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Created February 10, 2012 10:17
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The Unshredder (Instagram Engineering Challenge)
# This script unshreds a shredded image (visit for details)
# author: Zoreslav Khimich <>
from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageStat
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import sys, heapq
MAGIC_THRESHOLD = 11 # carefully handpicked to work with your reference input
# calculate per-channel image difference and binarize the result, returns image
def image_diff(edge1, edge2):
diff = ImageChops.difference(edge1, edge2) # abs(edge1-edge2)
return Image.eval(diff, lambda i: i>MAGIC_THRESHOLD and 1) # binarize
# heuristics based on aggregate per-pixel difference; returns score (larger score = more differences)
def edge_score(edge1, edge2):
edge_sum_rgb = ImageStat.Stat(image_diff(edge1, edge2)).sum
return sum(edge_sum_rgb) # R+G+B
# vertical blur (5px mean, used for filtering out high frequencies)
def vblur(image):
const_ =, image.size)
o = (ImageChops.add(ImageChops.offset(image, 0, d), const_, scale=5) for d in range(-2, 3))
return reduce(ImageChops.add, o)
# unshred an image given known column width; returns iterable of column indices
def find_sequence(image, col_width):
width, height = image.size;
cols = width / col_width
# extract edges (1px strip from left & right side of each column)
left_edges = []
right_edges = []
for i in range(cols):
left_edges+=vblur(image.crop((i*col_width, 0, i*col_width+1, height))),
right_edges+=vblur(image.crop(((i+1)*col_width-1, 0, (i+1)*col_width, height))),
# precalc fitness scores for each column pair
scores = []
for i in range(cols):
row = []
for j in range(cols):
if i == j:
row += sys.maxint, # forget about i==j cases
row += edge_score(left_edges[i], right_edges[j]),
scores += row,
# find the best column to start reconstruction from
best_starter = -1
bst_left_score = bst_right_score = sys.maxint
for i in range(cols):
loc_best_l = min(scores[i])
loc_best_r = min(scores[j][i] for j in range(cols))
if loc_best_l < bst_left_score and loc_best_r < bst_right_score:
bst_left_score = loc_best_l
bst_right_score = loc_best_r
best_starter = i
remain = range(cols)
result = [best_starter,]
# rebuild the rest of the f-ng owl
while remain:
#uncomment to dump step by step vis to files:
#reorder_shreds(image, result, col_width).save('%d.jpg'%len(result))
left = result[0]
right = result[-1]
left_score, left_idx = min((scores[left][rem_i], rem_i) for rem_i in remain)
right_score, right_idx = min((scores[rem_i][right], rem_i) for rem_i in remain)
if left_score < right_score:
# put left
result.insert(0, left_idx)
# put right
return result
# reorder columns /given sequence; returns new image
def reorder_shreds(image, new_order, col_width = None):
result =, image.size)
width,height = image.size
if not col_width: col_width = width/len(new_order)
for i,j in enumerate(new_order):
col = image.crop((j*col_width, 0, (j+1)*col_width, height))
result.paste(col, (i*col_width, 0))
return result
# heuristics based on longest continuous diff (similar to edge_score, but used for autodetection)
def edge_line_score(l1, l2):
e = image_diff(l1, l2)
w,h = e.size
d = e.getdata()
counter = 0
lines = []
for v in d:
if sum(v) == 0:
if counter != 0:
heapq.heappush(lines, counter)
counter = 0
return sum(heapq.nlargest(MAGIC_LINES_TO_CONSIDER, lines))
# autodetects column width, returns positive integer (pixels) or 0 if failed
def detect_shred_width(image):
width,height = image.size
possible_col_no = filter(lambda x: 0==width%x, range(4, width/4+1))
# estimates score for col. number hypothesis, higher score = more likely
def calc_score(cols):
col_width = width/cols
def line_score(x):
l1 = image.crop((x, 0, x+1, height))
l2 = image.crop((x-1, 0, x, height))
return edge_line_score(l1, l2)
l_scores = []
for i in range(1, cols):
pre_l, l, post_l = (line_score(col_width*i+d) for d in range(-1, 2))
l_scores += l-(pre_l+post_l),
return float(sum(l_scores)) / (cols-1)
# estimate score for all legit col numbers
scores = map(calc_score, possible_col_no)
# if the actual strip width is 32px, then 64, 128 and 256 will most probably
# get good score as well (same for 5, 10, 20, 40, etc)
# the following section tries to solve this by looking for the biggest
# column number with a (relatively) good score
best_guess = 1
best_score = 0
for score, guess in sorted(zip(scores, possible_col_no), reverse=True):
if score <= 0: continue
if guess > best_guess:
times = guess/best_guess
if score * times > best_score:
best_guess = guess
best_score = score
if best_score == 0:
return 0
return width/best_guess
# read file, autodetect width if needed, unshred, save
def unshred(in_filename, out_filename, shred_width = None):
image =
if not shred_width:
shred_width = detect_shred_width(image)
if not shred_width:
print "Autodetection failed, try -w flag"
print "Autodetected strip width %dpx" % shred_width
print "Unshredding..."
sequence = find_sequence(image, shred_width)
reorder_shreds(image, sequence).save(out_filename)
print "Done => %s" % out_filename
# parse command line args
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Unshred a shredded image")
parser.add_argument('--strip_width', '-w', help="force strip width W px. (disables autodetect)", type=int, default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()
unshred(args.input_image, args.output_image, args.strip_width)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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