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Last active June 9, 2023 06:25
Show Gist options
  • Save zsviczian/8fd77c63d198c92f749128a09e9f4dce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zsviczian/8fd77c63d198c92f749128a09e9f4dce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My YouTube Workflow in Obsidian with Templater, Kanban, and Excalidraw

Please watch this video to understand how to use this script: The Gist contains 3 files

  • is the main Templater script
  • and are two Excalidraw template files.

To download the files and add to your Obsidian Vault select Download ZIP at the top of the page, or switch to Raw view for each file and copy/paste the contents into Obsidian.

⚠⚠⚠ ATTENTION ⚠⚠⚠ Since releasing the video I realized that adding Templater script tags to text elements will only work if there is no linebreak in the text. Thus you are probably better off with the solution now included in this Gist, where I apply the same <% "---" %> trick to as I do in as explained in the video. If you need to debug script tags, be sure to look for "text": "<%tp.file.folder()%>" in the JSON block and make sure it is not "text": "<%tp.file.folder()\n%>", or anything similar.

<%* /*

const projectRoot = `Hobbies/YouTube Channel`;
const kanbanPath = `${projectRoot}/YouTube Channel`;

//prompt for project name
const foldername = await tp.system.prompt(`Name of the new YouTube project?`);
const folderpath = `${projectRoot}/${foldername}`;

//Check if folder already exists
let folder = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(folderpath);
if (folder && folder instanceof TFolder) {
  const storyboard = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(`${folderpath}/ - ${foldername}`);
  //If it exists and already has a story board, open it
  if(storyboard) {
    new Notice(`Warning! Project already exists!`);
  new Notice(`Aborting! Folder already exists, but storyboard not found.`);

//Create Folder
await app.vault.createFolder(folderpath);
folder = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(folderpath);
if(!folder) {
  new Notice(`Aborting! Cannot create folder.`);

//Create video folder
await app.vault.createFolder(`${folderpath}/Video`);

//Create the video thumbnail Excalidraw file
await tp.file.create_new(
  `Thumbnail - ${foldername}`,

//Add card to the Kamban Board
const kanbanFile = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(kanbanPath)
if(kanbanFile) {
  const card = `- [ ] ![[${folderpath}/Thumbnail - ${foldername}]]<br>[[${folderpath}/Storyboard - ${foldername}|Storyboard]]`;
  const data = await;
  const parts = data.split(/## Ideas(?:\n|\r\n|\r)/);
  if(parts.length === 2) {
    await app.vault.modify(
      `${parts[0]}## Ideas\n${card}\n${parts[1]}`

//Create the video storyboard Excalidraw file and open it
await tp.file.create_new(
  `Storyboard - ${foldername}`,

<% "---" %>

aliases: [<% tp.file.title %>] excalidraw-plugin: parsed tags: [excalidraw]

Text Elements

Embedded files

<%* const genHex = size => [...Array(size)].map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)).join(''); window.myFileID = genHex(40); tR += ${window.myFileID}: [[${tp.file.folder()}/Thumbnail - ${tp.file.folder()}.md]]; %>



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				"hsl(59, 80%, 59%)",
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				"hsl(59, 80%, 86%)",
				"hsl(59, 80%, 90%)",
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				"hsl(39, 80%, 50%)",
				"hsl(39, 80%, 59%)",
				"hsl(39, 80%, 68%)",
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				"hsl(39, 80%, 86%)",
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				"hsl(0, 0%, 90%)",
				"hsl(0, 0%, 94%)"
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<% "---" %>

aliases: [<% tp.file.title %>] excalidraw-export-transparent: false excalidraw-plugin: parsed tags: [excalidraw]

Text Elements

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zsviczian commented Aug 17, 2022

very strange... I did not take down any of my videos
I think it was this video: (I wonder what happened to the link...)

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