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Last active June 26, 2020 00:34
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// NewMerkleTree constructs a merkle tree with given entries.
func NewMerkleTree(entries []*Entry) *MerkleTree {
if len(entries) == 0 {
return nil
// Assign an unique salt for each entry. The hash
// of entry is calculated by keccak256(value, salt)
// so we can preserve the privacy of given value.
for _, entry := range entries {
entry.salt = rand.Uint64()
// Verify the validity of the given entries.
var sum, totalWeight uint64
for _, entry := range entries {
sum += entry.Weight
for _, entry := range entries {
var l float64
if entry.Weight > 0 {
l = math.Log2(float64(sum) / float64(entry.Weight))
} else {
l = 1000
c := math.Ceil(l)
if c > maxLevel+1 {
c = maxLevel+1 // maxLevel+1 means the entry is not included in the tree
entry.level = uint64(c)
entry.bias = l - c
if entry.level <= maxLevel {
totalWeight += maxWeight >> entry.level
// Bump the weight of entry if we can't reach 100%
shift := entries
for totalWeight < maxWeight && len(shift) > 0 {
var limit int
for index, entry := range shift {
var addWeight uint64
if entry.level <= maxLevel {
addWeight = maxWeight >> entry.level
} else {
addWeight = maxWeight >> maxLevel
if totalWeight+addWeight <= maxWeight {
totalWeight += addWeight
entry.level -= 1
if index != limit {
shift[limit], shift[index] = shift[index], shift[limit]
limit += 1
if totalWeight == maxWeight {
shift = shift[:limit]
for len(entries) > 0 && entries[len(entries)-1].level > maxLevel {
entries = entries[:len(entries)-1]
// Start to build the merkle tree, short circuit if there is only 1 entry.
root, leaves := newTree(entries)
return &MerkleTree{Root: root, Leaves: leaves}
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