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Created August 19, 2012 01:50
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  • Save zsmahi/3390881 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zsmahi/3390881 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Assem Chelli < [at]>
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see <>.
<<<<<<< HEAD
TODO use Alfanous.outputs.Json to request different info the first time
TODO use Table grid for view , use CSS good schema instead
TODO complete all new Ui features
TODO relate to AboutDlg / PreferenceDlg / Hints dialog
TODO use css and simplify texts to make a good localization
TODO clean Code
TODO sura's name also in English
TODO fields name in english and arabic / explication (id)
TODO add qurany project for Subjects in english
TODO %(var)s mapping is better for localization
TODO use QT Localization instead of gettext
TODO Use tree widget to show results
TODO printing
TODO load Qt resources on realtime or at least compile them on realtime if missed
Created on 12 avr. 2010
@author: Assem Chelli
@todo: use Alfanous.outputs.Json to request results
@todo: use Table grid for view , use CSS good schema instead
@todo: complete all new Ui features
@todo: relate to AboutDlg / PreferenceDlg / Hints dialog
@todo: use css and simplify texts to make a good localization
@todo: clean Code
@todo: sura's name also in English
@todo: fields name in english and arabic / explication (id)
@todo: add qurany project for Subjects in english
@todo: %(var)s mapping is better for localization
@todo: Localization
@todo: Use tree widget to show results
@todo: printing
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
## Arguments Management
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
parser = OptionParser( usage = usage, version = "AlfanousDesktop 0.5" )
paths = OptionGroup( parser, "Paths", "Choose your paths: " )
paths.add_option( "-c", "--config", dest = "config", type = "string",
help = "configuration file path", metavar = "PATH" )
paths.add_option( "-i", "--index", dest = "index", type = "string",
help = "indexes path", metavar = "PATH" )
paths.add_option( "-l", "--local", dest = "local", type = "string",
help = "localization path", metavar = "PATH" )
<<<<<<< HEAD
paths.add_option( "-r", "--resource", dest = "resource", type = "string",
help = "resources path", metavar = "PATH" )
paths.add_option( "-s", "--store", dest = "store", type = "string",
help = "store path", metavar = "PATH" )
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
parser.add_option_group( paths )
( options, args ) = parser.parse_args()
## Importing modules
import sys, os, gettext
from configobj import ConfigObj
<<<<<<< HEAD
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, uic
from PyQt4.QtCore import QRect
from pyparsing import ParseException
from alfanous.Outputs import Raw
from re import compile
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
from PyQt4.QtCore import QRect
from pyparsing import ParseException
from alfanous.outputs import Raw
from re import compile
## Importing forms
from mainform_ui import Ui_MainWindow
#from aboutDlg import Ui_Dialog as Ui_aboutDlg
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
## Localization using gettext
_ = gettext.gettext
n_ = gettext.ngettext
gettext.bindtextdomain( "alfanousQT" );
gettext.textdomain( "alfanousQT" );
<<<<<<< HEAD
## Specification of resources paths
from alfanous.Data import Paths
CONFIGPATH = options.config if options.config else Paths.HOME_CONFIG + ""
INDEXPATH = options.index if options.index else Paths.ROOT_INDEX
LOCALPATH = options.local if options.local else "./locale/"
RESPATH = options.resource if options.resource else Paths.ROOT_RESOURCE
## Load Qt forms & dialogs on real time
THIS_FILE_DIR_PATH = os.path.dirname( __file__ ) + "/"
Ui_MainWindow = uic.loadUiType( THIS_FILE_DIR_PATH + "UI/mainform.ui" )[0]
Ui_aboutDlg = uic.loadUiType( THIS_FILE_DIR_PATH + "UI/aboutDlg.ui" )[0]
Ui_preferencesDlg = uic.loadUiType( THIS_FILE_DIR_PATH + "UI/preferencesDlg.ui" )[0]
## Initialize search engines
RAWoutput = Raw() # default paths
## Specification of resources paths
CONFIGPATH = options.config if options.config else "../../resources/configs/"
INDEXPATH = options.index if options.index else"../../indexes/"
LOCALPATH = options.local if options.local else"./locale/"
STOREPATH = if else "../../store/"
## Initialize search engines
RAWoutput = Raw( QSE_index = INDEXPATH + "main/", TSE_index = INDEXPATH + "extend/", Recitations_list_file = CONFIGPATH + "recitations.js", Translations_list_file = CONFIGPATH + "translations.js", Information_file = CONFIGPATH + "information.js", Hints_file = CONFIGPATH + "hints.js", Stats_file = CONFIGPATH + "stats.js" )
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
## STATIC GLOBAL variables
PERPAGE = 10 #results per page
DIR = _( "ltr" ) #direction: default
RELATIONS = ["", "", u"|", u"+", u"-"]
SAJDA_TYPE = {u"مستحبة":_( u"recommended" ), u"واجبة":_( u"obliged" )}
SURA_TYPE = {u"مدنية":_( u"medina" ), u"مكية":_( u"mekka" )}
CSS = """
<style type="text/css">
#TODO : new simple&clean style
## Some functions
relate = lambda query, filter, index:"( " + unicode( query ) + " ) " + RELATIONS[index] + " ( " + filter + " ) " if index > 1 else filter if index == 1 else unicode( query ) + " " + filter
<<<<<<< HEAD
class QUI( Ui_MainWindow ):
""" the main UI """
class QUI( Ui_MainWindow ):
""" the Quranic main UI """
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
def __init__( self ):
self.last_results = None
self.last_terms = None
self.currentQuery = None
self.Queries = []
self.history = []
def exit( self ):
def load_config( self ):
"""load configuration"""
config = ConfigObj( CONFIGPATH + "/config.ini" )
boolean = lambda s:True if s == "True" else False
self.o_query.addItems( map( lambda x:x.decode( "utf-8" ), config["history"] ) if config.has_key( "history" ) else [u"الحمد لله"] )
self.o_limit.setValue( int( config["options"]["limit"] ) if config.has_key( "options" ) else 100 )
self.o_perpage.setValue( int( config["options"]["perpage"] ) if config.has_key( "options" ) else 10 )
self.o_sortedbyscore.setChecked( boolean( config["sorting"]["sortedbyscore"] ) if config.has_key( "sorting" ) else True )
self.o_sortedbymushaf.setChecked( boolean( config["sorting"]["sortedbymushaf"] ) if config.has_key( "sorting" ) else False )
self.o_sortedbytanzil.setChecked( boolean( config["sorting"]["sortedbytanzil"] ) if config.has_key( "sorting" ) else False )
self.o_sortedbysubject.setChecked( boolean( config["sorting"]["sortedbysubject"] ) if config.has_key( "sorting" ) else False )
self.o_sortedbyfield.setChecked( boolean( config["sorting"]["sortedbyfield"] ) if config.has_key( "sorting" ) else False )
self.o_field.setCurrentIndex( int( config["sorting"]["field"] ) if config.has_key( "sorting" ) else 0 )
self.o_reverse.setChecked( boolean( config["sorting"]["reverse"] )if config.has_key( "sorting" ) else False )
self.o_prev.setChecked( boolean( config["extend"]["prev"] ) if config.has_key( "extend" ) else False )
self.o_suiv.setChecked( boolean( config["extend"]["suiv"] )if config.has_key( "extend" ) else False )
self.o_word_stat.setChecked( boolean( config["extend"]["word_stat"] )if config.has_key( "extend" ) else False )
self.o_aya_info.setChecked( boolean( config["extend"]["aya_info"] )if config.has_key( "extend" ) else False )
self.o_sura_info.setChecked( boolean( config["extend"]["sura_info"] )if config.has_key( "extend" ) else False )
self.o_traduction.setCurrentIndex( int( config["extend"]["traduction"] ) if config.has_key( "extend" ) else 0 )
self.o_recitation.setCurrentIndex( int( config["extend"]["recitation"] ) if config.has_key( "extend" ) else 0 )
self.o_script_uthmani.setChecked( boolean( config["script"]["uthmani"] ) if config.has_key( "script" ) else False )
self.o_script_standard.setChecked( boolean( config["script"]["standard"] ) if config.has_key( "script" ) else True )
self.w_features.setHidden( not boolean( config["widgets"]["features"] ) if config.has_key( "widgets" ) else True )
self.w_options.setHidden( not boolean( config["widgets"]["options"] ) if config.has_key( "widgets" ) else True )
self.m_options.setChecked ( boolean( config["widgets"]["options"] ) if config.has_key( "widgets" ) else False )
self.m_features.setChecked ( boolean( config["widgets"]["features"] ) if config.has_key( "widgets" ) else False )
def save_config( self ):
"""save configuration """
if not os.path.isdir( CONFIGPATH ):
os.makedirs( CONFIGPATH )
config = ConfigObj( CONFIGPATH + "/config.ini" )
config["history"] = map( lambda x:x, config["history"] ) if config.has_key( "history" ) else ["الحمد لله"]
config["options"] = {}
config["options"]["limit"] = self.o_limit.value()
config["options"]["perpage"] = self.o_perpage.value()
config["options"]["highlight"] = self.o_highlight.isChecked()
config["sorting"] = {}
config["sorting"]["sortedbyscore"] = self.o_sortedbyscore.isChecked()
config["sorting"]["sortedbymushaf"] = self.o_sortedbymushaf.isChecked()
config["sorting"]["sortedbytanzil"] = self.o_sortedbytanzil.isChecked()
config["sorting"]["sortedbysubject"] = self.o_sortedbysubject.isChecked()
config["sorting"]["sortedbyfield"] = self.o_sortedbyfield.isChecked()
config["sorting"]["field"] = self.o_field.currentIndex()
config["sorting"]["reverse"] = self.o_reverse.isChecked()
config["extend"] = {}
config["extend"]["prev"] = self.o_prev.isChecked()
config["extend"]["suiv"] = self.o_suiv.isChecked()
config["extend"]["traduction"] = self.o_traduction.currentIndex()
config["extend"]["recitation"] = self.o_recitation.currentIndex()
config["extend"]["word_stat"] = self.o_word_stat.isChecked()
config["extend"]["aya_info"] = self.o_aya_info.isChecked()
config["extend"]["sura_info"] = self.o_sura_info.isChecked()
config["script"] = {}
config["script"]["uthmani"] = self.o_script_uthmani.isChecked()
config["script"]["standard"] = self.o_script_standard.isChecked()
config["widgets"] = {}
config["widgets"]["features"] = not self.w_features.isHidden()
config["widgets"]["options"] = not self.w_options.isHidden()
def setupUi( self, MainWindow ):
super( QUI, self ).setupUi( MainWindow )
if DIR == "rtl":
MainWindow.setLayoutDirection( QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft )
self.o_query.setLayoutDirection( QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_search, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.search_all )
<<<<<<< HEAD
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_page, QtCore.SIGNAL( "valueChanged(int)" ), self.search_all )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_page, QtCore.SIGNAL( "valueChanged(int)" ), self.changepage )
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_chapter, QtCore.SIGNAL( "activated(QString)" ), self.topics )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_topic, QtCore.SIGNAL( "activated(QString)" ), self.subtopics )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_sajdah_exist, QtCore.SIGNAL( "activated(int)" ), self.sajda_enable )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_struct_as, QtCore.SIGNAL( "activated(QString)" ), self.setstructborn )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_perpage, QtCore.SIGNAL( "valueChanged(int)" ), self.changePERPAGE )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_struct_from, QtCore.SIGNAL( "valueChanged(int)" ), self.struct_to_min )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_stat_from, QtCore.SIGNAL( "valueChanged(int)" ), self.stat_to_min )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.m_exit, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.exit )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.m_help, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.m_about, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.about )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.a_save, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.save_results )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.a_print, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.print_results )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_add2query_advanced, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.add2query_advanced )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_add2query_struct, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.add2query_struct )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_add2query_stat, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.add2query_stat )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_add2query_subject, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.add2query_subject )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_add2query_word, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.add2query_word )
QtCore.QObject.connect( self.o_add2query_misc, QtCore.SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.add2query_misc )
self.o_chapter.addItems( RAWoutput._chapters )
self.o_sura_name.addItems( RAWoutput._surates )
self.o_field.addItems( RAWoutput._fields.values() )# x.keys() for Arabic
self.o_traduction.addItems( RAWoutput._translations.values() )
<<<<<<< HEAD
def search_all( self, page = 1 ):
def search_all( self ):
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
The main search function
# add to history
self.history.insert( 0, self.o_query.currentText() )
self.o_query.addItems( self.history )
self.o_query.setCurrentIndex( 0 )
limit = self.o_limit.value()
html = CSS
suggest_flags = {
"query": self.o_query.currentText()
output = suggest_flags )
#print output
suggestions = output["suggest"] if output.has_key( "suggest" ) else []
#print suggestions
if len( suggestions ):
html += _( u"<h1> Suggestions (%(number)s) </h1>" ) % {"number":len( suggestions )}
for key, value in suggestions:
html += _( u"<span class='green'> %(word)s </span> : %(suggestions)s. <br />" ) % {"word": unicode( key ), "suggestions":u"،".join( value )}
results, terms = None, []
search_flags = {"action":"search",
"query": self.o_query.currentText(),
"sortedby":"score" if self.o_sortedbyscore.isChecked() \
else "mushaf" if self.o_sortedbymushaf.isChecked() \
else "tanzil" if self.o_sortedbytanzil.isChecked() \
else "subject" if self.o_sortedbysubject.isChecked() \
else unicode( self.o_field.currentText() ), # ara2eng_names[self.o_field.currentText()] for Arabic,
"page": self.o_page.value(),
"reverse_order": self.o_reverse.isChecked(),
"script": "uthmani" if self.o_script_uthmani.isChecked()
else "standard",
"next_aya": self.o_suiv.isChecked(),
"sura_info": self.o_sura_info.isChecked(),
"aya_position_info": self.o_aya_info.isChecked(),
"aya_theme_info": self.o_aya_info.isChecked(),
"aya_stat_info": self.o_aya_info.isChecked(),
"aya_sajda_info": self.o_aya_info.isChecked(),
results = search_flags )
except ParseException as PE:
html += _( "Your query is wrong!,correct it and search again" )
except KeyboardInterrupt:
html += _( "Interrupted by user" )
#print words_info
if self.o_word_stat.isChecked():
html += u'<h1> Words ( %(nb_words)d words reported %(nb_matches)d times ): </h1>' % results["search"]["words"]["global"]
for cpt in xrange( results["search"]["words"]["global"]["nb_words"] ) :
this_word_info = results["search"]["words"][cpt + 1]
this_word_info["cpt"] = cpt + 1
html += u'''<p>
<span class="green">%(cpt)d. %(word)s : </span>
<span class="green"> %(nb_matches)d </span>
times in
<span class="green"> %(nb_ayas)d </span>
</p>''' % this_word_info
html += u"<br/>"
#if self.o_filter.isChecked() and self.last_results:
# results = QFilter( self.last_results, results )
self.last_results = results
ayas = results["search"]["ayas"]
self.o_time.display( results["search"]["runtime"] )
self.o_resnum.display( results["search"]["interval"]["total"] )
# get page
numpagereal = ( results["search"]["interval"]["total"] - 1 ) / PERPAGE + 1
numpagelimit = ( limit - 1 ) / PERPAGE + 1
numpage = numpagelimit if numpagelimit < numpagereal else numpagereal
self.o_numpage.display( numpage )
self.o_page.setMinimum( 1 if numpage else 0 )
self.o_page.setMaximum( numpage )
<<<<<<< HEAD
#self.o_page.setValue( )
self.o_page.setValue( 1 )
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
if results["error"]["code"] == 0:
html += _( """<h1> Results ( %(interval_start)d to %(interval_end)d of %(interval_total)d ) </h1> <br/>""" ) \
% {
"interval_start": results["search"]["interval"]["start"] ,
"interval_end": results["search"]["interval"]["end"],
"interval_total": results["search"]["interval"]["total"]
for cpt, result in results["search"]["ayas"].items():
html += _( u""" %(cpt)d) - Aya n° %(aya_id)d of Sura %(sura_name)s """ ) \
% {
"cpt": cpt,
"aya_id": result["identifier"]["aya_id"],
"sura_name": result["identifier"]["sura_name"],
if result["sura"]:
html += _( u" Sura n°: %(sura_id)d ,revel_place : %(sura_type)s, revel_order : %(sura_order)d, ayas : %(sura_nb_ayas)d " ) \
% {
"sura_id": result["sura"]["id"],
"sura_type": SURA_TYPE[result["sura"]["type"]],
"sura_order": result["sura"]["order"],
"sura_nb_ayas": result ["sura"]["stat"]["ayas"]
html += "<br/>"
if result["aya"]["prev_aya"]:
html += """[ %(prev_aya_text)s ] - %(prev_aya_sura)s %(prev_aya_id)d <br/>
""" % {
"prev_aya_text": result["aya"]["prev_aya"]["text"] ,
"prev_aya_sura": result["aya"]["prev_aya"]["sura"],
"prev_aya_id": result["aya"]["prev_aya"]["id"]
html += u"[ %(aya_text)s ] <br/> " % {
"aya_text": result["aya"]["text"],
if result["aya"]["next_aya"]:
html += u"""[ %(next_aya_text)s ] - %(next_aya_sura)s %(next_aya_id)d <br/>
""" % {
"next_aya_id": result["aya"]["next_aya"]["id"]
if result["aya"]["translation"]:
html += _( u"""Translation -%(translation_title)s-: %(translation_text)s <br/>
""" ) % {
"translation_title":"" ,
"translation_text": result["aya"]["translation"]
if result["position"]:
html += _( u"""page: %(position_page)d ; (Hizb : %(position_hizb)d</b> ,Rubu' : %(position_rub)d) ; manzil :%(position_manzil)d ; ruku' :%(position_ruku)s <br/>
""" ) % {
"position_page": result["position"]["page"],
"position_hizb": result["position"]["hizb"],
"position_rub": result["position"]["rub"],
"position_manzil": result["position"]["manzil"],
"position_ruku": result["position"]["ruku"]
if result["theme"]:
html += _( """chapter : %(theme_chapter)s ; topic : %(theme_topic)s ; subtopic : %(theme_subtopic)s <br/>
""" ) % {
"theme_chapter":result["theme"]["chapter"] ,
"theme_topic": result["theme"]["topic"] ,
"theme_subtopic": result["theme"]["subtopic"]
if result["stat"]:
html += _( """words : %(aya_nb_words)d / %(sura_nb_words)d ; letters : %(aya_nb_letters)d / %(sura_nb_letters)d ; names of Allaah : %(aya_nb_godnames)d / %(sura_nb_godnames)d <br/>
""" ) % {
"aya_nb_words": result["stat"]["words"] ,
"sura_nb_words": result["sura"]["stat"]["words"] ,
"aya_nb_letters": result["stat"]["letters"],
"sura_nb_letters": result["sura"]["stat"]["letters"] ,
"aya_nb_godnames": result["stat"]["godnames"],
"sura_nb_godnames": result["sura"]["stat"]["godnames"]
if result["sajda"]:
if result["sajda"]["exist"] == u"نعم":
html += _( u""" This aya contain a sajdah -%(sajda_type)s- n° %(sajda_id)d <br/>
""" ) % {
"sajda_type": SAJDA_TYPE[ result["sajda"]["type"]],
"sajda_id": result["sajda"]["id"]
html += "<br/><hr/><br/>"
self.o_results.setText( html )
<<<<<<< HEAD
def topics( self, chapter ):
def changepage( self, page ):
self.search_all( page )
def topics( self, chapter ):
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
first = self.o_topic.itemText( 0 )
list = [item for item in RAWoutput.QSE.list_values( "topic", conditions = [( "chapter", unicode( chapter ) )] ) if item]
list.insert( 0, first )
self.o_topic.addItems( list )
def subtopics( self, topic ):
first = self.o_subtopic.itemText( 0 )
list = [item for item in RAWoutput.QSE.list_values( "subtopic", conditions = [( "topic", unicode( topic ) ), ] ) if item]
list.insert( 0, first )
self.o_subtopic.addItems( list )
def changePERPAGE( self, perpage ):
global PERPAGE
PERPAGE = perpage
def add2query_advanced( self ):
filter = ""
text = unicode( self.o_feature_text.text() )
word_re = compile( "[^ \n\t]+" )
words = word_re.findall( text )
if text:
if self.o_synonyms.isChecked():
for word in words:filter += " ~" + word
elif self.o_antonyms.isChecked():
for word in words:filter = " #" + word
elif self.o_orthograph.isChecked():
for word in words: filter = " %" + word
elif self.o_vocalization.isChecked():
filter = u" آية_:'" + text + "'"
elif self.o_phrase.isChecked():
filter = " \"" + text + "\""
elif self.o_partofword.isChecked():
for word in words: filter = " *" + word + "*"
elif self.o_allwords.isChecked():
filter = u" + ".join( words )
elif self.o_somewords.isChecked():
filter = u" | ".join( words )
elif self.o_nowords.isChecked():
filter = u" - ".join( words )
elif self.o_derivation_light.isChecked():
for word in words:filter += " >" + word
elif self.o_derivation_deep.isChecked():
for word in words:filter += " >>" + word
elif self.o_boost.isChecked():
filter = " (" + text + ")^2"
index = self.o_relation_advanced.currentIndex()
newquery = relate( self.o_query.currentText(), filter, index )
if text:
self.o_query.setEditText( newquery )
def add2query_struct( self ):
filter = ""
items_fields = [u"رقم_الآية", u"رقم", u"ركوع", u"رقم_السورة", u"صفحة", u"ربع", u"حزب", u"جزء", u"منزل"]
index = self.o_struct_as.currentIndex()
vfrom = self.o_struct_from.value()
vto = self.o_struct_to.value()
filter = u" " + items_fields[index] + u":[" + unicode( vfrom ) + u" إلى " + unicode( vto ) + "]"
index = self.o_relation_struct.currentIndex()
newquery = relate( self.o_query.currentText(), filter, index )
self.o_query.setEditText( newquery )
def add2query_subject( self ):
""" """
filter = ""
if self.o_chapter.currentIndex() != 0:
filter += u" فصل:\"" + unicode( self.o_chapter.currentText() ) + "\""
if self.o_topic.currentIndex() > 0:
filter += u" + فرع:\"" + unicode( self.o_topic.currentText() ) + "\""
if self.o_subtopic.currentIndex() > 0:
filter += u" + باب:\"" + unicode( self.o_subtopic.currentText() ) + "\""
index = self.o_relation_subject.currentIndex()
newquery = relate( self.o_query.currentText(), filter, index )
self.o_query.setEditText( newquery )
def add2query_stat( self ):
filter = ""
i = self.o_stat_num.currentIndex()
j = self.o_stat_in.currentIndex()
vfrom = self.o_stat_from.value()
vto = self.o_stat_to.value()
STATIN = ["", u"آ", u"س"]
STATNUM = ["", u"ح", u"ك", u"ج", u"آ", u"ر"]
if i * j != 0 and i / 4 + 1 <= j:
filter += u" " + STATNUM[i] + "_" + STATIN[j] + u":[" + str( vfrom ) + u" إلى " + str( vto ) + u"]"
index = self.o_relation_stat.currentIndex()
newquery = relate( self.o_query.currentText(), filter, index )
self.o_query.setEditText( newquery )
def add2query_misc( self ):
""" """
filter = u""
if self.o_sura_name.currentIndex() != 0:
filter += u" سورة:\"" + unicode( sura_reallist[self.o_sura_name.currentIndex() - 1] ) + "\""
sura_types = [u"", u"مدنية", u"مكية"]
if self.o_tanzil.currentIndex() != 0:
filter += u" نوع_السورة:" + unicode( sura_types[self.o_tanzil.currentIndex()] )
yes_no = ["", u"لا", u"نعم"]
sajdah_types = ["", u"مستحبة", u"واجبة"]
if self.o_sajdah_exist.currentIndex() != 0:
if self.o_sajdah_type.currentIndex() == 0:
filter += u" سجدة:" + unicode( yes_no[self.o_sajdah_exist.currentIndex()] )
filter += u" نوع_السجدة:" + unicode( sajdah_types[self.o_sajdah_type.currentIndex()] )
index = self.o_relation_misc.currentIndex()
newquery = relate( self.o_query.currentText(), filter, index )
if filter:self.o_query.setEditText( newquery )
def add2query_word( self ):
filter = ""
root = unicode( self.o_word_root.text() )
type_values = [u"اسم", u"فعل", u"أداة"]
type = type_values[self.o_word_type.currentIndex()]
filter = u" {" + root + u"،" + type + u"}"
index = self.o_relation_word.currentIndex()
newquery = relate( self.o_query.currentText(), filter, index )
if root:self.o_query.setEditText( newquery )
def setstructborn( self ):
items_max = [286, 6236, 565, 114, 604, 240, 60, 30, 7]
max = items_max[self.o_struct_as.currentIndex()]
self.o_struct_from.setMaximum( max )
self.o_struct_to.setMaximum( max )
def struct_to_min( self, nb ):
self.o_struct_to.setMinimum( nb )
def stat_to_min( self, nb ):
self.o_stat_to.setMinimum( nb )
def sajda_enable( self, index ):
if index == 2:
self.o_sajdah_type.setEnabled( True )
self.o_sajdah_type.setDisabled( True )
def save_results( self ):
"""save as html file"""
diag = QtGui.QFileDialog()
diag.setAcceptMode( diag.AcceptSave )
diag.setFileMode( diag.AnyFile )
diag.setFilter( "*.html" )
filenames = ["./results.html "]
if ( diag.exec_() ):
filenames = diag.selectedFiles();
path = unicode( filenames[0] )
file = open( path, "w" )
file.write( self.o_results.toHtml() + "<br><br>CopyRights(c)<a href=''>Alfanous</a> " )
def print_results( self ):
printer = QtGui.QPrinter()
printer.setCreator( self.o_results.toHtml() )
printer.setDocName( _( u"Results" ) + "-" + str( self.o_page.value() ) )
printer.setPageSize( printer.A4 )
dialog = QtGui.QPrintDialog( printer, None )
if dialog.exec_():
painter = QtGui.QPainter( printer )
painter.drawText( 10, 10, _( "This is not a bug,Printing will be available in next releases insha'allah" ) )
painter.setFont( QtGui.QFont( "Arabeyesqr" ) )
metrics = ( painter.device().width(), painter.device().height() )
marginHeight = 6
marginWidth = 8
body = QRect( marginWidth, marginHeight, metrics[0] - 2 * marginWidth, metrics[1] - 2 * marginHeight )
i = 0
for line in self.o_results.toPlainText().split( "\n" ):
i += 1
if "[" not in line:
painter.drawText( 10, 30 + 10 * i, line )
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
def about( self ):
""" deprecated """
html = """to replace with about dialog """
self.o_results.setText( html )
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
def help( self ):
""" deprecated """
html = """ to replace with a hints dialog """
self.o_results.setText( html )
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> b6fabfed4e9f64dcf859c25fa527f031fa858057
def main():
""" the main function"""
app = QtGui.QApplication( sys.argv )
MainWindow = QtGui.QMainWindow()
ui = QUI()
ui.setupUi( MainWindow )
if __name__ == "__main__":
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