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Created March 4, 2016 05:20
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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#ifdef __mr__
#include "prettyprint.hpp"
#define endl '\n'
#define len(x) (uint)(x).size()
#define int int32_t
#define uint uint32_t
#define ulong uint64_t
#define long int64_t
#define t_max(x) numeric_limits<x>::max()
#define t_min(x) numeric_limits<x>::min()
using namespace std;
const ulong mod = 1000000007ul;
// problem:
template<class etype, class etypearr>
class rangeminimumquery {
etypearr& arr;
uint n;
uint* logt;
uint** sparset;
rangeminimumquery(etypearr& arri, uint ni) : arr(arri), n(ni) {
// Generate Log Table
logt = new uint[n + 1];
logt[1] = logt[0] = 0;
for (uint x = 2; x < n + 1; ++x)
logt[x] = logt[x >> 1] + 1;
// Generate Sparse Table
sparset = new uint*[n];
for (uint x = 0; x < n; ++x) {
sparset[x] = new uint[logt[n] + 1];
sparset[x][0] = x;
for (int x = n - 1; x > -1; --x) {
for (int y = 1; y < logt[n - x] + 1; ++y) {
if (arr[sparset[x][y - 1]] < arr[sparset[x + (1 << (y - 1))][y - 1]])
sparset[x][y] = sparset[x][y - 1];
sparset[x][y] = sparset[x + (1 << (y - 1))][y - 1];
etype query(uint i, uint j) {
uint k = logt[j - i];
if (arr[sparset[i][k]] < arr[sparset[j - (1 << k)][k]])
return sparset[i][k];
return sparset[j - (1 << k)][k];
etype query_value(uint i, uint j) {
uint k = logt[j - i];
return min(
arr[sparset[j - (1 << k)][k]]);
~rangeminimumquery() {
delete[] logt;
for (int x = 0; x < n; ++x)
delete[] sparset[x];
delete[] sparset;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
#ifndef __mr__
ulong mod = 1000000007;
int testcases;
cin >> testcases;
while(testcases--) {
int q, k;
cin >> q >> k;
vector<ulong> b(k);
vector<ulong> c(k);
int n = 1000000;
vector<ulong> arr(n);
for (uint i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
cin >> b[i];
for (uint i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
cin >> c[i];
for (uint i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
arr[i] = b[i];
for (uint x = k; x < n; ++x) {
for (uint y = 0; y < k; ++y) {
arr[x] += arr[x - y - 1] * c[y];
arr[x] %= 1000000007;
rangeminimumquery<ulong, vector<ulong>> rmq(arr, n);
for (uint i = 0; i < q; ++i) {
int l, r;
cin >> l >> r;
vector<pair<int, int>> univ;
univ.push_back({l, r});
for (uint j = 0; j < 100; ++j) {
pair<int, int> mipos = {-1, -1};
for (uint ind = 0; ind < len(univ); ++ind) {
if (mipos.first == -1 || arr[mipos.first] > arr[rmq.query(univ[ind].first, univ[ind].second)]) {
mipos = {rmq.query(univ[ind].first, univ[ind].second), ind};
if (mipos.first == -1) {
cout << arr[mipos.first] << ' ';
auto split = univ[mipos.second];
univ.erase(univ.begin() + mipos.second);
if (mipos.first > split.first) {
univ.push_back({split.first, mipos.first});
if (mipos.first + 1 < split.second) {
univ.push_back({mipos.first + 1, split.second});
cout << endl;
return 0;
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# coding: utf-8
from sys import stdin
from operator import itemgetter
def generateLogTable(n):
n ⟶ size of the log table
log base 2 table
using logtable is efficient for large
number of queries than using math.log approximation.
math.log easily takes 8 - 20 iteration for each query.
logt = [0, 0]
for x in xrange(2, n):
logt.append(logt[x >> 1] + 1)
return logt
class rangeMinimumQuery(object):
rangeMinimumQuery using sparse table approach
preprocessing step => O(nlogn)
query step => O(1)
def __init__(self, arr):
self.arr = arr
n = len(arr)
self.logt = generateLogTable(n + 1)
self.rmq = self.generateSparseTable(n, self.logt)
def __getitem__(self, slx):
slx ⟶ slice object denoting the range
min(arr[i: j])
i, j, _ = slx.indices(len(self.arr))
k = self.logt[j - i]
if self.arr[self.rmq[i][k]] < self.arr[self.rmq[j - (1 << k)][k]]:
return self.rmq[i][k]
return self.rmq[j - (1 << k)][k]
def query(self, i, j):
i ⟶ starting index of the range
j ⟶ ending index of the range (excluded)
position of min(arr[i: j])
k = self.logt[j - i]
return min(
self.arr[self.rmq[j - (1 << k)][k]])
def generateSparseTable(self, n, logt):
rmq = [[0]*(1 + logt[n]) for _ in xrange(n)]
for x in xrange(n):
rmq[x][0] = x
for x in xrange(n - 1, -1, -1):
for y in xrange(1, logt[n - x] + 1):
if self.arr[rmq[x][y - 1]] < self.arr[rmq[x + (1 << (y - 1))][y - 1]]:
rmq[x][y] = rmq[x][y - 1]
rmq[x][y] = rmq[x + (1 << (y - 1))][y - 1]
return rmq
def blah(query, rmq, arr):
univ = [query]
answer = []
for _ in xrange(100):
mipos = (-1, -1)
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(univ):
if mipos[0] == -1 or arr[mipos[0]] > arr[rmq[x: y]]:
mipos = (rmq[x: y], i)
if mipos[0] == -1:
split = univ.pop(mipos[1])
if mipos[0] > split[0]:
univ.append((split[0], mipos[0]))
if mipos[0] + 1 < split[1]:
univ.append((mipos[0] + 1, split[1]))
return answer
def main():
mod = 1000000007
nextint = iter(map(int,
for _ in xrange(nextint()):
q, k = nextint(), nextint()
b = [nextint() for _ in xrange(k)]
c = [nextint() for _ in xrange(k)]
queries = [(nextint() - 1, nextint()) for _ in xrange(q)]
n = max(max(queries, key=itemgetter(1))[1], k)
arr = b + ([0] * (n - k))
for x in xrange(k, n):
for y in xrange(k):
arr[x] += c[y] * arr[x - y - 1]
arr[x] %= mod
rmq = rangeMinimumQuery(arr)
out = []
for qu in queries:
out.append(' '.join(map(str, blah(qu, rmq, arr))))
# out.append(' '.join(map(str, sorted(arr[qu[0]: qu[1]])[:100])))
print '\n'.join(out)
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