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Created June 30, 2021 10:38
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A pure akka-streams implementation for retry dynamodb partial failures
trait DynamoWriteItem {
def id: String
trait DynamoService {
def writeBatch(dynamoWriteItems: List[DynamoWriteItem]): Future[Either[List[DynamoWriteItem], Done]]
object DynamoWriteStream {
def batchedFlow[PassThrough](
dynamoService: DynamoService
): Flow[(DynamoWriteItem, PassThrough), PassThrough, NotUsed] =
Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
type BatchResult = (List[(DynamoWriteItem, PassThrough)], List[PassThrough])
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
// could extract these to config
val maxBatchSize = 25
val maxInflightRetry = 100
val parallelRequests = 4
val mergeRetries = MergePreferred[(DynamoWriteItem, PassThrough)](1, eagerComplete = true)
val fork =
builder.add(Broadcast[BatchResult](2, eagerCancel = true))
val collectRetries = Flow[BatchResult]
.mapConcat(x => x._1)
.buffer(maxInflightRetry, OverflowStrategy.backpressure)
val batchedWrites = Flow[(DynamoWriteItem, PassThrough)]
.buffer(maxBatchSize * (parallelRequests - 1), OverflowStrategy.backpressure)
.batch(maxBatchSize, List(_))(_ :+ _)
// retries would mess up the ordering anyway
.mapAsyncUnordered(parallelRequests)(batch => {
case Left(value) =>
val retries = => batch.find( =="should not happen")))
val passthroughs = batch.collect({
case (write, passthrough) if !value.exists( == => passthrough
(retries, passthroughs)
case Right(Done) =>
mergeRetries.preferred <~ collectRetries <~ fork.out(0)
mergeRetries.out ~> batchedWrites ~>
val passthroughs = fork.out(1) ~> Flow[BatchResult].mapConcat({ case (_, passthroughs) => passthroughs })
FlowShape(, passthroughs.outlet)
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