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Last active January 27, 2024 06:00
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Excalidraw Scripting - Daily Quote Illustrations in Obsidian with Templater, Excalidraw and OpenAI

<%* const ea = ExcalidrawAutomate; const imageSize = 1024x1024; const instruction = "Return a single message with the generated image prompt in a codeblock"; const systemPrompt = "Your task involves transforming a user-provided quote into a detailed and imaginative illustration. Craft a visual representation that captures the essence of the quote and resonates well with a broad audience. Additionally, provide preferences for styling, such as the chosen medium and artistic direction, to guide the image creation process. Ensure the resulting image remains text-free. Your task output should comprise a descriptive and detailed narrative aimed at facilitating the creation of a captivating illustration from the quote.";

//--------------------------------------- //Get Quote from stoic quotes //--------------------------------------- const quoteString = await request({url: ""}); const quoteJSON = JSON.parse(quoteString); const {text, author} = quoteJSON; if(!text) return;

const filename = text.replaceAll(/[<>:"\|?*#]/g," ").substring(0,25)+"..."; const foldername = tp.file.folder(false);

//--------------------------------------- //Generate image //--------------------------------------- //1. Generate Image Prompt based on quote const OPENAI_API_KEY = ea.plugin.settings.openAIAPIToken; if(!OPENAI_API_KEY || OPENAI_API_KEY === "") { new Notice("You must first configure your API key in Excalidraw Plugin Settings"); return; } const requestObject = { text, systemPrompt, instruction }; const result = await ea.postOpenAI(requestObject); console.log({result, json:result?.json}); if(!result?.json?.hasOwnProperty("choices")) { new Notice(Something went wrong: ${result?.json?.error?.message}); return; } const content = ea.extractCodeBlocks(result.json.choices[0]?.message?.content)[0]?.data; if(!content) { new Notice("Unexpected error extracting the image prompt from the response"); return; } new Notice("Image prompt ready");

//2. Generate image using Dall-e const generateImage = async(text) => { const requestObject = { text, imageGenerationProperties: {size: imageSize, n:1}, }; const result = await ea.postOpenAI(requestObject); console.log({result, json:result?.json}); if(!result?.json?.data?.[0]?.url) { new Notice(Something went wrong with generating the image: ${result?.json?.error?.message}); return; } new Notice(Image is ready: ${[0].url}); return[0].url; }

const imageURL = await generateImage(content); if(!imageURL) return;

//3. Save image as local file const imageResult = await requestUrl(imageURL); if(!imageResult || imageResult.status !== 200) { new Notice("Unexpected error downloading the image"); console.log(imageResult); return; } const imageFilePath = await ea.getNewUniqueFilepath(filename+".png",foldername); const imageFile = await app.vault.createBinary(imageFilePath,imageResult.arrayBuffer); new Notice("Image file saved");

//--------------------------------------- //Generate Excalidraw Drawing //--------------------------------------- ea.reset(); const textId = ea.generateElementId(); const imageId = await ea.addImage(0,0,imageFile,false,false); const imageEl = ea.getElement(imageId); = "transparent"; const rectId = ea.addText( 0,imageEl.y+imageEl.height+30,${text}\n${author}, {wrapAt:80,textAlign:"center",box:"box",boxPadding:10}, textId ); const rectEl = ea.getElement(rectId); const textEl = ea.getElement(textId); rectEl.x += (imageEl.width-rectEl.width)/2; textEl.x += (imageEl.width-rectEl.width)/2; rectEl.strokeColor = "transparent"; const fpath = await ea.create({ filename, foldername, onNewPane: true, plaintext: Author:: [[${author}]]\n\n> ${text} ^quote }); //Embed image into Markdown document tR += ![[${fpath}]]\n; %>

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