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Created March 20, 2024 03:24
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import numpy as np
import torch
import collections
from collections import namedtuple
from abc import ABCMeta
from matplotlib import cm
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os
from collections import defaultdict
# Abstract base class for annotation objects
class KITTI360Object:
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
# the label
self.label = ""
# colormap
self.cmap = cm.get_cmap("Set1")
self.cmap_length = 119
def getColor(self, idx):
if idx == 0:
return np.array([0, 0, 0])
return np.asarray(self.cmap(idx % self.cmap_length)[:3]) * 255.0
def assignColor(self):
if self.semanticId >= 0:
self.semanticColor = id2label[self.semanticId].color
if self.instanceId > 0:
self.instanceColor = self.getColor(self.instanceId)
self.instanceColor = self.semanticColor
MAX_N = 10000
def local2global(semanticId, instanceId):
globalId = semanticId * MAX_N + instanceId
if isinstance(globalId, np.ndarray):
return globalId.astype(
return int(globalId)
# A point in a polygon
Point = namedtuple("Point", ["x", "y"])
# Class that contains the information of a single annotated object as 3D bounding box
class KITTI360Bbox3D(KITTI360Object):
# Constructor
def __init__(self):
# the polygon as list of points
self.vertices = []
self.faces = []
self.lines = [
[0, 5],
[1, 4],
[2, 7],
[3, 6],
[0, 1],
[1, 3],
[3, 2],
[2, 0],
[4, 5],
[5, 7],
[7, 6],
[6, 4],
# the ID of the corresponding object
self.semanticId = -1
self.instanceId = -1
self.annotationId = -1
# the window that contains the bbox
self.start_frame = -1
self.end_frame = -1
# timestamp of the bbox (-1 if statis)
self.timestamp = -1
# projected vertices
self.vertices_proj = None
self.meshes = []
# name = ""
def __str__(self):
def generateMeshes(self):
self.meshes = []
if self.vertices_proj:
for fidx in range(self.faces.shape[0]):
self.vertices_proj[0][int(x)], self.vertices_proj[1][int(x)]
for x in self.faces[fidx]
def parseOpencvMatrix(self, node):
rows = int(node.find("rows").text)
cols = int(node.find("cols").text)
data = node.find("data").text.split(" ")
mat = []
for d in data:
d = d.replace("\n", "")
if len(d) < 1:
mat = np.reshape(mat, [rows, cols])
return mat
def parseVertices(self, child):
transform = self.parseOpencvMatrix(child.find("transform"))
R = transform[:3, :3]
T = transform[:3, 3]
vertices = self.parseOpencvMatrix(child.find("vertices"))
faces = self.parseOpencvMatrix(child.find("faces"))
vertices = np.matmul(R, vertices.transpose()).transpose() + T
self.vertices = vertices
self.faces = faces
def label2name(self, name):
classmap = {
"ground": "terrain",
"unknownGround": "ground",
"pedestrian": "person",
"smallPole": "smallpole",
"bigPole": "pole",
"driveway": "parking",
"egovehicle": "ego vehicle",
"rectificationborder": "rectification border",
"outofroi": "out of roi",
"railtrack": "rail track",
"guardrail": "guard rail",
"trafficLight": "traffic light",
"trafficSign": "traffic sign",
"trashbin": "trash bin",
"vendingmachine": "vending machine",
"unknownConstruction": "unknown construction",
"unknownvehicle": "unknown vehicle",
"unknownVehicle": "unknown vehicle",
"unknownObject": "unknown object",
"licenseplate": "license plate",
if name in classmap.keys():
name = classmap[name]
return name
def parseBbox(self, child):
self.annotationId = int(child.find("index").text) = self.label2name(child.find("label").text)
self.semanticId = name2label[].id
global semantic_instance
if not self.semanticId in semantic_instance:
semantic_instance[self.semanticId] = 1
semantic_instance[self.semanticId] += 1
self.instanceId = semantic_instance[self.semanticId]
self.timestamp = int(child.find("timestamp").text)
global annotation2global
annotation2global[self.annotationId] = local2global(
self.semanticId, self.instanceId
# Meta class for KITTI360Bbox3D
class Annotation3D:
# Constructor
def __init__(self, labelDir="", sequence=""):
labelPath = os.path.join(labelDir, "train", "%s.xml" % sequence)
if not os.path.isfile(labelPath):
raise RuntimeError(
"%s does not exist! Please specify KITTI360_DATASET in your environment path."
% labelPath
print("Loading %s..." % labelPath)
def init_instance(self, labelPath):
# load annotation
tree = ET.parse(labelPath)
root = tree.getroot()
self.objects = defaultdict(dict)
for child in root:
if child.find("transform") is None:
obj = KITTI360Bbox3D()
# globalId = local2global(obj.semanticId, obj.instanceId)
self.objects[obj.annotationId][obj.timestamp] = obj
annotationIds = np.asarray(list(self.objects.keys()))
print(f"Loaded {len(annotationIds)} instances")
def __call__(self, semanticId, instanceId, timestamp=None):
globalId = local2global(semanticId, instanceId)
if globalId in self.objects.keys():
# static object
if len(self.objects[globalId].keys()) == 1:
if -1 in self.objects[globalId].keys():
return self.objects[globalId][-1]
return None
# dynamic object
return self.objects[globalId][timestamp]
return None
def readVariable(fid, name, M, N):
# rewind, 0)
# search for variable identifier
line = 1
success = 0
while line:
line = fid.readline()
if line.startswith(name):
success = 1
# return if variable identifier not found
if success == 0:
return None
# fill matrix
line = line.replace("%s:" % name, "")
line = line.split()
assert len(line) == M * N
line = [float(x) for x in line]
mat = np.array(line).reshape(M, N)
return mat
def render_path_spiral(c2w, up, rads, focal, zdelta, zrate, rots, N):
render_poses = []
rads = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0])
hwf = c2w[3:, :]
for theta in np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi * rots, N + 1)[:-1]:
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
c =
c2w[:3, :4],
np.array([np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), -np.sin(theta * zrate), 1.0])
* rads,
z = normalize(c -[:3, :4], np.array([0, 0, -focal, 1.0])))
render_poses.append(np.concatenate([viewmatrix(z, up, c), hwf], 0))
return render_poses
def normalize(x):
return x / np.linalg.norm(x)
def viewmatrix(z, up, pos):
vec2 = normalize(z)
vec1_avg = up
vec0 = normalize(np.cross(vec1_avg, vec2))
vec1 = normalize(np.cross(vec2, vec0))
m = np.stack([vec0, vec1, vec2, pos], 1)
return m
def loadCalibrationCameraToPose(filename):
# open file
fid = open(filename, "r")
# read variables
Tr = {}
cameras = ["image_00", "image_01", "image_02", "image_03"]
lastrow = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 4)
for camera in cameras:
Tr[camera] = np.concatenate((readVariable(fid, camera, 3, 4), lastrow))
# close file
return Tr
def convert_id_instance(intersection):
instance2id = {}
id2instance = {}
instances = np.unique(intersection[..., 2])
for index, inst in enumerate(instances):
instance2id[index] = inst
id2instance[inst] = index
semantic2instance = collections.defaultdict(list)
semantics = np.unique(intersection[..., 3])
for index, semantic in enumerate(semantics):
if semantic == -1:
semantic_mask = intersection[..., 3] == semantic
instance_list = np.unique(intersection[semantic_mask, 2])
for inst in instance_list:
instances = np.unique(intersection[..., 2])
instance2semantic = {}
for index, inst in enumerate(instances):
if inst == -1:
inst_mask = intersection[..., 2] == inst
semantic = np.unique(intersection[inst_mask, 3])
instance2semantic[id2instance[inst]] = semantic
instance2semantic[id2instance[-1]] = 23
return instance2id, id2instance, semantic2instance, instance2semantic
# def to_cuda(batch, device=torch.device("cuda:")):
# if isinstance(batch, tuple) or isinstance(batch, list):
# batch = [to_cuda(b, device) for b in batch]
# elif isinstance(batch, dict):
# batch_ = {}
# for key in batch:
# if key == "meta":
# batch_[key] = batch[key]
# else:
# batch_[key] = to_cuda(batch[key], device)
# batch = batch_
# else:
# batch =
# return batch
# def build_rays(ixt, c2w, H, W):
# X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H))
# XYZ = np.concatenate(
# (X[:, :, None], Y[:, :, None], np.ones_like(X[:, :, None])), axis=-1
# )
# XYZ = XYZ @ np.linalg.inv(ixt[:3, :3]).T
# XYZ = XYZ @ c2w[:3, :3].T
# rays_d = XYZ.reshape(-1, 3)
# rays_o = c2w[:3, 3]
# return np.concatenate((rays_o[None].repeat(len(rays_d), 0), rays_d), axis=-1)
def build_rays(ixt, c2w, H, W):
X, Y = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(W), torch.arange(H))
(X.unsqueeze(-1), Y.unsqueeze(-1), torch.ones_like(X.unsqueeze(-1))), dim=-1
XYZ = torch.matmul(XYZ.float(), torch.inverse(ixt[:3, :3]).T)
XYZ = torch.matmul(XYZ, c2w[:3, :3].T)
XYZ = XYZ.permute(1, 0, 2)
rays_d = XYZ.reshape(-1, 3)
rays_o = c2w[:3, 3]
rays_d /= torch.norm(rays_d, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
return rays_o.unsqueeze(0).repeat(rays_d.shape[0], 1), rays_d
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Definitions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# a label and all meta information
Label = namedtuple(
"name", # The identifier of this label, e.g. 'car', 'person', ... .
# We use them to uniquely name a class
"id", # An integer ID that is associated with this label.
# The IDs are used to represent the label in ground truth images
# An ID of -1 means that this label does not have an ID and thus
# is ignored when creating ground truth images (e.g. license plate).
# Do not modify these IDs, since exactly these IDs are expected by the
# evaluation server.
"kittiId", # An integer ID that is associated with this label for KITTI-360
"trainId", # Feel free to modify these IDs as suitable for your method. Then create
# ground truth images with train IDs, using the tools provided in the
# 'preparation' folder. However, make sure to validate or submit results
# to our evaluation server using the regular IDs above!
# For trainIds, multiple labels might have the same ID. Then, these labels
# are mapped to the same class in the ground truth images. For the inverse
# mapping, we use the label that is defined first in the list below.
# For example, mapping all void-type classes to the same ID in training,
# might make sense for some approaches.
# Max value is 255!
"category", # The name of the category that this label belongs to
"categoryId", # The ID of this category. Used to create ground truth images
# on category level.
"hasInstances", # Whether this label distinguishes between single instances or not
"ignoreInEval", # Whether pixels having this class as ground truth label are ignored
# during evaluations or not
"color", # The color of this label
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A list of all labels
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Please adapt the train IDs as appropriate for your approach.
# Note that you might want to ignore labels with ID 255 during training.
# Further note that the current train IDs are only a suggestion. You can use whatever you like.
# Make sure to provide your results using the original IDs and not the training IDs.
# Note that many IDs are ignored in evaluation and thus you never need to predict these!
labels = [
# name id kittiId, trainId category catId hasInstances ignoreInEval color
Label("unlabeled", 0, -1, 255, "void", 0, False, True, (0, 0, 0)),
Label("ego vehicle", 1, -1, 255, "void", 0, False, True, (0, 0, 0)),
Label("rectification border", 2, -1, 255, "void", 0, False, True, (0, 0, 0)),
Label("out of roi", 3, -1, 255, "void", 0, False, True, (0, 0, 0)),
Label("static", 4, -1, 255, "void", 0, False, True, (0, 0, 0)),
Label("dynamic", 5, -1, 255, "void", 0, False, True, (111, 74, 0)),
Label("ground", 6, -1, 255, "void", 0, False, True, (81, 0, 81)),
Label("road", 7, 1, 0, "flat", 1, False, False, (128, 64, 128)),
Label("sidewalk", 8, 3, 1, "flat", 1, False, False, (244, 35, 232)),
Label("parking", 9, 2, 255, "flat", 1, False, False, (250, 170, 160)),
Label("rail track", 10, 10, 255, "flat", 1, False, True, (230, 150, 140)),
Label("building", 11, 11, 2, "construction", 2, True, False, (70, 70, 70)),
Label("wall", 12, 7, 3, "construction", 2, False, False, (102, 102, 156)),
Label("fence", 13, 8, 4, "construction", 2, False, False, (190, 153, 153)),
Label("guard rail", 14, 30, 255, "construction", 2, False, True, (180, 165, 180)),
Label("bridge", 15, 31, 255, "construction", 2, False, True, (150, 100, 100)),
Label("tunnel", 16, 32, 255, "construction", 2, False, True, (150, 120, 90)),
Label("pole", 17, 21, 5, "object", 3, True, False, (153, 153, 153)),
Label("polegroup", 18, -1, 255, "object", 3, False, True, (153, 153, 153)),
Label("traffic light", 19, 23, 6, "object", 3, True, False, (250, 170, 30)),
Label("traffic sign", 20, 24, 7, "object", 3, True, False, (220, 220, 0)),
Label("vegetation", 21, 5, 8, "nature", 4, False, False, (107, 142, 35)),
Label("terrain", 22, 4, 9, "nature", 4, False, False, (152, 251, 152)),
Label("sky", 23, 9, 10, "sky", 5, False, False, (70, 130, 180)),
Label("person", 24, 19, 11, "human", 6, True, False, (220, 20, 60)),
Label("rider", 25, 20, 12, "human", 6, True, False, (255, 0, 0)),
Label("car", 26, 13, 13, "vehicle", 7, True, False, (0, 0, 142)),
Label("truck", 27, 14, 14, "vehicle", 7, True, False, (0, 0, 70)),
Label("bus", 28, 34, 15, "vehicle", 7, True, False, (0, 60, 100)),
Label("caravan", 29, 16, 255, "vehicle", 7, True, True, (0, 0, 90)),
Label("trailer", 30, 15, 255, "vehicle", 7, True, True, (0, 0, 110)),
Label("train", 31, 33, 16, "vehicle", 7, True, False, (0, 80, 100)),
Label("motorcycle", 32, 17, 17, "vehicle", 7, True, False, (0, 0, 230)),
Label("bicycle", 33, 18, 18, "vehicle", 7, True, False, (119, 11, 32)),
Label("garage", 34, 12, 2, "construction", 2, True, False, (64, 128, 128)),
Label("gate", 35, 6, 4, "construction", 2, False, False, (190, 153, 153)), # sfnet
Label("stop", 36, 29, 255, "construction", 2, True, True, (150, 120, 90)),
Label("smallpole", 37, 22, 5, "object", 3, True, False, (153, 153, 153)),
Label("lamp", 38, 25, 255, "object", 3, True, False, (0, 64, 64)),
Label("trash bin", 39, 26, 255, "object", 3, True, False, (0, 128, 192)),
Label("vending machine", 40, 27, 255, "object", 3, True, False, (128, 64, 0)),
Label("box", 41, 28, 255, "object", 3, True, False, (64, 64, 128)),
Label("unknown construction", 42, 35, 255, "void", 0, False, True, (102, 0, 0)),
Label("unknown vehicle", 43, 36, 255, "void", 0, False, True, (51, 0, 51)),
Label("unknown object", 44, 37, 255, "void", 0, False, True, (32, 32, 32)),
Label("license plate", -1, -1, -1, "vehicle", 7, False, True, (0, 0, 142)), # sfnet
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create dictionaries for a fast lookup
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Please refer to the main method below for example usages!
# name to label object
name2label = { label for label in labels}
# id to label object
id2label = { label for label in labels}
# trainId to label object
trainId2label = {label.trainId: label for label in reversed(labels)}
# KITTI-360 ID to cityscapes ID
kittiId2label = {label.kittiId: label for label in labels}
# category to list of label objects
category2labels = {}
for label in labels:
category = label.category
if category in category2labels:
category2labels[category] = [label]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Assure single instance name
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# returns the label name that describes a single instance (if possible)
# e.g. input | output
# ----------------------
# car | car
# cargroup | car
# foo | None
# foogroup | None
# skygroup | None
def assureSingleInstanceName(name):
# if the name is known, it is not a group
if name in name2label:
return name
# test if the name actually denotes a group
if not name.endswith("group"):
return None
# remove group
name = name[: -len("group")]
# test if the new name exists
if not name in name2label:
return None
# test if the new name denotes a label that actually has instances
if not name2label[name].hasInstances:
return None
# all good then
return name
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main for testing
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# just a dummy main
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Print all the labels
print("List of KITTI-360 labels:")
" {:>21} | {:>3} | {:>7} | {:>14} | {:>10} | {:>12} | {:>12}".format(
print(" " + ("-" * 98))
for label in labels:
# print(" {:>21} | {:>3} | {:>7} | {:>14} | {:>10} | {:>12} | {:>12}".format(,, label.trainId, label.category, label.categoryId, label.hasInstances, label.ignoreInEval ))
print(' "{:}"'.format(
print("Example usages:")
# Map from name to label
name = "car"
id = name2label[name].id
print("ID of label '{name}': {id}".format(name=name, id=id))
# Map from ID to label
category = id2label[id].category
"Category of label with ID '{id}': {category}".format(id=id, category=category)
# Map from trainID to label
trainId = 0
name = trainId2label[trainId].name
print("Name of label with trainID '{id}': {name}".format(id=trainId, name=name))
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