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Last active December 2, 2016 07:41
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A script to test the effects of preallocating memory in POMDPs.jl
using POMDPs
import POMDPs: create_state, discount, reward
using POMDPToolbox
type ImageMDP <: MDP{Matrix{Int},Int}
size::Tuple{Int, Int}
create_state(mdp::ImageMDP) = Array(Int, mdp.size[1], mdp.size[2])
discount(::ImageMDP) = 0.9
function generate_sr(mdp::ImageMDP, s::Matrix{Int}, a::Int, rng::AbstractRNG, sp::Matrix{Int}=create_state(mdp))
copy!(sp, s)
r = sp[a,a]
i = rand(rng, 1:mdp.size[1])
j = rand(rng, 1:mdp.size[2])
sp[i,j] += a
return sp, r
function step!(s::Matrix{Int}, mdp::ImageMDP, a::Int, rng::AbstractRNG)
i = rand(rng, 1:mdp.size[1])
j = rand(rng, 1:mdp.size[2])
s[i,j] += a
return s
function reward(mdp::ImageMDP,s::Matrix{Int},a::Int)
return s[a,a]
type IPolicy <: Policy{Matrix{Int}}
action(p::IPolicy, s::Matrix{Int}, a::Int=1) = p.addend
function simulate_no_alloc{S,A}(sim::RolloutSimulator, mdp::MDP{S,A}, policy::Policy, initial_state::S)
eps = get(sim.eps, 0.0)
max_steps = get(sim.max_steps, typemax(Int))
s = initial_state
disc = 1.0
r_total = 0.0
step = 1
while disc > eps && !isterminal(mdp, s) && step <= max_steps
a = action(policy, s)
sp, r = generate_sr(mdp, s, a, sim.rng)
r_total += disc*r
s = sp
disc *= discount(mdp)
step += 1
return r_total
function simulate_alloc{S,A}(sim::RolloutSimulator, mdp::MDP{S,A}, policy::Policy, initial_state::S)
eps = get(sim.eps, 0.0)
max_steps = get(sim.max_steps, typemax(Int))
s = deepcopy(initial_state)
sp = create_state(mdp)
a = create_action(mdp)
disc = 1.0
r_total = 0.0
step = 1
while disc > eps && !isterminal(mdp, s) && step <= max_steps
a = action(policy, s, a)
sp, r = generate_sr(mdp, s, a, sim.rng, sp)
r_total += disc*r
# alternates using the memory allocated for s and sp so nothing new has to be allocated
tmp = s
s = sp
sp = tmp
disc *= discount(mdp)
step += 1
return r_total
function simulate_step{S,A}(sim::RolloutSimulator, mdp::MDP{S,A}, policy::Policy, initial_state::S)
eps = get(sim.eps, 0.0)
max_steps = get(sim.max_steps, typemax(Int))
s = deepcopy(initial_state)
sp = create_state(mdp)
a = create_action(mdp)
disc = 1.0
r_total = 0.0
step = 1
while disc > eps && !isterminal(mdp, s) && step <= max_steps
a = action(policy, s, a)
r = reward(mdp, s, a)
step!(s, mdp, a, rng)
r_total += disc*r
disc *= discount(mdp)
step += 1
return r_total
mdp = ImageMDP((500,500))
policy = IPolicy(147)
rng = MersenneTwister(123)
is = rand(rng, Int, mdp.size...)
@show simulate_alloc(RolloutSimulator(max_steps=500, rng=rng), mdp, policy, is)
rng = MersenneTwister(123)
is = rand(rng, Int, mdp.size...)
@show simulate_no_alloc(RolloutSimulator(max_steps=500, rng=rng), mdp, policy, is)
rng = MersenneTwister(123)
is = rand(rng, Int, mdp.size...)
@show simulate_step(RolloutSimulator(max_steps=500, rng=rng), mdp, policy, is)
@time for i = 1:100
rng = MersenneTwister(i)
is = rand(rng, Int, mdp.size...)
rtot += simulate_step(RolloutSimulator(max_steps=500, rng=rng), mdp, policy, is)
@show rtot
println("Pre Allocation:")
@time for i = 1:100
rng = MersenneTwister(i)
is = rand(rng, Int, mdp.size...)
rtot += simulate_alloc(RolloutSimulator(max_steps=500, rng=rng), mdp, policy, is)
@show rtot
println("No Allocation")
@time for i = 1:100
rng = MersenneTwister(i)
is = rand(rng, Int, mdp.size...)
rtot += simulate_no_alloc(RolloutSimulator(max_steps=500, rng=rng), mdp, policy, is)
@show rtot
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