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Last active October 14, 2015 12:11
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Instructions for trying the light client prototype
- download and compile my light branch:
(better clone the entire branch, it will not work when pulled in current develop)
- run geth in light mode, with a new datadir and peer discovery disabled
./geth --mode "light" --datadir "~/.light" --nodiscover console
- add my node: (an archive node that supports the LES protocol)
- wait for a few minutes to download the header chain (sometimes it starts a bit slow but should speed up quickly)
- some examples to try: (our options are limited since transaction sending doesn't work yet through the LES protocol)
eth.getBalance("7456c5b2c5436e3e571008933f1805ccfe34e9ec") // should return about 300 ETH
eth.getBalance("7456c5b2c5436e3e571008933f1805ccfe34e9ed") // non-existent address, should return 0
eth.getCode("db15058402c241b04a03846f6fb104b1fbeea10b") // a contract code
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