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Created November 11, 2016 08:07
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Why does this Scala code type check even though it shouldn't?
object IOMonadExercise extends App {
sealed trait IO[A]
case class Return[A](value: A) extends IO[A]
case class Suspend[A](f: () => A) extends IO[A]
case class FlatMap[A, B](io: IO[A], cont: A => IO[B]) extends IO[B]
object IO {
def apply[A](a: => A): IO[A] = Suspend(() => a)
object Interpreter {
def run[A](io: IO[A]): A = {
io match {
case Return(a) => a
case Suspend(f) => f()
case FlatMap(Return(a), cont) => run(cont(a))
case FlatMap(Suspend(f), cont) => run(cont(f()))
// this case compiles for whatever reason but shouldn't type check (k1 returns IO[B] and k2 expects just B)
// accordingly, there is a ClassCastException in the runtime
case FlatMap(FlatMap(io1, k1), k2) => run(FlatMap(io1, k1 andThen k2))
// this case is the one that actually works
// case FlatMap(FlatMap(io1, k1), k2) => run(flatten(io1, k1, k2))
def flatten[A, B, C](io: IO[A], k1: A => IO[B], k2: B => IO[C]): FlatMap[A, C] = {
FlatMap(io, a => FlatMap(k1(a), k2))
def sum(i: Int): IO[Int] = {
Stream.range(0, i).foldLeft(IO(0))((io, i) => FlatMap(io, (s: Int) => IO(s + i)))
val n = 100000
val sumNIO: IO[Int] = sum(n)
val sumN: Int =
println(s"sum of 1..$n by IO loop : $sumN")
println(s"sum of 1..$n by math expr: ${n * (n - 1) / 2}")
assert(sumN == n * (n - 1) / 2)
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