, check the point at ((p + h) % m). If the
coordinate we wrote in (9) matches our query point p, we have
a hit, otherwise the hashmap does not contain this point.
3. That's it. Analog to the coordinate map, you can now also query
a data map at the same coordinate ((p + h) % m) to obtain the actual
data you require.
Nevertheless, check out the paper, as it features a bunch of extensions,
as well as additional packing, optimization and application ideas.
using import glm
using import glsl
using import Array
using import
using import ..tukan.bitmap
using import ..tukan.packing
using import ..tukan.random
using import .testfragment
fn cube-size (n d bias)
let bias =
if (none? bias) 1.0:f64
else bias
(pow ((n as f64) * bias) (/ (d as f64))) + 0.5:f64
fn good-size? (m r)
(m % r) != 1
(m % r) != (r - 1)
fn injective? (u m r rho)
u <= (m * r)
rho >= (/ r)
let bmp =
.. module-dir "/data/duangle_logo_edge.png"
components = 1
let samples =
# coord
# next index
let w h = (unpack bmp.size)
for x y in (multirange w h)
let v = (deref ('fetch bmp x y))
if (v > 127)
'append samples
pack-morton2x16 (uvec2 x y)
assert (w == h)
# how many times we try to fit offsets for a single table size before trying
a bigger offset table; higher takes longer but gives better results
particularly for very sparse data.
# domain size
let u = (w as u32)
# number of dimensions
let d = 2
# number of samples
let n = ((countof samples) as u32)
# data density
let rho = (n / u)
# size of hash table
let m = (cube-size n d 1.01:f64)
# allocate main hashtable
let H =
malloc-array u32 (m * m)
let sigma = (1.0:f64 / ((2 * d) as f64))
let phi-buckets =
# count
# first position index
# coordinate
print "u=" u "n=" n "m=" m
let rstart = (cube-size (n as f64 * sigma) d)
# size of offset table
let attempt-offset-table (r0 r1) = rstart (m - 1)
let r = ((r0 + r1) // 2)
print "attempting offset table size" r "in test range" r0 r1
# if this fails, we need to pick a different r
#if (not (good-size? m r))
print "not a good size"
attempt-offset-table (r + 1)
#if (not (injective? u m r rho))
print "not injective"
attempt-offset-table (r + 1)
'clear phi-buckets
let phi =
malloc-array (array u32 2) (r * r)
fn cleanup ()
free phi
label offset-table-too-small ()
attempt-offset-table (r + 1) r1
label offset-table-too-big ()
attempt-offset-table r0 r
for x y in (multirange r r)
'append phi-buckets
tupleof 0 -1
pack-morton2x16 (uvec2 x y)
fn make-offset (x y s)
y * s + x
# build per-pixel linked list of colliding entries in buckets
for i val in (enumerate samples)
let p next = (unpack val)
let x y = (unpack (unpack-morton2x16 (deref p)))
let offset = (make-offset (x % r) (y % r) r)
let bucket = (phi-buckets @ offset)
bucket @ 0 += 1
next = bucket @ 1
bucket @ 1 = i
'sort phi-buckets
fn (x)
- (x @ 0)
fn iter-bucket (samples idx)
label (fret fdone idx)
if (idx == -1)
let pos idx = (unpack (samples @ idx))
fret (deref idx) pos
deref idx
# clear main map
for i in (range (m * m))
H @ i = -1:u32
# ensure that entries within each bucket do not collide on the main hashmap,
or we have no chance of avoiding a collision.
for i k in (enumerate phi-buckets)
let count idx = (unpack k)
for pos in (iter-bucket samples idx)
let x y = (unpack (unpack-morton2x16 (deref pos)))
let offset = (make-offset (x % m) (y % m) m)
let dst = (H @ offset)
let used = (i as u32)
if (dst == used)
print "points collide in same group"
dst = used
let rnd = (local (Random 32))
'seed rnd
let fit-all (fit-attempts) = (unconst 0)
#print "trying fit" fit-attempts
if (fit-attempts == MAX_FIT_ATTEMPTS)
print "too many fit attempts"
let max-attempts =
(m * m) as i32
# clear main map
for i in (range (m * m))
H @ i = -1:u32
for i k in (enumerate phi-buckets)
let count idx phipos = (unpack k)
if (count == 0)
let base-offsetx base-offsety =
('range rnd 0 (m as i32)) as u32
('range rnd 0 (m as i32)) as u32
loop (attempt) = 0
if (attempt == max-attempts)
#print "fit" fit-attempts "failed for offset" i
# try from the top, with new random offsets
fit-all (fit-attempts + 1)
let offsetx =
(attempt as u32) % m
let offsety =
(attempt as u32 - offsetx) // m
let offsetx offsety =
(base-offsetx + offsetx) % m
(base-offsety + offsety) % m
let iterator = (iter-bucket samples idx)
for pos in iterator
let x y = (unpack (unpack-morton2x16 (deref pos)))
let offset = (make-offset ((x + offsetx) % m) ((y + offsety) % m) m)
if ((H @ offset) != -1:u32)
# try a different offset
repeat (attempt + 1)
# if we got here, no point collided with an existing one
# tag the destination position
for pos in iterator
let x y = (unpack (unpack-morton2x16 (deref pos)))
let offset = (make-offset ((x + offsetx) % m) ((y + offsety) % m) m)
H @ offset = (deref pos)
let px py = (unpack (unpack-morton2x16 (deref phipos)))
# and write the entry to phi
phi @ (make-offset px py r) =
arrayof u32
offsetx as u32
offsety as u32
if (r0 < r1)
print "succeeded, but table size not optimal"
print "success: optimal size for r =" r
fn ()
let test_texture =
static 'copy
'setup (glCreateTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D)
bitmap =
.. module-dir "/data/duangle_logo_edge.png"
components = 1
let sparse_data =
static 'copy
'setup (glCreateTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D)
size = (ivec2 m)
format = GL_R32UI
glTextureSubImage2D sparse_data 0 0 0 (i32 m) (i32 m) GL_RED_INTEGER GL_UNSIGNED_INT H
glTextureParameteri sparse_data GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER GL_NEAREST
glTextureParameteri sparse_data GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER GL_NEAREST
let sparse_offsets =
static 'copy
'setup (glCreateTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D)
size = (ivec2 r)
format = GL_RG32UI
glTextureSubImage2D sparse_offsets 0 0 0 (i32 r) (i32 r) GL_RG_INTEGER GL_UNSIGNED_INT phi
glTextureParameteri sparse_offsets GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER GL_NEAREST
glTextureParameteri sparse_offsets GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER GL_NEAREST
xvar uniform smp : sampler2D
location = 2
xvar uniform smp-data : usampler2D
location = 3
xvar uniform smp-offset : usampler2D
location = 4
fn per-frame-setup ()
glBindTextureUnit 0 sparse_data
glBindTextureUnit 1 sparse_offsets
glBindTextureUnit 2 test_texture
glUniform smp-data 0
glUniform smp-offset 1
glUniform smp 2
fn shader (uv)
let m = (uvec2 (textureSize smp-data 0))
let r = (uvec2 (textureSize smp-offset 0))
let p = (uvec2 (uv * 256.0))
let key = (pack-morton2x16 p)
let h1 = ((texelFetch smp-offset (ivec2 (p % r)) 0) . xy)
let h0 = ((texelFetch smp-data (ivec2 ((p + h1) % m)) 0) . x)
texelFetch smp (ivec2 p) 0
? (h0 == key)
vec4 1.0
vec4 0.0
#debug = true
size = (ivec2 256)
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