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Last active December 12, 2015 07:28
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A parser that takes tweets and builds relationships between tweeters.
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@AnaCristinaPrts @blogbrevity @OBX_Harvey one scales according to context & situation as well as demand and responsibility of outcomes #innochat #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaCristinaPrts @jawbrain This is great! I've been doing the same! :‐)) #innoidea just to let the mind wander ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaCristinaPrts A1 Serendipity is being able to catch the moment when connections are made #innoidea and act constructively on them ‐12:14 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaCristinaPrts Hi from the Middle East! I work at higher education and am interested in innovation and creativity for education and businesses #innoidea ‐12:09 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaCristinaPrts RT @blogbrevity: The option to add #ideachat or #innochat to tweet with #innoidea is to preserve Serendipity of those following the regular tags! #innoidea ‐12:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaCristinaPrts RT @Jabaldaia: Final: Do not be afraid! Serendipity is a friend of our workplace environment #innoidea ‐1:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaCristinaPrts RT @MaryAnnReilly: #innoidea Serendipity in the workplace? create rhizomatic spaces that can & are recrafted at will. It's the energy among nodes that matters. ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaCristinaPrts RT @OBX_Harvey: A1: Serendipity is more than mere chance. It's being ready to take advantage of whatever comes your way. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaCristinaPrts RT @wbendle: A4: Abolutely! Isn't that the service Innovators provide? #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaDataGirl @deb_lavoy only have to pick a combination: #innoidea #innochat or #innoidea #ideachat :) ‐12:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaDataGirl @deb_lavoy we can surely work on our creating favourable conditions for serendipity to occur, stimulating its likelihood #innoidea #innochat ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaDataGirl @innovate Finding serendipity in networks #innoidea #innochat ‐11:54 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaDataGirl #innoidea #innochat A1: stumbling upon something without looking for it & finding value in what you've found ‐12:10 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaDataGirl #innoidea #innochat A2: i wouldn't use the word plan. I would use stimulate or facilitate or create favourable conditions for serendipity ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaDataGirl #innoidea #innochat A3: stepping out of comfort zone, staying curious, going to diff events, connecting w/ diff people, looking 4 diversity ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaDataGirl #innoidea #innochat Final: improving people & content discoverability online inside the enterprise: tags, soc nets, linking, context... ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaDataGirl #innoidea #innochat Final: stimulating interactions btw people through design of physical space & initiatives like ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaDataGirl #innoidea #innochat re: following few people on Twitter, is the qtity that counts or if those few take you to the edges? I think the 2nd ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnaDataGirl Hi there, Ana from sunny Portugal. Curious mind & interested in serendipity & networks #innoidea #innochat ‐12:08 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnalPoetNL RT @blogbrevity: IMPORTANT #ideachat + #innochat ‐Use new Mashtag #innoidea plus #ideachat OR #innochat for today's convo on Serendipity ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnalPoetNL RT @CreativeSage: RT @skap5: Serendipity comes from hanging out in the gray areas between silos. Thats where the gold is. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:53 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnalPoetNL RT @jhagel: @blogbrevity For more on shaping serendipity see this excerpt from The Power of Pull #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnalPoetNL RT @orgnet: Original tweet ‐‐> @skap5 "Serendipity as a Service" that led to this: #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AnalPoetNL RT @sacredflow: Serendipity thrives when we bare our souls naked, vulnerable, authentic, which encourages real connections. #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ananeves RT @orgnet: Old saying "luck works for the prepared mind"... even better "luck works for the prepared network"! #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AndreaMeyer @blogbrevity Thank you, Angela, @drewCM & @valdiskrebs @orgnet for a great #ideachat #innoidea #innochat ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AndreaMeyer @chrisrivard @chopemurray @JohnWLewis @pamroes @sandymaxey @MrsRoadshow Thanks for your #innochat #ideachat #innoidea RTs! ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AndreaMeyer @creativesage @jawbrain @DrewCM @mitchanthony @innovationfixer @quantfun Thanks 4 your #innochat #ideachat #innoidea RTs! ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AndreaMeyer @orgnet thank you for inspiring us today! #ideachat #innoidea #innochat ‐1:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AndreaMeyer #innoidea #innochat Companies can organize space to help people congregate rather than segregate ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AndreaMeyer A4 Twitter is a great way to meet new people & have unexpected conversations! #innoidea #ideachat #innochat ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AndreaMeyer RT @harveymilk: The inspiring @valdiskrebs is discussing serendipity at the following hashtags: #ideachat #innochat #innoidea #innochat ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AndreaMeyer RT @orgnet:...places where similarity and difference can intersect... need both for Serendipity!<key point. Distinction #innoidea #innochat ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AndreaMeyer RT @Renee_Hopkins: Yes! RT @innovate: you can increase chances of #serendipity by sharing your #dreams w/ your #networks #innoidea #innochat ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@AndreaMeyer will take a look RT @OBX_Harvey: Another good book about planning for Serendipity. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@angel_m_f RT @innovate: LOL ‐ RT @SunilMalhotra Sorry, just couldn't resist this ‐ Serendipity is not serenity + stupidity. #innoidea ‐1:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@authentic, which encourages real connections. #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013 AnaCristinaPrts RT @OBX_Harvey: A3: It's all about exposure: to new people,
@ayanabaltrip RT @blogbrevity: A1: Serendipity is being open to accidental discovery ‐‐ includes sagacity! #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ayanabaltrip RT @Jabaldaia: A1 Serendipity is an unexpected response to a question that we had hidden #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ayanabaltrip RT @Renee_Hopkins: A1 Serendipity is finding a connection that you didn't consciously know you were looking for. #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@BennettResnik @blogbrevity @zspencer When you reach the end of your comfort zone, keep walking. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@BennettResnik @orgnet #innoidea The happy accidents after making triangles. ‐12:15 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@BennettResnik Connecting others in dissimilar circles of your network ‐ building bridges @juneholley #innochat #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@BennettResnik Greeting everyone, Bennett here. Welcome Valdis @orgnet #innoidea ‐12:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@BennettResnik Innovative development in a beneficial way by happenstance, organic. #innoidea ‐12:10 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@BennettResnik It's not something that can intentionally plan but it can be a part of a long term strategy based on probability it will occur #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@BennettResnik Well said RT @Jabaldaia: A2 Planning Serendipity is like investing in silos to get new ideas :‐) #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity :‐) Can't wait for the answers! RT @kiporama A4: That's a profound question, @blogbrevity. #innoidea #Innochat #ideachat ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity :‐) Me, too ‐ But how to scale? RT @OBX_Harvey As an ideation facilitator, Serendipity is my business. #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity .@juneholley Slow ... my word for 2013 :) #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity .@orgnet @OBX_Harvey We will be talking about how to create serendipity in workplaces, too! #innoidea ‐12:20 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity @AnaCristinaPrts @OBX_Harvey Is education a way to scale Serendipity as a Service? #innoidea ‐12:53 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity @BennettResnik Great to see you! #innoidea ‐12:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013 thehealthmaven @jawbrain Hi Jason ‐ I'm a boilermaker! #innoidea ‐12:04 PM Feb
@blogbrevity @DrewCM Why do you think they hoard? #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity @janlgordon Thank you for joining in, Jan! Great to see you here today! #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity @MaryAnnReilly Yes, why I think being open to possibilities is key! #innoidea ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity @sandymaxey We will need to be creative! I think #innochat and #ideachat folks are up to the challenge! #innoidea TY Sandy! ‐11:49 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity @SunilMalhotra #innoidea main thread, then add your regular community for Serendipity ‐ either #ideachat or #innochat :) #innoidea ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity @SunilMalhotra Nice to see you Sunil! @CreativeSage #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity #Ideachat and #innochat folks: If you just want to use one hashtag for today ‐ use #innoidea! #innoidea ‐12:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity +1 RT @juneholley It's a network weaving skill to expand skills in seeing patterns! #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:16 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity +1 RT @kiporama There is no serendipity without intention #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:19 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity +1 RT @wbendle A2: Serendipity comes to those who continually work on sharpening their intuition and their instincts #innoidea ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity A lot of hidden influencers foster serendipity. #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity A1: Serendipity is being open to accidental discovery ‐‐ includes sagacity! #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Discomfort as serendipity tool MT @zspencer A3 big fan of seeking uncomfortable opps I’ve had come.. #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Hello everyone! I am Angela Dunn, moderating a joint #ideachat and #innochat with guest @ValdisKrebs on Serendipity! #innoidea ‐12:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Hi Cathryn! RT @DrewCM: @CreativeSage Youre here! Hurray for power! #innochat #innoidea ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity IMPORTANT #ideachat + #innochat ‐Use new Mashtag #innoidea plus #ideachat OR #innochat for today's convo on Serendipity ‐11:45 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Love orgnet's mantra: "Connect on your similarities, benefit from your differences!" #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity MT @AnaDataGirl: A2: wouldn't use the word plan..would use stimulate or facilitate or create favourable conditions for serendipity #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity MT @jhagel ..on shaping serendipity, see this excerpt from The Power of Pull #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:45 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity MT @OBX_Harvey: A2 Serendipity part of the creative process...have 2 not only plan 4 it, but actively seek it. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity MT @orgnet Not just anywhere in network, but in the places where similarity + difference can intersect..need both 4 Serendipity! #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity MT deb_lavoy certain pple are oriented to seeing patterns, analogies and oppties. #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:14 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Our guest @valdiskrebs will be tweeting using his @orgnet account! Everyone welcome Valdis! #innoidea ‐12:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Personal Q: If innovation folks want serendipity on Twitter ‐ why do some follow so few on Twitter, not use lists? #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Please introduce yourself and where you are from! #innoidea ‐12:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Q1: What is Serendipity? @orgnet start us off! ... #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Q2: Is Serendipity luck, or do you think you can plan for serendipity? #innoidea ‐12:22 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Q3 coming up ... #innoidea ‐12:30 PM Feb 7th, 2013 Jabaldaia A2 Planning Serendipity is like investing in silos to get new ideas :‐)
@blogbrevity Q3 What methods do you use to increase your chances for serendipity? @orgnet? #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Q4 Can you see Serendipity as a Service? How so? @orgnet @skap5 #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Read this! RT @kerstinsailer not experienced myself, love idea Randomised Coffee Trials workplace @nesta_uk #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @DrewCM have to say that Twitter for me is a serendipity engine. So many surprising and wonderful connection made here. #innoidea ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @DrewCM: @deb_lavoy I like the idea of preparation (even unwitting preparation) being embedded in serendipity #innochat #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @innovate: I would also say that you can increase the chances of #serendipity by sharing your #dreams with your #networks #innoidea ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @jhagel seems to be going on right now with #innoidea hash tag #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @JohnWLewis: Yes, I increasing use lists, especially as I approach Twitters 2000 threshold for ratio‐based rationing. #innoidea ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @mattbrat1 @MrsRoadshow yes, recognition is a big step often taken for granted :) #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @MitchAnthony: In many ways being open to syncronicity is the opposite of planning. It is more emergent than planned #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @orgnet Serendipity actually hidden/non‐obvious in your network! The better your network, the more "lucky accidents" you have! #innoidea ‐12:14 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @orgnet: Old saying "luck works for the prepared mind"... even better "luck works for the prepared network"! #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @Renee_Hopkins Re "planning" for serendipity ‐ see transcript of Nov 15 #innochat #innoidea ‐12:21 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @Renee_Hopkins: A1 Serendipity, finding a connection that you didnt consciously know you were looking for. #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:12 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @sacredflow: Serendipity thrives when we bare our souls naked, vulnerable, authentic, which encourages real connections. #innoidea ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @sandymaxey He who controls information flows has the power? #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT @thehealthmaven: Serendipity are fabulous innovation accidents #innochat #innoidea ‐12:09 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity RT jhagel you can't plan it but U can shape it, materially altering the probability and quality of unexpected encounters #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Suggestions? MT @deb_lavoy Think we need to unpack the box. look at how we can use stats to help. #q2 #innoidea ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Thank U to our guest @ValdisKrebs @orgnet ‐ We should all help design some more Serendipity experiments! #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Thank you to all the brilliant minds who have created Serendipity today! Connect with new #ideachat #innochat people! #innoidea ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity That's the problem with filter bubbles! RT @juneholley: Reaching out to others who aren't just like you brings seredipity #innoidea ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity The option to add #ideachat or #innochat to tweet with #innoidea is to preserve Serendipity of those following the regular tags! #innoidea ‐12:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Today's topic Serendipity! Framing here: #innoidea ‐12:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity We will be hosting these combined #ideachat #innochat discussions every other month ‐ next #innoidea is in April!! #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Welcome @AnaDataGirl! You have also written a lot about Serendipity! Thank you for joining today. :) #innoidea ‐12:09 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@blogbrevity Wow! I am seeing a lot of serendipity today from the cross‐ pollination of the #ideachat + #innochat communities! Thank you! #innoidea ‐12:15 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@bradm262run RT @skap5: Innovation is about freedom to play with the parts. Enable random collisions. Create conditions for serendipity. #innoidea #innochat ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@bradm262run RT @tdebaillon: Be visual at least as much as textual. #innoidea #innochat ‐1:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@burrito factory.... :‐) #innoidea ‐12:30 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ccarsonthompson I live in the gray. @skap5: Serendipity comes from hanging out in the gray areas between silos. Thats where the gold is. #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ccarsonthompson Serendipity requires commitment. #innoidea ‐12:30 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ccarsonthompson Serendipity results in connected silos. #innoidea ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CesarMalacon That's information! RT @InnovationFixer Catching a fish is serendipity. Knowing where they are is smart. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:22 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@chadsansing RT @MaryAnnReilly: #innoidea Serendipity in the workplace? create rhizomatic spaces that can & are recrafted at will. It's the energy among nodes that matters. ‐1:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CHopeMurray sorry didn't realize I had missed most of it ‐ in rapid catch up mode #innochat #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@chrisrivard apologies for all the #serendipity retweets. there is a great conversation going on here #innoidea ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@chrisrivard RT @AndreaMeyer: #innoidea #innochat Companies can organize space to help people congregate rather than segregate ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@chrisrivard RT @juneholley: Reaching out to others who arent just like you brings seredipity #innochat #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@chrisrivard RT @MaryAnnReilly: #innoidea when people operate with agency and play, innovation surfaces. ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@chrisrivard RT @orgnet: Hey folks welcome to Serendipity and Networks... hopefully we get some serendipitous intersections today! #innoidea ‐12:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@chrisrivard RT @skap5: Serendipity as a service. Force majeure isn't so rare. Maybe we need to get better at expecting the unexpected. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@chrisrivard RT @skap5: Serendipity comes from hanging out in the gray areas between silos. That's where the gold is. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@chrisrivard RT @zenext: In the empty seat, the unasked question, and the improbable invitation, serendipity thrives. #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@chrisrivard thoughts on Facebook Social Search and engineered #serendipity / homophily? #innochat #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@coordinating #innoidea ‐1:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage A4 Yes, if you have the capability for serendipity, share it by helping others see idea connections, meet people, see patterns. #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage Always! RT @innovate: Thank you everyone for this engine of serendipity ‐ Now I'm more inspired to go do some great client work:‐) #innoidea ‐1:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage Did I mention intuition? Maybe not enough. Serendipity seems like the result of intuition + executing on it, in service of others. #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage I think workplaces should foster more multidisciplinary thinking, exchanging ideas, rotating work roles, etc. for more serendipity #innoidea ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage I'm so glad I was able to finally join all of you halfway through. Thank you, @DrewCM @blogbrevity & all the ideacats & innocats! #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage Nature, movement, walking, any #creativity in the #arts will help build your intuition and capacity for #serendipity #innoidea #innochat ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @AnaCristinaPrts: RT @OBX_Harvey: A3: Its all about exposure: to new people, places, ideas. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @AndreaMeyer: A4 Twitter is a great way to meet new people & have unexpected conversations! #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @blogbrevit #innoidea main thread, then add your regular community for Serendipity ‐ either #ideachat or #innochat :) #innoidea #innochat ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @blogbrevity: Closing thoughts? Fostering Serendipity in the workplace? #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @blogbrevity: Q3 What methods do you use to increase your chances for serendipity? @orgnet? #ideachat #innochat #innoidea #innochat ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @blogbrevity: Q4 Can you see Serendipity as a Service? How so? @orgnet @skap5 #ideachat #innochat #innoidea #innochat ‐12:45 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @blogbrevity: Thank you to all brilliant minds who have created Serendipity today! Connect with new #ideachat #innochat people! #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @chrisrivard: RT @AndreaMeyer: #innoidea #innochat Companies can organize space to help people congregate rather than segregate #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @chrisrivard: RT @zenext: In the empty seat, the unasked question, and the improbable invitation, serendipity thrives. #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @deb_lavoy: @thehealthmaven is there a relationship between hip and serendip ;‐) #innochat #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @DrewCM: @innovate So true. Making your thinking visible invites response. Opens us up to oppty #innochat #innoidea #innochat ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @DrewCM: A4 Serendipity is the primary goal of every consulting service in the world, no? #innoidea ‐12:53 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @DrewCM: A4. people who make their lifes work promoting serendipitous encounters. Matchmakers of all sorts. #innoidea #Innochat #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @DrewCM: Intention is what enables us to capitalize on serendipity. Recognizing the network and working across is key #innoidea #innochat ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @DrewCM: Multiple transcripts will be attached in 30 minutes to framing posts. Thanks one and all for a fantastic joint chat. #innoidea ‐1:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @DrewCM: Sometimes it is in combining the improbable that we can discover the remarkable. People in networks, too. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @innovate Importance of info flows to accelerating #innovation was key idea behind my Top 10 Innovations ‐ #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @innovate Well designed #innovation jams provide #saas (serendipity as a service) ‐ thanks to @QuantFun for fun new SaaS use #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @innovate: A4 ‐ ..yes, if the needs can be gathered specifically enough and the network is deep enough to spark the right fire #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @innovate: A4 ‐ #Coworking is one concept that is focused on sparking serendipity as a service #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @InnovationFixer: A3 use "T‐shaped people" who know to think laterally as well as deeply #innochat #ideachat #innoidea #innochat ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @InnovationFixer: Good one! RT @wbendle: A4: Innovation is Orchestrated Serendipity #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @inosbiz: A4: If you consider your life service, new kinds of serendipities will open up #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @janlgordon: RT @JohnWLewis: @sandymaxey @juneholley If you are not living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space! #innoidea ‐12:53 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @jhagel: @blogbrevity For more on shaping serendipity see this excerpt from The Power of Pull #innochat #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @juneholley: Education should be more about helpiong us all delight in difference #innoidea #Innochat #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @kiporama: A3: Clarity of purpose. The conscious decision to act and obtain a predetermined outcome. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @kiporama: RT @DesignFiction: Serendipity is no accident. #innovation #innoidea @skap5 #innochat ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @kiporama: RT @tdebaillon: Serendipity comes from all the stuff you collected before. In fact, it is a long patience #innoidea #innochat ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @mattbrat1: @InnovationFixer @wbendle Orchestrated Improvisation: #innochat #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @mattbrat1: You cant connect the dots you dont see. Always look for more dots. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @MrsRoadshow: @AndreaMeyer @innoidea And leave your normal workplace periodically, intentionally. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐1:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @OBX_Harvey: @jawbrain No radio. Great idea. Keep a voice recorder nearby to capture ideas in car. #innochat #innoidea #innochat ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @Renee_Hopkins: @sacredflow Nurture...a huge concept for #serendipity. Nurture ourselves, our connections, our ideas #innoidea #innochat ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @Renee_Hopkins: A3. Walking often does it for me. Movement one step at a time. Connections happening with every step. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @Renee_Hopkins: Best way to foster #serendipity in workplace ‐ Put yourself out in the open and see who joins you there. #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @Renee_Hopkins: Nice! RT @zspencer: @Renee_Hopkins (People + Space + Purpose) * Diversity of Mind = Serendipity #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @sacredflow setting structures, architectures, stage sets for life to unfold magic of serendipity. Jump in, plunge, splash play #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @sacredflow: Yes, we are part of nature! :) @MrsRoadshow @Renee_Hopkins @sacredflow And nature. #ideachat #innoidea #innochat ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @sandymaxey: Best book ever. By @juneholley The Network Weaver Facebook page has TONS of seredipity. #innoidea ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @skap5: @innovate Spent a lot of years cracking open silos from within. More fun to disrupt them from the gray areas. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @skap5: Innovation is about freedom to play w the parts. Enable random collisions. Create conditions for serendipity. #innoidea #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @skap5: Serendipity comes from hanging out in the gray areas between silos. Thats where the gold is. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage RT @ThinDifference: RT @janlgordon: Love this one, yes!! RT @blogbrevity A lot of hidden influencers foster serendipity #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage So glad to hear from @blogbrevity that we'll be doing joint #ideachat and #innochat every 2 months. Next one in April, w/hashtag #innoidea ‐1:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage Thank you, @ValdisKrebs @skap5 and everyone who has contributed to today's #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage Yes, plus nurture connections, intuition RT @deb_lavoy: @CreativeSage #innoidea #innochat so serendipity = exposure x attitude #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage Yes, transcript needs all of them! RT @DrewCM: Next time, I think we will stick with one hashtag ‐ welcome to the new joint tag: # #innoidea ‐1:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@CreativeSage Yes! RT @MaryAnnReilly What if serendipity is always present and requires particular eyes, mindset, to recognize #innoidea #innochat ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy @AnaDataGirl that's a lotta tags. can we pick one? #innoidea #innochat #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy @blogbrevity i think we need to unpack the box. look at how we can use stats to help. #q2 #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy @blogbrevity i'd like to see some real studies on it ‐ but we'd ave work to do in defining the study #q2 #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy @blogbrevity its why i'm hear today ‐ to see who's unpacked that box :‐) #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy @blogbrevity we're seeing robust analysis of twitter msgs in crises. i think there's lots to b learned there (iRevolution) #q2 #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy @CreativeSage #innoidea #innochat so serendipity = exposure x attitude ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy @DrewCM certain peopel are oriented to seeing patterns, analogies and oppties. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy @skap5 that's getting to it. how do we make accidents happen? #innoidea #innochat ‐12:16 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy @thehealthmaven is there a relationship between hip and serendip ;‐ ) #innoidea #innochat ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy intution : serendipity :: control : equipoise @Renee_Hopkins #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy most behavior at work is fear‐driven RT @Renee_Hopkins: Fear. RT @blogbrevity: @DrewCM Why do you think they hoard? #innochat #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy Q1. serendipity has a lot to do with luck and luck favoring the prepared. #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy RT @jawbrain: @DrewCM @deb_lavoy yes, if we want to connect more dots, we must put more dots on our page #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@deb_lavoy sold RT @blogbrevity: #Ideachat and #innochat folks: If you just want to use one hashtag for today ‐ use #innoidea! #innoidea ‐12:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DesignFiction Serendipity happens when you sit under an apple tree. #gravity #innochat #innoidea ‐1:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DesignFiction Word. @skap5: Serendipity as a service. Forcemajeure isn't rare. Maybe we need to get better at expecting the unexpected #innoidea #innochat ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM .@CreativeSage has lost power and phones out in California and will join in ASAP. #ideachat #innoidea #innochat ‐12:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @blogbrevity Knowledge is seem by some as power. @Sandymaxey just hit on the same point. #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @blogbrevity Love @orgnet s mantra: "Connect on your similarities, benefit from your differences!" #ideachat #innochat +100 #innoidea ‐12:19 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @blogbrevity Welcome to you and @ValdisKrebs We're all thrilled to be here. Looking forward to serendipity! #innoidea #innochat ‐12:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @CreativeSage You're here! Hurray for power! #innochat #innoidea ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @deb_lavoy #innoidea is the joint tag and we suggest you add your usual tag, either #ideachat or #innochat ‐12:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @deb_lavoy Absolutely. Often the serendipity is recognized when the pattern is shifted or changed. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:14 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @deb_lavoy I like the idea of preparation (even unwitting preparation) being embedded in serendipity #innochat #innoidea ‐12:12 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @innovate Oh, for goodness' sake, if you don't know who Kardashians are, remain in your splendid ignorance! For your own good #innoidea ‐1:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @innovate So true. Making your thinking visible invites response. Opens us up to oppty #innochat #innoidea ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @InnovationFixer Yes, build a network of "T"‐shaped people and share them with others. #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @jawbrain Linus Pauling (2x Novel Laureate said something similar): #innoidea ‐12:15 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @JoeStanganelli Ha! "Jaded pessimists" Love it. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:15 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @JohnWLewis Indeed there is! That was the whole point. Mind‐bending sometimes snaps original ideas into place. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @kiporama Org charts are a snap shot of what an org wants to be, or hopes it is, but rarely depicts what it is. Start: yes. #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @kiporama Yes, it is moment or opportunity in service to some other action. Serendipity is a means to an beginning #innochat #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @OBX_Harvey And the ability to build on others' ideas and offerings. #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @Renee_Hopkins great minds! #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013 Jabaldaia @AnaDataGirl @InnovationFixer More like Vitruvian Man :‐)
@DrewCM @Renee_Hopkins Ha! I love that explanation for your trans‐continental journeying. #innoidea ‐12:45 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @skap5 I think you also have to plan to meet others between the silos or it can be a pretty quiet space! #innochat #innoidea ‐12:30 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @SunilMalhotra this is the home today, but some of us are tagging our chats of origin. :‐) #innoidea ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM @thehealthmaven You are a dear and I must reciprocate this year! #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM A huge thanks to @blogbrevity for suggesting this serendipitous event! #innoidea #innochat ‐11:57 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM A1. I see serendipity as a happy accident. A confluence of connections/actions which we didn't realize we prepared. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:10 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM A2. Churchill said that plans were vital to prepare & useless in action. Same w/ serendipity. You can prepare but luck abides #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM A3. I use social network analysis in my work with clients. Knowing the lay of the land is key. Org charts are fictions. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM A3. Learning something new often from someone new. #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM A4. There are people who make their life's work promoting serendipitous encounters. Matchmakers of all sorts. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM Drew Marshall here, Central NJ USA, focus on innovation‐capable culture. Co‐host of #innochat and general mischief maker #innoidea #innochat ‐12:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM Here's a link to the original framing. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM I have to say that Twitter for me is a serendipity engine. So many surprising and wonderful connection made here. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM I worked with someone who collected conversion tables. He liked the notion of converting improbable things. eg. Weight into Ohms #innoidea ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM I'll be pulling hashtag transcripts for #innoidea and #innoidea ‐12:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM Intention is what enables us to capitalize on serendipity. Recognizing the network and working across is key. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:27 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM Multiple transcripts will be attached in 30 minutes to framing posts. Thanks one and all for a fantastic joint chat. #innochat #innoidea ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM Next time, I think we will stick with one hashtag ‐ welcome to the new joint tag: # #innoidea ‐1:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM Next week on #innochat we have "Social Media in Support of Innovation" with guest @RicDragon Feel free to join us #ideachat ters #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM Only 5 minutes to go until we launch into #innoidea with our good friends at #ideachat & #innochat ‐11:55 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @AndreaMeyer: #innochat intro: Andrea Meyer, founder of Working Knowledge in Boulder, CO #innoidea #innochat ‐12:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @AndreaMeyer: A4 Twitter is a great way to meet new people & have unexpected conversations! #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:45 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @blogbrevity: A lot of hidden influencers foster serendipity. <And some hamper it, too, through hoarding #innoidea ‐12:53 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @blogbrevity: A1: Serendipity is being open to accidental discovery ‐‐ includes sagacity! #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @blogbrevity: Q2: Is Serendipity luck, or do you think you can plan for serendipity? #innochat #innoidea ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @blogbrevity: Q2: Is Serendipity luck, or do you think you can plan for serendipity? #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @innovate: #twitter as a #serendipity engine ‐ I love that (definitely true ‐ depending on who you follow) <That was me! #innoidea ‐1:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @innovate: A4 ‐ #Coworking is one concept that is focused on sparking serendipity as a service<Yes, & works well. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @kiporama: A1: Amending my prior A1... Serendipity is an outcome of intention. #Innochat <Yes, so true #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @kiporama: Hi @DrewCM! Which hashtag should we use today? #innochat, #ideachat, or #innoidea? Use your home tag + #innoidea #innochat ‐11:57 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @MitchAnthony: Start anywhere, but step back first. <Self awareness often starts with situational awareness. Go gently. Go far. #innoidea ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @orgnet: My whole business, based on social network analysis (#SNA), actually started very serendipitously...#innochat #innoidea ‐12:09 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @orgnet:...places where similarity and difference can intersect... need both for Serendipity!<key point. Distinction. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM RT @Renee_Hopkins: A1 Serendipity is finding a connection that you didnt consciously know you were looking for. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM Serendipity is putting yourself in delight's way, rather than harm's way. Make the most of fortuitous circumstance. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM Sometimes it is in combining the improbable that we can discover the remarkable. People in networks, too. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM Thanks to @johnWLewis for the #innoidea recommendation #innochat ‐11:50 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM To keep us all in the one place we are going to use our home #'s and the joint tage #innoidea #innochat ‐11:50 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@DrewCM We're down to our last minute. A huge thank you to @blogbrevity and @ValdisKrebs for their leadership today! #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@dwsNY RT @blogbrevity RT @DrewCM Twitter for me is a serendipity engine. So many surprising and wonderful connection made here. #innoidea ‐1:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ersdrive @MitchAnthony And therein lies the need for a new startup I am working on, for startups. #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Feb 7th, 2013 orgnet Original tweet ‐‐> @skap5 "Serendipity as a Service" that led to this:
@for more dots. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013 DrewCM @blogbrevity I don't think it is a matter of a lack of will. I simply think
@for some it is a time/effort issue. Twitter as engine #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013 CreativeSage RT @OBX_Harvey: A3: Its all about exposure: to new people,
@forexx1313 RT @wbendle: A2: I'm betting that Richard Wiseman would say that luck comes to those who work at it. #innoidea ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@gotgrowth Well said! RT @innovate: RT @BennettResnik @blogbrevity @zspencer When you reach the end of your comfort zone, keep walking. #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@harveymilk RT @MitchAnthony: In many ways being open to syncronicity is the opposite of planning. It is more emergent than planned #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@harveymilk RT @orgnet: Old saying "luck works for the prepared mind"... even better "luck works for the prepared network"! #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@harveymilk The inspiring @valdiskrebs is discussing serendipity at the following hashtags: #ideachat #innochat #innoidea. Check it out. ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@hsauce RT @innovate: I would also say that you can increase the chances of #serendipity by sharing your #dreams with your #networks ‐ #innoidea ‐12:30 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013 ThinDifference @blogbrevity Good Q.... solid balance required to exchange!
@! :) #ideachat #innoidea ‐1:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013 JohnWLewis Well done @blogbrevity @DrewCM @Renee_Hopkins and all for
@innovate @DrewCM ‐ Well done! #innoidea ‐1:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013 blogbrevity .@DrewCM Grateful for the #innochat transcript engine at
@innovate @InnovationFixer ‐ Renee is cooler than all of us. I still remember how cool she was when I bet her at BIF years ago ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:08 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate @jawbrain ‐ Next time try choosing and playing an inspirational song from your collection and THEN turn the radio off :‐) #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate @jawbrain ‐ You might find that your subconscious guides your song selection in a way that sparks a more focused wandering :‐) #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate @skap5 ‐ I would say that instead of hanging out inbetween silos, look to connect with others u see trying to open holes in walls #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate @skap5 ‐ Innovators in some ways gather people breaking out of silos together to do new things before the guards shoot them ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate @thehealthmaven ‐ I'm actually using both the #win8 phone and my #win7 laptop ‐ the #mac is at home with the #ipad :‐) #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate @wbendle ‐ LOL ‐ But still have no real idea who the Kardashians are. Maybe I should watch more television. Well, maybe not. ;‐) #innoidea ‐1:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate #serendipity involves keeping list of miraculous events/connections in back of your mind so that u can recognize when they occur #innoidea ‐12:21 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate #serendipity is similar to #luck accept that it usually involves recognition of appearance of an accelerant ‐ a fortuitous fit ‐ #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate #twitter as a #serendipity engine ‐ I love that (definitely true ‐ depending on who you follow) ‐ whose was that again? #innoidea ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate A1 ‐ My friend #bing says ‐ discovery of something fortunate: the accidental discovery of something pleasant, valuable, or useful #innoidea ‐12:10 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate A2 ‐ I'm not sure you can plan it, but you can increase chances by exposing yourself to more people and places outside the usual #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate A3 ‐ I was just going to say "By stepping outside" and then leave it up to all of you what context to put that in ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate A4 ‐ #Coworking is one concept that is focused on sparking serendipity as a service #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate A4 ‐ Most definitely yes, if the needs can be gathered specifically enough and the network is deep enough to spark the right fire #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate A4 ‐ Well designed #innovation jams also provide #saas (serendipity as a service) ‐ thanks to @QuantFun for fun new SaaS use #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate Companies that consciously architect their businesses to be social will increase serendipity ‐ ‐ Just do it! #innoidea ‐1:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate Curious ‐ What is the #innoidea #innochat #ideachat topic for today? ‐11:52 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate For sure wouldn't exist at all and continue to grow without serendipity and networks :‐) #innoidea ‐12:08 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate Good thing I got this new #win8 phone from @nokiaus ‐ my old #android phone would have crashed by now with all this activity ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate I would also say that you can increase the chances of #serendipity by sharing your #dreams with your #networks ‐ #innoidea ‐12:27 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate Importance of information flows to accelerating #innovation was key idea behind my Top 10 Innovations ‐ #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate LOL ‐ RT @SunilMalhotra Sorry, just couldn't resist this ‐ Serendipity is not serenity + stupidity. #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate Ooops, forgot to warn my followers that my tweet stream will be a little noiser than usual for a little bit while I join #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate Religious people would say that god places fortuitous people in front of you then you decide whether to walk around them or not #innoidea ‐12:16 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate RT @BennettResnik @blogbrevity @zspencer When you reach the end of your comfort zone, keep walking. #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate RT @blogbrevity Love orgnet's mantra: "Connect on your similarities, benefit from your differences!" #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate RT @jawbrain: @DrewCM @deb_lavoy yes, if we want to connect more dots, we must put more dots on our page #innoidea ‐12:14 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate RT @QuantFun Serendipity as a Service is the new SaaS: a "Cloud of Lucky Ideas" ‐ Love it! #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate RT @Renee_Hopkins A3. Twitter, twitter chats, conferences, travel...writing more than reading, listening more than talking. #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate Serendipity of networks? What about the power of knowledge and insight sharing ‐ #innochat #ideachat ‐ :‐) #innoidea ‐12:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate Thank you everyone for this engine of serendipity ‐ No I'm more inspired to go do some great client work :‐) #innoidea ‐1:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@innovate We all have an antenna for #serendipity but many of us bend it or break it off so our eyes can have a clearer view #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer @AnaDataGirl @Jabaldaia that's good 'cos we'll fingers in lots of pies... #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer @blogbrevity @ValdisKrebs @orgnet @DrewCM thanks to all for gr8 time. New connections from last hr = serendipity #innochat #innoidea ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer @creaxnv have a great system for connecting dots across tech and industries. Almost "forced serendipity" #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer @DrewCM @blogbrevity @Sandymaxey only by dinosaurs at risk of extinction #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer @DrewCM @JoeStanganelli and envious cynics... #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:16 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer @DrewCM we Brits like our T‐time #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer @innovate @Renee_Hopkins I have to agree #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:10 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer @paulawhite One example here #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer @Renee_Hopkins nothing to do with bailiffs? #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:45 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer @Renee_Hopkins you're so much cooler than me! #innochat #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer +1 RT @DrewCM: Intention enables us to capitalize on serendipity. Recognizing the network and working across is key. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer A "hoarder's brain" RT @tdebaillon: A3 Try to remember as much useless stuff as you can. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer A2 it's not luck, similar to "the harder I work, the luckier I get" #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer A2 you can't plan for serendipity, but you can do lots to give it the best chance of happening #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer A3 know what you want; but be open to stuff you hadn't realised you would want #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer A3 use "T‐shaped people" who know to think laterally as well as deeply #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer A4 not serendipity itself, but ways to facilitate e.g. networks, open innovation intermediaries etc #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer Catching a fish is serendipity. Knowing where they are is smart. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer Good one! RT @wbendle: A4: Innovation is Orchestrated Serendipity #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer I wrote a blog on serendipity a while ago #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer Nice RT @mattbrat1: You can't connect the dots you don't see. Always look for more dots. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer RT @blogbrevity: Closing thoughts? Fostering Serendipity in the workplace? #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer RT @CreativeSage: Did I mention intuition? Serendipity seems like the result of intuition + executing on it, in service of others. #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer RT @DrewCM: @innovate So true. Making your thinking visible invites response. Opens us up to oppty #innochat #innoidea ‐12:30 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer RT @innovate: A3 ‐ I was just going to say "By stepping outside" and then leave it to all of you what context to put that in ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer RT @innovate: RT @QuantFun Serendipity as a Service is the new SaaS: a "Cloud of Lucky Ideas" ‐ Love it! #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer RT @InnovationFixer: Hi this is Kevin from Oxford, innovation consultant. This week I'm listening to David Bowie... #innochat #innoidea ‐12:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer RT @kerstinsailer: Love the idea of Randomised Coffee Trials in workplace @nesta_uk A3 #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer RT @kiporama: A2: Serendipity is a causal result. Not understanding the causes earns it the title "Luck." #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:27 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer RT @OBX_Harvey: A3 Focus on the outcome not the solution. If you only see one path, you'll never find a better way. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer RT @OBX_Harvey: The key to serendipity is preparation and living eyes wide open. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer Serendipity isn't all about luck. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer Serendipity only happens when you're looking in the right areas #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer So many hashtags, so little time #innochat #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@InnovationFixer Social ‐ make people sit next to people they don't work with at lunch. Do all poss to build internal networks #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz @blogbrevity Thank you for the inspiring chat this morning! May you experience lots of serendipity today ;‐) #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz @CreativeSage Exactly. Intuition‐Right Brain, and Execution‐Left Brain ‐ Dancing together with the field #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz @MaryAnnReilly Exactly! Serendipity happens all the time. It's the moments we pay attention to that we notice #innoidea ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz A1: Serendipity is the intersect and overlapping of individual Point of Perception's Probability fields #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz A2 You can continue to adjust your probability fields to make serendipity more likely ‐ or noteworthy #innoidea ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz A3: Imagination, Ritual, Will ‐ Visualize, encapsule meaning, and keep showing up #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz A4: If you consider your life service, new kinds of serendipities will open up #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz Be aware of your probability patterns. Change something regularly. Be open to surprises. #Serendipity #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz By doing anything new or different, you shift your probability field, and thus invite new surprising mutual collapses #innoidea ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz Could look at serendipity as an aspect of relational intelligence. Combo of right and left brain expressed in relationship #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz Looking forward to serendipitous convo. Innovation Consultant and Catalyst from LA ‐ also under @philiphorvath #innoidea ‐12:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz No plan survives initial contact, but it's good to have a plan #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz RT @blogbrevity Best way to foster #serendipity in workplace ‐ Put yourself out in the open and see who joins you there. #innoidea ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz RT @CreativeSage: Nature, movement, walking, #creativity in #arts will help build your intuition and capacity for #serendipity #innoidea ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz RT @skap5: Innovation is about freedom to play with the parts. Enable random collisions. Create conditions for serendipity. #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@inosbiz RT @zenext: In the empty seat, the unasked question, and the improbable invitation, serendipity thrives. #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Jabaldaia A1 Serendipity is an unexpected response to a question that we had hidden #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Jabaldaia A2 I don't know if can be planned, but may be facilitated by a distinct environment #innoidea ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Jabaldaia A3 Analogies, contradictions and collisions. All that shocks contains seeds of something new #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Jabaldaia A4 May be not! I think there is a difference between Serendipity as a service and service of facilitators of Serendipity #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Jabaldaia Agree Jon @ThinDifference #innoidea ‐12:45 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Jabaldaia Final: Do not be afraid! Serendipity is a friend of our workplace environment #innoidea ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Jabaldaia Hi everyone! I'm Jose from Portgal. I'm a consultant! #innoidea ‐12:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Jabaldaia RT @DrewCM: Next time, I think we will stick with one hashtag ‐ welcome to the new joint tag: # #innoidea ‐1:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Jabaldaia RT @InnovationFixer: A3 use "T‐shaped people" who know to think laterally as well as deeply #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Jabaldaia RT @sandymaxey: @DrewCM @blogbrevity @ValdisKrebs That rocked! Thank you. #innoidea ‐1:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Jabaldaia Yes! @OBX_Harvey Jamming is good for serendipity #innoidea ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@janlgordon @blogbrevity @orgnet Brilliant tweetchat on #serendipity #ideachat #innoidea #innochat Bravo! Just the tip of the iceberg!! ‐1:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@janlgordon Love this one, yes!! RT @blogbrevity A lot of hidden influencers foster serendipity #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@janlgordon Re "planning" for serendipity ‐ see transcript of Nov 15 #innochat w @MattKingdon "Science of Serendipity" #innoidea ‐12:21 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@janlgordon RT @blogbrevity: Love orgnet's mantra: "Connect on your similarities, benefit from your differences!" #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:19 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@janlgordon RT @CreativeSage: RT @skap5: Serendipity comes from hanging out in the gray areas between silos. Thats where the gold is. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@janlgordon RT @jhagel: @blogbrevity For more on shaping serendipity see this excerpt from The Power of Pull #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@janlgordon RT @JohnWLewis: @sandymaxey @juneholley If you are not living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space! #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@janlgordon RT @OBX_Harvey: A1: Serendipity is more than mere chance. It's being ready to take advantage of whatever comes your way. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:10 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@janlgordon RT @orgnet: Yes, called "Queen Between" RT @sandymaxey: @blogbrevity @DrewCM He who controls information flows has the power? #innoidea ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain @DrewCM @deb_lavoy yes, if we want to connect more dots, we must put more dots on our page #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain @innovate good chance I break the quiet for my drive home #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain @OBX_Harvey "Create the opportunity for meaningful collisions" Tony Hsieh, Zappos #innoidea ‐12:20 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain A1: Serendipity: the "aha" moment or great idea when you were least expecting it, the "happy accident" of dots connecting #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain A2: How to help create serendipity: make more connections, learn, be curious, look at the fringes, look outside your industry... #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain A2: luck may present the unexpected opportunity, but we must be prepared to recognize it and have know how to act on it #innoidea ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain A2: yes, you can plan for "flashes of insights". Steven Johnson's "Where Good Ideas Come From" talks about this #innoidea ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain A3: Always. Be. Curious. ...make connections with ideas, people, groups, companies #innoidea ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain Agree 100% RT @DrewCM @AndreaMeyer A4 Twitter is a great way to meet new people & have unexpected conversations! #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain Agreed, which will it be? RT @deb_lavoy: @AnaDataGirl that's a lotta tags. can we pick one? #innoidea #innochat #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain Great chat today! Thanks ideacats, innocats... all you fine people #innoidea ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain Jason from Indianapolis. Communications Director @CentricIndy: #Indy's Innovation Network #innoidea ‐12:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain Love this! RT @wbendle: A3: Purposefully seeking out things that make me intellectually "uncomfortable" #innoidea ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain Relevant for today's #innoidea chat: Tony Hsieh's Rule for Success: Maximize Serendipity ‐12:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain RT @blogbrevity: #Ideachat and #innochat folks: If you just want to use one hashtag for today ‐ use #innoidea! #innoidea ‐12:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain RT @OBX_Harvey: A3: It's all about exposure: to new people, places, ideas. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain RT @ThinDifference: Serendipity is community, jumping in, exchanging, connecting... need a place for the sparks. #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain RT @wbendle: A2: Serendipity comes to those who continually work on sharpening their intuition and their instincts #innoidea ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain Serendipity as a service? Absolutely, I take great pride and joy in helping connect people to people and people to ideas #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jawbrain Yes, that's the key! RT @AnaCristinaPrts: I've been doing the same! :‐)) #innoidea just to let the mind wander ‐12:53 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JBordeaux .@juneholley Slow Network ‐ assign people to teams outside their division for a few weeks. #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JBordeaux #innoidea Original RAND building went up in 1947, I believe. Had redundant hallways to force unplanned collisions, er, conversations. ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jennyneill @CreativeSage @OBX_Harvey @jawbrain Channel‐surfing is as good as a hot shower for helping new idea to surface #innochat #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jennyneill Hello, all. Lurking for a while. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:19 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jennyneill RT @blogbrevity: Love orgnet's mantra: "Connect on your similarities, benefit from your differences!" #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jennyneill RT @JohnWLewis: Well done @blogbrevity @DrewCM @Renee_Hopkins and all for coordinating #innoidea ‐1:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jhagel @blogbrevity For more on shaping serendipity see this excerpt from The Power of Pull #innoidea ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jhagel @blogbrevity one of best ways to increase serendipity is be willing to be vulnerable, share problems/issues that you're working on #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jhagel @blogbrevity you can shape serendipity by focusing more explicitly and systematically on choices about where and how to spend time #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jhagel @blogbrevity you can't plan it but you can shape it, materially altering the probability and quality of unexpected encounters #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@jhagel Expressing vulnerability on diverse networks sends out beacons inviting people to reach out if they have relevant knowledge #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JoeStanganelli "Serendipity" is what jaded pessimists call their successes. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JoeStanganelli @blogbrevity @orgnet A1: Serendipity is a happy accident, but most things we call "serendipity" are the result of hard work. #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JoeStanganelli @orgnet @skap5 I knew you were going to say that. #innoidea ‐12:21 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JoeStanganelli @thehealthmaven @kiporama @skap5 Risk of experimenting: Unnecessary rebranding can lead to customer confusion. #innoidea #noidea ‐12:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JoeStanganelli I have #noidea which hashtag to use for #innoidea. ‐12:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @blogbrevity Thank you very much for your excellent moderation! #innoidea ‐1:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @blogbrevity Well, neither innovation without ideas, nor ideas without innovation gets us anywhere! #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @blogbrevity Yes, I increasing use lists, especially as I approach Twitter's 2000 threshold for ratio‐based rationing. #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @MrsRoadshow @InnovationFixer @mattbrat1 Look for dots, ... but try not to see boxes?! ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @orgnet @sandymaxey: @blogbrevity @DrewCM But in other orgs, anyone who tries to control information flow gets circumvented. #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @Renee_Hopkins Spinning like a top, Renee! #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @sandymaxey @juneholley If you are not living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space! #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @skap5 The more the merrier! #innoidea ‐12:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @SunilMalhotra Hmm, but if one has left no space, one cannot go with the flow. #innoidea ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @SunilMalhotra More like: leave space for serendipity, I think. #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @ThinDifference Doing OK thanks. #innoidea ‐12:08 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @ThinDifference Hello Jon, it has been a while. Hoping all is well. #innoidea ‐12:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis @zspencer Haha, both I think! #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013 jhagel @CHopeMurray @blogbrevity seems to be going on right now with
@JohnWLewis A1 Serendipity: is it coincidence combined with opportunity? #innoidea ‐12:10 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis A2 Yes you can plan for serendipity by preparing for it: enabling quick decisions and leaving space. #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis A2 You can also invite serendipity but talking the road less travelled. #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis A3 Keep an inventory of everything on your plate, so that you can quickly decide whether you can "pivot". (Ever so #GTD!) #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis A4 What? Like a serial disruptor? Isn't that why we have children? ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis Aviation: inexperienced pilots are surprised when the aircraft doesn't take off; experienced pilots are surprised when it does. #innoidea ‐12:21 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis Is #ideachat normally at this time/day? #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013 orgnet Leader??? No, just happy participant... the emergent group, self‐
@JohnWLewis John W Lewis here from Devon, England. Innovation strategist. #innoidea ‐12:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis Joint #innochat + #ideachat event in < 2 hours, framing (+link). What hashtag? Maybe: #innoidea ? ‐10:05 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis MT @DrewCM: ... converting improbable things. eg. Weight into Ohms // There's something dimensionally wrong there! ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis RT @AndreaMeyer: #innoidea #innochat Companies can organize space to help people congregate rather than segregate #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis RT @blogbrevity: @AnaCristinaPrts @OBX_Harvey Is education a way to scale Serendipity as a Service? // That's a can of worms!!! #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis RT @InnovationFixer: @DrewCM we Brits like our T‐time #innochat #ideachat // Hear hear! #innoidea ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis RT @InnovationFixer: I wrote a blog on serendipity a while ago #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis RT @tdebaillon: A3 Try to remember as much useless stuff as you can. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis RT @wbendle: @innovate ‐ Happy noise to signal ratio today! // Feels leisurely! #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@JohnWLewis That was my thought! RT @blogbrevity: #Ideachat + #innochat folks: If you just want to use one hashtag for today ‐ use #innoidea! #innoidea ‐12:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley @sandymaxey But also unusual things happen in backwaters ‐ think AThens Ohio! #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley @skap5 How do you suggest we plan surprises? #innoidea ‐12:16 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley But the real trick is matchmaking entire silos ‐worlds that have little or no connection #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley Education should be more about helpiong us all delight in difference #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley Q1. There's something about serendipity that is playful! #innoidea ‐12:10 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley Q3 Network weaving a more diverse and exciting network #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley Reaching out to others who arent just like you brings seredipity #innochat #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @BennettResnik: @orgnet #innoidea The happy accidents after making triangles. ‐12:15 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @BennettResnik: Connecting others in dissimilar circles of your network ‐ building bridges @juneholley #innochat #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @blogbrevity: Love orgnet's mantra: "Connect on your similarities, benefit from your differences!" #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @blogbrevity: MT deb_lavoy certain pple are oriented to seeing patterns, analogies and oppties. #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:14 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @blogbrevity: Q1: What is Serendipity? @orgnet start us off! ... #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:08 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @blogbrevity: Q2: Is Serendipity luck, or do you think you can plan for serendipity? #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @blogbrevity: Q3 What methods do you use to increase your chances for serendipity? @orgnet? #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @blogbrevity: Q4 Can you see Serendipity as a Service? How so? @orgnet @skap5 #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @CreativeSage: RT @skap5: Serendipity comes from hanging out in the gray areas between silos. Thats where the gold is. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @DrewCM: @deb_lavoy Absolutely. Often the serendipity is recognized when the pattern is shifted or changed. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:14 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @InnovationFixer: A3 use "T‐shaped people" who know to think laterally as well as deeply #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @JBordeaux: .@juneholley Slow Network ‐ assign people to teams outside their division for a few weeks. #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @MitchAnthony: In many ways being open to syncronicity is the opposite of planning. It is more emergent than planned #innoidea ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @OBX_Harvey: A1: Serendipity is more than mere chance. It's being ready to take advantage of whatever comes your way. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:10 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @OBX_Harvey: I designed my office for serendipity. Open plan, common areas that are magnets for people. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @OBX_Harvey: The key to serendipity is preparation and living eyes wide open. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @orgnet: @jawbrain key phrase there is "meaningful collisions"... just any collision will not do... usually #innoidea ‐12:22 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @orgnet: @juneholley yes, instead of planning/process... think preparation/potential/possible ‐‐> "adjacent possible" #innoidea ‐1:08 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @orgnet: @skap5 Besides, predictability does not even work... even the famous Nate Silver can't predict everything #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @orgnet: Closing triangles or opening new ones! RT @juneholley: #innoidea The happy accidents after making triangles. #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @orgnet: My whole business, based on social network analysis (#SNA), actually started very serendipitously... #innoidea ‐12:09 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @orgnet: Old saying "luck works for the prepared mind"... even better "luck works for the prepared network"! #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @orgnet: Then ask others... what do you think? RT @wbendle: A3: Seek uniqueness that is puzzling #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @orgnet: Wirearchy, gray areas between siloes, overlapping/intersecting siloes... #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @orgnet: Yes! Uncomfortable, unsure, are all good! "Go where you do not want to go!" is often good advice to find serendipity #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @Renee_Hopkins: A3. Twitter, twitter chats, conferences, travel...writing more than reading, listening more than talking. #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @sacredflow: Serendipity thrives when we bare our souls naked, vulnerable, authentic, which encourages real connections. #innoidea ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @sandymaxey: @juneholley I have a deep and abiding respect for all the edges (of civilization) ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @sandymaxey: @orgnet @thehealthmaven You can't weave anything by pushing strings. ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @sandymaxey: @zenext Delighted to see you here! #innoidea *me too!* ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @tdebaillon: A3 Try to remember as much useless stuff as you can. #innochat #innoidea HA! ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley RT @ValdisKrebs: I am participating on #ideachat #innochat #innoidea (use this last one!) today... talking about... S E R E N D I P I T Y (Noon‐ 1pm EST) ‐12:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley Speed Network Have people find someone at mtg they dont know and talk for 5 minutes. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley The Network Weaver Facebook page has TONS of seredipity. Join us! #innoidea #innochat ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@juneholley YOu have to increase your ability to notice #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@KenWHarperII RT @blogbrevity: IMPORTANT #ideachat + #innochat ‐Use new Mashtag #innoidea plus #ideachat OR #innochat for today's convo on Serendipity ‐11:49 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@kerstinsailer #innoidea Love the idea of walking to make connections & think @Renee_Hopkins Lots of examples in history: Darwin was known to walk daily ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kerstinsailer Have not experienced it myself, but love the idea of Randomised Coffee Trials in workplace @nesta_uk A3 #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kerstinsailer Joining #innochat #ideachat #innoidea from London UK ‐ I'm interested in innovation in the workplace, office layouts & #SNA @blogbrevity ‐12:08 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kerstinsailer RT @AnaDataGirl: #innoidea #innochat A1: stumbling upon something without looking for it & finding value in what you've found ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kerstinsailer RT @blogbrevity: Q1: What is Serendipity? @orgnet start us off! ... #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kerstinsailer RT @chrisrivard: apologies for all the #serendipity retweets. there is a great conversation going on here #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kerstinsailer RT @orgnet: Old saying "luck works for the prepared mind"... even better "luck works for the prepared network"! #innoidea ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kerstinsailer RT @Renee_Hopkins: A3. Walking often does it for me. Movement one step at a time. Connections happening with every step. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kerstinsailer RT @skap5: Serendipity comes from hanging out in the gray areas between silos. That's where the gold is. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kerstinsailer Twitter chat starting now. Join! RT @blogbrevity moderating a joint #ideachat and #innochat with guest @ValdisKrebs on Serendipity #innoidea ‐12:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kevinrussell @AndreaMeyer #innoidea #innochat Regarding moveable furniture and emergent org structure #Valve Software is notable. ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama @DrewCM Agree it is a means to a beginning. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama @DrewCM I find org charts 2 be a starting point and a place 4 the seams between formal & informal organization. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama @DrewCM Si! #innoidea #innochat ‐12:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013 JohnWLewis Hello innocats, ideacats and all permutations and combinations.
@kiporama @DrewCM Thanks, Drew! #innochat #innoidea ‐11:59 AM Feb 7th, 2013 AnaDataGirl @deb_lavoy @thehealthmaven @Jabaldaia @valdiskrebs hey all :)
@kiporama @OBX_Harvey But what I'm missing is the actual reaching out is likely the serendipity. D'oh. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama @OBX_Harvey Don't they discover the serendipity after they reach out to us for our core service, though? #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama @skap5 Yes! Value is found/created in the seams. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama A1: Amending my prior A1... Serendipity is an outcome of intention. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama A2: Serendipity is a causal result. Not understanding the causes earns it the title "Luck." #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama A3: Clarity of purpose. The conscious decision to act and obtain a predetermined outcome. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama A4: A service, yes. A service to monitize, not sure how. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama A4: I see it as a cultural adjunct to a core service offering. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama A4: Perhaps, then, serendipity is more a strategy than a service. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama A4: That's a profound question, @blogbrevity. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:45 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama Begin with a conscious, decisive intention to enable serendipity. #innoidea #Innochat ‐1:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama Hi @DrewCM! Which hashtag should we use today? #innochat, #ideachat, or #innoidea? ‐11:56 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT @CreativeSage: RT @OBX_Harvey: @jawbrain No radio. Great idea. Keep a voice recorder nearby to capture ideas in car.#innoidea #Innochat ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT @deb_lavoy I like the idea of preparation (even unwitting preparation) being embedded in serendipity #innochat #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT @DesignFiction: Serendipity is no accident. #innovation #innoidea @skap5 #Innochat ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT @DrewCM: A4. ... people who make their lifes work promoting serendipitous encounters. Matchmakers of all sorts. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT @DrewCM: Sometimes it is in combining the improbable that we can discover the remarkable. People in networks, too. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT @InnovationFixer: A3 know what you want; but be open to stuff you hadnt realised you would want #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT @skap5: How many innovators does it take to agree on a hashtag! #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT @tdebaillon: Serendipity comes from all the stuff you collected before. In fact, it is a long patience #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT @wbendle: RT @mari_IX: RT @mattbrat1: You cant connect the dots you dont see. Always look for more dots. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT Concur! @InnovationFixer Catching a fish is serendipity. Knowing where they are is smart. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:22 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT gr8 tweetchat mashup @blogbrevity: will b hosting these combined discussions every other month ‐ next is in April!! #innoidea #Innochat ‐1:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT Great reminder, @tdebaillon: Be visual at least as much as textual. #innoidea #Innochat ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT QuantFun Serendipity as a Service is the new SaaS: a "Cloud of Lucky Ideas" #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama RT So true! @DrewCM: ...Twitter for me is a serendipity engine. So many surprising and wonderful connection made here. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama Thank you to @blogbrevity and @DrewCM. "I had a most serendipitous time." ‐‐ Bill S. Preston, Esq. #innoidea #Innochat ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@kiporama There is no serendipity without intention, IMHO. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@krcraft +1 RT @JBordeaux: #innoidea Original RAND building went up in 1947. Had redundant hallways to force unplanned collisions, er, conversations. ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@LisaNalbone RT @juneholley: Education should be more about helpiong us all delight in difference #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@LisaNalbone RT @MaryAnnReilly: #innoidea when people operate with agency and play, innovation surfaces. ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@marcobee RT @InnovationFixer: So many hashtags, so little time #innochat #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:09 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MaryAnnReilly “@zenext: In the empty seat, the unasked question, and the improbable invitation, serendipity thrives. #innoidea” lovely. ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MaryAnnReilly #innoidea a3. Positive energy begets positive action. I Surround myself with those who do. Those who act. Serendipity can't help but visit. ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MaryAnnReilly #innoidea How we name what we find matters. Serendipity is a naming action. One's gold is another's miss. ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MaryAnnReilly #innoidea I wonder if the ways we live don't leave us open to serendipity. ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MaryAnnReilly #innoidea Serendipity in the workplace? create rhizomatic spaces that can & are recrafted at will. It's the energy among nodes that matters. ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MaryAnnReilly #innoidea What if serendipity is always present and requires particular eyes, mindset, to recognize ? ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MaryAnnReilly RT @JohnWLewis: A2 You can also invite serendipity but talking the road less travelled. #innoidea ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MaryAnnReilly RT @juneholley: YOu have to increase your ability to notice #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:27 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MaryAnnReilly RT @MitchAnthony: In many ways being open to syncronicity is the opposite of planning. It is more emergent than planned #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MaryAnnReilly Yes, it is the work. @MitchAnthony: A4 Serendipity is the primary goal of every consulting service in the world, no? #innoidea ‐12:53 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 :) RT @SunilMalhotra: Sorry, just couldnt resist this ‐ Serendipity is not serenity + stupidity. #innochat #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 @InnovationFixer @wbendle Orchestrated Improvisation: #innochat #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 @MaryAnnReilly Serendipity = becoming consciously aware of the unconscious? #innochat #innoidea ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 @MrsRoadshow yes, recognition is a big step often taken for granted :) #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 A2: Serendipity isn't something to control but can be an advantageous tool. Like surfing a wave. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 A3: Learn how to truly listen, not just hear. #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 A4: I've always enjoyed the simplicity of Google’s "I'm feeling lucky" feature. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 Hi all. Matt in rainy Atlanta. Looking fwd to today's #innochat #innoidea ‐12:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 Nice! RT @InnovationFixer: Catching a fish is serendipity. Knowing where they are is smart. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:19 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 RT @skap5: instead of trying to avoid surprises we should plan more of them. Predictability is overrated, boring. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 Thx @blogbrevity @drewcm and everyone for mixing #ideachat & #innochat today to create #innoidea ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 Well this should be fun :) #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@mattbrat1 You can't connect the dots you don't see. Always look for more dots. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony "Don't play the saxophone. Let it play you." ‐ Charlie Parker #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony A4 Serendipity is the primary goal of every consulting service in the world, no? #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony I'm Mitch Anthony from New England, U.S. #innoidea! ‐12:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony If we have taken the time to agree on our collective vision + values then we will more likely notice syncro when it occurs #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony In many ways being open to syncronicity is the opposite of planning. It is more emergent than planned #innoidea ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony looking forward to #innochat and #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony Nice! @AndreaMeyer > @OBX_Harvey Making space for "idea links" #innoidea ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony Process point: this crowd is delightfully comfortable & comfortable w/concept of syncronicity. What about the left‐brainers? #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony Q3 Listen. Presence. Empathy. Step back. Observe. Multi‐ stakeholder engagement. suspend judgement. postpone conclusion. #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony RT @thehealthmaven: A1 Just the thought of serendipity makes those barriers so much less daunting #innochat #innoidea ‐12:20 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony Serendipity is the system reminding you that you are part of a system #innoidea! ‐12:14 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony Start anywhere, but step back first. #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MitchAnthony Yes, ​@thehealthmaven, innovators are in their comfort zone with serendipity ‐ conventional is much more unfamiliar #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MPBarrientos RT @JBordeaux: #innoidea Original RAND building went up in 1947, I believe. Had redundant hallways to force unplanned collisions, er, conversations. ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @AndreaMeyer @innoidea And leave your normal workplace periodically, intentionally. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @blogbrevity @valdiskrebs @orgnet #innochat Thank you all for idea‐, action‐provoking hour (+ serendipity). #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐1:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @CHopeMurray #innoscan #ideascan #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @CreativeSage Glad power came back! #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @CreativeSage Yes. And intention helps, too. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @DrewCM @deb_lavoy It's like the creative process in general. Fill with input, let process do its magic. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:16 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @DrewCM Good charts fiction. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @juneholley This works well. Fascinating to find common ground you don't know exists. Almost always there. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @mattbrat1 So then dot recognition is part of process. Dot creation, formation, too. Cloud seeding. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @Renee_Hopkins @sacredflow And nature. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @Renee_Hopkins @skap5 Yes, absolutely. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:21 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @skap5 Yes. Expect it. Know that. Just don't know when. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @tdebaillon Just caught this one. Another great description. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @tdebaillon This one made me laugh. Yes, can be pluses to procrastination! #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow @thehealthmaven @innochat Am thinking as I read, "There it is!" Expect. Open. Prepared for surprise. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow A1: Serendipity is awareness of new possibilities. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow A2: Partly set up serendipity, partly open. Think creative process. Know that, not when, where magic will be. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow A3: Ask question. Scan what you know now. Expect. Let. Step away so serendipity can happen it's ready. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow A3: Think of making delicious sauce or stew (stew as noun, not verb). Give it time, space, good ingredients. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow A4: Yes, a srvc. People slip into ways of thinking, working that once worked, not now. Break, open, reinvent. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:53 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow And/or value RT @Renee_Hopkins: Fear. RT @blogbrevity: @DrewCM Why do you think they hoard? #innochat #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow RT @blogbrevity: Love orgnet's mantra: "Connect on your similarities, benefit from your differences!" #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:20 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow RT @CreativeSage: RT @mattbrat1: @InnovationFixer @wbendle Orchestrated Improvisation: #innochat #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow RT @DrewCM: RT @AndreaMeyer: A4 Twitter is a great way to meet new people & have unexpected conversations! #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow RT @InnovationFixer: So many hashtags, so little time #innochat #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:09 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow RT @thehealthmaven: A1 Just the thought of serendipity makes those barriers so much less daunting #innochat #innoidea ‐12:19 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow RT @ValdisKrebs: I am participating on #ideachat #innochat #innoidea (use this last one!) today... talking about... S E R E N D I P I T Y (Noon‐ 1pm EST) ‐12:08 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@MrsRoadshow True MT @OBX_Harvey: That's why they bring us in. RT @MitchAnthony: A4 Serendipity is goal of every consulting service #innochat #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Nancy_White RT @blogbrevity: A1: Serendipity is being open to accidental discovery ‐‐ includes sagacity! #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:12 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@NathanHutchings RT @MitchAnthony: In many ways being open to syncronicity is the opposite of planning. It is more emergent than planned #innoidea ‐12:30 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@nicoleradziwill Releasing expectations and embracing "slack" also help to unleash the energy of serendipity! #innoidea #innochat ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@nicoleradziwill RT @harveymilk: The inspiring @valdiskrebs is discussing serendipity at the following hashtags: #ideachat #innochat #innoidea. Check it out. ‐12:21 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey :) RT @SunilMalhotra: Sorry, just couldnt resist this ‐ Serendipity is not serenity + stupidity. #innochat #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey @anacristinaprts Very true. Education at it's best adds fuel to the serendipity engine. "The more you know..." #innochat #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey @jawbrain exactly! #innochat #innoidea ‐12:22 PM Feb 7th, 2013 rucsb RT @MitchAnthony: Serendipity is the system reminding you that you are
@OBX_Harvey @jawbrain No radio. Great idea. Keep a voice recorder nearby to capture ideas in car. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey @orgnet They did that at GM too. Apparently it didn't work as well. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey +1 RT @DrewCM: I have to say that Twitter for me is a serendipity engine. So many surprising and wonderful connections #innochat #innoidea ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey A1: Serendipity is more than mere chance. It's being ready to take advantage of whatever comes your way. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:10 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey A2 Serendipity is part of the creative process. You have to not only plan for it, but actively seek it. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey A3 Focus on the outcome not the solution. If you only see one path, you'll never find a better way. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey A3: constantly writing down interesting things – art, fashion, products, trends, etc. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey A3: It's all about exposure: to new people, places, ideas. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey A4: Pinterest is serendipity as a service. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey Another good book about planning and preparing for Serendipity. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey As an ideation facilitator, Serendipity is my business. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey Hello everyone, Harvey from Wisconsin. I help companies with innovation strategy and idea development. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey I designed my office for serendipity. Open plan, common areas that are magnets for people. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey Intuition is the personal synthesis of all the research you've ever done on a subject and should not be discounted. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey Key to great improv is a solid foundation and common knowledge RT @ThinDifference: Improvize... jazz.... #innoidea ‐12:45 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey Me too. Turned up to 11. RT @wbendle: A3: Quality time with my guitar jamming #innoidea ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey Not trad education. Rote doesn't foster serendipity RT @blogbrevity: @AnaCristinaPrts Is education Serendipity as a Service? #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey Serendipity is the stuff that's buried in your brain and sparked by a sudden reminder or connection. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:15 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey Shameless plug for my company here ‐‐‐> #innochat #innoidea ‐12:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey Thanks for the excellent and serendipitous #innochat #innoidea ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey That's why they bring us in. RT @MitchAnthony: A4 Serendipity is the primary goal of every consulting service #innochat #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey The key to serendipity is preparation and living eyes wide open. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey To benefit from serendipity your org must be aligned. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:27 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey Yes, you have to be looking for something RT @kiporama: There is no serendipity without intention, IMHO. #innoidea #Innochat #innoidea ‐12:19 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OBX_Harvey Yes. RT @JohnWLewis: A1 Serendipity: is it coincidence combined with opportunity? #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@of all tweets in the transcripts #innoidea #ideachat #innochat ‐11:58 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@of here with my friends from #innoidea ‐12:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@organized, and did it all! #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @blogbrevity Angela, I am actually logged in w/ Biz Twitter acct ‐‐ @orgnet #innoidea ‐12:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @innovate instead of "Lucky" maybe a cloud of "Intersecting Ideas"... intersections being non‐obvious to many #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @janlgordon or you are lost in the middle! #innoidea ‐12:53 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @jawbrain key phrase there is "meaningful collisions"... just any collision will not do... usually #innoidea ‐12:22 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @jhagel great definition of "preparing your network/social space" for serendipity #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @juneholley yes, instead of planning/process... think preparation/potential/possible ‐‐> "adjacent possible" #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @juneholley you increase your "ability to notice" via your network... it is your glasses, x‐ray, CAT scan, pattern recognizer... #innoidea ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @rucsb ...or the "social" reminding you that you are part of the "social" #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @sacredflow maybe not "bare our souls", but definitely share, open up, expose... others have to know what is dear to you #innoidea ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @sandymaxey actually let your network do the remembering!!! #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @skap5 Besides, predictability does not even work... even the famous Nate Silver can't predict everything #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @skap5 yeah, in organizational network analysis, we see that siloes are not that distinct... fuzzy, overlapping borders, wirearchy #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet @thehealthmaven and always look for those who *want to* dance! don't waste time on "the right people" who don't want to! #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Brilliant! RT @sandymaxey: @thehealthmaven You cant weave anything by pushing strings. ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Closing triangles or opening new ones! RT @juneholley: #innoidea The happy accidents after making triangles. #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Connect on your similarities, & benefit from your differences! You need B O T H (sim & diff) for effective/implementable outcome. #innoidea ‐1:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Ha! 'hidden influencers' ... that is why looking for the top influencer is such a fool's errand... like alchemy (lead into gold). #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Hey folks welcome to Serendipity and Networks... hopefully we get some serendipitous intersections today! #innoidea ‐12:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet I want to hear some other definitions first, then I will give mine... #innoidea ‐12:09 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Including your Follow list! RT @inosbiz: Be aware of your probability patterns. Change something regularly. Be open to surprises. #innoidea ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet My whole business, based on social network analysis (#SNA), actually started very serendipitously... #innoidea ‐12:09 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Not just anywhere in your network, but in the places where similarity and difference can intersect... need both for Serendipity! #innoidea ‐12:16 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Old saying "luck works for the prepared mind"... even better "luck works for the prepared network"! #innoidea ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet RT @deb_lavoy: Q1. serendipity has a lot to do with luck and luck favoring the prepared. #innoidea ‐12:12 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet RT @InnovationFixer: A2 you cant plan for serendipity, but you can do lots to give it the best chance of happening #innoidea ‐12:27 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet RT @juneholley: YOu have to increase your ability to notice #innoidea #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Seeing the words "accident" "luck" "fortunate" "chance"... #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Serendipity is actually hidden/non‐obvious in your network! The better your network, the more "lucky accidents" you have! #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet So did Apple ... RT @OBX_Harvey: I designed my office for serendipity. Open plan, common areas that are magnets for people. #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Then ask others... what do you think? RT @wbendle: A3: Seek uniqueness that is puzzling #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet When I worked at Toyota USA, all execs were "forced" to rotate through all major functions/departments... smart! #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Wirearchy, gray areas between siloes, overlapping/intersecting siloes... #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Yes, called "Queen Between" RT @sandymaxey: @blogbrevity @DrewCM He who controls information flows has the power? #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Yes, d i v e r s e education! RT @blogbrevity: @AnaCristinaPrts @OBX_Harvey Is education a way to scale Serendipity as a Service? #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Yes! Uncomfortable, unsure, are all good! "Go where you do not want to go!" is often good advice to find serendipity #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Yes!!! RT @InnovationFixer: Social ‐ make people sit next to people they dont work with at lunch. internal networks #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Yes!!! RT @MrsRoadshow: @AndreaMeyer @innoidea And leave your normal workplace periodically, intentionally. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐1:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Yup, I think so! RT @MaryAnnReilly: What if serendipity is always present and requires particular eyes, mindset, to recognize ? #innoidea ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@orgnet Yup! RT @juneholley: RT @sandymaxey: @zenext Delighted to see you here! #innoidea *me too!* #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OurManinMTL RT @blogbrevity: Q2: Is Serendipity luck, or do you think you can plan for serendipity? #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OurManinMTL RT @CreativeSage: RT @inosbiz: A4: If you consider your life service, new kinds of serendipities will open up #innoidea ‐12:53 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OurManinMTL RT @Jabaldaia: Final: Do not be afraid! Serendipity is a friend of our workplace environment #innoidea ‐1:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@OurManinMTL RT @thehealthmaven: Closing thoughts for #innoidea ‐ have fun with serendipity ‐ only put in back in a box after you have played with it for awhile #innochat ‐1:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes Gr8 Analogy! RT @InnovationFixer: Catching a fish is serendipity. Knowing where they are is smart. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes Luv this! RT @blogbrevity: +1 RT @juneholley It's a network weaving skill to expand skills in seeing patterns! #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes position Ur self RT @DrewCM: @skap5 U have 2 plan 2 meet others between the silos or it can B pretty quiet space! #innochat #innoidea ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes RT @blogbrevity: Hi Cathryn! RT @DrewCM: @CreativeSage Youre here! Hurray for power! #innochat #innoidea ‐12:30 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes RT @blogbrevity: Love orgnet's mantra: "Connect on your similarities, benefit from your differences!" #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:19 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes RT @CreativeSage: RT @mattbrat1: You cant connect the dots you dont see. Always look for more dots. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes RT @CreativeSage: RT @skap5: Serendipity comes from hanging out in the gray areas between silos. Thats where the gold is. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:29 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes RT @DrewCM: @deb_lavoy I like the idea of preparation (even unwitting preparation) being embedded in serendipity #innochat #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes RT @Jabaldaia: RT @InnovationFixer: A3 use "T‐shaped people" who know to think laterally as well as deeply #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes RT @kiporama: A3: Clarity of purpose. The conscious decision to act and obtain a predetermined outcome. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes RT @kiporama: There is no serendipity without intention, IMHO. #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes RT @OBX_Harvey: A3: constantly writing down interesting things – art, fashion, products, trends, etc. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes RT @OBX_Harvey: I designed my office for serendipity. Open plan, common areas that are magnets for people. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@pamroes RT @Renee_Hopkins: A3. Walking often does it for me. Movement one step at a time. Connections happening with every step. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@part of a system #innoidea! ‐12:22 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@paulawhite @blogbrevity sorry, didn't mean to preempt Q3. :‐) #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@paulawhite @InnovationFixer like what? (to set serendipity up to happen?) #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@paulawhite wikipedia defines serendipity as a "happy accident" or pleasant surprise.Does fishing in a smart place count? #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@PhilMcCreight RT @CreativeSage: RT @skap5: Serendipity comes from hanging out in the gray areas between silos. Thats where the gold is. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@PhilMcCreight RT @InnovationFixer: RT @innovate: RT @QuantFun Serendipity as a Service is the new SaaS: a "Cloud of Lucky Ideas" ‐ Love it! #innoidea ‐12:53 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@places, ideas. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013 mari_IX RT @mattbrat1: You can't connect the dots you don't see. Always look
@places, ideas. #innochat #innoidea #innochat ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@praxsozi RT @orgnet: Original tweet ‐‐> @skap5 "Serendipity as a Service" that led to this: #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@praxsozi RT @skap5: Serendipity as a service. Force majeure isn't so rare. Maybe we need to get better at expecting the unexpected. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@QuantFun dots so true! RT @mattbrat1: You cant connect the dots you dont see. Always look for more dots. #innochat #innoidea #innochat ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@rascality RT @sacredflow: Serendipity thrives when we bare our souls naked, vulnerable, authentic, which encourages real connections. #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins 'Tis only the truth..! RT @DrewCM: @Renee_Hopkins Ha! I love that explanation for your trans‐continental journeying. #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins @blogbrevity Best way to foster #serendipity in workplace ‐ Put yourself out in the open and see who joins you there. #innoidea ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins @blogbrevity Twitter lists, other such structures for #serendipity are more than worth the time it takes to set them up. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins @DrewCM I think RT @innovate: #twitter as a #serendipity engine ‐ I love that ‐ whose was that again? #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins @DrewCM Of course! #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins @InnovationFixer No bailiffs have ever been involved. :) #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins @jennyneill Hello! Hope you can chime in, too. #innoidea ‐12:20 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins @JohnWLewis You are a model pivoter, John! #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins @orgnet has data, yes? RT @deb_lavoy: @blogbrevity like to see some real studies on it ‐ but wed ave work to do defining study #q2 #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins @sacredflow Nuture...a huge concept for #serendipity. Nurture ourselves, our connections, our ideas, etc. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins A1 Serendipity is finding a connection that you didn't consciously know you were looking for. #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins A2. You can plan for Serendipity, but doesn't mean it's not still partly luck. :) #innochat #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins A3. Twitter, twitter chats, conferences, travel...writing more than reading, listening more than talking. #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins A3. Walking often does it for me. Movement one step at a time. Connections happening with every step. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins A4 Conferences provide Serendipity as a Service. And at their best, biz school & colleges. @UTexasMcCombs @UTAustin #shamelessplug #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins At its best, yes. At its worst, no. RT @blogbrevity @AnaCristinaPrts @OBX_Harvey Is education way to scale Serendipity as Service? #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Aw, thanks, Braden!! RT @innovate: @InnovationFixer ‐ Renee is cooler than all of us. .... #innoidea ‐12:10 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Awesomeness RT @kerstinsailer not experienced myself, love idea Randomised Coffee Trials workplace @nesta_uk #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Bye ‐ thanks for @DrewCM for organizing the joint chat on the #innochat end. :) #innoidea ‐1:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Expect, but can't prepare for...why all contracts have force majeure clause! :) RT @skap5: Force majeure isnt so rare.#innochat #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Fear. RT @blogbrevity: @DrewCM Why do you think they hoard? #innochat #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Good idea! RT @jawbrain: A3: Ive started to leave the radio off for my 30min drive to and from work. Great chance to simply think. #innoidea ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins I think most feel it's too much work RT @blogbrevity ... why do some follow so few on Twitter, not use lists? #innoidea ‐12:39 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Intention, connection RT @zspencer: @Renee_Hopkins feel like it’s missing something re: just enough structure and feedback loops. #innoidea ‐1:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Learn to see RT @MaryAnnReilly What if serendipity is always present and requires particular eyes, mindset, to recognize #innochat #innoidea ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Love !! RT @JoeStanganelli "Serendipity" is what jaded pessimists call their successes. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:14 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins My biggest talent! > RT @skap5: @juneholley Be so totally unpredictable people all around you take notice. #innoidea #innochat #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Nice ! RT @deb_lavoy: intution : serendipity :: control : equipoise @Renee_Hopkins #innoidea ‐1:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Nice! RT @zspencer: @Renee_Hopkins (People + Space + Purpose) * Diversity of Mind = Serendipity #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins NOT true!! RT @InnovationFixer: @Renee_Hopkins youre so much cooler than me! #innochat #innoidea #ideachat #innochat ‐12:08 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins One step at a time RT @BennettResnik: @blogbrevity @zspencer When you reach the end of your comfort zone, keep walking. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Re "planning" for serendipity ‐ see transcript of Nov 15 #innochat w @MattKingdon "Science of Serendipity" #innoidea ‐12:20 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Rock on! RT @OBX_Harvey: Me too. Turned up to 11. RT @wbendle: A3: Quality time with my guitar jamming #innoidea ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins RT @blogbrevity Option to add #ideachat #innochat to tweet w #innoidea is to preserve Serendipity of those following regular tags! #innochat ‐12:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins RT @sandymaxey: Best book ever. By @juneholley Network Weaver Facebook page has TONS of seredipity. #innochat #innoidea ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Serendipity involves connecting some dots previously unconscious to you, so one must live a life structured for serendipity. #innoidea ‐12:16 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins So true! RT @InnovationFixer: So many hashtags, so little time #innochat #innoidea #ideachat #innochat ‐12:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Take 2, they're small. :) RT @deb_lavoy: @AnaDataGirl thats a lotta tags. can we pick one? #innoidea #ideachat #innochat ‐12:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Thanks to @blogbrevity and @orgnet for great joint chat...looking forward to more joint #innochat #ideachat #innoidea serendipity! #innoidea ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Thanks! RT @jhagel: @blogbrevity For more on shaping serendipity see excerpt from The Power of Pull #innochat #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Why I move so often! RT @InnovationFixer: A3 be open to stuff you hadn't realised you would want #innochat #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Yes ‐ my point exactly. Structure life to invite serendipity. MT @skap5 Instead of avoid surprises we should plan more. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Yes MT @sandymaxey: Increasesd surface area/density are why cities are so innovative. Easier to bump into new ppl. @kerstinsailer #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Yes! RT @DrewCM have to say that Twitter for me is a serendipity engine. So many surprising and wonderful connection made here. #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Yes! RT @innovate: you can increase chances of #serendipity by sharing your #dreams with your #networks ‐ #innochat #innoidea ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Yes! RT @MaryAnnReilly: #innoidea I wonder if the ways we live dont leave us open to serendipity. #innoidea ‐12:27 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins Yes!!RT @kiporama: A1: Amending my prior A1... Serendipity is an outcome of intention. #innoidea #Innochat #innoidea ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Renee_Hopkins You can still find serendipity even in harm's way, IMO. RT @DrewCM: Put yourself in delights way, rather than harms way. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sacredflow . @chrisrivard :) ​@sacredflow that's it! a playful outlook. fluid, adaptable (but most important ‐ play). #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sacredflow @orgnet sounds like baring your soul. ;) #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sacredflow Fertile spaces RT @sandymaxey @juneholley I have a deep and abiding respect for all the edges (of civilization) ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sacredflow He's a serendipity lover! RT ​@blogbrevity MT @jhagel ..on shaping serendipity, from The Power of Pull #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sacredflow Just setting the structures, architectures, stage sets for life to unfold the magic of serendipity. Jump in, plunge, splash, play #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sacredflow Simply nurture the conditions that allow us to open to serendipity's magic @blogbrevity Q2: Is Serendipity luck, or .. can plan..? #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sacredflow TY Angela @blogbrevity & everyone for the conversation. To serendipitous encounters & relationships that show the way.. #innoidea ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sacredflow Yes, we are part of nature! :) @MrsRoadshow @Renee_Hopkins @sacredflow And nature. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sanchezjb +1 MT @juneholley RT @BennettResnik: Connecting others in **dissimilar** circles of your network @juneholley #innochat #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey @blogbrevity @DrewCM He who controls information flows has the power? #innoidea ‐12:56 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey @blogbrevity An aside‐ every time I used #innoidea hashtag, I heard my littlest mini say "I no idea" when I would ask her a question‐Yrs ago ‐1:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey @DrewCM @blogbrevity @ValdisKrebs That rocked! Thank you. #innoidea ‐1:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey @DrewCM @blogbrevity Or gatekeeping (Knowledge flows get squelched) #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey @juneholley I have a deep and abiding respect for all the edges (of civilization) ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey @orgnet @thehealthmaven You can't weave anything by pushing strings. ;‐) #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey @zenext Delighted to see you here! #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey #Trickster RT @skap5 @innovate Spent a lot of years cracking open silos from within. More fun to disrupt them from the gray areas. #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey A3 Random insertion of incongruent ideas/subject matters + a dose of authenticity esp within established network connections. #innoidea ‐12:36 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey Best book ever. By @juneholley The Network Weaver Facebook page has TONS of seredipity. #innoidea #innochat ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey Increasesd surface area/density are reasons cities are so innovative. Easier to bump into new ppl. @kerstinsailer @Renee_Hopkins #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey RT @CreativeSage: RT @skap5: Serendipity comes from hanging out in the gray areas between silos. Thats where the gold is. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey RT @jhagel: @blogbrevity For more on shaping serendipity see this excerpt from The Power of Pull #innoidea ‐12:45 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey RT @juneholley: RT @tdebaillon: A3 Try to remember as much useless stuff as you can. #innochat #innoidea HA! ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey RT @juneholley: The Network Weaver Facebook page has TONS of seredipity. Join us! #innoidea #innochat ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey RT @juneholley: YOu have to increase your ability to notice #innoidea #ideachat ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@sandymaxey RT @zenext: In the empty seat, the unasked question, and the improbable invitation, serendipity thrives. #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Sarah_King2 RT @innovate: I would also say that you can increase the chances of #serendipity by sharing your #dreams with your #networks ‐ #innoidea ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@Serendipitor My blog "Luck ‐ overrated in terms of serendipity" #innoidea #serendipity ‐1:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@skap5 @innovate Spent a lot of years cracking open silos from within. More fun to disrupt them from the gray areas. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@skap5 @juneholley Genuinely surprise someone. Be so totally unpredictable that people all around you take notice. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@skap5 @orgnet No kidding Valdis, Nate Silver let me down w/ his #Patriots prediction. Still not over it! #innoidea #innochat ‐12:22 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@skap5 How many innovators does it take to agree on a hashtag! #innoidea #ideachat #innochat ‐12:02 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@skap5 Innovation is about freedom to play with the parts. Enable random collisions. Create conditions for serendipity. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@skap5 Maybe instead of trying to avoid surprises we should plan more of them. Predictability is overrated and boring. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:16 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@skap5 Serendipity as a service. Force majeure isn't so rare. Maybe we need to get better at expecting the unexpected. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@skap5 Serendipity comes from hanging out in the gray areas between silos. That's where the gold is. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@slobotski RT @Jabaldaia: A2 Planning Serendipity is like investing in silos to get new ideas :‐) #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@smartco RT @MitchAnthony: Serendipity is the system reminding you that you are part of a system #innoidea! > interesting observation ‐12:15 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@smartco RT @orgnet: Serendipity is hidden/non‐obvious in your network! The better your network, the more "lucky accidents" you have! #innoidea ‐12:14 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@socialcap Nicely said! RT @juneholley: Education should be more about helpiong us all delight in difference #innoidea #Innochat ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@SunilMalhotra @JohnWLewis Serendipity by definition, just happens. You can't plan or leave space for it imo. Thankfully! #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@SunilMalhotra #innochat #innoidea #ideachat 3 threads or 1? ‐12:42 PM Feb 7th, 2013 jawbrain A3: I've started to purposefully leave the radio off for my 30min drive
@SunilMalhotra Autocorrect is a tool. "@blogbrevity: Discomfort as serendipity tool MT @zspencer A3 big fan of seeking uncomfortable situation #innoidea" ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@SunilMalhotra Lovely. "@OBX_Harvey: I designed my office for serendipity. Open plan, common areas that are magnets for people. #innochat #innoidea" ‐12:20 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@SunilMalhotra Nice. "@thehealthmaven: A1 Just the thought of serendipity makes those barriers so much less daunting #innochat #innoidea" ‐12:22 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@SunilMalhotra Plan serendipity? Wow! #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013 blogbrevity Closing thoughts? Fostering Serendipity in the workplace?
@SunilMalhotra Sorry, just couldn't resist this ‐ Serendipity is not serenity + stupidity. #innochat #innoidea ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@SunilMalhotra Thanks @drewcm @blogbrevity #innoidea ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@surfaces. ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@surflightroy RT @AnaDataGirl: @innovate Finding serendipity in networks #innoidea #innochat ‐12:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@tdebaillon @MrsRoadshow :) It's in fact more a matter of putting a layer of receptive thinking on top of active thinking #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@tdebaillon A3 Try to remember as much useless stuff as you can. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@tdebaillon Be visual at least as much as textual. #innoidea #innochat ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@the_idea_agency Cathryn Hrudicka: RT @kiporama: RT @DesignFiction: Serendipity is no accident. #innovation #innoidea @skap5 #innochat: ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven @blogbrevity @drew_cm fantastic job! #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven @blogbrevity HI Angela ‐ looking forward to your insights today! #innoidea #innochat ‐12:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven @blogbrevity yes, Angela ‐ lots of buzzing! #innoidea ‐12:15 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven @CreativeSage Hi Cathryn! #innoidea ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven @innovate very innovative! #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013 wbendle @blogbrevity ‐ This was an awesome idea! Serendipitous or not...
@thehealthmaven @kiporama @skap5 don't make fun ‐ we are experimenting #innoidea ‐12:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven @Renee_Hopkins Hi Renee! #innoidea #innochat ‐12:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven A1 ‐ one thing is for sure, innovators are n their comfort zone with serendipity ‐ conventional is much more unfamiliar #innoidea #innochat ‐12:15 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven A1 Just the thought of serendipity makes those barriers so much less daunting #innochat #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven A2 ‐ Serendipity is going to favor the brave experimenter & the well dressed embracer of opportunities #innoidea #innochat ‐12:24 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven A2 Serendipity is going to bring your project closer to home when you least expect it #innoidea #innochat ‐12:25 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven A2‐ Huge opportunities can come from serendipity ‐ keep your readiness handy #innoidea @innochat ‐12:31 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven A3 ‐ Don't dance in one place too long ‐ explore all the social networks with a widenet, then start bringing it in #innoidea #innochat ‐12:35 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven A4 ‐ Think about it ‐ look what going on now in #innoidea: lot's of serendipity we are all exposed to ea others experiences ‐ ‐12:49 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven A4 ready, set, done ‐‐ I think the new innovation platform Batterii could seriously generate serendipity, it's very hip #innoidea #innochat ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven Closing thoughts for #innoidea ‐ have fun with serendipity ‐ only put in back in a box after you have played with it for awhile #innochat ‐12:58 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven Hey Cats! RT @blogbrevity: @sandymaxey We will need to be creative! I think #innochat and #ideachat folks are up #innoidea TY Sandy! ‐11:50 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven Ideacats, baby RT @DrewCM: To keep us all in the one place we are going to use our home #'s and the joint tage #innoidea #innochat ‐11:51 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven Lea signing in chief digital for innovation excellence & founder of auraviva #innoidea ‐12:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven Me too! give me some elbow room Harvey :) RT @OBX_Harvey: Getting my fingers warmed up #innochat and #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven RT @blogbrevity: IMPORTANT #ideachat + #innochat ‐Use new Mashtag #innoidea plus #ideachat OR #innochat for today's convo on Serendipity ‐11:57 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven RT @innovate: A4 ‐ #Coworking is one concept that is focused on sparking serendipity as a service #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven RT @innovate: I would also say that you can increase the chances of #serendipity by sharing your #dreams with your #networks ‐ #innoidea ‐12:27 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven RT @MrsRoadshow: @innochat Am thinking as I read, "There it is!" Expect. Open. Prepared for surprise. #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven Serendipity are fabulous innovation accidents #innochat #innoidea ‐12:09 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven Thats why I make my treks up to see you! RT @DrewCM: A3. Learning something new often from someone new. #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven Today we are having lunch with #ideachat ‐ join us Braden RT @innovate: Curious ‐ What is the #innoidea #innochat #ideachat topic for today? ‐11:53 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven Will try on next crowded subway :)RT @DrewCM: @blogbrevity Love @orgnet s mantra: "Connect on your MT #ideachat #innochat +100 #innoidea ‐12:20 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@thehealthmaven You are on a phone?? wow RT @innovate: Good thing I got this new #win8 phone from @nokiaus ‐ my old #android phone would #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference @jawbrain A1: Serendipity: the "aha" moment or gr8 idea when you were least expecting it, the "happy accident" of dots connecting #innoidea ‐12:11 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference @JohnWLewis I am. Hope you are doing well, too, John! #innoidea ‐12:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference A3: Participate! Need to move ourselves into the stream of activity and conversations to spark serendipity. #innoidea ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference Choices spark innovation :) RT @InnovationFixer: So many hashtags, so little time #innochat #innoidea #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference Improvize... jazz.... RT @Jabaldaia: Yes! @OBX_Harvey Jamming is good for serendipity #innoidea ‐12:44 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference Jon joining from Dallas area.... great to participate in this joint‐ chat! #innoidea ‐12:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference Like it! RT @wbendle A3: Purposefully seeking out things that make me intellectually "uncomfortable" #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference RT @blogbrevity: IMPORTANT #ideachat + #innochat ‐Use new Mashtag #innoidea plus #ideachat OR #innochat for today's convo on Serendipity ‐11:57 AM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference RT @blogbrevity: MT @jhagel ...shaping serendipity, see this excerpt fr The Power of Pull #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference RT @blogbrevity: Q2: Is Serendipity luck, or do you think you can plan for serendipity? #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference RT @janlgordon: Love this one, yes!! RT @blogbrevity A lot of hidden influencers foster serendipity #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference Serendipity is community, jumping in, exchanging, connecting... need a place for the sparks. #innoidea ‐12:16 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference Serendipity: Those "chocolate / peanut butter moments." Coming together unexpectedly to create a new taste of what is possible! #innoidea ‐12:12 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference Weave! RT @juneholley: Q3 Network weaving a more diverse and exciting network #innoidea #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:34 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ThinDifference Well said. RT @sandymaxey: RT @zenext: In the empty seat, the unasked question, & the improbable invitation, serendipity thrives. #innoidea ‐12:50 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@uberbabyboomer .@CreativeSage #innoidea Agree! Freedom to communicate in unstructured settings increases chance of serendipity! loved lurking on this:) ‐1:00 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@use hashtags #innoidea #innochat or #innoidea #ideachat ‐11:59 AM Feb 7th, 2013 OBX_Harvey Getting my fingers warmed up for our hybrid group today of
@ValdisKrebs I am participating on #ideachat #innochat #innoidea (use this last one!) today... talking about... S E R E N D I P I T Y (Noon‐1pm EST) ‐12:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@ValdisKrebs RT @harveymilk: The inspiring @valdiskrebs is discussing serendipity at the following hashtags: #ideachat #innochat #innoidea. Check it out. ‐12:20 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle @blogbrevity ‐ I'm almost giddy about this topic! #innoidea ‐12:08 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle @DrewCM ‐ Amen to that one Drew! Amen to that... #innoidea ‐1:07 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle @innovate ‐ At least not that Television is you want to keep your mind in tact. #innoidea ‐1:06 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle @innovate ‐ Happy noise to signal ratio today! #innoidea ‐12:18 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle @innovate ‐ no... that would be a Kardashian on xanax re: Serenity + Stupidity #innoidea ‐1:03 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle @Renee_Hopkins @OBX_Harvey ‐ Always looking for an excuse to get another Keeley pedal... #innoidea ‐12:45 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A1: Serendipity can be the result of one's mindset. If one believes that they are lucky, they tend to have more luck... #innoidea ‐12:14 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A1: Serendipity is a rush #innoidea ‐12:20 PM Feb 7th, 2013 blogbrevity Q2 coming up ... #innoidea ‐12:20 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A1: Serendipity is an outcome that can be amplified and through continual "tuning" of one's senses and can become more frequent #innoidea ‐12:12 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A1: Serendipity is the "wow" that can happen through the collision of Linear and Lateral thinking #innoidea ‐12:17 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A2: Both ‐ Luck comes to those who purposefully, repeatedly and relentlessly seek it out. #innoidea ‐12:23 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A2: I'm betting that Richard Wiseman would say that luck comes to those who work at it. #innoidea ‐12:26 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A2: Serendipity comes to those who continually work on sharpening their intuition and their instincts #innoidea ‐12:28 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A3: Approach the "new" with the mind of a playful child. #innoidea ‐12:37 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A3: Find some "cool friends" ‐ like Tom Peters ‐ and spend quality time with them #innoidea ‐12:38 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A3: I've often used the expression "getting naked with the data" ‐ meaning, approach the situation completely anew #innoidea ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A3: Purposefully seeking out things that make me intellectually "uncomfortable" #innoidea ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A3: Quality time with my guitar jamming #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A3: Seek uniqueness that is puzzling #innoidea ‐12:43 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A4: Abolutely! Isn't that the service Innovators provide? #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle A4: Innovation is Orchestrated Serendipity #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013 blogbrevity @zspencer Matchmaking as serendipity tool. :) #innoidea ‐12:48 PM
@wbendle A4: Innovator's are Serendipity Catalysts #innoidea ‐12:54 PM Feb 7th, 2013 MaryAnnReilly #innoidea when people operate with agency and play, innovation
@wbendle basking in the afterglow of an awesome #innochat #ideachat :‐) #innoidea ‐1:01 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle Does anyone else feel like they are feeding their brains with Sweet‐ Tarts right how? #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle MT @blogbrevity: Thank you to all the brilliant minds who created Serendipity today! Connect with new #ideachat #innochat people! #innoidea ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle RT @blogbrevity: Q3 What methods do you use to increase your chances for serendipity? @orgnet? #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:32 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle RT @blogbrevity: Q4 Can you see Serendipity as a Service? How so? @orgnet @skap5 #ideachat #innochat #innoidea ‐12:46 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle RT @mari_IX: RT @mattbrat1: You cant connect the dots you dont see. Always look for more dots. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle RT @MitchAnthony "Don't play the saxophone. Let it play you." ‐ Charlie Parker ‐ Amen to that! #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle RT @sacredflow: Serendipity thrives when we bare our souls naked, vulnerable, authentic, which encourages real connections. #innoidea ‐12:41 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@wbendle RT @zenext: No small irony that the point of innovation planning is surprise. Fabulous! #innoidea ‐1:05 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@winged_seraph RT @OBX_Harvey: A1: Serendipity is more than mere chance. It's being ready to take advantage of whatever comes your way. #innochat #innoidea ‐12:13 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@work, the luckier I get" #innochat #ideachat #innoidea ‐12:30 PM Feb 7th, 2013 wbendle @skap5 ‐ or in my case, sandwiched between a women's prison and a
@zenext “@orgnet: Yup! RT @juneholley: RT @sandymaxey: @zenext Delighted to see you here! #innoidea *me too!* #innoidea” What a treat! ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@zenext In the empty seat, the unasked question, and the improbable invitation, serendipity thrives. #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@zenext No small irony that the point of innovation planning is surprise. #innoidea ‐1:04 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@zspencer @blogbrevity A3 I’m a big fan of seeking uncomfortable situations. The best opportunities I’ve had come from doing the hard thing #innoidea ‐12:33 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@zspencer @blogbrevity A4 I consider the majority of conferences as members of the “Serendipity as a Service” space. #innoidea ‐12:48 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@zspencer @blogbrevity A4 I’m playing with being a matchmaker for talented developers. Flipping the current recruiting model. #innoidea ‐12:47 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@zspencer @blogbrevity I try to keep my “direct follows” to people I’ve built a relationship with. I always have a few new people though! #innoidea ‐12:40 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@zspencer @innovate I <3 the coworking community! I really wish they were more sustainable :/ #innoidea ‐12:51 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@zspencer @juneholley That’s where the most disruption can occur; but it’s definitely the hardest to sell! #innoidea ‐12:52 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@zspencer @Renee_Hopkins (People + Space + Purpose) * Diversity of Mind = Serendipity #innoidea ‐12:55 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@zspencer @Renee_Hopkins I feel like it’s missing something re: just enough structure and feedback loops. #innoidea ‐12:57 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@zspencer Been a while since I did a tweetchat. Thanks to @blogbrevity and @drewcm for #innoidea today! ‐12:59 PM Feb 7th, 2013
@anacristinaprts group BC 2
@anacristinaprts @blogbrevity AM 2
@anacristinaprts @maryannreilly AM 1
@anacristinaprts @jabaldaia AM 1
@anacristinaprts @wbendle AM 1
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@andreameyer @obx_harvey RT 1
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@chrisrivard @juneholley AM 1
@coordinating group BC 1
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@innovate @jawbrain BC 2
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@innovationfixer @drewcm BC 1
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@jawbrain group BC 8
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@jawbrain @deb_lavoy RT 1
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@jawbrain @drewcm RT 1
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@jawbrain @wbendle RT 1
@jawbrain @anadatagirl RT 1
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@jawbrain @obx_harvey BC 1
@jbordeaux group BC 1
@jbordeaux @juneholley BC 1
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@jhagel group BC 1
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@renee_hopkins @drewcm AM 1
@renee_hopkins @drewcm RT 5
@renee_hopkins @drewcm BC 1
@renee_hopkins @jhagel RT 1
@renee_hopkins @joestanganelli RT 1
@renee_hopkins @utaustin AM 1
@renee_hopkins @orgnet AM 1
@renee_hopkins @orgnet RT 1
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@renee_hopkins @kerstinsailer RT 1
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@renee_hopkins @sandymaxey AM 1
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@renee_hopkins @skap5 RT 2
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@renee_hopkins @jawbrain RT 1
@renee_hopkins @sacredflow BC 1
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@renee_hopkins @juneholley AM 1
@renee_hopkins @juneholley RT 1
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@sanchezjb @bennettresnik RT 1
@sanchezjb @juneholley RT 2
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@sandymaxey @juneholley RT 1
@sandymaxey @juneholley BC 1
@sarah_king2 @innovate AM 1
@serendipitor group BC 1
@skap5 group BC 5
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@slobotski @jabaldaia AM 1
@smartco @orgnet AM 1
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@surflightroy @innovate AM 1
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@the_idea_agency @kiporama RT 1
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@the_idea_agency @designfiction RT 1
@thehealthmaven @drewcm MT 1
@thehealthmaven @drewcm RT 2
@thehealthmaven group BC 10
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@thehealthmaven @drew_cm AM 1
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@thindifference @juneholley RT 1
@thindifference @obx_harvey RT 1
@uberbabyboomer @creativesage BC 1
@use group BC 1
@valdiskrebs group BC 1
@valdiskrebs @harveymilk AM 1
@wbendle group BC 17
@wbendle @renee_hopkins AM 1
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@wbendle @zspencer AM 1
@wbendle @obx_harvey AM 1
@winged_seraph @obx_harvey AM 1
@work @skap5 AM 1
@zenext group BC 2
@zenext @orgnet RT 1
@zenext @sandymaxey RT 1
@zenext @juneholley RT 1
@zspencer @drewcm AM 1
@zspencer @renee_hopkins BC 2
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@zspencer @blogbrevity AM 1
@zspencer @blogbrevity BC 4
@zspencer @juneholley BC 1
require 'csv'
def main
posters =
File.readlines("data.txt").each do |line|
tweet =
CSV::Writer.generate('output.csv', 'wb')) do |csv|
posters.each do |poster|
poster.each_record do |record|
p record
csv << record
class Tweet <
def author
@author ||= text.match(/@\w+/).to_s
def content
@content ||= text[author.length+1..-1]
def recipients
@recipients ||=
def content_matches?(match)
def type
return "RT" if content_matches?(" rt ")
return "MT" if content_matches?(" mt ")
return "AM" if content_matches?(" @")
def interactions
@interactions ||= do |recipient|, recipient, type) unless recipient == author
end.reject { |i| i.nil? }
class Poster
attr_reader :handle, :interactions
def initialize(handle)
@handle = handle
@interactions = []
def process_tweet!(tweet)
@interactions = interactions + tweet.interactions
def each_record
records.each do |record|
def records
@records || build_records
def build_records
interactions.group_by { |t| t.recipient }.map { |t| [t[0], t[1].group_by { |t| t.type } ] }.map do
|r| r[1].map { |r2|, r[0], r2[0], r2[1].size) }
class Posters < Array
def poster_for_tweet(tweet)
poster = select { |poster| poster.handle == }.first
return poster if poster
poster =
class Recipients
attr :data
def initialize(content)
@data = content.scan(/@\w+/)
@data = @data.empty? ? ["group"] : @data
class Record <, :recipient, :interaction_type, :count)
def to_a
[sender, recipient, interaction_type, count]
class Interaction <, :recipient, :type); end
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