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Forked from pengcheng95/classes.js
Created May 7, 2018 19:03
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class Node {
constructor(state, node) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
this.state = state;
this.childArray = [];
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
this.state = new State(null, node.state);
if (node.parent !== (null || undefined)) {
this.parent = node.parent;
this.childArray = [];
// let childArray = node.childArray;
node.childArray.forEach(child => {
this.childArray.push(new Node(null, child));
} else {
this.state = new State();
this.childArray = [];
* Find a random Child Node
* @return {Node} child node
getRandomChildNode() {
return this.childArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.childArray.length)];
getChildWithMaxScore() {
let arrScore = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.childArray.length; i++) {
var largest = Math.max(...arrScore);
var idx = arrScore.indexOf(largest);
return this.childArray[idx];
class Tree {
constructor(node) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
this.root = node;
} else {
this.root = new Node();
class State {
constructor(board, state) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
this.board = new Board(board);
this.visitCount = 0;
this.winScore = 10;
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
this.board = new Board(state.board);
this.playerNo = state.playerNo;
this.visitCount = state.visitCount;
this.winScore = state.winScore;
} else {
this.board = new Board();
this.visitCount = 0;
this.winScore = 10;
* Get all possible future states of a board
* @return {Array} all possible next move states
getAllPossibleStates() {
let possibleStates = [];
let availablePositions = this.board.getEmptyPositions();
// create an array of all the possible states a board can become
availablePositions.forEach(p => {
let newState = new State(this.board);
newState.playerNo = 3 - this.playerNo;
newState.board.performMove(newState.playerNo, p);
return possibleStates;
* Plays a random move on the board
randomPlay() {
let availablePositions = this.board.getEmptyPositions();
let totalPossibilities = availablePositions.length;
let rdm = Math.floor(Math.random() * totalPossibilities);
this.board.performMove(this.playerNo, availablePositions[rdm]);
* Changes the current player
togglePlayer() {
this.playerNo = 3 - this.playerNo;
* Returns the opponent
getOpponent() {
return 3 - this.playerNo;
addScore(score) {
if (this.winScore !== Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) {
this.winScore += score;
class Board {
//need to work on
constructor(board) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
this.boardValues = board.boardValues.slice();
} else {
this.boardValues = new Array(9);
for (var i = 0; i < this.boardValues.length; i++) {
this.boardValues[i] = 0;
this.IN_PROGRESS = -1;
this.DRAW = 0;
this.P1 = 1;
this.P2 = 2;
this.totalMoves = 0;
* Add a move to the board
* @param {Number} player - the player number
* @param {Number} p - position of the move
performMove(player, p) {
this.boardValues[p] = player;
* Finds all empty positions on a board
* @return {Array} possible moves
getEmptyPositions() {
let size = this.boardValues.length;
let emptyPositions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (this.boardValues[i] === 0) {
return emptyPositions;
* Checks status of the game
* @return {Number}
* -1 - game incomplete
* 0 - draw
* 1 - player 1 wins
* 2 - player 2 wins
checkStatus() {
// all possible winning combinations in Tic Tac Toe
let checks = [
[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8],
[0, 3, 6],
[1, 4, 7],
[2, 5, 8],
[0, 4, 8],
[2, 4, 6]
for (var i = 0; i < checks.length; i++) {
let check = checks[i];
let checkArr = [];
for (var j = 0; j < check.length; j++) {
function winner1(currentValue) {
return currentValue === 1;
function winner2(currentValue) {
return currentValue === 2;
if (checkArr.every(winner1)) {
return 1;
if (checkArr.every(winner2)) {
return 2;
function incomplete(elem) {
return elem === 0;
if (this.boardValues.some(incomplete)) {
return -1
// if there are no empty spaces, the game is a draw
return 0;
let MonteCarloTreeSearch = {
// constructor() {
// this.WIN_SCORE = 10;
// this.level;
// this.opponent;
// }
* Find best next move for player
* @param {Board} board - the current state of the board
* @param {Number} playerNo - player
findNextMove: (board, playerNo) => {
let opponent = 3 - playerNo;
let tree = new Tree();
let rootNode = tree.root;
rootNode.state.board = new Board(board);
rootNode.state.playerNo = opponent;
// while loop runs for 500 milliseconds
let startTime =;
while (( - startTime) < 1000) {
let promisingNode = selectPromisingNode(rootNode);
// if status of board is -1, game has not finished yet
if (promisingNode.state.board.checkStatus() === board.IN_PROGRESS) {
let nodeToExplore = promisingNode;
if (nodeToExplore.childArray.length > 0) {
nodeToExplore = promisingNode.getRandomChildNode();
let playoutResult = simulateRandomPlayout(nodeToExplore, opponent);
backPropogation(nodeToExplore, playoutResult);
let winnerNode = rootNode.getChildWithMaxScore();
tree.root = winnerNode;
return winnerNode.state.board;
* Selection Phase
* Starting with the root node, picks the node with the maximum win rate
* Finds the most promising node
* @param {Node} rootNode - the node we start out at
* @return {Node} most promising node
let selectPromisingNode = (rootNode) => {
let node = rootNode;
while (node.childArray.length !== 0) {
node = UCT.findBestNodeWithUCT(node);
return node;
let UCT = {
* Calculate the UCT (Upper Confidence Bound) value of Node
* @param {Number} totalVisit - total number of simulations for the parent node
* @param {Number} nodeWinScore - number of wins after the i-th move
* @param {Number} nodeVisit - number of simulations after the i-th move
* @return {Number} UCT of Node
uctValue: (totalVisit, nodeWinScore, nodeVisit) => {
if (nodeVisit === 0) {
return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
return (nodeWinScore / nodeVisit) + 1.41 * Math.sqrt(Math.log(totalVisit) / nodeVisit);
* Find the child Node with the highest UCT
* @param {Node} node - current node
* @return {Node} most promising node
findBestNodeWithUCT: (node) => {
let parentVisit = node.state.visitCount;
let childUCT = [];
// Find the UCT of each child of the Array
node.childArray.forEach(child => {
childUCT.push(UCT.uctValue(parentVisit, child.state.winScore, child.state.visitCount))
// Find the highest UCT value and index of value
var max = Math.max(...childUCT);
var idx = childUCT.indexOf(max);
return node.childArray[idx];
* Recommendation Phase
* Recommends a leaf node to be expanded upon
* Find the child Node with the highest UCT
* @param {Node} node - current node
* @return {Node} most promising node
let expandNode = (node) => {
let possibleStates = node.state.getAllPossibleStates();
possibleStates.forEach(state => {
let newNode = new Node(state);
newNode.parent = node;
newNode.state.playerNo = node.state.getOpponent();
* Proprogate function to update socre and visit count from leaf to root
* @param {Node} nodeToExplore - node coming back from
* @param {Number} playerNo - player whose turn it is
let backPropogation = (nodeToExplore, playerNo) => {
let tempNode = nodeToExplore;
while (tempNode !== undefined) {
if (tempNode.state.playerNo === playerNo) {
tempNode = tempNode.parent;
let simulateRandomPlayout = (node, opponent) => {
let tempNode = new Node(null, node);
let tempState = tempNode.state;
let boardStatus = tempState.board.checkStatus();
if (boardStatus === opponent) {
tempNode.parent.state.winScore = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
return boardStatus;
while (boardStatus === -1) {
boardStatus = tempState.board.checkStatus();
return boardStatus;
let simulateAiPlay = () => {
let board = new Board();
let player = 1;
let totalMoves = 9;
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
board = mcts.findNextMove(board, player);
if (board.checkStatus() !== -1) {
player = 3 - player;
let winStatus = board.checkStatus();
return winStatus;
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