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Last active March 1, 2016 21:34
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Elec results script for shredding at NICAR
import csv, urllib
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import dirname, join
url = ""
filename = join(dirname(dirname(__file__)), 'fake_va_elec_results.csv')
urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename)
reader = csv.DictReader(open(filename, 'rb'))
# defaultdict auto-creates non-existent keys with an empty dictionary as the default value.
results = defaultdict(dict)
# Initial data clean-up
for row in reader:
# Parse name into first and last
row['last_name'], row['first_name'] = [name.strip() for name in row['candidate'].split(',')]
# Convert total votes to an integer
row['votes'] = int(row['votes'])
# Store county-level results by slugified office and district (if there is one),
# then by candidate party and raw name
race_key = row['office']
if row['district']:
race_key += "-%s" % row['district']
# Create unique candidate key from party and name, in case multiple candidates have same
cand_key = "-".join((row['party'], row['candidate']))
# Get/create race in results dict
race = results[race_key]
# setdefault creates empty dict and list for a key if it doesn't already exist.
race.setdefault(cand_key, []).append(row)
# Tally votes for Races and candidates and assign winners
summary = defaultdict(dict)
for race_key, cand_results in results.items():
all_votes = 0
cands = []
for cand_key, results in cand_results.items():
# Populate a new candidate dict using one set of county results
cand = {
'first_name': results[0]['first_name'],
'last_name': results[0]['last_name'],
'party': results[0]['party'],
'winner': '',
# Calculate candidate total votes
cand_total_votes = sum([result['votes'] for result in results])
cand['votes'] = cand_total_votes
# Add cand totals to racewide vote count
all_votes += cand_total_votes
# And stash the candidate's data
# sort cands from highest to lowest vote count
sorted_cands = sorted(cands, key=itemgetter('votes'), reverse=True)
# Determine winner, if any
first = sorted_cands[0]
second = sorted_cands[1]
if first['votes'] != second['votes']:
first['winner'] = 'X'
# Get race metadata from one set of results
result = cand_results.values()[0][0]
# Add results to output
summary[race_key] = {
'date': result['date'],
'office': result['office'],
'district': result['district'],
'all_votes': all_votes,
'candidates': sorted_cands,
outfile = join(dirname(__file__), 'summary_results.csv')
with open(outfile, 'wb') as fh:
# We'll limit the output to cleanly parsed, standardized values
fieldnames = [
'date', 'office', 'district', 'last_name',
'first_name','party', 'all_votes', 'votes', 'winner',
writer = csv.DictWriter(fh, fieldnames, extrasaction='ignore', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
for race, results in summary.items():
cands = results.pop('candidates')
for cand in cands:
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