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Last active May 16, 2019 19:05
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OHL_GET script explore notes:

External scripts/end point:

  • INC_ENDPOINT = "og/src/main/php/com/birchbox/og/cli/dotcom/DotcomCLI.php" (by post_inventory_increment)
  • DEC_ENDPOINT = "_birchboxadmin/logistics/decrement_inventorycountCLI.php"(by post_inventory_decrement)
  • tools server:
    ohl_item_master - https://{tools-server}/api/ohl_item_master
    rc-file-importer - https://{tools-server}/api/rc-file-importer
  • erp_integration:
  • DME: ./ us (-s) -t CSH****

Config file can be found in /usr/local/ohl_get.cfg on app2

og_dotcom_inventory_incrementer_enabled is true.
etl_pass_enabled is true.

DotcomCLI notes:

This is a php script. Code can be found here.

  • If being passed file is a shipment file(CSH), DotcomCLI splits file by orderIncrementId then calls importShipmentTsv().
    Then for each splitted shipment file, group items by tracking number.
    if order is warehouse order(start with 'ws'/'WS'), call shipWarehouseOrderItems. Otherwise, call shipMagentoOrderItems.
  • Otherwise it calls importTSV()

OHL_GET explainations:

In general, the script is a file parser. It pulls files from warehouse ftp server and parse them. Then update data accordingly. There are 4 types of files which the script is now dealing with:


  • Post RC to tools server (https://{tools-server}/api/rc-file-importer)
  • Upload with dnrs list (don’t reconcile) (Note: 1-3 have been built in bbop
    1. Find dnrs
    2. Create RC_tmp.csv
    3. post_inventory_increment(RC_tmp.csv) php DotcomCLI.php RC_tmp.csv
      Since this is not a ship file(CSH/FSH), it goes to importTSV() and then call importDailyReceiptTSV method
      Parse tsv rows into DotcomDailyReceipt.thrift.
      Get product id, item stock quantity increment
      Get item stock old quantity from magento
      Update new stock quantity
    4. call_etl_pass(): /usr/bin/python in erp_integration


  • Split ship file into three files(fz_file_name, bb_file_name, ss_file_name)
    (Note: it checks if each line in file starting with ‘BB’ or ’bb’, ‘SS’ or ‘ss’ and rest are fz)

    • fz_file_name -> process_full_size()
      Internally, it first calls post_inventory_increment()
      Then load_gwps select ce.entity_id from catalog_product_entity ce join salesrule_coupon sc on sc.code = ce.sku order by ce.entity_id
      find all the lines that do not matech with gwps and then append them into remove_gwp array
      Finally it calls post_inventory_increment again with data = remove_gwp post_inventory_increment(file_name, data=remove_gwp)
    • bb_file_name
      -> call_dotcom_run (DME) ./ us -t CSH****
      -> call_etl_pass()
    • ss_file_name
      -> call_dotcom_run (DME and is_special = True) ./ us -s -t CSH****
      -> call_etl_pass()

    Note: in bbop, we have some imcompleted logic.


  • Chane dir to /usr/local/birchbox/python/InventoryAdjuster
  • Run python -n {file_path} code here is here
  • Since we passed arg -n, it assumes file is 947
  • Find dnrs list (don't reconcile) and filter out any product listed in dnrs.
  • Check entries based on inventory status
    If FROM/TO status is RH(receipt hold) ignore
    If FROM is AV(Available) and TO is not AV, delta *= -1(subtract quantity from AV inventory)
  • Put filtered data entries into two array(inc_data and dec_data). (Note: when we append entry into array, actually delta would be reversed to positive.)
  • Write inc_data into tmp csv and post_inventory_increment
  • Write dec_data into tmp csv and post_inventory_decrement
  • call_etl_pass()


  • Call post_item_master() this actually post request to tools server endpoint
    https://{tools-server}/api/ohl_item_master data: {'ohlfile':file}
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