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Created April 5, 2016 22:51
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Save zsfelfoldi/9e2344a847cbf5d5841f9baa82cb7b18 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
How to benchmark my proposed changes for block data db storage:
- export your chain data (preferably to a physical drive different from the one you put the chain db on)
- download my branch:
- set useNewDb in core/database_util.go to false
- compile
- import chain data (specify a new datadir)
- run "geth headerbenchmark" with the same datadir
- set useNewDb in core/database_util.go to true and repeat the last three steps
- compare and publish results (complete console output is not needed, just the 2*3 numbers, see below)
My results were:
- original db:
imported 965000 blocks in 7h7m22s
fetched 10000 headers in 2m14s
fetched 965000 headers in 4m31s
see complete console output here:
- new db:
imported 965000 blocks in 4h18m58s (65% speed gain)
fetched 10000 headers in 1.8s (7340% speed gain)
fetched 965000 headers in 57s (375% speed gain)
see complete console output here:
Original storage scheme:
block-(hash)-header -> HEADER
block-(hash)-body -> BODY
block-(hash)-td -> TD
receipts-block-(hash) -> BLOCKRECEIPTS
block-num-(num) -> HASH // num is encoded as BigInt.Bytes()
New storage scheme:
header-(num)(hash) -> HEADER // num is always encoded as big endian uint64
blk-(num)(hash)-body -> BODY
blk-(num)(hash)-td -> TD
blk-(num)(hash)-receipts -> BLOCKRECEIPTS
header-(num)-hash -> HASH
blk-hash-(hash) -> NUM
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