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Last active June 18, 2023 00:40
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Excalidraw Dynamic Styling

Note that if you are using the Minimal theme, you will need to "patch" the Minimal theme to not interfere with Excalidraw and this dynamic styling. This short video demonstrates the "patching" process:

Requires Excalidraw-Obsidian 1.7.25 or later. Switch to "Raw" (top right button) before copying the script to Obsidian.

Watch this video:

Thumbnail - Excalidraw Dynamic Styling (Custom) (1)

If you need more info on ColorMaster, watch this video as well:

Thumbnail - ColorMaster Scripting (Custom)

<%* /*

const installStyleHook = () => {
  if(!window.ExcalidrawAutomate) return false;

  ExcalidrawAutomate.onCanvasColorChangeHook = (ea, view, color) => {
    const doc = view.ownerDocument;
    const dark = "#404040";
    const darker = "#202020";
    const light = "#f4f4f4";
    const lighter = "#fbfbfb";
    const step = 5;
    const mixRatio = 0.8;
    const cmBG = () => ea.getCM(color);
    const isDark = cmBG().isDark();
    const accent = () => {
      const s = doc.querySelector("body").style;
      return ea.getCM(`hsl(${s.getPropertyValue("--accent-h")},${
		})`).mix({color:isDark?dark:light, ratio:0.6});
    const updateCSSClassVariable = (className, payload) => {
      for(stylesheet of doc.styleSheets) {
        try { //introduced because of the argdown plugin caused a crash
          for(rule of stylesheet.rules) {        
            if (rule.selectorText !== className) continue;
            let cssText = rule.cssText;
            let changed = false;
            payload.forEach(pl => {
              const reg = new RegExp(`${pl.var}:\\s[^;]*`);
              if(cssText.match(reg)) {
                cssText = cssText.replace(reg,`${pl.var}: ${pl.val}`);
                changed = true;
            if(changed) {
	} catch(e) {
	  console.log("Excalidraw Dynamic Styling", e);
    const str = (cm) => cm.stringHEX({alpha:false});
    const gray1 = cmBG().mix({color:isDark?darker:lighter, ratio:mixRatio});
    const gray2 = cmBG().mix({color:isDark?dark:light, ratio:mixRatio});
    const text = cmBG().mix({color:isDark?lighter:darker, ratio:mixRatio})
    updateCSSClassVariable (
      ".excalidraw", [
          var: "--color-primary",
          val: str(accent())
          var: "--color-primary-darker",
          val: str(accent().darkerBy(step))
          var: "--color-primary-darkest",
          val: str(accent().darkerBy(step))
          var: "--button-gray-1",
          val: str(gray1)
          var: "--button-gray-2",
          val: str(gray2)
          var: "--input-border-color",
          val: str(gray1)
          var: "--input-bg-color",
          val: str(gray2)
          var: "--input-label-color",
          val: str(text)
          var: "--island-bg-color",
          val: gray2.alphaTo(0.93).stringHEX()
          var: "--icon-fill-color",
          val: str(text)
          var: "--text-primary-color",
          val: str(text)
          var: "--overlay-bg-color",
          val: gray2.alphaTo(0.6).stringHEX()
          var: "--popup-bg-color",
          val: str(gray1)
          var: "--color-gray-100",
          val: str(text)
          var: "--sidebar-border-color",
          val: str(gray1)
          var: "--color-primary-light",
          val: str(gray1)
          var: "--button-hover-bg",
          val: str(gray1)
          var: "--sidebar-bg-color",
          val: gray2.alphaTo(0.93).stringHEX()
          var: "--sidebar-shadow",
          val: str(gray1)
          var: "--popup-text-color",
          val: str(text)
  const view = app.workspace.activeLeaf?.view;
  if(view && view.getViewType() === "excalidraw") {
    if(!view.isLoaded || !view.excalidrawAPI) return true;
  return true;

  console.log("Installing Excalidraw style hook...");
  if(installStyleHook()) return;
  console.log("Failed to install style hook...");
    if(installStyleHook()) {
      console.log("Excalidraw style hook installed successfully");
    console.log("Excalidraw style hook NOT installed");
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