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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Save zsrinivas/eb69b27b85430f9c9746 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
spoj ⟿ classical ⟿ updateit ⟿ Update the array !
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define builtin_gcd __gcd
static struct IO {
char tmp[1 << 10];
// fast input routines
char cur;
// #define nextChar() (cur = getc_unlocked(stdin))
// #define peekChar() (cur)
inline char nextChar() {
return cur = getc_unlocked(stdin);
inline char peekChar() {
return cur;
inline operator bool() {
return peekChar();
inline static bool isBlank(char c) {
return (c < '-' && c > 0);
inline bool skipBlanks() {
while (isBlank(nextChar()));
return peekChar() > 0;
inline IO& operator >> (char & c) {
c = nextChar();
return *this;
inline IO& operator >> (char * buf) {
if (skipBlanks()) {
if (peekChar()) {
*(buf++) = peekChar();
while (!isBlank(nextChar()))
*(buf++) = peekChar();
*(buf++) = 0;
return *this;
inline IO& operator >> (string & s) {
if (skipBlanks()) {
s += peekChar();
while (!isBlank(nextChar()))
s += peekChar();
return *this;
inline IO& operator >> (double & d) {
if ((*this) >> tmp)
sscanf(tmp, "%lf", &d);
return *this;
#define defineInFor(intType) \
inline IO& operator >>(intType & n) { \
if (skipBlanks()) { \
int sign = +1; \
if (peekChar() == '-') { \
sign = -1; \
n = nextChar() - '0'; \
} else \
n = peekChar() - '0'; \
while (!isBlank(nextChar())) { \
n += n + (n << 3) + peekChar() - 48; \
} \
n *= sign; \
} \
return *this; \
defineInFor(unsigned int)
defineInFor(long long)
// fast output routines
//#define putChar(c) putc_unlocked((c), stdout)
inline void putChar(char c) {
putc_unlocked(c, stdout);
inline IO& operator << (char c) {
return *this;
inline IO& operator << (const char * s) {
while (*s) putChar(*s++);
return *this;
inline IO& operator << (const string & s) {
for (int i = 0; i < (int)s.size(); ++i)
return *this;
char * toString(double d) {
sprintf(tmp, "%lf%c", d, '\0');
return tmp;
inline IO& operator << (double d) {
return (*this) << toString(d);
#define defineOutFor(intType) \
inline char * toString(intType n) { \
char * p = (tmp + 30); \
if (n) { \
bool isNeg = 0; \
if (n < 0) isNeg = 1, n = -n; \
while (n) \
*--p = (n % 10) + '0', n /= 10; \
if (isNeg) *--p = '-'; \
} else *--p = '0'; \
return p; \
} \
inline IO& operator << (intType n) { return (*this) << toString(n); }
defineOutFor(long long)
#define endl ('\n')
#define cout __io__
#define cin __io__
// dict output
template<class T, class U>
inline IO& operator << (map<T, U>& p) {
(*this) << "{";
for (typename map<T, U>::iterator it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); it++) {
(*this) << it->first << ": " << it->second << ", ";
(*this) << "}";
return *this;
// pair input
template<class T, class U>
inline IO& operator >> (pair<T, U>& p) {
(*this) >> p.first >> p.second;
return *this;
// pair output
template<class T, class U>
inline IO& operator << (pair<T, U>& p) {
(*this) << '(' << p.first << ", " << p.second << ')';
return *this;
// pair input
template<class T, class U>
inline IO& operator >> (const pair<T, U>& p) {
(*this) >> p.first >> p.second;
return *this;
// pair output
template<class T, class U>
inline IO& operator << (const pair<T, U>& p) {
(*this) << '(' << p.first << ", " << p.second << ')';
return *this;
// vector input
template<class T>
inline IO& operator >> (vector<T>& d) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < d.size(); ++i)
(*this) >> d[i];
return *this;
// vector output
template<class T>
inline IO& operator << (vector<T>& d) {
(*this) << "[";
for (size_t i = 0; i < d.size(); ++i)
(*this) << d[i] << ", ";
(*this) << "]";
return *this;
} __io__;
int main() {
int testcases;
cin >> testcases;
while(testcases--) {
int32_t n, u;
cin >> n >> u;
vector<int32_t> arr(n + 1);
while(u--) {
int32_t l, r, v;
cin >> l >> r >> v;
arr[l] += v;
arr[r + 1] -= v;
for (int x = 1; x < n + 1; ++x) {
arr[x] += arr[x - 1];
int32_t q;
cin >> q;
for (int32_t _ = 0; _ < q; ++_) {
int32_t query;
cin >> query;
cout << arr[query] << endl;
return 0;
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring,bad-builtin
from sys import stdin
from itertools import imap
def main():
dstream = imap(int,
for _ in xrange(next(dstream)):
n, u = next(dstream), next(dstream)
arr = [0]*(n + 1)
for _ in xrange(u):
l, r, v = next(dstream), next(dstream), next(dstream)
arr[l] += v
arr[r + 1] -= v
for x in xrange(1, n + 1):
arr[x] += arr[x - 1]
for _ in xrange(next(dstream)):
print arr[next(dstream)]
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