const view = app.workspace.activeLeaf.view;
const editor = view.editor;
const curLineNum = editor.getCursor().line;
const curLineText = editor.getLine(curLineNum);
const title = tp.file.title;
const today = title.match(/\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2} .+/) //are we on the DNP?
? null //if on the DNP, today is set to null
: moment(Date.now()).format("YYYY-MM-DD dddd"); //set today
let newLineText = curLineText.replace(
(match,p1,p2,p3) => `${today?"###":"##"} ${p3??p2}\n![[${(p1??"")+p2}#${(today?today+" ":"") + title}]]`
editor.setLine(curLineNum, newLineText);
let fname = newLineText.match(/!\[\[(.*?)#.*?]]/)[1];
let file = app.metadataCache.getFirstLinkpathDest(fname,view.file.path);
if(!file) {
if(!fname.endsWith(".md")) fname=fname+".md";
file = await app.vault.create(fname,"# Notes\n");
const data = await app.vault.read(file);
const parts = data.split(/# Notes(?:\n|\r\n|\r)/);
newLineText = `## ${today?"[["+today+"]], ":""}[[${title}]]`;
if(parts.length === 2) {
await app.vault.modify(file,parts[0]+"# Notes\n"+newLineText+"\n\n"+parts[1]);
} else {
await app.vault.modify(file,data+"# Notes\n"+newLineText+"\n\n");
await app.workspace.openLinkText(fname, view.file.path);
let i=0;
const lineCount = editor.lineCount();
while(editor.getLine(i)!==newLineText && i<lineCount) i++;
🤔 This looks ok...
We'll need to do some debugging...
Please add
as the first line. This will break the execution of the script and you'll be able to step through the code line by line using F10. Let me know at which point the error is raised.