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Last active April 5, 2019 15:52
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  • Save zubivan/1fb8ad5a54856275e6e43e1e58b0c41e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Nukeeper.Test coverlet output
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.dll": {
"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/BitBucketLocalPlatform.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform::Initialise(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.AuthSettings)": {
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"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform::GetCurrentUser()": {
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"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform::MakeUserFork(System.String,System.String)": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass6_0": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform/<OpenPullRequest>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform/<OpenPullRequest>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform/<>c": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform/<GetOrganizations>d__7": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform/<GetRepositoriesForOrganisation>d__8": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass9_0": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform/<GetUserRepository>d__9": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass11_0": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform/<RepositoryBranchExists>d__11": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass12_0": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRepositoryDiscovery": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRepositoryDiscovery::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationPlatform,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings)": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRepositoryDiscovery/<GetRepositories>d__4": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRepositoryDiscovery/<>c__DisplayClass5_0": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRepositoryDiscovery/<FromOrganisation>d__5": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRestClient": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRestClient/<GetResourceOrEmpty>d__6`1": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRestClient/<HandleResponse>d__7`1": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRestClient/<GetProjects>d__8": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRestClient/<GetGitRepositories>d__9": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRestClient/<GetGitRepositoryFileNames>d__10": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRestClient/<GetGitRepositoryBranches>d__11": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRestClient/<CreatePullRequest>d__12": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRestClient/<>c": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Reviewer> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRestClient/<>c::<GetBitBucketReviewers>b__13_0(NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Conditions)": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitbucketLocalRestClient/<GetBitBucketReviewers>d__13": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalSettingsReader": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalSettingsReader::get_Username()": {
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"EndOffset": 126,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalSettingsReader::UpdateCollaborationPlatformSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.BitBucketLocalSettingsReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IEnvironmentVariablesProvider)": {
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"17": 0,
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"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/Models/Branch.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Branch": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Branch::get_Id()": {
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"8": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Branch::get_DisplayId()": {
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"11": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Branch::get_Type()": {
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"14": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Branch::get_LatestCommit()": {
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"17": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Branch::get_LatestChangeset()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Branch::get_IsDefault()": {
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"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/Models/Conditions.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Conditions": {
"System.Int32 NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Conditions::get_Id()": {
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"9": 0
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Reviewer> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Conditions::get_Reviewers()": {
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"12": 0
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"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/Models/IteratorBasedPage.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1": {
"System.Nullable`1<System.UInt64> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1::get_Size()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1::get_Limit()": {
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"16": 0
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1::get_IsLastPage()": {
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"18": 0
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<T> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1::get_Values()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1::get_Start()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1::get_NextPageStart()": {
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"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/Models/Link.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Link": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Link::get_Href()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Link::get_Name()": {
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"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/Models/Links.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Links": {
"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Link> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Links::get_Self()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Link> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Links::get_Clone()": {
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"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/Models/Project.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Project": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Project::get_Key()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Project::get_Id()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Project::get_Name()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Project::get_Public()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Project::get_Type()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Project::get_Links()": {
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"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/Models/PullRequest.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequest": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequest::get_Title()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequest::get_Description()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequest::get_State()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequest::get_Open()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequest::get_Closed()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Ref NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequest::get_FromRef()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Ref NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequest::get_ToRef()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequest::get_Locked()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequestReviewer> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequest::get_Reviewers()": {
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"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/Models/PullRequestReviewer.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequestReviewer": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Reviewer NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.PullRequestReviewer::get_User()": {
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"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/Models/Ref.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Ref": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Ref::get_Id()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Repository NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Ref::get_Repository()": {
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"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/Models/Repository.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Repository": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Repository::get_Slug()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Repository::get_Id()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Repository::get_Name()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Repository::get_ScmId()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Repository::get_State()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Repository::get_Forkable()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Project NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Repository::get_Project()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Repository::get_Public()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Repository::get_Links()": {
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"/NuKeeper/Nukeeper.BitBucketLocal/Models/Reviewer.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Reviewer": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucketLocal.Models.Reviewer::get_Name()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.dll": {
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/PackagesFoundLogger.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.PackagesFoundLogger": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.LogData NuKeeper.Inspection.PackagesFoundLogger::Log(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject>)": {
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"14": 0,
"15": 0,
"16": 0,
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.UpdateFinder": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.UpdateFinder::FilteredByIncludeExclude(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject>,System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex,System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex)": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.UpdateFinder::FindPackages(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Inspections.Files.IFolder)": {
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"EndOffset": 82,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.UpdateFinder::LogVersionedMetapackage(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject)": {
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"111": 0,
"112": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.UpdateFinder::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.IRepositoryScanner,NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.IPackageUpdatesLookup,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"33": 7,
"34": 7,
"36": 7,
"37": 7,
"38": 7,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.UpdateFinder::.cctor()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.UpdateFinder/<FindPackageUpdateSets>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.UpdateFinder/<FindPackageUpdateSets>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/UpdatesLogger.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.UpdatesLogger": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.LogData NuKeeper.Inspection.UpdatesLogger::Log(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"15": 0,
"17": 0,
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.Sources.NuGetConfigFileReader": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources NuKeeper.Inspection.Sources.NuGetConfigFileReader::ReadNugetSources(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Inspections.Files.IFolder)": {
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"28": 0,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources NuKeeper.Inspection.Sources.NuGetConfigFileReader::ReadFromFile(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource>)": {
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"35": 0,
"37": 0,
"38": 0,
"41": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Sources.NuGetConfigFileReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"16": 7,
"17": 7
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Sources/NuGetSourcesReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Sources.NuGetSourcesReader": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources NuKeeper.Inspection.Sources.NuGetSourcesReader::Read(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Inspections.Files.IFolder,NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Sources.NuGetSourcesReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.Sources.NuGetConfigFileReader,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"13": 7,
"14": 7,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Sort/PackageInProjectTopologicalSort.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageInProjectTopologicalSort": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageInProjectTopologicalSort::Sort(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject>)": {
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"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageInProjectTopologicalSort::Match(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject)": {
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"37": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageInProjectTopologicalSort::ProjectDeps(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject>)": {
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"44": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageInProjectTopologicalSort::ReportSort(System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject>,System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject>)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageInProjectTopologicalSort::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"14": 0,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Sort/PackageUpdateSetSort.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageUpdateSetSort": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet> NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageUpdateSetSort::Sort(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"20": 21,
"22": 21,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageUpdateSetSort::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"14": 28,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Sort/PackageUpdateSetTopologicalSort.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageUpdateSetTopologicalSort": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet> NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageUpdateSetTopologicalSort::Sort(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"23": 21,
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageUpdateSetTopologicalSort::Match(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
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"34": 19
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"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet> NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageUpdateSetTopologicalSort::PackageDeps(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"40": 187
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageUpdateSetTopologicalSort::ReportSort(System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>,System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PackageUpdateSetTopologicalSort::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
"Lines": {
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"14": 21,
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"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Sort/PrioritySort.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PrioritySort": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet> NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PrioritySort::Sort(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
"Lines": {
"16": 21
"Branches": []
"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PrioritySort::Priority(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
"Lines": {
"21": 46,
"22": 46,
"23": 46,
"24": 46,
"27": 46,
"28": 46,
"29": 46,
"30": 46,
"31": 46
"Branches": []
"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PrioritySort::ScoreAge(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
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"36": 46,
"37": 46,
"39": 0,
"42": 46,
"43": 46,
"44": 46
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"EndOffset": 24,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 46
"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PrioritySort::ScoreVersionChange(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
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"49": 46,
"50": 46,
"51": 150,
"52": 46,
"54": 46
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"EndOffset": 53,
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"Hits": 46
"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.PrioritySort::ScoreVersionChange(NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion)": {
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"60": 46,
"62": 1,
"65": 46,
"66": 46,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Sort/SortItemData.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.SortItemData`1": {
"T NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.SortItemData`1::get_Item()": {
"Lines": {
"20": 78
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"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<T> NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.SortItemData`1::get_Dependencies()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.Mark NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.SortItemData`1::get_Mark()": {
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"24": 114
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.SortItemData`1::.ctor(T,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<T>)": {
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"16": 46,
"17": 46,
"18": 46,
"19": 46
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Sort/TopologicalSort.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.TopologicalSort`1": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<T> NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.TopologicalSort`1::Sort(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.SortItemData`1<T>>)": {
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"EndOffset": 111,
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"Hits": 5
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<T> NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.TopologicalSort`1::DoSortVisits(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<T>)": {
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"53": 13,
"55": 7,
"59": 5,
"61": 1,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.TopologicalSort`1::Visit(NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.SortItemData`1<T>)": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.SortItemData`1<T>> NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.TopologicalSort`1::NodesDependedOn(NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.SortItemData`1<T>)": {
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"100": 40,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.TopologicalSort`1::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,System.Func`3<T,T,System.Boolean>)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/RepositoryInspection/DirectoryBuildTargetsReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.DirectoryBuildTargetsReader": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.DirectoryBuildTargetsReader::ReadFile(System.String,System.String)": {
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"27": 0,
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"32": 0,
"34": 0,
"36": 0
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"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<System.String> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.DirectoryBuildTargetsReader::GetFilePatterns()": {
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"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.DirectoryBuildTargetsReader::Read(System.IO.Stream,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.DirectoryBuildTargetsReader::XmlToPackage(System.Xml.Linq.XElement,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.DirectoryBuildTargetsReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/RepositoryInspection/DirectoryExclusions.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.DirectoryExclusions": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.DirectoryExclusions::PathIsExcluded(System.String)": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.DirectoryExclusions::PathContains(System.String,System.String)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.DirectoryExclusions::.cctor()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/RepositoryInspection/NuspecFileReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.NuspecFileReader": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.NuspecFileReader::ReadFile(System.String,System.String)": {
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"34": 0,
"36": 0
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"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<System.String> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.NuspecFileReader::GetFilePatterns()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.NuspecFileReader::Read(System.IO.Stream,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.NuspecFileReader::XmlToPackage(System.Xml.Linq.XElement,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.NuspecFileReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/RepositoryInspection/PackageInProject.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject": {
"NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject::get_Identity()": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.PackageVersionRange NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject::get_PackageVersionRange()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject::get_Path()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject::get_Id()": {
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"31": 182
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"NuGet.Versioning.VersionRange NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject::get_Range()": {
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"NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject::get_Version()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject::get_IsPrerelease()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<System.String> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject::get_ProjectReferences()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.PackageVersionRange,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<System.String>)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject::.ctor(System.String,System.String,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/RepositoryInspection/PackageInProjectReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProjectReader": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProjectReader::Read(System.String,System.String,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<System.String>)": {
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"EndOffset": 286,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProjectReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"13": 28,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/RepositoryInspection/PackagePath.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath": {
"System.IO.FileInfo NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath::get_Info()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath::get_BaseDirectory()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath::get_RelativePath()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageReferenceType NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath::get_PackageReferenceType()": {
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"46": 11
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"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath::get_FullName()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath::ToString()": {
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"56": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath::.ctor(System.String,System.String,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageReferenceType)": {
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"9": 182,
"11": 182,
"13": 0,
"16": 182,
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"21": 182,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/RepositoryInspection/PackagesFileReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagesFileReader": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagesFileReader::ReadFile(System.String,System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"24": 0,
"27": 0,
"29": 0,
"32": 0,
"34": 0,
"36": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<System.String> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagesFileReader::GetFilePatterns()": {
"Lines": {
"40": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagesFileReader::Read(System.IO.Stream,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath)": {
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"45": 0,
"47": 0,
"48": 0,
"50": 0,
"53": 0,
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"EndOffset": 141,
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagesFileReader::XmlToPackage(System.Xml.Linq.XElement,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath)": {
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"67": 0,
"69": 0,
"71": 0,
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"EndOffset": 52,
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"Ordinal": 3,
"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagesFileReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
"Lines": {
"15": 7,
"17": 7,
"19": 7,
"20": 7
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/RepositoryInspection/PackageUpdateSet.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet::get_Packages()": {
"Lines": {
"43": 857
"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet::get_CurrentPackages()": {
"Lines": {
"44": 377
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.VersionChange NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet::get_AllowedChange()": {
"Lines": {
"46": 2
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet::get_Selected()": {
"Lines": {
"47": 826
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet::get_SelectedId()": {
"Lines": {
"49": 369
"Branches": []
"NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet::get_SelectedVersion()": {
"Lines": {
"50": 189
"Branches": []
"System.Int32 NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet::CountCurrentVersions()": {
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"55": 150,
"56": 46,
"57": 46
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"EndOffset": 37,
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"Hits": 46
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet::CheckIdConsistency()": {
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"64": 0,
"65": 0,
"66": 0,
"67": 0,
"69": 0,
"71": 112
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"EndOffset": 149,
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"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 112
"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet::ToString()": {
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"75": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject>)": {
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"15": 112,
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"27": 112,
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"34": 112,
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"40": 112,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/RepositoryInspection/ProjectFileReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.ProjectFileReader": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.ProjectFileReader::ReadFile(System.String,System.String)": {
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"24": 0,
"27": 0,
"29": 0,
"32": 0,
"34": 0,
"36": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<System.String> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.ProjectFileReader::GetFilePatterns()": {
"Lines": {
"40": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.ProjectFileReader::Read(System.IO.Stream,System.String,System.String)": {
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"45": 0,
"46": 0,
"48": 0,
"50": 0,
"52": 0,
"54": 0,
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"61": 0,
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"Offset": 203,
"EndOffset": 228,
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"Ordinal": 3,
"Hits": 0
"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.ProjectFileReader::MakeProjectPath(System.Xml.Linq.XElement,System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"76": 0,
"78": 0,
"79": 0,
"82": 0
"Branches": [
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"EndOffset": 23,
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"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.ProjectFileReader::CreatePackagePath(System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace,System.String,System.String)": {
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"87": 0,
"88": 0,
"89": 0
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"EndOffset": 27,
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.ProjectFileReader::XmlToPackage(System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace,System.Xml.Linq.XElement,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<System.String>)": {
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"98": 0,
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"102": 0,
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"105": 0,
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"Offset": 58,
"EndOffset": 90,
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"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.ProjectFileReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
"Lines": {
"16": 7,
"18": 7,
"19": 7,
"20": 7
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/RepositoryInspection/RepositoryScanner.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.RepositoryScanner": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.RepositoryScanner::FindAllNuGetPackages(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Inspections.Files.IFolder)": {
"Lines": {
"32": 0,
"33": 0,
"34": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.RepositoryScanner::FindPackages(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Inspections.Files.IFolder,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.IPackageReferenceFinder)": {
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"41": 0,
"42": 0,
"44": 0,
"45": 0,
"47": 0,
"48": 0,
"49": 0,
"50": 0,
"51": 0,
"52": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.RepositoryScanner::GetRelativeFileName(System.String,System.String)": {
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"57": 0,
"58": 0,
"59": 0,
"60": 0,
"61": 0
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"Offset": 27,
"EndOffset": 50,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.RepositoryScanner::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.ProjectFileReader,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagesFileReader,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.NuspecFileReader,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.DirectoryBuildTargetsReader,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.IDirectoryExclusions)": {
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"16": 7,
"17": 7,
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"19": 7,
"20": 7,
"22": 7,
"23": 7,
"24": 7,
"25": 7,
"27": 7,
"28": 7
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Report/ConsoleReportWriter.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.ConsoleReportWriter": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.ConsoleReportWriter::WriteLine(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"9": 0,
"10": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.ConsoleReportWriter::Dispose()": {
"Lines": {
"14": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Report/FileReportWriter.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.FileReportWriter": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.FileReportWriter::WriteLine(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"18": 0,
"19": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.FileReportWriter::Dispose()": {
"Lines": {
"23": 0,
"24": 0,
"25": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.FileReportWriter::Dispose(System.Boolean)": {
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"31": 0,
"33": 0,
"34": 0
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"EndOffset": 3,
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"Line": 29,
"Offset": 1,
"EndOffset": 20,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.FileReportWriter::.ctor(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"10": 0,
"12": 0,
"13": 0,
"14": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Report/NullReportWriter.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.NullReportWriter": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.NullReportWriter::WriteLine(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"7": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.NullReportWriter::Dispose()": {
"Lines": {
"11": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Report/Reporter.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Reporter": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Reporter::Report(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Output.OutputDestination,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Output.OutputFormat,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"27": 0,
"28": 0,
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"34": 0,
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"Offset": 2,
"EndOffset": 19,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.IReportFormat NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Reporter::MakeReporter(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Output.OutputFormat,NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.IReportWriter)": {
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"45": 0,
"48": 0,
"51": 0,
"54": 0,
"57": 0,
"60": 0,
"63": 0
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"EndOffset": 62,
"Path": 0,
"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.IReportWriter NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Reporter::MakeReportWriter(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Output.OutputDestination,System.String)": {
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"71": 0,
"74": 0,
"77": 0,
"80": 0,
"83": 0
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"Line": 71,
"Offset": 1,
"EndOffset": 39,
"Path": 0,
"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Reporter::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
"Lines": {
"14": 7,
"16": 7,
"17": 7
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Report/Formats/Age.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.Age": {
"System.TimeSpan NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.Age::Sum(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
"Lines": {
"13": 0,
"15": 0,
"16": 0,
"17": 0,
"18": 0,
"19": 0,
"21": 0
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"EndOffset": 49,
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"EndOffset": 120,
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"Line": 15,
"Offset": 118,
"EndOffset": 143,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 0
"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.Age::AsLibYears(System.TimeSpan)": {
"Lines": {
"26": 0,
"27": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Report/Formats/CsvReportFormat.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.CsvReportFormat": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.CsvReportFormat::Write(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
"Lines": {
"21": 0,
"23": 0,
"25": 0,
"27": 0
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"EndOffset": 15,
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"Line": 23,
"Offset": 35,
"EndOffset": 37,
"Path": 0,
"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.CsvReportFormat::WriteHeading()": {
"Lines": {
"31": 0,
"32": 0,
"33": 0,
"34": 0,
"35": 0,
"36": 0,
"37": 0,
"38": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.CsvReportFormat::WriteLine(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
"Lines": {
"42": 0,
"43": 0,
"44": 0,
"45": 0,
"47": 0,
"48": 0,
"50": 0,
"52": 0,
"53": 0,
"54": 0,
"56": 0,
"57": 0,
"58": 0,
"59": 0,
"60": 0
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"EndOffset": 26,
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"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 0
"Line": 43,
"Offset": 24,
"EndOffset": 49,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.CsvReportFormat::PackageVersionAndDate(NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata)": {
"Lines": {
"66": 0,
"68": 0,
"71": 0,
"73": 0,
"76": 0,
"77": 0,
"78": 0
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.LibYearsReportFormat": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.LibYearsReportFormat::Write(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.LibYearsReportFormat::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.IReportWriter)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.MetricsReportFormat": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.MetricsReportFormat::Write(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.MetricsReportFormat::WriteMajorMinorPatchCount(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.MetricsReportFormat::MinCurrentVersion(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.MetricsReportFormat::WriteProjectCount(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.MetricsReportFormat::WriteLibYears(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.MetricsReportFormat::FilteredPackageVersion(NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.MetricsReportFormat::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.IReportWriter)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Report/Formats/NullReportFormat.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.NullReportFormat": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.NullReportFormat::Write(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Report/Formats/TextReportFormat.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.TextReportFormat": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.TextReportFormat::Write(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.TextReportFormat::MessageForCount(System.Int32)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.Formats.TextReportFormat::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.IReportWriter)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/NuGetApi/ApiPackageLookup.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.ApiPackageLookup": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.ApiPackageLookup::ShouldAllowPrerelease(NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UsePrerelease)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.ApiPackageLookup::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.IPackageVersionsLookup)": {
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"15": 7,
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.ApiPackageLookup/<FindVersionUpdate>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.ApiPackageLookup/<FindVersionUpdate>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.BulkPackageLookup": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.BulkPackageLookup::ProcessLookupResult(NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2<System.String,NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult>)": {
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"NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.BulkPackageLookup::HighestVersion(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity>)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.BulkPackageLookup::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.IApiPackageLookup,NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResultReporter)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.BulkPackageLookup/<>c__DisplayClass3_0": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult> NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.BulkPackageLookup/<>c__DisplayClass3_0::<FindVersionUpdates>b__1(NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.BulkPackageLookup/<>c": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.BulkPackageLookup/<>c::<FindVersionUpdates>b__3_0(NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.BulkPackageLookup/<FindVersionUpdates>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.BulkPackageLookup/<FindVersionUpdates>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.ConcurrentSourceRepositoryCache": {
"NuGet.Protocol.Core.Types.SourceRepository NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.ConcurrentSourceRepositoryCache::Get(NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource)": {
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"NuGet.Protocol.Core.Types.SourceRepository NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.ConcurrentSourceRepositoryCache::CreateSourceRepository(NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.ConcurrentSourceRepositoryCache::.ctor()": {
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"System.Threading.Tasks.Task NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.NuGetLogger::LogAsync(NuGet.Common.ILogMessage)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.NuGetLogger::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.VersionChange NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult::get_AllowedChange()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult::get_Major()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult::get_Minor()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult::get_Patch()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult::Selected()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.VersionChange,NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata,NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata,NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/NuGetApi/PackageLookupResultReporter.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResultReporter": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResultReporter::Report(NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResultReporter::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"12": 7,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/NuGetApi/PackageSearchMedatadata.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata": {
"NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata::get_Identity()": {
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"NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata::get_Source()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.DateTimeOffset> NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata::get_Published()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageDependency> NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata::get_Dependencies()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata::ToString()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata::.ctor(NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity,NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource,System.Nullable`1<System.DateTimeOffset>,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageDependency>)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/NuGetApi/PackageUpdatesLookup.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageUpdatesLookup": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageUpdatesLookup::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.IBulkPackageLookup)": {
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"16": 7,
"17": 7
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageUpdatesLookup/<>c__DisplayClass2_1": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageUpdatesLookup/<>c__DisplayClass2_1::<FindUpdatesForPackages>b__1(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageUpdatesLookup/<>c": {
"NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageUpdatesLookup/<>c::<FindUpdatesForPackages>b__2_0(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject)": {
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"26": 0
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageUpdatesLookup/<FindUpdatesForPackages>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageUpdatesLookup/<FindUpdatesForPackages>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/NuGetApi/PackageVersionsLookup.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup::BuildPackageData(NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource,NuGet.Protocol.Core.Types.IPackageSearchMetadata)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup::.ctor(NuGet.Common.ILogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"19": 7,
"21": 7,
"23": 7,
"24": 7,
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<>c__DisplayClass4_0": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata>> NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<>c__DisplayClass4_0::<Lookup>b__0(NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<>c": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata> NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<>c::<Lookup>b__4_1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata>)": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<>c::<Lookup>b__4_2(NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<Lookup>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<Lookup>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<>c__DisplayClass5_0": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<>c__DisplayClass5_0::<RunFinderForSource>b__0(NuGet.Protocol.Core.Types.IPackageSearchMetadata)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<RunFinderForSource>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<RunFinderForSource>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<FindPackage>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageVersionsLookup/<FindPackage>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/NuGetApi/VersionChanges.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.VersionChanges": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageLookupResult NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.VersionChanges::MakeVersions(NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata>,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.VersionChange)": {
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.VersionChanges::FirstMatch(System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata>,NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.VersionChange)": {
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"31": 67
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.VersionChanges::Filter(NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.VersionChange)": {
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"39": 7,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Logging/ConfigurableLogger.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConfigurableLogger": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConfigurableLogger::Initialise(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogLevel,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogDestination,System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"12": 0,
"13": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConfigurableLogger::Error(System.String,System.Exception)": {
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"19": 0,
"21": 0,
"23": 0
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"EndOffset": 50,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConfigurableLogger::Minimal(System.String)": {
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"27": 0,
"28": 0,
"29": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConfigurableLogger::Normal(System.String)": {
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"33": 0,
"34": 0,
"35": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConfigurableLogger::Detailed(System.String)": {
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"39": 0,
"40": 0,
"41": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConfigurableLogger::CheckLoggerCreated()": {
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"47": 0,
"49": 0
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"EndOffset": 8,
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"EndOffset": 26,
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.IInternalLogger NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConfigurableLogger::CreateLogger(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogLevel,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogDestination,System.String)": {
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"58": 0,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Logging/ConsoleLogger.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConsoleLogger": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConsoleLogger::LogError(System.String,System.Exception)": {
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"22": 0,
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"25": 0,
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"EndOffset": 118,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConsoleLogger::Log(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogLevel,System.String)": {
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"43": 0,
"45": 0,
"47": 0
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"EndOffset": 15,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.ConsoleLogger::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogLevel)": {
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"10": 0,
"12": 0,
"13": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Logging/FileLogger.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.FileLogger": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.FileLogger::LogError(System.String,System.Exception)": {
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"27": 0,
"28": 0,
"31": 0,
"32": 0,
"34": 0,
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"EndOffset": 93,
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"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.FileLogger::Log(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogLevel,System.String)": {
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"41": 0,
"43": 0,
"45": 0
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"EndOffset": 16,
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"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.FileLogger::WriteMessageToFile(System.String)": {
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"49": 0,
"51": 0,
"52": 0,
"53": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.FileLogger::.ctor(System.String,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogLevel)": {
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"14": 0,
"16": 0,
"19": 0,
"20": 0,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Logging/LogData.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.LogData": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.LogData::get_Terse()": {
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"7": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.LogData::get_Info()": {
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"8": 0
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.LoggerExtensions": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.LoggerExtensions::Log(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.LogData)": {
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"15": 0,
"17": 0,
"20": 0,
"22": 0,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Logging/NullLogger.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.NullLogger": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.NullLogger::Log(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogLevel,System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"10": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.NullLogger::LogError(System.String,System.Exception)": {
"Lines": {
"14": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Files/Folder.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.Folder": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.Folder::get_FullPath()": {
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"21": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<System.IO.FileInfo> NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.Folder::Find(System.String)": {
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"28": 0,
"29": 0,
"32": 0,
"34": 0,
"35": 0,
"37": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.Folder::TryDelete()": {
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"45": 0,
"46": 0,
"47": 0,
"48": 0,
"50": 0,
"51": 0,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.Folder::DeleteDirectoryInternal(System.String)": {
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"63": 0,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.Folder::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,System.IO.DirectoryInfo)": {
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"18": 4,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Inspection/Files/FolderFactory.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.FolderFactory": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Inspections.Files.IFolder NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.FolderFactory::UniqueTemporaryFolder()": {
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"22": 0,
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"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.FolderFactory::NuKeeperTempFilesPath()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.FolderFactory::GetUniqueTemporaryPath()": {
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"33": 0,
"34": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.FolderFactory::DeleteExistingTempDirs()": {
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"44": 0,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.FolderFactory::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"16": 8,
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.dll": {
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/BitbucketForkFinder.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketForkFinder": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketForkFinder::NoPushableForkFound(System.String)": {
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"52": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketForkFinder::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationPlatform,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ForkMode)": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketForkFinder/<FindPushFork>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketForkFinder/<FindPushFork>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketForkFinder/<FindUpstreamRepoOnly>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketForkFinder/<FindUpstreamRepoOnly>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketForkFinder/<IsPushableRepo>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketForkFinder/<IsPushableRepo>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform::Initialise(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.AuthSettings)": {
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"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User> NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform::GetCurrentUser()": {
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"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository> NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform::MakeUserFork(System.String,System.String)": {
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"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeResult> NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform::Search(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeRequest)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform::MapRepository(NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository)": {
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"118": 0,
"119": 0,
"120": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<OpenPullRequest>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<OpenPullRequest>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<>c": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Organization NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<>c::<GetOrganizations>b__7_0(NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ProjectInfo)": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<GetOrganizations>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<GetOrganizations>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<GetRepositoriesForOrganisation>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<GetRepositoriesForOrganisation>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<GetUserRepository>d__9": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<GetUserRepository>d__9::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass11_0": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass11_0::<RepositoryBranchExists>b__0(NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Ref)": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<RepositoryBranchExists>d__11": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketPlatform/<RepositoryBranchExists>d__11::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/BitbucketRepositoryDiscovery.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRepositoryDiscovery": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings>> NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRepositoryDiscovery::GetRepositories(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRepositoryDiscovery::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/BitbucketRestClient.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient::.ctor(System.Net.Http.HttpClient,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,System.String,System.String)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient::.cctor()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<GetResourceOrEmpty>d__4`1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<GetResourceOrEmpty>d__4`1::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<GetProjects>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<GetProjects>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<GetGitRepositories>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<GetGitRepositories>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<GetGitRepository>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<GetGitRepository>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<GetRepositoryRefs>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<GetRepositoryRefs>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<CreatePullRequest>d__9": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketRestClient/<CreatePullRequest>d__9::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/BitbucketSettingsReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketSettingsReader": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.Platform NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketSettingsReader::get_Platform()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketSettingsReader::get_Username()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketSettingsReader::CanRead(System.Uri)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketSettingsReader::UpdateCollaborationPlatformSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketSettingsReader::RepositorySettings(System.Uri,System.String)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.BitBucket.BitbucketSettingsReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IEnvironmentVariablesProvider)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Activity.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Activity": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Update NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Activity::get_update()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Activity::get_pull_request()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Comment NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Activity::get_comment()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Author.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Author": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Author::get_raw()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.UserShort NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Author::get_user()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Branch.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Branch": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Branch::get_name()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/BranchRestriction.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BranchRestriction": {
"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.Object> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BranchRestriction::get_groups()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BranchRestriction::get_id()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BranchRestriction::get_kind()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BranchRestriction::get_links()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BranchRestriction::get_pattern()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BranchRestriction::get_users()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/BuildInfo.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BuildInfo": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BuildInfo::get_name()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BuildInfo::get_url()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BuildInfo::get_refname()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BuildInfoState NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BuildInfo::get_state()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BuildInfo::get_key()": {
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"System.DateTime NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BuildInfo::get_updated_on()": {
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"System.DateTime NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BuildInfo::get_created_on()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.BuildInfo::get_description()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Comment.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Comment": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Parent NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Comment::get_parent()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Comment::get_links()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Content NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Comment::get_content()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Comment::get_created_on()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Comment::get_user()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Comment::get_updated_on()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Comment::get_id()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Commit.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commit": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commit::get_hash()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commit::get_links()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commit::get_repository()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Author NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commit::get_author()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commit::get_participants()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Parent> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commit::get_parents()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commit::get_date()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commit::get_message()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Content.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Content": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Content::get_raw()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Content::get_markup()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Content::get_html()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Fork.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_scm()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_has_wiki()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_description()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_links()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_fork_policy()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_language()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_created_on()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Parent NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_parent()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_full_name()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_has_issues()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Owner NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_owner()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_updated_on()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.UInt64> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_size()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_is_private()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Fork::get_name()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/IteratorBasedPage.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1": {
"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1::get_pagelen()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1::get_next()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<T> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1::get_values()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.UInt64> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.IteratorBasedPage`1::get_size()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Link.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link::get_href()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link::get_name()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Links.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links::get_self()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links::get_repositories()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links::get_link()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links::get_followers()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links::get_avatar()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links::get_following()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links::get_clone()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links::get_html()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/ListBasedPage.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ListBasedPage`1": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ListBasedPage`1::get_previous()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ListBasedPage`1::get_page()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Merge.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_description()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_links()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_title()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_close_source_branch()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.Object> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_reviewers()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Source NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_destination()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_reason()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_closed_by()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_source()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_state()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_author()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_created_on()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.Object> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_participants()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_updated_on()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commit NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_merge_commit()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Merge::get_id()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Owner.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Owner": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Owner::get_username()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Owner::get_display_name()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Owner::get_links()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Parent.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Parent": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Parent::get_links()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Parent::get_full_name()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Parent::get_name()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/ProjectInfo.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ProjectInfo": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ProjectInfo::get_uuid()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ProjectInfo::get_key()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ProjectInfo::get_name()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ProjectInfo::get_links()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/PullRequest.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_description()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_links()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_author()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_close_source_branch()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_title()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Source NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_destination()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_reason()": {
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"System.Object NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_closed_by()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Source NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_source()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_state()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_created_on()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_updated_on()": {
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"System.Object NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_merge_commit()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequest::get_id()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/PullRequestInfo.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequestInfo": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequestInfo::get_role()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequestInfo::get_user()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.PullRequestInfo::get_approved()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Refs.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Refs": {
"System.Int64 NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Refs::get_Pagelen()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Ref> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Refs::get_Values()": {
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Refs::get_Page()": {
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Refs::get_Next()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Ref": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Ref::get_Name()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ValueLinks NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Ref::get_Links()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Ref::get_DefaultMergeStrategy()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.String> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Ref::get_MergeStrategies()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Ref::get_Type()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Target NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Ref::get_Target()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ValueLinks": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ValueLinks::get_Commits()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ValueLinks::get_Self()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.ValueLinks::get_Html()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits": {
"System.Uri NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits::get_Href()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Target": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Target::get_Hash()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Target::get_Repository()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TargetLinks NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Target::get_Links()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Author NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Target::get_Author()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Parent> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Target::get_Parents()": {
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"System.DateTimeOffset NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Target::get_Date()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Target::get_Message()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Target::get_Type()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.UserLinks": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.UserLinks::get_Self()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.UserLinks::get_Html()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.UserLinks::get_Avatar()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TargetLinks": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TargetLinks::get_Self()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TargetLinks::get_Comments()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TargetLinks::get_Patch()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TargetLinks::get_Html()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TargetLinks::get_Diff()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TargetLinks::get_Approve()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commits NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TargetLinks::get_Statuses()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Repository.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_scm()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_has_wiki()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_description()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_links()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_fork_policy()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_language()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_created_on()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_full_name()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_has_issues()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Owner NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_owner()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_updated_on()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.UInt64> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_size()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_is_private()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_name()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository::get_uuid()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Source.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Source": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Commit NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Source::get_commit()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Repository NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Source::get_repository()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Branch NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Source::get_branch()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Tag.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Tag": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Tag::get_name()": {
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"System.Object NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Tag::get_tagger()": {
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"System.Object NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Tag::get_date()": {
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"System.Object NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Tag::get_message()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/TeamProfile.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TeamProfile": {
"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TeamProfile::get_pagelen()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Link> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TeamProfile::get_links()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TeamProfile::get_page()": {
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"System.Nullable`1<System.UInt64> NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.TeamProfile::get_size()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.BitBucket/Models/Update.cs": {
"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Update": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Update::get_description()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Update::get_title()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Source NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Update::get_destination()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Update::get_reason()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Source NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Update::get_source()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Update::get_state()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Update::get_author()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Update::get_date()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User::get_username()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User::get_kind()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User::get_website()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User::get_display_name()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User::get_links()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User::get_created_on()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.User::get_location()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.UserShort": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.UserShort::get_username()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.UserShort::get_display_name()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.UserShort::get_links()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Watcher": {
"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Watcher::get_username()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Watcher::get_display_name()": {
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"NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Links NuKeeper.BitBucket.Models.Watcher::get_links()": {
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"NuKeeper.Update.dll": {
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Update/UpdateRunner.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Update.UpdateRunner": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject> NuKeeper.Update.UpdateRunner::Sort(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject>)": {
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"62": 0,
"63": 0
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"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Update.Process.IPackageCommand> NuKeeper.Update.UpdateRunner::GetUpdateCommands(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageReferenceType)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.UpdateRunner::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Update.Process.IFileRestoreCommand,NuKeeper.Update.Process.INuGetUpdatePackageCommand,NuKeeper.Update.Process.IDotNetUpdatePackageCommand,NuKeeper.Update.Process.IUpdateProjectImportsCommand,NuKeeper.Update.Process.IUpdateNuspecCommand,NuKeeper.Update.Process.IUpdateDirectoryBuildTargetsCommand)": {
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"38": 7,
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"NuKeeper.Update.UpdateRunner/<Update>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.UpdateRunner/<Update>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection::LogPackageCounts(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection::MatchesMinAge(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"21": 12,
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"NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection/<Filter>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection/<Filter>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection/<ApplyFilters>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection/<ApplyFilters>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection/<>c__DisplayClass6_0/<<ApplyRemoteFilter>b__0>d": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection/<>c__DisplayClass6_0/<<ApplyRemoteFilter>b__0>d::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection/<ApplyRemoteFilter>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Selection.UpdateSelection/<ApplyRemoteFilter>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.ExternalProcess": {
"System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.ExternalProcess::MakeProcessStartInfo(System.String,System.String,System.String)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.ExternalProcess::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"15": 28,
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"NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.ExternalProcess/<Run>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.ExternalProcess/<Run>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.ProcessOutput::get_Output()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.ProcessOutput::get_ErrorOutput()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.ProcessOutput::get_ExitCode()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.ProcessOutput::get_Success()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.ProcessOutput::.ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Update/Process/DotNetUpdatePackageCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Update.Process.DotNetUpdatePackageCommand": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.DotNetUpdatePackageCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.IExternalProcess)": {
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"16": 7,
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"NuKeeper.Update.Process.DotNetUpdatePackageCommand/<Invoke>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.DotNetUpdatePackageCommand/<Invoke>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetFileRestoreCommand": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetFileRestoreCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Update.Process.INuGetPath,NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.IExternalProcess)": {
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"NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetFileRestoreCommand/<Invoke>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetFileRestoreCommand/<Invoke>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetFileRestoreCommand/<Invoke>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetFileRestoreCommand/<Invoke>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Update/Process/NuGetPath.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetPath": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetPath::get_Executable()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetPath::FindExecutable()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetPath::FindLocalNuget()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetPath::FindNugetInPackagesUnderProfile()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetPath::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"13": 21,
"15": 21,
"16": 21,
"17": 21
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Update/Process/NuGetUpdatePackageCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetUpdatePackageCommand": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetUpdatePackageCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Update.Process.INuGetPath,NuKeeper.Update.ProcessRunner.IExternalProcess)": {
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"19": 7,
"20": 7,
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"25": 7,
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"NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetUpdatePackageCommand/<Invoke>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.NuGetUpdatePackageCommand/<Invoke>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Update/Process/SolutionsRestore.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Update.Process.SolutionsRestore": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Update.Process.SolutionsRestore::AnyProjectRequiresNuGetRestore(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"40": 22
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"EndOffset": 68,
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"Hits": 11
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.SolutionsRestore::.ctor(NuKeeper.Update.Process.IFileRestoreCommand)": {
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"16": 22,
"17": 22
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"NuKeeper.Update.Process.SolutionsRestore/<CheckRestore>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.SolutionsRestore/<CheckRestore>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Update.Process.SolutionsRestore/<Restore>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.SolutionsRestore/<Restore>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"31": 20,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Update/Process/UpdateDirectoryBuildTargetsCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateDirectoryBuildTargetsCommand": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateDirectoryBuildTargetsCommand::Invoke(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject,NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource,NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateDirectoryBuildTargetsCommand::UpdateFile(System.IO.Stream,NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject,System.Xml.Linq.XDocument)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateDirectoryBuildTargetsCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"19": 7,
"20": 7
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"NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateDirectoryBuildTargetsCommand/<>c__DisplayClass3_0": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateDirectoryBuildTargetsCommand/<>c__DisplayClass3_0::<UpdateFile>b__0(System.Xml.Linq.XElement)": {
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"NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateNuspecCommand": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateNuspecCommand::Invoke(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject,NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource,NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateNuspecCommand::UpdateNuspec(System.IO.Stream,NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject,System.Xml.Linq.XDocument)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateNuspecCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"19": 7,
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"NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateNuspecCommand/<>c__DisplayClass3_0": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateNuspecCommand/<>c__DisplayClass3_0::<UpdateNuspec>b__0(System.Xml.Linq.XElement)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Update/Process/UpdateProjectImportsCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateProjectImportsCommand": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateProjectImportsCommand::Invoke(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject,NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource,NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources)": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<System.String> NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateProjectImportsCommand::UpdateConditionsOnProjects(System.Xml.Linq.XDocument,System.String)": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<System.String> NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateProjectImportsCommand::FindProjectReferences(System.Xml.Linq.XElement,System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace)": {
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"91": 0,
"92": 0
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"EndOffset": 98,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateProjectImportsCommand::UpdateImportNode(System.Xml.Linq.XElement)": {
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"98": 0,
"99": 0,
"101": 0,
"102": 0,
"105": 0,
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"EndOffset": 85,
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"NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateProjectImportsCommand/<>c": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateProjectImportsCommand/<>c::<UpdateConditionsOnProjects>b__1_0(System.Xml.Linq.XElement)": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Update.Process.UpdateProjectImportsCommand/<>c::<UpdateConditionsOnProjects>b__1_2(System.Xml.Linq.XElement)": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.dll": {
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.AzureDevOps/AzureDevOpsForkFinder.cs": {
"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsForkFinder": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsForkFinder::NoPushableForkFound(System.String)": {
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"52": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsForkFinder::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationPlatform,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ForkMode)": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsForkFinder/<FindPushFork>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsForkFinder/<FindPushFork>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsForkFinder/<FindUpstreamRepoOnly>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsForkFinder/<FindUpstreamRepoOnly>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsForkFinder/<IsPushableRepo>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsForkFinder/<IsPushableRepo>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform::Initialise(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.AuthSettings)": {
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"26": 2,
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"29": 2,
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"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User> NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform::GetCurrentUser()": {
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"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository> NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform::MakeUserFork(System.String,System.String)": {
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"Branches": []
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeResult> NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform::Search(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeRequest)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"20": 2,
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass5_0": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass5_0::<OpenPullRequest>b__0(NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository)": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<OpenPullRequest>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<OpenPullRequest>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<>c": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Organization NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<>c::<GetOrganizations>b__6_0(NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Project)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<>c::<GetRepositoriesForOrganisation>b__7_0(NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository)": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<GetOrganizations>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<GetOrganizations>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<GetRepositoriesForOrganisation>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<GetRepositoriesForOrganisation>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass8_0": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass8_0::<GetUserRepository>b__0(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository)": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<GetUserRepository>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<GetUserRepository>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass10_0": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass10_0::<RepositoryBranchExists>b__0(NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository)": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<>c__DisplayClass10_0::<RepositoryBranchExists>b__1(NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRefs)": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<RepositoryBranchExists>d__10": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsPlatform/<RepositoryBranchExists>d__10::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.AzureDevOps/AzureDevOpsRepositoryDiscovery.cs": {
"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRepositoryDiscovery": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings>> NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRepositoryDiscovery::GetRepositories(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRepositoryDiscovery::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,System.String)": {
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"19": 2,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.AzureDevOps/AzureDevOpsRestClient.cs": {
"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient": {
"System.Uri NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient::BuildAzureDevOpsUri(System.String,System.Boolean)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient::.ctor(System.Net.Http.HttpClient,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,System.String)": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<PostResource>d__3`1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<PostResource>d__3`1::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<GetResource>d__4`1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<GetResource>d__4`1::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<HandleResponse>d__5`1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<HandleResponse>d__5`1::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<GetProjects>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<GetProjects>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<GetGitRepositories>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<GetGitRepositories>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<GetRepositoryRefs>d__9": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<GetRepositoryRefs>d__9::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<CreatePullRequest>d__10": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<CreatePullRequest>d__10::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<CreatePullRequestLabel>d__11": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsRestClient/<CreatePullRequestLabel>d__11::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.AzureDevOps/AzureDevopsRestTypes.cs": {
"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Avatar": {
"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Avatar::get_href()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Links": {
"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Avatar NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Links::get_avatar()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Creator": {
"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Creator::get_displayName()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Creator::get_url()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Links NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Creator::get__links()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Creator::get_id()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Creator::get_uniqueName()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Creator::get_imageUrl()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Creator::get_descriptor()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRefs": {
"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRefs::get_name()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRefs::get_objectId()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Creator NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRefs::get_creator()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRefs::get_url()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRefsResource": {
"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRefs> NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRefsResource::get_value()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRefsResource::get_count()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequestErrorResource": {
"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequestErrorResource::get_id()": {
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"System.Object NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequestErrorResource::get_innerException()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequestErrorResource::get_message()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequestErrorResource::get_typeName()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequestErrorResource::get_typeKey()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequestErrorResource::get_errorCode()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequestErrorResource::get_eventId()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest": {
"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_AzureRepository()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_PullRequestId()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_CodeReviewId()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_Status()": {
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"System.DateTime NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_CreationDate()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_Title()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_Description()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_SourceRefName()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_TargetRefName()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_MergeStatus()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_MergeId()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_Url()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PullRequest::get_SupportsIterations()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.ProjectResource": {
"System.Int32 NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.ProjectResource::get_Count()": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Project> NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.ProjectResource::get_value()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Project": {
"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Project::get_description()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Project::get_id()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Project::get_name()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Project::get_url()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Project::get_state()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Project::get_revision()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Project::get_visibility()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PRRequest": {
"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PRRequest::get_sourceRefName()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PRRequest::get_targetRefName()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PRRequest::get_title()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.PRRequest::get_description()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository": {
"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository::get_id()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository::get_name()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository::get_url()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Project NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository::get_project()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository::get_defaultBranch()": {
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository::get_size()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository::get_remoteUrl()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository::get_sshUrl()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRepositories": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureRepository> NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRepositories::get_value()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.GitRepositories::get_count()": {
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.LabelRequest": {
"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.LabelRequest::get_name()": {
"Lines": {
"119": 0
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Label": {
"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Label::get_id()": {
"Lines": {
"124": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Label::get_name()": {
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"125": 0
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Label::get_active()": {
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"126": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Label::get_url()": {
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"127": 0
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"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.LabelResource": {
"System.Int32 NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.LabelResource::get_count()": {
"Lines": {
"132": 0
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"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.Label> NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.LabelResource::get_value()": {
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"133": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.AzureDevOps/AzureDevOpsSettingsReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsSettingsReader": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsSettingsReader::CanRead(System.Uri)": {
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"32": 0,
"34": 0,
"35": 0,
"39": 0
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"EndOffset": 50,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsSettingsReader::RepositorySettings(System.Uri,System.String)": {
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"46": 0,
"49": 0,
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"52": 0,
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"EndOffset": 66,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsSettingsReader::CreateSettingsFromRemote(System.Uri)": {
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"63": 0,
"64": 0,
"65": 0,
"67": 0,
"69": 0,
"72": 0,
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"Offset": 71,
"EndOffset": 75,
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"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsSettingsReader::CreateSettingsFromLocal(System.Uri,System.String)": {
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"83": 0,
"84": 0,
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"89": 0,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsSettingsReader::CreateRepositorySettings(System.String,System.Uri,System.String,System.String,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RemoteInfo)": {
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"123": 0,
"124": 0,
"125": 0,
"126": 0,
"127": 0,
"128": 0,
"129": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.AzureDevOpsSettingsReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Git.IGitDiscoveryDriver,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IEnvironmentVariablesProvider)": {
"Lines": {
"19": 0,
"21": 0,
"22": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.AzureDevOps/BaseSettingsReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.BaseSettingsReader": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.Platform NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.BaseSettingsReader::get_Platform()": {
"Lines": {
"17": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.BaseSettingsReader::UpdateCollaborationPlatformSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings)": {
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"25": 0,
"26": 0,
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"EndOffset": 67,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.BaseSettingsReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IEnvironmentVariablesProvider)": {
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"14": 0,
"15": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.AzureDevOps/TfsSettingsReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.TfsSettingsReader": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.TfsSettingsReader::CanRead(System.Uri)": {
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"Offset": 116,
"EndOffset": 138,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.TfsSettingsReader::RepositorySettings(System.Uri,System.String)": {
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"52": 0,
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"58": 0,
"61": 0
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"EndOffset": 65,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.TfsSettingsReader::CreateSettingsFromRemote(System.Uri)": {
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"66": 0
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.TfsSettingsReader::CreateSettingsFromLocal(System.Uri,System.String)": {
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"73": 0,
"74": 0,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.TfsSettingsReader::RepositorySettings(System.Uri,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RemoteInfo)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.TfsSettingsReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Git.IGitDiscoveryDriver,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IEnvironmentVariablesProvider)": {
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"21": 0,
"22": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.AzureDevOps/VSTSSettingsReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.VstsSettingsReader": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.VstsSettingsReader::CanRead(System.Uri)": {
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"34": 0,
"35": 0,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.VstsSettingsReader::RepositorySettings(System.Uri,System.String)": {
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"EndOffset": 66,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.VstsSettingsReader::CreateSettingsFromRemote(System.Uri)": {
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"63": 0,
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"71": 0,
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"EndOffset": 116,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.VstsSettingsReader::CreateSettingsFromLocal(System.Uri,System.String)": {
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"93": 0,
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"Offset": 287,
"EndOffset": 309,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 13,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.VstsSettingsReader::RepositorySettings(System.String,System.String,System.String,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RemoteInfo)": {
"Lines": {
"141": 0,
"142": 0,
"143": 0,
"144": 0,
"145": 0,
"146": 0,
"147": 0,
"148": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.AzureDevOps.VstsSettingsReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Git.IGitDiscoveryDriver,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IEnvironmentVariablesProvider)": {
"Lines": {
"19": 0,
"21": 0,
"22": 0
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.dll": {
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/ContainerInspectionRegistration.cs": {
"NuKeeper.ContainerInspectionRegistration": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.ContainerInspectionRegistration::Register(SimpleInjector.Container)": {
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"22": 7,
"23": 7,
"24": 7,
"26": 7,
"27": 7,
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"32": 7,
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"34": 7,
"36": 7,
"37": 7,
"39": 7,
"40": 7,
"42": 7,
"43": 7
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/ContainerRegistration.cs": {
"NuKeeper.ContainerRegistration": {
"SimpleInjector.Container NuKeeper.ContainerRegistration::Init()": {
"Lines": {
"25": 7,
"27": 7,
"28": 7,
"29": 7,
"31": 7
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.ContainerRegistration::Register(SimpleInjector.Container)": {
"Lines": {
"36": 7,
"37": 7,
"38": 7,
"39": 7,
"40": 7,
"41": 7,
"42": 7,
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"46": 7,
"47": 7,
"49": 7,
"51": 7,
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"55": 7,
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"59": 7,
"60": 7,
"61": 7,
"62": 7,
"63": 7,
"65": 7,
"66": 7
"Branches": []
"SimpleInjector.Registration[] NuKeeper.ContainerRegistration::RegisterMultipleSingletons(SimpleInjector.Container,System.Reflection.Assembly[])": {
"Lines": {
"70": 7,
"72": 7,
"73": 56,
"74": 7
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/ContainerUpdateRegistration.cs": {
"NuKeeper.ContainerUpdateRegistration": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.ContainerUpdateRegistration::Register(SimpleInjector.Container)": {
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"12": 7,
"13": 7,
"14": 7,
"15": 7,
"16": 7,
"17": 7,
"18": 7,
"19": 7,
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"21": 7
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/LowercaseContractResolver.cs": {
"NuKeeper.LowercaseContractResolver": {
"System.String NuKeeper.LowercaseContractResolver::ResolvePropertyName(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"12": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Program.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Program": {
"System.Int32 NuKeeper.Program::Main(System.String[])": {
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"28": 0,
"29": 0,
"33": 0,
"38": 0,
"39": 0,
"41": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Int32 NuKeeper.Program::OnExecute(McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandLineApplication)": {
"Lines": {
"47": 0,
"48": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Program::GetVersion()": {
"Lines": {
"51": 0,
"52": 0,
"53": 0,
"54": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Local/LocalEngine.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Local.LocalEngine": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Inspections.Files.IFolder NuKeeper.Local.LocalEngine::TargetFolder(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings)": {
"Lines": {
"83": 2,
"84": 2,
"86": 2,
"89": 2
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"Line": 84,
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"EndOffset": 15,
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"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 2
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"Offset": 13,
"EndOffset": 21,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 2
"System.Void NuKeeper.Local.LocalEngine::Report(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings,System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
"Lines": {
"96": 2,
"97": 2,
"98": 2,
"99": 2
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Local.LocalEngine::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.Sources.INuGetSourcesReader,NuKeeper.Inspection.IUpdateFinder,NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.IPackageUpdateSetSort,NuKeeper.Local.ILocalUpdater,NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.IReporter,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"29": 5,
"30": 5,
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"34": 5,
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"37": 5,
"38": 5,
"39": 5,
"40": 5,
"41": 5,
"42": 5
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Local.LocalEngine/<Run>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Local.LocalEngine/<Run>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"48": 2,
"50": 2,
"51": 2,
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"EndOffset": 412,
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"NuKeeper.Local.LocalEngine/<GetSortedUpdates>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Local.LocalEngine/<GetSortedUpdates>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"74": 2,
"75": 2,
"77": 2,
"78": 2,
"79": 2
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Local/LocalUpdater.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Local.LocalUpdater": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Local.LocalUpdater::.ctor(NuKeeper.Update.Selection.IUpdateSelection,NuKeeper.Update.IUpdateRunner,NuKeeper.Update.Process.SolutionsRestore,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"27": 6,
"29": 6,
"30": 6,
"31": 6,
"32": 6,
"33": 6
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Local.LocalUpdater/<>c": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.Local.LocalUpdater/<>c::<ApplyUpdates>b__5_0(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
"Lines": {
"48": 2
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Local.LocalUpdater/<ApplyUpdates>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Local.LocalUpdater/<ApplyUpdates>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"44": 1,
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"50": 2,
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"EndOffset": 316,
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"NuKeeper.Local.LocalUpdater/<ApplyUpdates>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Local.LocalUpdater/<ApplyUpdates>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"63": 10,
"65": 3,
"67": 3,
"69": 2
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Engine/BranchNamer.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.BranchNamer": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.BranchNamer::MakeName(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"12": 14,
"13": 14,
"14": 14
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"Offset": 7,
"EndOffset": 21,
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"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 9
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.BranchNamer::MakeMultiPackageName(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
"Lines": {
"19": 9,
"21": 9
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.BranchNamer::MakeSinglePackageName(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
"Lines": {
"26": 7
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.BranchNamer::PackageVersionStrings(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
"Lines": {
"31": 9
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.BranchNamer::PackageVersionString(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
"Lines": {
"36": 19
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Engine/CommitWording.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::MakePullRequestTitle(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"18": 6,
"20": 5,
"23": 1
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"EndOffset": 21,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::PackageTitle(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
"Lines": {
"28": 14
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::MakeCommitMessage(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
"Lines": {
"33": 9
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::MakeCommitDetails(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
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"40": 25,
"42": 2,
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"Offset": 78,
"EndOffset": 86,
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"Hits": 25
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::MultiPackagePrefix(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>,System.Text.StringBuilder)": {
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"78": 2,
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"EndOffset": 143,
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"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::MultiPackageFooter(System.Text.StringBuilder)": {
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"83": 2,
"84": 2,
"85": 2
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::MakeCommitVersionDetails(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
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"90": 62,
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"92": 27,
"94": 27,
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"120": 19,
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"Offset": 815,
"EndOffset": 849,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 19,
"Hits": 27
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::AddCommitFooter(System.Text.StringBuilder)": {
"Lines": {
"161": 25,
"162": 25,
"163": 25,
"164": 25
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::ChangeLevel(NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion)": {
"Lines": {
"168": 27,
"170": 3,
"173": 24,
"175": 17,
"178": 7,
"180": 1,
"183": 6,
"185": 0,
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"Offset": 74,
"EndOffset": 82,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 9,
"Hits": 6
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::LogHighestVersion(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet,NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion,System.Text.StringBuilder)": {
"Lines": {
"193": 2,
"194": 2,
"196": 2,
"198": 2,
"199": 2,
"200": 2,
"201": 2
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::HighestPublishedAt(System.Nullable`1<System.DateTimeOffset>)": {
"Lines": {
"205": 2,
"207": 1,
"210": 1,
"211": 1,
"212": 1,
"214": 1
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"Hits": 1
"Line": 205,
"Offset": 7,
"EndOffset": 15,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::CodeQuote(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"219": 237
"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::SourceIsPublicNuget(System.Uri)": {
"Lines": {
"224": 27,
"225": 27,
"226": 27
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"EndOffset": 27,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.CommitWording::NugetPackageLink(NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity)": {
"Lines": {
"231": 26,
"232": 26
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Engine/GitRepositoryEngine.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.GitRepositoryEngine": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.GitRepositoryEngine::.ctor(NuKeeper.Engine.IRepositoryUpdater,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory,NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.IFolderFactory,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Engine.IRepositoryFilter)": {
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"28": 6,
"30": 6,
"31": 6,
"32": 6,
"33": 6,
"34": 6,
"35": 6
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Engine.GitRepositoryEngine/<Run>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.GitRepositoryEngine/<Run>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"43": 2,
"44": 2,
"46": 0,
"53": 2,
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"56": 0,
"58": 0,
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"71": 1,
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"82": 2,
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"96": 0,
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"EndOffset": 173,
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"Offset": 710,
"EndOffset": 723,
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"Hits": 2
"NuKeeper.Engine.GitRepositoryEngine/<BuildGitRepositorySpec>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.GitRepositoryEngine/<BuildGitRepositorySpec>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"105": 2,
"107": 2,
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"110": 0,
"113": 2,
"114": 2
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Engine/RepositoryData.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryData": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.ForkData NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryData::get_Pull()": {
"Lines": {
"15": 26
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.ForkData NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryData::get_Push()": {
"Lines": {
"16": 19
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryData::get_DefaultBranch()": {
"Lines": {
"17": 35
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryData::get_Remote()": {
"Lines": {
"18": 24
"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryData::get_IsLocalRepo()": {
"Lines": {
"19": 10
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryData::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.ForkData,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.ForkData)": {
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"8": 10,
"10": 10,
"11": 10,
"12": 10,
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"EndOffset": 45,
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"Hits": 10
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Engine/RepositoryFilter.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryFilter": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryFilter::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
"Lines": {
"16": 7,
"18": 7,
"19": 7,
"20": 7
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryFilter/<ContainsDotNetProjects>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryFilter/<ContainsDotNetProjects>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"27": 3,
"28": 3,
"29": 3,
"31": 3,
"32": 3,
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"39": 2,
"41": 1,
"42": 1,
"43": 1,
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"EndOffset": 194,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Engine/RepositoryUpdater.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryUpdater": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryUpdater::GitInit(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Git.IGitDriver,NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryData)": {
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"109": 8,
"110": 8,
"111": 8,
"112": 8
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"EndOffset": 34,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryUpdater::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.Sources.INuGetSourcesReader,NuKeeper.Inspection.IUpdateFinder,NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.IPackageUpdateSelection,NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.IPackageUpdater,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Update.Process.SolutionsRestore,NuKeeper.Inspection.Report.IReporter)": {
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"27": 12,
"28": 12,
"29": 12,
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"32": 12,
"33": 12,
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"36": 12,
"37": 12,
"38": 12,
"39": 12,
"40": 12,
"41": 12,
"42": 12
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryUpdater/<Run>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryUpdater/<Run>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"50": 8,
"52": 8,
"54": 8,
"56": 8,
"57": 8,
"59": 8,
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"64": 8,
"66": 8,
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"EndOffset": 659,
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"Hits": 6
"NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryUpdater/<DoTargetUpdates>d__9": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryUpdater/<DoTargetUpdates>d__9::MoveNext()": {
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"87": 1,
"88": 1,
"91": 5,
"93": 5,
"95": 5,
"97": 0,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Engine/UpdateConsolidator.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.UpdateConsolidator": {
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>> NuKeeper.Engine.UpdateConsolidator::Consolidate(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>,System.Boolean)": {
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"12": 8,
"14": 4,
"17": 10
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"EndOffset": 48,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Engine/UpdatesLogger.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.UpdatesLogger": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.UpdatesLogger::OldVersionsToBeUpdated(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
"Lines": {
"13": 5,
"15": 4,
"18": 1,
"19": 1
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"Offset": 7,
"EndOffset": 31,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"System.String NuKeeper.Engine.UpdatesLogger::DescribeOldVersions(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
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"24": 6,
"25": 12,
"26": 6,
"28": 6
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Engine/Packages/ExistingBranchFilter.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.ExistingBranchFilter": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.ExistingBranchFilter::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
"Lines": {
"15": 6,
"17": 6,
"18": 6,
"19": 6
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.ExistingBranchFilter/<CanMakeBranchFor>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.ExistingBranchFilter/<CanMakeBranchFor>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"27": 2,
"28": 2,
"30": 0,
"32": 0,
"33": 0,
"35": 2
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Engine/Packages/PackageUpdater.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdater": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdater::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory,NuKeeper.Update.IUpdateRunner,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"22": 9,
"23": 9,
"24": 9,
"26": 9,
"27": 9,
"28": 9,
"29": 9
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdater/<MakeUpdatePullRequests>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdater/<MakeUpdatePullRequests>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"38": 4,
"41": 4,
"42": 4,
"44": 18,
"46": 5,
"47": 5,
"48": 5,
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"Hits": 4
"NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdater/<MakeUpdatePullRequests>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdater/<MakeUpdatePullRequests>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"68": 5,
"71": 5,
"72": 5,
"73": 5,
"75": 22,
"77": 6,
"79": 6,
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"81": 6,
"83": 5,
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"89": 5,
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"EndOffset": 661,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Engine/Packages/PackageUpdateSelection.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdateSelection": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdateSelection::.ctor(NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.IExistingBranchFilter,NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.IPackageUpdateSetSort,NuKeeper.Update.Selection.IUpdateSelection,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"25": 9,
"27": 9,
"28": 9,
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"30": 9,
"31": 9
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdateSelection/<>c__DisplayClass5_0": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdateSelection/<>c__DisplayClass5_0::<SelectTargets>b__0(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
"Lines": {
"43": 12
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdateSelection/<SelectTargets>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.PackageUpdateSelection/<SelectTargets>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"42": 5,
"45": 20,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Commands/CollaborationPlatformCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand::get_PersonalAccessToken()": {
"Lines": {
"20": 69
"Branches": []
"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ForkMode> NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand::get_ForkMode()": {
"Lines": {
"25": 40
"Branches": []
"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand::get_MaxPackageUpdates()": {
"Lines": {
"29": 40
"Branches": []
"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand::get_Consolidate()": {
"Lines": {
"33": 31
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.String> NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand::get_Label()": {
"Lines": {
"38": 32
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand::get_ApiEndpoint()": {
"Lines": {
"43": 71
"Branches": []
"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.Platform> NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand::get_Platform()": {
"Lines": {
"47": 36
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand::PopulateSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"60": 36,
"62": 0,
"65": 36,
"67": 36,
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"78": 35,
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"82": 35,
"84": 1,
"86": 31,
"89": 3,
"92": 31,
"94": 0,
"97": 31,
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"101": 31,
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"104": 31,
"106": 31,
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"109": 31,
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"Offset": 259,
"EndOffset": 272,
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"Hits": 31
"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Collaboration.ICollaborationEngine,NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.IConfigureLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IFileSettingsCache,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory)": {
"Lines": {
"51": 40,
"53": 40,
"54": 40,
"55": 40
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand/<Run>d__32": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.CollaborationPlatformCommand/<Run>d__32::MoveNext()": {
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"114": 31,
"115": 31,
"116": 31
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Commands/CommandBase.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase": {
"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.VersionChange> NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_AllowedChange()": {
"Lines": {
"23": 67
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UsePrerelease> NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_UsePrerelease()": {
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"27": 60
"Branches": []
"System.String[] NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_Source()": {
"Lines": {
"34": 60
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_NuGetSources()": {
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"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 0
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"Offset": 6,
"EndOffset": 20,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 60
"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_MinimumPackageAge()": {
"Lines": {
"42": 60
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_Include()": {
"Lines": {
"46": 67
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"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_Exclude()": {
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"50": 58
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogLevel> NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_Verbosity()": {
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"54": 62
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogDestination> NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_LogDestination()": {
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"58": 61
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"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_LogFile()": {
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"62": 121
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Output.OutputFormat> NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_OutputFormat()": {
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"66": 59
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Output.OutputDestination> NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_OutputDestination()": {
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"70": 59
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::get_OutputFileName()": {
"Lines": {
"74": 118
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::InitialiseLogging()": {
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"101": 60,
"103": 60,
"104": 60,
"105": 60,
"107": 60,
"108": 60,
"110": 60,
"111": 60,
"113": 60,
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"Offset": 23,
"EndOffset": 28,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 59
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::MakeSettings()": {
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"118": 60,
"119": 60,
"120": 60,
"121": 60,
"123": 60,
"124": 60,
"125": 60,
"126": 60,
"127": 60,
"128": 60,
"129": 60,
"130": 60,
"131": 60,
"132": 60,
"133": 60,
"135": 60
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::PopulateSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"140": 59,
"141": 59,
"143": 1,
"146": 58,
"148": 58,
"149": 58,
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"157": 0,
"160": 58,
"162": 58,
"163": 58,
"164": 58,
"166": 58,
"167": 58,
"168": 58,
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"176": 58,
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"Offset": 120,
"EndOffset": 125,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 7,
"Hits": 56
"System.Nullable`1<System.TimeSpan> NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::ReadMinPackageAge()": {
"Lines": {
"184": 59,
"185": 59,
"187": 59
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::PopulatePackageIncludes(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"193": 58,
"194": 58,
"196": 58,
"198": 47,
"199": 47,
"204": 11,
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"214": 11,
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"EndOffset": 68,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 11
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::PopulatePackageExcludes(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
"Lines": {
"220": 58,
"221": 58,
"223": 58,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.IConfigureLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IFileSettingsCache)": {
"Lines": {
"76": 65,
"78": 65,
"79": 65,
"80": 65
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"NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase/<OnExecute>d__51": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.CommandBase/<OnExecute>d__51::MoveNext()": {
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"86": 60,
"88": 60,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Commands/GlobalCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Commands.GlobalCommand": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.GlobalCommand::PopulateSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"EndOffset": 99,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.GlobalCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Collaboration.ICollaborationEngine,NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.IConfigureLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IFileSettingsCache,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Commands/InspectCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Commands.InspectCommand": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.InspectCommand::PopulateSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"22": 15,
"23": 15,
"25": 1,
"28": 14
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"EndOffset": 18,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.InspectCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Local.ILocalEngine,NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.IConfigureLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IFileSettingsCache)": {
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"15": 16,
"17": 16,
"18": 16
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"NuKeeper.Commands.InspectCommand/<Run>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.InspectCommand/<Run>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"34": 14,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Commands/LocalNuKeeperCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Commands.LocalNuKeeperCommand": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.LocalNuKeeperCommand::get_Path()": {
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"14": 44
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.LocalNuKeeperCommand::PopulateSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"EndOffset": 71,
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"Hits": 22
"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.LocalNuKeeperCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.IConfigureLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IFileSettingsCache)": {
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"17": 25,
"19": 25
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Commands/MultipleRepositoryCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Commands.MultipleRepositoryCommand": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.MultipleRepositoryCommand::get_IncludeRepos()": {
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"15": 22
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"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.MultipleRepositoryCommand::get_ExcludeRepos()": {
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"18": 23
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.Commands.MultipleRepositoryCommand::get_MaxRepositoriesChanged()": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.MultipleRepositoryCommand::PopulateSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"32": 23,
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"38": 21,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.MultipleRepositoryCommand::PopulateIncludeRepos(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.MultipleRepositoryCommand::PopulateExcludeRepos(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.MultipleRepositoryCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Collaboration.ICollaborationEngine,NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.IConfigureLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IFileSettingsCache,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Commands/OrganisationCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Commands.OrganisationCommand": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.OrganisationCommand::get_GithubOrganisationName()": {
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"14": 24
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.OrganisationCommand::PopulateSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"EndOffset": 73,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.OrganisationCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Collaboration.ICollaborationEngine,NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.IConfigureLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IFileSettingsCache,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Commands/RepositoryCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Commands.RepositoryCommand": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.RepositoryCommand::get_RepositoryUri()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Commands.RepositoryCommand::get_TargetBranch()": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.RepositoryCommand::PopulateSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.RepositoryCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Collaboration.ICollaborationEngine,NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.IConfigureLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IFileSettingsCache,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ISettingsReader>)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Commands/UpdateCommand.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Commands.UpdateCommand": {
"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.Commands.UpdateCommand::get_MaxPackageUpdates()": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Commands.UpdateCommand::PopulateSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.UpdateCommand::.ctor(NuKeeper.Local.ILocalEngine,NuKeeper.Inspection.Logging.IConfigureLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IFileSettingsCache)": {
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"22": 9,
"23": 9
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"NuKeeper.Commands.UpdateCommand/<Run>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Commands.UpdateCommand/<Run>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"53": 8,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper/Collaboration/CollaborationEngine.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationEngine": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationEngine::Now()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationEngine::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory,NuKeeper.Engine.IGitRepositoryEngine,NuKeeper.Inspection.Files.IFolderFactory,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"30": 10
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"NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationEngine/<Run>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationEngine/<Run>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.IForkFinder NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory::get_ForkFinder()": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.IRepositoryDiscovery NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory::get_RepositoryDiscovery()": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationPlatform NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory::get_CollaborationPlatform()": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory::get_Settings()": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory::Initialise(System.Uri,System.String,System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ForkMode>,System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.Platform>)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ISettingsReader NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory::FindPlatformSettingsReader(System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.Platform>,System.Uri)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory::ValidateSettings()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory::CreateForPlatform()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory::.ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ISettingsReader>,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.dll": {
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"T NuKeeper.Abstractions.Concat::FirstValue(System.Nullable`1<T>[])": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<System.String> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Concat::FirstPopulatedList(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.String>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.String>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.String>)": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Abstractions.Concat::HasElements(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.String>)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.LinqAsync/<>c__DisplayClass0_0`1": {
"<>f__AnonymousType0`2<T,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Boolean>> NuKeeper.Abstractions.LinqAsync/<>c__DisplayClass0_0`1::<WhereAsync>b__0(T)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.LinqAsync/<>c__0`1": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.Abstractions.LinqAsync/<>c__0`1::<WhereAsync>b__0_1(<>f__AnonymousType0`2<T,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Boolean>>)": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Abstractions.LinqAsync/<>c__0`1::<WhereAsync>b__0_2(<>f__AnonymousType0`2<T,System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Boolean>>)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.LinqAsync/<WhereAsync>d__0`1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.LinqAsync/<WhereAsync>d__0`1::MoveNext()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuKeeperException::.ctor(System.String)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuKeeperException::.ctor(System.String,System.Exception)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuKeeperException::.ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)": {
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"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource> NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources::get_Items()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources::CommandLine(System.String)": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources::ToString()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources::EscapePathIfLocal(NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources::.ctor(System.String[])": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources::.ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource>)": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.PackageVersionRange::get_Id()": {
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"NuGet.Versioning.VersionRange NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.PackageVersionRange::get_Version()": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.PackageVersionRange NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.PackageVersionRange::Parse(System.String,System.String)": {
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"NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.PackageVersionRange::SingleVersionIdentity()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.PackageVersionRange::.ctor(System.String,NuGet.Versioning.VersionRange)": {
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"NuGet.Versioning.NuGetVersion NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.VersionRanges::SingleVersion(NuGet.Versioning.VersionRange)": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Git.GitRemote::get_Name()": {
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.Git.GitRemote::get_Url()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Git.GitUsernamePasswordCredentials::get_Password()": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.DateFormat": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.DateFormat::AsUtcIso8601(System.Nullable`1<System.DateTimeOffset>)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.DurationParser": {
"System.Nullable`1<System.TimeSpan> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.DurationParser::Parse(System.String)": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.Hasher::BytesToString(System.Byte[])": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.Hasher::.cctor()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.StringExtensions::JoinWithSeparator(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<System.String>,System.String)": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.StringExtensions::Contains(System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.TimeSpanFormat::MonthsBetween(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.TimeSpanFormat::Ago(System.TimeSpan)": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.TimeSpanFormat::Plural(System.Int32,System.String)": {
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"84": 20,
"87": 20
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Formats/UriFormats.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.UriFormats": {
"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.UriFormats::EnsureTrailingSlash(System.Uri)": {
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"11": 36,
"13": 0,
"16": 36,
"18": 36,
"20": 36,
"23": 0
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"EndOffset": 34,
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"Ordinal": 3,
"Hits": 0
"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.UriFormats::GetRemoteUriFromLocalRepo(System.Uri,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Git.IGitDiscoveryDriver,System.String)": {
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"28": 0,
"31": 0,
"33": 0,
"35": 0,
"39": 0
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.Formats.UriFormats::ToUri(System.String)": {
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"45": 13,
"47": 13,
"50": 0,
"51": 0,
"53": 0,
"56": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/AuthSettings.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.AuthSettings": {
"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.AuthSettings::get_ApiBase()": {
"Lines": {
"14": 35
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.AuthSettings::get_Token()": {
"Lines": {
"15": 35
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.AuthSettings::get_Username()": {
"Lines": {
"16": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.AuthSettings::.ctor(System.Uri,System.String,System.String)": {
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"7": 35,
"9": 35,
"10": 35,
"11": 35,
"12": 35
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/EnvironmentVariablesProvider.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariablesProvider": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariablesProvider::GetEnvironmentVariable(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"9": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariablesProvider::GetUserName()": {
"Lines": {
"14": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/FileSettings.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_Age()": {
"Lines": {
"12": 62
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_Api()": {
"Lines": {
"13": 60
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_Include()": {
"Lines": {
"14": 68
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_Exclude()": {
"Lines": {
"15": 60
"Branches": []
"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogLevel> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_Verbosity()": {
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"16": 62
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.VersionChange> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_Change()": {
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"17": 62
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UsePrerelease> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_UsePrerelease()": {
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"19": 60
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ForkMode> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_ForkMode()": {
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"21": 35
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_IncludeRepos()": {
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"23": 25
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_ExcludeRepos()": {
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"24": 25
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"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.String> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_Label()": {
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"26": 35
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_LogFile()": {
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"28": 60
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_MaxPackageUpdates()": {
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"30": 45
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Int32> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_MaxRepo()": {
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"31": 25
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"System.Nullable`1<System.Boolean> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_Consolidate()": {
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"33": 32
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Output.OutputFormat> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_OutputFormat()": {
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"35": 61
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Output.OutputDestination> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_OutputDestination()": {
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"36": 61
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_OutputFileName()": {
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"37": 59
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.LogDestination> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_LogDestination()": {
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"39": 60
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"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.Platform> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::get_Platform()": {
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"40": 37
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings::Empty()": {
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"44": 24
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/FileSettingsCache.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettingsCache": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettingsCache::GetSettings()": {
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"19": 0,
"22": 0
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"EndOffset": 30,
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettingsCache::GetFolder()": {
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"27": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettingsCache::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettingsReader)": {
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"10": 5,
"12": 5,
"13": 5
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/FileSettingsReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettingsReader": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettingsReader::Read(System.String)": {
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"21": 0,
"23": 0,
"25": 0,
"28": 0
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"Line": 23,
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"EndOffset": 20,
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"Offset": 18,
"EndOffset": 28,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettings NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettingsReader::ReadFile(System.String)": {
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"35": 0,
"36": 0,
"37": 0,
"38": 0,
"40": 0,
"42": 0,
"43": 0,
"45": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FileSettingsReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
"Lines": {
"12": 5,
"14": 5,
"15": 5
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/FilterSettings.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FilterSettings": {
"System.TimeSpan NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FilterSettings::get_MinimumAge()": {
"Lines": {
"8": 75
"Branches": []
"System.Int32 NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FilterSettings::get_MaxPackageUpdates()": {
"Lines": {
"9": 60
"Branches": []
"System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FilterSettings::get_Excludes()": {
"Lines": {
"10": 65
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"System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FilterSettings::get_Includes()": {
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"11": 75
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/RemoteInfo.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RemoteInfo": {
"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RemoteInfo::get_LocalRepositoryUri()": {
"Lines": {
"7": 8
"Branches": []
"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RemoteInfo::get_WorkingFolder()": {
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"8": 2
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RemoteInfo::get_BranchName()": {
"Lines": {
"9": 6
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RemoteInfo::get_RemoteName()": {
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"10": 2
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/RepositorySettings.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings": {
"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings::get_RepositoryUri()": {
"Lines": {
"19": 17
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings::get_RepositoryOwner()": {
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"21": 24
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings::get_RepositoryName()": {
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"23": 24
"Branches": []
"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings::get_ApiUri()": {
"Lines": {
"25": 26
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings::get_IsLocalRepo()": {
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"27": 6
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"Ordinal": 0,
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"EndOffset": 13,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 6
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RemoteInfo NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings::get_RemoteInfo()": {
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"29": 15
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings::.ctor()": {
"Lines": {
"8": 29,
"10": 29
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository)": {
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"12": 0,
"14": 0,
"15": 0,
"16": 0,
"17": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/SettingsContainer.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer::get_SourceControlServerSettings()": {
"Lines": {
"7": 319
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer::get_UserSettings()": {
"Lines": {
"9": 419
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FilterSettings NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer::get_PackageFilters()": {
"Lines": {
"11": 362
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Inspections.Files.IFolder NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer::get_WorkingFolder()": {
"Lines": {
"13": 23
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/SourceControlServerSettings.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ServerScope NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings::get_Scope()": {
"Lines": {
"8": 44
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings::get_OrganisationName()": {
"Lines": {
"9": 15
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings::get_Repository()": {
"Lines": {
"10": 61
"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<System.String> NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings::get_Labels()": {
"Lines": {
"11": 50
"Branches": []
"System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings::get_IncludeRepos()": {
"Lines": {
"12": 32
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"System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings::get_ExcludeRepos()": {
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"13": 32
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/UserSettings.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.NuGet.NuGetSources NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings::get_NuGetSources()": {
"Lines": {
"8": 75
"Branches": []
"System.Int32 NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings::get_MaxRepositoriesChanged()": {
"Lines": {
"10": 54
"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings::get_ConsolidateUpdatesInSinglePullRequest()": {
"Lines": {
"12": 45
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.VersionChange NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings::get_AllowedChange()": {
"Lines": {
"14": 77
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UsePrerelease NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings::get_UsePrerelease()": {
"Lines": {
"16": 70
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Output.OutputFormat NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings::get_OutputFormat()": {
"Lines": {
"19": 77
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Output.OutputDestination NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings::get_OutputDestination()": {
"Lines": {
"20": 77
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings::get_OutputFileName()": {
"Lines": {
"21": 71
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings::get_Directory()": {
"Lines": {
"23": 24
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/Configuration/ValidationResult.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult::get_IsSuccess()": {
"Lines": {
"11": 432
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult::get_ErrorMessage()": {
"Lines": {
"13": 1
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult::get_Success()": {
"Lines": {
"15": 413
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult::Failure(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"19": 8
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ValidationResult::.ctor(System.Boolean,System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"5": 421,
"7": 421,
"8": 421,
"9": 421
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/CollaborationPlatform/CollaborationPlatformSettings.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings": {
"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings::get_BaseApiUrl()": {
"Lines": {
"8": 186
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings::get_Token()": {
"Lines": {
"9": 216
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings::get_Username()": {
"Lines": {
"10": 35
"Branches": []
"System.Nullable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ForkMode> NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings::get_ForkMode()": {
"Lines": {
"11": 173
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/CollaborationModels/ForkData.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.ForkData": {
"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.ForkData::get_Uri()": {
"Lines": {
"29": 16
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.ForkData::get_Owner()": {
"Lines": {
"31": 14
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.ForkData::get_Name()": {
"Lines": {
"33": 12
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.ForkData::.ctor(System.Uri,System.String,System.String)": {
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"9": 27,
"11": 0,
"14": 27,
"16": 0,
"19": 27,
"21": 0,
"24": 27,
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"26": 27,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/CollaborationModels/Organization.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Organization": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Organization::get_Name()": {
"Lines": {
"10": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Organization::.ctor(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"5": 0,
"7": 0,
"8": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/CollaborationModels/PullRequestRequest.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.PullRequestRequest": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.PullRequestRequest::get_Head()": {
"Lines": {
"14": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.PullRequestRequest::get_Title()": {
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"15": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.PullRequestRequest::get_BaseRef()": {
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"16": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.PullRequestRequest::get_Body()": {
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"17": 5
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.PullRequestRequest::.ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)": {
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"5": 5,
"7": 5,
"8": 5,
"11": 5,
"12": 5
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/CollaborationModels/Repository.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository::get_Name()": {
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"18": 0
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository::get_Archived()": {
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"19": 0
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.UserPermissions NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository::get_UserPermissions()": {
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"20": 0
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository::get_Owner()": {
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"21": 0
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository::get_Fork()": {
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"22": 0
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository::get_Parent()": {
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"23": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Uri NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository::get_CloneUrl()": {
"Lines": {
"24": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository::.ctor(System.String,System.Boolean,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.UserPermissions,System.Uri,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User,System.Boolean,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository)": {
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"9": 0,
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"12": 0,
"13": 0,
"14": 0,
"15": 0,
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"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/CollaborationModels/SearchCodeRequest.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchRepo": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchRepo::get_Owner()": {
"Lines": {
"14": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchRepo::get_Name()": {
"Lines": {
"15": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchRepo::.ctor(System.String,System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"8": 3,
"10": 3,
"11": 3,
"12": 3
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeRequest": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeRequest::get_Term()": {
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"26": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchRepo> NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeRequest::get_Repos()": {
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"System.Int32 NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeRequest::get_PerPage()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeRequest::.ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchRepo>)": {
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"22": 3,
"23": 3,
"24": 3
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/CollaborationModels/SearchCodeResult.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeResult": {
"System.Int32 NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeResult::get_TotalCount()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeResult::.ctor(System.Int32)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/CollaborationModels/User.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User::get_Login()": {
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"12": 6
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User::get_Name()": {
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"13": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User::get_Email()": {
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"14": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User::.ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)": {
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"9": 6,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Abstractions/CollaborationModels/UserPermissions.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.UserPermissions": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.UserPermissions::get_Admin()": {
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"15": 0
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.UserPermissions::get_Push()": {
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"20": 0
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.UserPermissions::get_Pull()": {
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"25": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.UserPermissions::.ctor(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)": {
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"9": 0,
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.dll": {
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.GitHub/GitHubForkFinder.cs": {
"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder::NoPushableForkFound(System.String)": {
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"102": 0
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder::RepoIsForkOf(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository,System.Uri)": {
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.ForkData NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder::RepositoryToForkData(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationPlatform,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ForkMode)": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<FindPushFork>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<FindPushFork>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<FindUserForkOrUpstream>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<FindUserForkOrUpstream>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<FindUpstreamRepoOrUserFork>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<FindUpstreamRepoOrUserFork>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<FindUpstreamRepoOnly>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<FindUpstreamRepoOnly>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<IsPushableRepo>d__9": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<IsPushableRepo>d__9::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<TryFindUserFork>d__10": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubForkFinder/<TryFindUserFork>d__10::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.GitHub/GitHubRepository.cs": {
"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepository": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.GitHub/GitHubRepositoryDiscovery.cs": {
"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery::MatchesIncludeExclude(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings)": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery::RepoIsModifiable(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationPlatform)": {
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"19": 33,
"20": 33,
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery/<GetRepositories>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery/<GetRepositories>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery/<ForAllOrgs>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery/<ForAllOrgs>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery/<>c__DisplayClass5_0": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery/<>c__DisplayClass5_0::<FromOrganisation>b__0(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository)": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery/<>c": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery/<>c::<FromOrganisation>b__5_1(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository)": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery/<FromOrganisation>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepositoryDiscovery/<FromOrganisation>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.GitHub/GitHubSettingsReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubSettingsReader": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.Platform NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubSettingsReader::get_Platform()": {
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"20": 64
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubSettingsReader::CanRead(System.Uri)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubSettingsReader::UpdateCollaborationPlatformSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings)": {
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"31": 32,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubSettingsReader::RepositorySettings(System.Uri,System.String)": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubSettingsReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IEnvironmentVariablesProvider)": {
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"17": 37,
"18": 37
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.GitHub/GithubUriHelpers.cs": {
"NuKeeper.GitHub.GithubUriHelpers": {
"System.Uri NuKeeper.GitHub.GithubUriHelpers::Normalise(System.Uri)": {
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"9": 0
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.GitHub.GithubUriHelpers::Normalise(System.String)": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.GitHub/OctokitClient.cs": {
"NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient::Initialise(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.AuthSettings)": {
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"37": 33,
"39": 33,
"40": 33,
"41": 33,
"42": 33,
"44": 33,
"45": 33
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"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient::CheckInitialised()": {
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"51": 0,
"53": 0
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"EndOffset": 19,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
"Lines": {
"30": 33,
"32": 33,
"33": 33
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<GetCurrentUser>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<GetCurrentUser>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<>c": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Organization NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<>c::<GetOrganizations>b__8_0(Octokit.Organization)": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.GitHubRepository NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<>c::<GetRepositoriesForOrganisation>b__9_0(Octokit.Repository)": {
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"83": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<>c::<AddLabelsToIssue>b__15_0(System.String)": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<GetOrganizations>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<GetOrganizations>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"69": 0,
"70": 0,
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"74": 0,
"75": 0
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<GetRepositoriesForOrganisation>d__9": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<GetRepositoriesForOrganisation>d__9::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<GetUserRepository>d__10": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<GetUserRepository>d__10::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<MakeUserFork>d__11": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<MakeUserFork>d__11::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<RepositoryBranchExists>d__12": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<RepositoryBranchExists>d__12::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<OpenPullRequest>d__13": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<OpenPullRequest>d__13::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<Search>d__14": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<Search>d__14::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<AddLabelsToIssue>d__15": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.GitHub.OctokitClient/<AddLabelsToIssue>d__15::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Git.dll": {
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Git/LibGit2SharpDiscoveryDriver.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDiscoveryDriver": {
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDiscoveryDriver::IsGitRepo(System.Uri)": {
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"18": 0,
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"System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Git.GitRemote> NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDiscoveryDriver::GetRemotes(System.Uri)": {
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDiscoveryDriver::DiscoverRepo(System.Uri)": {
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"54": 0,
"56": 0,
"59": 0
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"EndOffset": 22,
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"System.String NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDiscoveryDriver::GetCurrentHead(System.Uri)": {
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"65": 0,
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"68": 0,
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"75": 0,
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"EndOffset": 104,
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Git.GitRemote NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDiscoveryDriver::GetRemoteForPlatform(System.Uri,System.String)": {
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"82": 0,
"83": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Git/LibGit2SharpDriver.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Inspections.Files.IFolder NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::get_WorkingFolder()": {
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::Clone(System.Uri)": {
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"48": 0,
"49": 0,
"50": 0,
"51": 0,
"52": 0,
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::OnTransferProgress(LibGit2Sharp.TransferProgress)": {
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"62": 0,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::AddRemote(System.String,System.Uri)": {
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"72": 0,
"73": 0,
"74": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::Checkout(System.String)": {
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"84": 0,
"87": 0,
"88": 0,
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"EndOffset": 64,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::CheckoutNewBranch(System.String)": {
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"96": 0,
"98": 0,
"99": 0,
"102": 0,
"103": 0,
"105": 0,
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"EndOffset": 49,
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::BranchExists(System.String)": {
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"114": 0,
"115": 0,
"116": 0,
"118": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::Commit(System.String)": {
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"123": 0,
"125": 0,
"126": 0,
"127": 0,
"128": 0,
"129": 0
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"LibGit2Sharp.Signature NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::GetSignature(LibGit2Sharp.Repository)": {
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"138": 0,
"140": 0,
"142": 0,
"143": 0,
"146": 0
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"EndOffset": 61,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::Push(System.String,System.String)": {
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"153": 0,
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"157": 0,
"158": 0,
"159": 0,
"161": 0,
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"165": 0,
"166": 0,
"167": 0,
"168": 0,
"169": 0,
"170": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::GetCurrentHead()": {
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"176": 0,
"178": 0
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"EndOffset": 44,
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"LibGit2Sharp.Repository NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::MakeRepo()": {
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"LibGit2Sharp.Credentials NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::UsernamePasswordCredentials(System.String,System.String,LibGit2Sharp.SupportedCredentialTypes)": {
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"188": 0
"Branches": []
"LibGit2Sharp.Identity NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::GetUserIdentity(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User)": {
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"196": 2,
"197": 2,
"199": 0,
"201": 0,
"202": 0,
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"EndOffset": 74,
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Git.LibGit2SharpDriver::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Inspections.Files.IFolder,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Git.GitUsernamePasswordCredentials,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.User)": {
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"40": 2,
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"NuKeeper.Gitlab.dll": {
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Result.cs": {
"Result`1": {
"System.Boolean Result`1::get_IsSuccessful()": {
"Lines": {
"6": 0
"Branches": []
"T Result`1::get_Value()": {
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"9": 0,
"10": 0
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"Offset": 6,
"EndOffset": 19,
"Path": 1,
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"Hits": 0
"Result`1<T> Result`1::Success(T)": {
"Lines": {
"20": 0
"Branches": []
"Result`1<T> Result`1::Failure()": {
"Lines": {
"25": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void Result`1::.ctor(T,System.Boolean)": {
"Lines": {
"12": 0,
"14": 0,
"15": 0,
"16": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/GitlabForkFinder.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabForkFinder": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabForkFinder::NoPushableForkFound(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"51": 0,
"52": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabForkFinder::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationPlatform,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.ForkMode)": {
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"16": 0,
"18": 0,
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"24": 0,
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"EndOffset": 42,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabForkFinder/<FindPushFork>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabForkFinder/<FindPushFork>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"32": 0,
"33": 0
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"EndOffset": 44,
"Path": 0,
"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 0
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"Offset": 42,
"EndOffset": 104,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabForkFinder/<FindUpstreamRepoOnly>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabForkFinder/<FindUpstreamRepoOnly>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"39": 0,
"41": 0,
"42": 0,
"45": 0,
"46": 0,
"47": 0
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"EndOffset": 44,
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"EndOffset": 107,
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"EndOffset": 116,
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"Offset": 114,
"EndOffset": 168,
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"Ordinal": 3,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabForkFinder/<IsPushableRepo>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabForkFinder/<IsPushableRepo>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"57": 0,
"58": 0
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"EndOffset": 125,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/GitlabPlatform.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform::Initialise(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.AuthSettings)": {
"Lines": {
"26": 0,
"27": 0,
"28": 0,
"29": 0,
"30": 0,
"31": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Organization>> NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform::GetOrganizations()": {
"Lines": {
"59": 0,
"60": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository>> NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform::GetRepositoriesForOrganisation(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"65": 0,
"66": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.Repository> NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform::MakeUserFork(System.String,System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"81": 0,
"82": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeResult> NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform::Search(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.SearchCodeRequest)": {
"Lines": {
"94": 0,
"95": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
"Lines": {
"19": 0,
"21": 0,
"22": 0
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform/<GetCurrentUser>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform/<GetCurrentUser>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"35": 0,
"37": 0,
"38": 0
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"EndOffset": 44,
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"EndOffset": 106,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform/<OpenPullRequest>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform/<OpenPullRequest>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"43": 0,
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"46": 0,
"47": 0,
"48": 0,
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"Offset": 166,
"EndOffset": 230,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform/<GetUserRepository>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform/<GetUserRepository>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"71": 0,
"73": 0,
"74": 0,
"75": 0,
"76": 0,
"77": 0
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"EndOffset": 56,
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"EndOffset": 118,
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"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform/<RepositoryBranchExists>d__10": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabPlatform/<RepositoryBranchExists>d__10::MoveNext()": {
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"87": 0,
"89": 0,
"90": 0
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"EndOffset": 61,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/GitlabRepositoryDiscovery.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRepositoryDiscovery": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings>> NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRepositoryDiscovery::GetRepositories(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings)": {
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"28": 0,
"29": 0,
"32": 0,
"33": 0,
"36": 0,
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"Line": 24,
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"EndOffset": 76,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 3,
"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRepositoryDiscovery::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger,NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationPlatform)": {
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"16": 0,
"18": 0,
"19": 0,
"20": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/GitlabRestClient.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient": {
"System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.MergeRequest> NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient::OpenMergeRequest(System.String,System.String,NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.MergeRequest)": {
"Lines": {
"63": 0,
"65": 0,
"66": 0,
"67": 0
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient::.ctor(System.Net.Http.HttpClient,System.String,NuKeeper.Abstractions.Logging.INuKeeperLogger)": {
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"20": 0,
"22": 0,
"23": 0,
"25": 0,
"26": 0,
"27": 0
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<GetCurrentUser>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<GetCurrentUser>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"33": 0,
"34": 0
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"EndOffset": 109,
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"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<GetProject>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<GetProject>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"41": 0,
"42": 0
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"EndOffset": 146,
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"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<>c": {
"Result`1<NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Branch> NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<>c::<CheckExistingBranch>b__5_0(System.Net.HttpStatusCode)": {
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"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<CheckExistingBranch>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<CheckExistingBranch>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<GetResource>d__7`1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<GetResource>d__7`1::MoveNext()": {
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"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<PostResource>d__8`1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<PostResource>d__8`1::MoveNext()": {
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"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<HandleResponse>d__9`1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabRestClient/<HandleResponse>d__9`1::MoveNext()": {
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"EndOffset": 114,
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"EndOffset": 339,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/GitlabSettingsReader.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabSettingsReader": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.Platform NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabSettingsReader::get_Platform()": {
"Lines": {
"21": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabSettingsReader::CanRead(System.Uri)": {
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"25": 0,
"26": 0,
"28": 0
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"EndOffset": 9,
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"Line": 25,
"Offset": 7,
"EndOffset": 11,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabSettingsReader::UpdateCollaborationPlatformSettings(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.CollaborationPlatformSettings)": {
"Lines": {
"33": 0,
"35": 0,
"36": 0
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabSettingsReader::RepositorySettings(System.Uri,System.String)": {
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"42": 0,
"43": 0,
"47": 0,
"48": 0,
"49": 0,
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"EndOffset": 20,
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"EndOffset": 73,
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"Line": 63,
"Offset": 202,
"EndOffset": 218,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 7,
"Hits": 0
"System.Void NuKeeper.Gitlab.GitlabSettingsReader::.ctor(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IEnvironmentVariablesProvider)": {
"Lines": {
"16": 0,
"18": 0,
"19": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Model/Access.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Access": {
"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Access::get_AccessLevel()": {
"Lines": {
"8": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Access::get_NotificationLevel()": {
"Lines": {
"11": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Model/Branch.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Branch": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Branch::get_Name()": {
"Lines": {
"8": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Branch::get_Merged()": {
"Lines": {
"11": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Branch::get_Protected()": {
"Lines": {
"14": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Branch::get_Default()": {
"Lines": {
"17": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Branch::get_DevelopersCanPush()": {
"Lines": {
"20": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Branch::get_DevelopersCanMerge()": {
"Lines": {
"23": 0
"Branches": []
"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Branch::get_CanPush()": {
"Lines": {
"26": 0
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Branch::get_Commit()": {
"Lines": {
"29": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Model/Commit.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit::get_AuthorEmail()": {
"Lines": {
"9": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit::get_AuthorName()": {
"Lines": {
"12": 0
"Branches": []
"System.DateTimeOffset NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit::get_AuthoredDate()": {
"Lines": {
"15": 0
"Branches": []
"System.DateTimeOffset NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit::get_CommittedDate()": {
"Lines": {
"18": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit::get_CommitterEmail()": {
"Lines": {
"21": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit::get_CommitterName()": {
"Lines": {
"24": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit::get_Id()": {
"Lines": {
"27": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit::get_ShortId()": {
"Lines": {
"30": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit::get_Title()": {
"Lines": {
"33": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Commit::get_Message()": {
"Lines": {
"36": 0
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Model/ForkedFromProject.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject": {
"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_Id()": {
"Lines": {
"9": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_Description()": {
"Lines": {
"12": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_Name()": {
"Lines": {
"15": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_NameWithNamespace()": {
"Lines": {
"18": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_Path()": {
"Lines": {
"21": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_PathWithNamespace()": {
"Lines": {
"24": 0
"Branches": []
"System.DateTimeOffset NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_CreatedAt()": {
"Lines": {
"27": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_DefaultBranch()": {
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"30": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_SshUrlToRepo()": {
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"33": 0
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_HttpUrlToRepo()": {
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"36": 0
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_WebUrl()": {
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_AvatarUrl()": {
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_LicenseUrl()": {
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_StarCount()": {
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"48": 0
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_ForksCount()": {
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"51": 0
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"System.DateTimeOffset NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject::get_LastActivityAt()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Model/Links.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Links": {
"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Links::get_Self()": {
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"9": 0
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Links::get_Issues()": {
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Links::get_MergeRequests()": {
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"15": 0
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Links::get_RepoBranches()": {
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"18": 0
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Links::get_Labels()": {
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"21": 0
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Links::get_Events()": {
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Links::get_Members()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Model/MergeRequest.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.MergeRequest": {
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.MergeRequest::get_Id()": {
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"8": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.MergeRequest::get_Title()": {
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"11": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.MergeRequest::get_Description()": {
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"14": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.MergeRequest::get_TargetBranch()": {
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"17": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.MergeRequest::get_SourceBranch()": {
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"20": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Model/Owner.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Owner": {
"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Owner::get_Id()": {
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"9": 0
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Owner::get_Name()": {
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"System.DateTimeOffset NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Owner::get_CreatedAt()": {
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"15": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Model/Permissions.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Permissions": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Access NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Permissions::get_ProjectAccess()": {
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"8": 0
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"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Access NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Permissions::get_GroupAccess()": {
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"11": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Model/Project.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project": {
"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_Id()": {
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"9": 0
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"System.Object NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_Description()": {
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"12": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_DefaultBranch()": {
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"15": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_Visibility()": {
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"18": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_SshUrlToRepo()": {
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"21": 0
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_HttpUrlToRepo()": {
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_WebUrl()": {
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_ReadmeUrl()": {
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"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Owner NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_Owner()": {
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"33": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_Name()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_NameWithNamespace()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_Path()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_PathWithNamespace()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_IssuesEnabled()": {
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_OpenIssuesCount()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_MergeRequestsEnabled()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_JobsEnabled()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_WikiEnabled()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_SnippetsEnabled()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_ResolveOutdatedDiffDiscussions()": {
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"66": 0
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_ContainerRegistryEnabled()": {
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"69": 0
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"System.DateTimeOffset NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_CreatedAt()": {
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"System.DateTimeOffset NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_LastActivityAt()": {
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_CreatorId()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_ImportStatus()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_Archived()": {
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"System.Uri NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_AvatarUrl()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_SharedRunnersEnabled()": {
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_ForksCount()": {
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_StarCount()": {
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"96": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_RunnersToken()": {
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_PublicJobs()": {
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"102": 0
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_OnlyAllowMergeIfPipelineSucceeds()": {
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"105": 0
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_OnlyAllowMergeIfAllDiscussionsAreResolved()": {
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"108": 0
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"System.Boolean NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_RequestAccessEnabled()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_MergeMethod()": {
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"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Statistics NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_Statistics()": {
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"117": 0
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"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Links NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_Links()": {
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"System.Object NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_ImportError()": {
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"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Permissions NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_Permissions()": {
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"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.ForkedFromProject NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Project::get_ForkedFromProject()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Model/Statistics.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Statistics": {
"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Statistics::get_CommitCount()": {
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"8": 0
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Statistics::get_StorageSize()": {
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"11": 0
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Statistics::get_RepositorySize()": {
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"14": 0
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Statistics::get_LfsObjectsSize()": {
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"17": 0
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"System.Int64 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.Statistics::get_JobArtifactsSize()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Gitlab/Model/User.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.User": {
"System.Int32 NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.User::get_Id()": {
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"8": 0
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.User::get_UserName()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.User::get_Name()": {
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"System.String NuKeeper.Gitlab.Model.User::get_Email()": {
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"17": 0
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"NuKeeper.Tests.dll": {
"/Users/Ivan/.nuget/packages/": {
"AutoGeneratedProgram": {
"System.Void AutoGeneratedProgram::Main(System.String[])": {
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"4": 0
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/ContainerRegistrationTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.ContainerRegistrationTests": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.ContainerRegistrationTests::RootCanBeResolved()": {
"Lines": {
"15": 1,
"17": 1,
"19": 1,
"20": 1
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.ContainerRegistrationTests::InspectorCanBeResolved()": {
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"25": 1,
"27": 1,
"29": 1,
"30": 1
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"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.ContainerRegistrationTests::CommandsCanBeResolved(System.Type)": {
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"39": 5,
"41": 5,
"43": 5,
"44": 5
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/PackageUpdates.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::UpdateSet()": {
"Lines": {
"21": 9
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::MakeUpdateSet(System.String,System.String,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageReferenceType)": {
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"28": 39,
"30": 39,
"31": 39,
"32": 39,
"33": 39,
"35": 39,
"37": 39,
"38": 39,
"40": 39
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::For(NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity,System.DateTimeOffset,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject>,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageDependency>)": {
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"49": 15,
"50": 15,
"51": 15
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::ForPackageRefType(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageReferenceType)": {
"Lines": {
"56": 3
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::For(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject[])": {
"Lines": {
"61": 17,
"62": 17
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::ForNewVersion(NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject[])": {
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"67": 22,
"68": 22,
"70": 22,
"71": 22
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::ForInternalSource(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject[])": {
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"76": 1,
"77": 1,
"78": 1,
"79": 1,
"81": 1,
"82": 1
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::UpdateSetFor(NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject[])": {
"Lines": {
"87": 15
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::UpdateSetFor(NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity,System.DateTimeOffset,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject[])": {
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"92": 24,
"94": 24,
"95": 24
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::LimitedToMinor(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject[])": {
"Lines": {
"100": 1
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::LimitedToMinor(System.Nullable`1<System.DateTimeOffset>,NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject[])": {
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"106": 2,
"107": 2,
"109": 2,
"110": 2,
"112": 2,
"113": 2
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"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::UpdateFooFromOneVersion(System.Nullable`1<System.TimeSpan>)": {
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"121": 4,
"122": 4,
"123": 4,
"124": 4,
"125": 4,
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"EndOffset": 28,
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"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::UpdateBarFromTwoVersions(System.Nullable`1<System.TimeSpan>)": {
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"139": 3,
"140": 3,
"141": 3,
"142": 3,
"143": 3,
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"149": 3
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"Offset": 18,
"EndOffset": 27,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 0
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::MakePackagePath(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageReferenceType)": {
"Lines": {
"154": 39
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::PathToProjectOne()": {
"Lines": {
"159": 7
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackagePath NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::PathToProjectTwo()": {
"Lines": {
"164": 7
"Branches": []
"NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::OfficialPackageSource()": {
"Lines": {
"169": 143
"Branches": []
"NuGet.Configuration.PackageSource NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::InternalPackageSource()": {
"Lines": {
"174": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.PackageUpdates::.cctor()": {
"Lines": {
"17": 1
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Local/LocalEngineTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalEngineTests": {
"NuKeeper.Local.LocalEngine NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalEngineTests::MakeLocalEngine(NuKeeper.Inspection.IUpdateFinder,NuKeeper.Local.ILocalUpdater)": {
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"80": 2,
"81": 2,
"82": 2,
"83": 2,
"84": 2,
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"87": 2,
"88": 2,
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"93": 2,
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"97": 2,
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"EndOffset": 112,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 2
"NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalEngineTests/<CanRunInspect>d__0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalEngineTests/<CanRunInspect>d__0::MoveNext()": {
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"25": 1,
"26": 1,
"28": 1,
"29": 1,
"30": 1,
"31": 1,
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"36": 1,
"37": 1,
"38": 1,
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"Offset": 365,
"EndOffset": 427,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalEngineTests/<CanRunUpdate>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalEngineTests/<CanRunUpdate>d__1::MoveNext()": {
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"52": 1,
"53": 1,
"54": 1,
"56": 1,
"57": 1,
"58": 1,
"59": 1,
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"64": 1,
"65": 1,
"66": 1,
"67": 1,
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"EndOffset": 176,
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"EndOffset": 303,
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"Line": 69,
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"EndOffset": 427,
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"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 1
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Local/LocalUpdaterTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalUpdaterTests": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalUpdaterTests::FilterIsPassThrough(NuKeeper.Update.Selection.IUpdateSelection)": {
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"93": 2,
"94": 2,
"95": 2,
"96": 2,
"97": 2,
"98": 4,
"99": 2
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"EndOffset": 55,
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"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 2
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalUpdaterTests::Settings()": {
"Lines": {
"103": 3,
"104": 3,
"105": 3,
"106": 3
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalUpdaterTests/<EmptyListCase>d__0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalUpdaterTests/<EmptyListCase>d__0::MoveNext()": {
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"25": 1,
"26": 1,
"27": 1,
"28": 1,
"29": 1,
"31": 1,
"33": 1,
"34": 1,
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"37": 1,
"38": 1,
"39": 1
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"EndOffset": 199,
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"Line": 37,
"Offset": 249,
"EndOffset": 313,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalUpdaterTests/<SingleItemCase>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalUpdaterTests/<SingleItemCase>d__1::MoveNext()": {
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"44": 1,
"45": 1,
"47": 1,
"48": 1,
"51": 1,
"52": 1,
"53": 1,
"54": 1,
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"58": 1,
"60": 1,
"61": 1,
"62": 1
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"EndOffset": 225,
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"Line": 60,
"Offset": 275,
"EndOffset": 339,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalUpdaterTests/<TwoItemsCase>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Local.LocalUpdaterTests/<TwoItemsCase>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"68": 1,
"69": 1,
"70": 1,
"71": 1,
"72": 1,
"74": 1,
"75": 1,
"77": 1,
"78": 1,
"79": 1,
"80": 1,
"82": 1,
"84": 1,
"86": 1,
"87": 1,
"88": 1
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"EndOffset": 253,
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"EndOffset": 367,
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"Hits": 1
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/BranchNamerTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.BranchNamerTests": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.BranchNamerTests::TestWithSinglePackage()": {
"Lines": {
"15": 1,
"16": 1,
"18": 1,
"20": 1,
"21": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.BranchNamerTests::TestWithTwoPackages()": {
"Lines": {
"26": 1,
"27": 1,
"28": 1,
"29": 1,
"30": 1,
"32": 1,
"34": 1,
"35": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.BranchNamerTests::TestWithThreePackages()": {
"Lines": {
"40": 1,
"41": 1,
"42": 1,
"43": 1,
"44": 1,
"45": 1,
"47": 1,
"49": 1,
"50": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.BranchNamerTests::EquivalentInputs_HaveSameHash()": {
"Lines": {
"55": 1,
"56": 1,
"57": 1,
"58": 1,
"59": 1,
"61": 1,
"62": 1,
"63": 1,
"64": 1,
"65": 1,
"67": 1,
"68": 1,
"70": 1,
"71": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.BranchNamerTests::VersionChange_ChangesHash()": {
"Lines": {
"77": 1,
"78": 1,
"79": 1,
"80": 1,
"81": 1,
"83": 1,
"84": 1,
"85": 1,
"86": 1,
"87": 1,
"89": 1,
"90": 1,
"92": 1,
"93": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.BranchNamerTests::NameChange_ChangesHash()": {
"Lines": {
"98": 1,
"99": 1,
"100": 1,
"101": 1,
"102": 1,
"104": 1,
"105": 1,
"106": 1,
"107": 1,
"108": 1,
"110": 1,
"111": 1,
"113": 1,
"114": 1
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/CollaborationEngineTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests": {
"NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationEngine NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests::MakeCollaborationEngine(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings>)": {
"Lines": {
"118": 3
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationEngine NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests::MakeCollaborationEngine(System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings>)": {
"Lines": {
"125": 6,
"126": 6,
"127": 6,
"129": 6,
"130": 6,
"132": 6,
"134": 6,
"136": 6,
"138": 6,
"139": 6,
"141": 6
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests::MakeSettings()": {
"Lines": {
"146": 5,
"147": 5,
"148": 5,
"149": 5,
"150": 5
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SourceControlServerSettings NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests::MakeServerSettings()": {
"Lines": {
"155": 6,
"156": 6,
"157": 6,
"158": 6
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.UserSettings NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests::MakeUserSettings()": {
"Lines": {
"163": 5
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<SuccessCaseWithNoRepos>d__0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<SuccessCaseWithNoRepos>d__0::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"21": 1,
"22": 1,
"24": 1,
"26": 1,
"27": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 24,
"Offset": 43,
"EndOffset": 105,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<SuccessCaseWithOneRepo>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<SuccessCaseWithOneRepo>d__1::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"32": 1,
"33": 1,
"34": 1,
"35": 1,
"36": 1,
"38": 1,
"40": 1,
"41": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 38,
"Offset": 54,
"EndOffset": 116,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<SuccessCaseWithTwoRepos>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<SuccessCaseWithTwoRepos>d__2::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"46": 1,
"47": 1,
"48": 1,
"49": 1,
"50": 1,
"51": 1,
"53": 1,
"55": 1,
"56": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 53,
"Offset": 65,
"EndOffset": 127,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<SuccessCaseWithTwoReposAndTwoPrsPerRepo>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<SuccessCaseWithTwoReposAndTwoPrsPerRepo>d__3::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"61": 1,
"62": 1,
"63": 1,
"64": 1,
"65": 1,
"66": 1,
"68": 1,
"70": 1,
"71": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 68,
"Offset": 68,
"EndOffset": 130,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<CountIsNotIncrementedWhenRepoEngineFails>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<CountIsNotIncrementedWhenRepoEngineFails>d__4::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"76": 1,
"77": 1,
"78": 1,
"79": 1,
"80": 1,
"81": 1,
"82": 1,
"84": 1,
"86": 1,
"87": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 84,
"Offset": 79,
"EndOffset": 141,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<WhenThereIsAMaxNumberOfRepos>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationEngineTests/<WhenThereIsAMaxNumberOfRepos>d__5::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"92": 1,
"93": 1,
"94": 1,
"95": 1,
"96": 1,
"97": 1,
"99": 1,
"101": 1,
"102": 1,
"103": 1,
"104": 1,
"105": 1,
"106": 1,
"107": 1,
"108": 1,
"110": 1,
"112": 1,
"113": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 110,
"Offset": 113,
"EndOffset": 175,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/CollaborationFactoryTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationFactoryTests": {
"NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationFactoryTests::GetCollaborationFactory()": {
"Lines": {
"19": 6,
"20": 6,
"22": 6,
"23": 6,
"24": 6,
"26": 6,
"27": 6,
"28": 6,
"30": 6,
"31": 6,
"32": 6
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationFactoryTests::UnitialisedFactoryHasNulls()": {
"Lines": {
"38": 1,
"40": 1,
"41": 1,
"42": 1,
"43": 1,
"44": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationFactoryTests::UnknownApiReturnsUnableToFindPlatform()": {
"Lines": {
"49": 1,
"51": 1,
"52": 1,
"53": 1,
"55": 1,
"56": 1,
"57": 1,
"58": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationFactoryTests::UnknownApiCanHaveManualPlatform()": {
"Lines": {
"63": 1,
"65": 1,
"66": 1,
"67": 1,
"68": 1,
"70": 1,
"71": 1,
"72": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationFactoryTests::ManualPlatformWillOverrideUri()": {
"Lines": {
"77": 1,
"79": 1,
"80": 1,
"81": 1,
"82": 1,
"84": 1,
"85": 1,
"86": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationFactoryTests::AzureDevOpsUrlReturnsAzureDevOps()": {
"Lines": {
"91": 1,
"93": 1,
"94": 1,
"95": 1,
"97": 1,
"98": 1,
"99": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationFactoryTests::GithubUrlReturnsGitHub()": {
"Lines": {
"104": 1,
"106": 1,
"107": 1,
"108": 1,
"110": 1,
"111": 1,
"112": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationFactoryTests::AssertAreSameObject(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory)": {
"Lines": {
"116": 2,
"117": 2,
"119": 2,
"120": 2,
"122": 2,
"123": 2,
"125": 2,
"126": 2,
"127": 2
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationFactoryTests::AssertGithub(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory)": {
"Lines": {
"131": 2,
"132": 2,
"133": 2,
"134": 2,
"135": 2
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CollaborationFactoryTests::AssertAzureDevOps(NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory)": {
"Lines": {
"139": 2,
"140": 2,
"141": 2,
"142": 2,
"143": 2
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/CommitWordingTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::MarkPullRequestTitle_UpdateIsCorrect()": {
"Lines": {
"18": 1,
"19": 1,
"21": 1,
"23": 1,
"24": 1,
"25": 1,
"26": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::MakeCommitMessage_OneUpdateIsCorrect()": {
"Lines": {
"31": 1,
"33": 1,
"35": 1,
"36": 1,
"37": 1,
"38": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::MakeCommitMessage_TwoUpdatesIsCorrect()": {
"Lines": {
"43": 1,
"45": 1,
"47": 1,
"48": 1,
"49": 1,
"50": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::MakeCommitMessage_TwoUpdatesSameVersionIsCorrect()": {
"Lines": {
"55": 1,
"57": 1,
"59": 1,
"60": 1,
"61": 1,
"62": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::OneUpdate_MakeCommitDetails_IsNotEmpty()": {
"Lines": {
"68": 1,
"69": 1,
"71": 1,
"73": 1,
"74": 1,
"75": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::OneUpdate_MakeCommitDetails_HasStandardTexts()": {
"Lines": {
"80": 1,
"81": 1,
"83": 1,
"85": 1,
"86": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::OneUpdate_MakeCommitDetails_HasVersionInfo()": {
"Lines": {
"91": 1,
"92": 1,
"94": 1,
"96": 1,
"97": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::OneUpdate_MakeCommitDetails_HasPublishedDate()": {
"Lines": {
"102": 1,
"103": 1,
"105": 1,
"107": 1,
"108": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::OneUpdate_MakeCommitDetails_HasProjectDetails()": {
"Lines": {
"114": 1,
"115": 1,
"117": 1,
"119": 1,
"120": 1,
"121": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::TwoUpdates_MakeCommitDetails_NotEmpty()": {
"Lines": {
"126": 1,
"127": 1,
"129": 1,
"131": 1,
"132": 1,
"133": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::TwoUpdates_MakeCommitDetails_HasStandardTexts()": {
"Lines": {
"138": 1,
"139": 1,
"141": 1,
"143": 1,
"144": 1,
"145": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::TwoUpdates_MakeCommitDetails_HasVersionInfo()": {
"Lines": {
"150": 1,
"151": 1,
"153": 1,
"155": 1,
"156": 1,
"157": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::TwoUpdates_MakeCommitDetails_HasProjectList()": {
"Lines": {
"162": 1,
"163": 1,
"165": 1,
"167": 1,
"168": 1,
"169": 1,
"170": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::TwoUpdatesSameVersion_MakeCommitDetails_NotEmpty()": {
"Lines": {
"175": 1,
"176": 1,
"178": 1,
"180": 1,
"181": 1,
"182": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::TwoUpdatesSameVersion_MakeCommitDetails_HasStandardTexts()": {
"Lines": {
"187": 1,
"188": 1,
"190": 1,
"192": 1,
"193": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::TwoUpdatesSameVersion_MakeCommitDetails_HasVersionInfo()": {
"Lines": {
"198": 1,
"199": 1,
"201": 1,
"203": 1,
"204": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::TwoUpdatesSameVersion_MakeCommitDetails_HasProjectList()": {
"Lines": {
"209": 1,
"210": 1,
"212": 1,
"214": 1,
"215": 1,
"216": 1,
"217": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::OneUpdate_MakeCommitDetails_HasVersionLimitData()": {
"Lines": {
"222": 1,
"223": 1,
"225": 1,
"227": 1,
"228": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::OneUpdateWithDate_MakeCommitDetails_HasVersionLimitDataWithDate()": {
"Lines": {
"233": 1,
"235": 1,
"236": 1,
"238": 1,
"240": 1,
"241": 1,
"242": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::OneUpdateWithMajorVersionChange()": {
"Lines": {
"247": 1,
"248": 1,
"250": 1,
"252": 1,
"253": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::OneUpdateWithMinorVersionChange()": {
"Lines": {
"258": 1,
"259": 1,
"261": 1,
"263": 1,
"264": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::OneUpdateWithPatchVersionChange()": {
"Lines": {
"269": 1,
"270": 1,
"272": 1,
"274": 1,
"275": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::OneUpdateWithInternalPackageSource()": {
"Lines": {
"280": 1,
"281": 1,
"283": 1,
"285": 1,
"286": 1,
"287": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::TwoUpdateSets()": {
"Lines": {
"292": 1,
"294": 1,
"295": 1,
"296": 1,
"297": 1,
"298": 1,
"300": 1,
"302": 1,
"303": 1,
"304": 1,
"305": 1,
"306": 1,
"307": 1,
"308": 1,
"309": 1,
"310": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::AssertContainsStandardText(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"314": 3,
"315": 3,
"316": 3,
"317": 3,
"318": 3,
"320": 3,
"321": 3,
"322": 3,
"323": 3,
"324": 3,
"325": 3,
"326": 3
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::MakePackageForV110(System.String)": {
"Lines": {
"330": 25,
"331": 25,
"332": 25
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::MakePackageForV100()": {
"Lines": {
"337": 5,
"338": 5,
"339": 5,
"340": 5
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.CommitWordingTests::MakePackageForV110InProject3()": {
"Lines": {
"345": 5,
"347": 5
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/ExistingBranchFilterTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.ExistingBranchFilterTests": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.ExistingBranchFilterTests::MakeUpdateSet()": {
"Lines": {
"48": 2,
"49": 2,
"50": 2,
"51": 2,
"52": 2,
"54": 2,
"56": 2,
"57": 2,
"58": 2,
"60": 2
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.ExistingBranchFilterTests::Metadata(System.String,System.String,NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageDependency)": {
"Lines": {
"65": 2,
"66": 2,
"68": 0,
"71": 2,
"72": 2,
"73": 2,
"74": 2
"Branches": [
"Line": 66,
"Offset": 7,
"EndOffset": 9,
"Path": 0,
"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 0
"Line": 66,
"Offset": 7,
"EndOffset": 16,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 2
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.ExistingBranchFilterTests/<IfBranchDoesNotExistAllowCreation>d__0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.ExistingBranchFilterTests/<IfBranchDoesNotExistAllowCreation>d__0::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"25": 1,
"26": 1,
"27": 1,
"29": 1,
"30": 1,
"31": 1,
"32": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 30,
"Offset": 129,
"EndOffset": 191,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.ExistingBranchFilterTests/<IfBranchDoesExistDoNotAllowCreation>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.ExistingBranchFilterTests/<IfBranchDoesExistDoNotAllowCreation>d__1::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"37": 1,
"38": 1,
"39": 1,
"41": 1,
"42": 1,
"43": 1,
"44": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 42,
"Offset": 129,
"EndOffset": 191,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/PackageUpdateSelectionTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests": {
"NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.IPackageUpdateSelection NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests::SelectionForFilter(NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.IExistingBranchFilter)": {
"Lines": {
"104": 5,
"105": 5,
"106": 5,
"107": 5
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.FilterSettings NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests::NoFilter()": {
"Lines": {
"112": 5,
"113": 5,
"114": 5,
"115": 5,
"116": 5
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationModels.ForkData NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests::PushFork()": {
"Lines": {
"121": 5
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.IExistingBranchFilter NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests::BranchFilter(System.Boolean)": {
"Lines": {
"126": 5,
"127": 5,
"128": 5,
"129": 5,
"130": 12,
"132": 5
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.Sort.IPackageUpdateSetSort NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests::MakeSort()": {
"Lines": {
"137": 5
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests/<WhenThereAreNoInputs_NoTargetsOut>d__0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests/<WhenThereAreNoInputs_NoTargetsOut>d__0::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"24": 1,
"26": 1,
"27": 1,
"29": 1,
"30": 1,
"31": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 26,
"Offset": 62,
"EndOffset": 124,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests/<WhenThereIsOneInput_ItIsTheTarget>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests/<WhenThereIsOneInput_ItIsTheTarget>d__1::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"36": 1,
"37": 1,
"39": 1,
"41": 1,
"43": 1,
"44": 1,
"45": 1,
"46": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 41,
"Offset": 79,
"EndOffset": 146,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests/<WhenThereAreTwoInputs_MoreVersionsFirst_FirstIsTheTarget>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests/<WhenThereAreTwoInputs_MoreVersionsFirst_FirstIsTheTarget>d__2::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"52": 1,
"53": 1,
"54": 1,
"55": 1,
"56": 1,
"58": 1,
"60": 1,
"62": 1,
"63": 1,
"64": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 60,
"Offset": 105,
"EndOffset": 172,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests/<WhenThereAreTwoInputs_MoreVersionsSecond_SecondIsTheTarget>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests/<WhenThereAreTwoInputs_MoreVersionsSecond_SecondIsTheTarget>d__3::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"70": 1,
"71": 1,
"72": 1,
"73": 1,
"74": 1,
"76": 1,
"78": 1,
"80": 1,
"81": 1,
"82": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 78,
"Offset": 105,
"EndOffset": 172,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests/<WhenExistingBranchesAreFilteredOut>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.PackageUpdateSelectionTests/<WhenExistingBranchesAreFilteredOut>d__4::MoveNext()": {
"Lines": {
"87": 1,
"88": 1,
"89": 1,
"90": 1,
"91": 1,
"93": 1,
"95": 1,
"97": 1,
"99": 1,
"100": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 97,
"Offset": 105,
"EndOffset": 169,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/RepositoryFilterTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryFilterTests": {
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.RepositorySettings NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryFilterTests::MakeSampleRepository()": {
"Lines": {
"58": 3,
"59": 3,
"60": 3,
"61": 3,
"62": 3
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryFilterTests/<ShouldFilterWhenNoMatchFound>d__0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryFilterTests/<ShouldFilterWhenNoMatchFound>d__0::MoveNext()": {
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"20": 1,
"21": 1,
"23": 1,
"25": 1,
"27": 1,
"28": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 25,
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"EndOffset": 154,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryFilterTests/<ShouldNotFilterWhenMatchFound>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryFilterTests/<ShouldNotFilterWhenMatchFound>d__1::MoveNext()": {
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"33": 1,
"34": 1,
"36": 1,
"38": 1,
"40": 1,
"41": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 38,
"Offset": 92,
"EndOffset": 154,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryFilterTests/<ShouldNotFilterWhenSearchFails>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryFilterTests/<ShouldNotFilterWhenSearchFails>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"46": 1,
"47": 1,
"49": 1,
"51": 1,
"53": 1,
"54": 1
"Branches": [
"Line": 51,
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"EndOffset": 143,
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"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/RepositoryUpdaterTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests::UpdateSelectionAll(NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.IPackageUpdateSelection)": {
"Lines": {
"164": 7,
"165": 7,
"166": 7,
"167": 7,
"168": 12,
"169": 7
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"Line": 164,
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"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 1
"Line": 164,
"Offset": 30,
"EndOffset": 55,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 7
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests::UpdateSelectionNone(NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.IPackageUpdateSelection)": {
"Lines": {
"173": 1,
"174": 1,
"175": 1,
"176": 1,
"177": 1,
"178": 1
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests::MakeSettings(System.Boolean)": {
"Lines": {
"182": 8,
"183": 8,
"184": 8,
"185": 8,
"186": 8,
"187": 8,
"188": 8,
"189": 8
"Branches": []
"System.ValueTuple`2<NuKeeper.Engine.IRepositoryUpdater,NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.IPackageUpdater> NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests::MakeRepositoryUpdater(NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.IPackageUpdateSelection,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>,NuKeeper.Engine.Packages.IPackageUpdater)": {
"Lines": {
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"199": 8,
"200": 8,
"201": 8,
"203": 8,
"204": 8,
"205": 8,
"206": 8,
"207": 8,
"208": 8,
"210": 8,
"212": 3,
"213": 3,
"214": 3,
"215": 3,
"216": 3,
"217": 3,
"218": 3,
"219": 3,
"222": 8,
"223": 8,
"224": 8,
"225": 8,
"227": 8
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"Line": 210,
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"EndOffset": 90,
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"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 3
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"Offset": 88,
"EndOffset": 150,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 8
"NuKeeper.Engine.RepositoryData NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests::MakeRepositoryData()": {
"Lines": {
"232": 8,
"233": 8,
"234": 8
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<WhenThereAreNoUpdates_CountIsZero>d__0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<WhenThereAreNoUpdates_CountIsZero>d__0::MoveNext()": {
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"33": 1,
"35": 1,
"36": 1,
"37": 1,
"39": 1,
"40": 1,
"42": 1,
"44": 1,
"45": 1,
"46": 1
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"EndOffset": 27,
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"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 1
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"EndOffset": 188,
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"Hits": 1
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"Offset": 236,
"EndOffset": 300,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<WhenThereIsAnUpdate_CountIsOne>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<WhenThereIsAnUpdate_CountIsOne>d__1::MoveNext()": {
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"52": 1,
"54": 1,
"55": 1,
"57": 1,
"58": 1,
"60": 1,
"61": 1,
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"65": 1,
"66": 1,
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"EndOffset": 27,
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"EndOffset": 197,
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"Offset": 246,
"EndOffset": 310,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<>c": {
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<>c::<WhenThereAreUpdates_CountIsAsExpected>b__2_0(System.Int32)": {
"Lines": {
"86": 11
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<WhenThereAreUpdates_CountIsAsExpected>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<WhenThereAreUpdates_CountIsAsExpected>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"77": 5,
"78": 5,
"79": 5,
"81": 5,
"82": 5,
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"89": 5,
"91": 5,
"92": 5,
"94": 5,
"96": 5,
"98": 5,
"100": 5,
"102": 5,
"103": 5,
"104": 5,
"105": 5,
"106": 5,
"108": 5,
"109": 5,
"110": 5
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"EndOffset": 317,
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"Offset": 404,
"EndOffset": 468,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 7,
"Hits": 5
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<WhenUpdatesAreFilteredOut_CountIsZero>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<WhenUpdatesAreFilteredOut_CountIsZero>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"116": 1,
"118": 1,
"119": 1,
"120": 1,
"121": 1,
"122": 1,
"124": 1,
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"126": 1,
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"129": 1,
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"EndOffset": 214,
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"Offset": 262,
"EndOffset": 326,
"Path": 1,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<AssertReceivedMakeUpdate>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<AssertReceivedMakeUpdate>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"141": 1,
"142": 1,
"143": 1,
"144": 1,
"145": 1,
"146": 1,
"147": 1,
"148": 1
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"EndOffset": 137,
"Path": 1,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<AssertDidNotReceiveMakeUpdate>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.RepositoryUpdaterTests/<AssertDidNotReceiveMakeUpdate>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"154": 2,
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"156": 2,
"157": 2,
"158": 2,
"159": 2,
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"Hits": 2
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/SolutionsRestoreTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.SolutionsRestoreTests/<WhenThereAreNoSolutionsTheCommandIsNotCalled>d__0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.SolutionsRestoreTests/<WhenThereAreNoSolutionsTheCommandIsNotCalled>d__0::MoveNext()": {
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"21": 1,
"23": 1,
"25": 1,
"27": 1,
"29": 1,
"30": 1,
"31": 1
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"EndOffset": 151,
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"Offset": 199,
"EndOffset": 261,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.SolutionsRestoreTests/<WhenThereAreNoMatchingPackagesTheCommandIsNotCalled>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.SolutionsRestoreTests/<WhenThereAreNoMatchingPackagesTheCommandIsNotCalled>d__1::MoveNext()": {
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"37": 1,
"39": 1,
"41": 1,
"42": 1,
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"45": 1,
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"50": 1,
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"EndOffset": 207,
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"Offset": 256,
"EndOffset": 320,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.SolutionsRestoreTests/<WhenThereIsOneSolutionsTheCommandIsCalled>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.SolutionsRestoreTests/<WhenThereIsOneSolutionsTheCommandIsCalled>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"57": 1,
"59": 1,
"61": 1,
"62": 1,
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"EndOffset": 333,
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"Line": 70,
"Offset": 381,
"EndOffset": 443,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.SolutionsRestoreTests/<WhenThereAreTwoSolutionsTheCommandIsCalledForEachOfThem>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.SolutionsRestoreTests/<WhenThereAreTwoSolutionsTheCommandIsCalledForEachOfThem>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"77": 1,
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"EndOffset": 585,
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"Ordinal": 7,
"Hits": 1
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/UpdateConsolidatorTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.UpdateConsolidatorTests": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.UpdateConsolidatorTests::WhenOneItemIsConsolidated()": {
"Lines": {
"16": 1,
"17": 1,
"19": 1,
"21": 1,
"24": 1,
"25": 1,
"26": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.UpdateConsolidatorTests::WhenOneItemIsNotConsolidated()": {
"Lines": {
"31": 1,
"32": 1,
"34": 1,
"36": 1,
"39": 1,
"40": 1,
"41": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.UpdateConsolidatorTests::WhenItemsAreConsolidated()": {
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"46": 1,
"47": 1,
"48": 1,
"49": 1,
"50": 1,
"52": 1,
"54": 1,
"57": 1,
"58": 1,
"59": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.UpdateConsolidatorTests::WhenItemsAreNotConsolidated()": {
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"64": 1,
"65": 1,
"66": 1,
"67": 1,
"68": 1,
"70": 1,
"72": 1,
"75": 1,
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"77": 1,
"78": 1,
"79": 1
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"EndOffset": 91,
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"Hits": 1
"Line": 76,
"Offset": 89,
"EndOffset": 114,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/VersionChangesTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.VersionChangesTests": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.VersionChangesTests::WhenThereAreNoCandidates()": {
"Lines": {
"18": 1,
"19": 1,
"21": 1,
"23": 1,
"24": 1,
"25": 1,
"26": 1,
"27": 1,
"28": 1,
"29": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.VersionChangesTests::WhenThereIsANewMajorVersion()": {
"Lines": {
"34": 1,
"35": 1,
"36": 1,
"38": 1,
"40": 1,
"41": 1,
"42": 1,
"44": 1,
"45": 1,
"46": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.VersionChangesTests::WhenThereAreNewMajorMinorAndPatchVersion()": {
"Lines": {
"51": 1,
"52": 1,
"53": 1,
"54": 1,
"55": 1,
"56": 1,
"57": 1,
"59": 1,
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"62": 1,
"63": 1,
"65": 1,
"66": 1,
"68": 1,
"69": 1,
"71": 1,
"72": 1,
"73": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.VersionChangesTests::WhenThereAreOnlyNewPatchVersion()": {
"Lines": {
"78": 1,
"79": 1,
"80": 1,
"81": 1,
"82": 1,
"83": 1,
"84": 1,
"85": 1,
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"88": 1,
"90": 1,
"91": 1,
"93": 1,
"94": 1,
"95": 1,
"96": 1,
"97": 1,
"98": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.VersionChangesTests::WhenThereAreOnlyNewMinorAndPatchVersion()": {
"Lines": {
"103": 1,
"104": 1,
"105": 1,
"106": 1,
"107": 1,
"108": 1,
"109": 1,
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"112": 1,
"113": 1,
"115": 1,
"117": 1,
"118": 1,
"119": 1,
"120": 1,
"122": 1,
"123": 1,
"124": 1,
"126": 1,
"127": 1,
"128": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.VersionChangesTests::WhenMinorChangesAreAllowed()": {
"Lines": {
"133": 1,
"134": 1,
"135": 1,
"136": 1,
"137": 1,
"138": 1,
"139": 1,
"141": 1,
"143": 1,
"144": 1,
"145": 1,
"146": 1,
"148": 1,
"149": 1,
"150": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.VersionChangesTests::WhenPatchChangesAreAllowed()": {
"Lines": {
"155": 1,
"156": 1,
"157": 1,
"158": 1,
"159": 1,
"160": 1,
"161": 1,
"163": 1,
"165": 1,
"166": 1,
"167": 1,
"168": 1,
"170": 1,
"171": 1,
"172": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.VersionChangesTests::WhenThereAreMultipleVersionsOutOfOrder()": {
"Lines": {
"177": 1,
"178": 1,
"179": 1,
"180": 1,
"181": 1,
"182": 1,
"183": 1,
"184": 1,
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"186": 1,
"187": 1,
"188": 1,
"189": 1,
"190": 1,
"192": 1,
"194": 1,
"195": 1,
"197": 1,
"198": 1,
"199": 1,
"200": 1
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.NuGetApi.PackageSearchMedatadata NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.VersionChangesTests::MetadataForVersion(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)": {
"Lines": {
"204": 32,
"205": 32,
"206": 32
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/Sort/PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests::WillSortByProjectCountWhenThereAreNoDeps()": {
"Lines": {
"23": 1,
"24": 1,
"26": 1,
"27": 1,
"28": 1,
"29": 1,
"30": 1,
"32": 1,
"34": 1,
"35": 1,
"36": 1,
"37": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests::WillSortByDependencyWhenItExists()": {
"Lines": {
"42": 1,
"43": 1,
"44": 1,
"45": 1,
"46": 1,
"48": 1,
"50": 1,
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"53": 1,
"54": 1,
"56": 1,
"58": 1,
"59": 1,
"60": 1,
"61": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests::WillSortSecondAndThirdByDependencyWhenItExists()": {
"Lines": {
"66": 1,
"67": 1,
"68": 1,
"69": 1,
"70": 1,
"72": 1,
"74": 1,
"75": 1,
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"77": 1,
"78": 1,
"79": 1,
"81": 1,
"83": 1,
"84": 1,
"85": 1,
"86": 1,
"87": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests::SortWithThreeLevels()": {
"Lines": {
"92": 1,
"93": 1,
"94": 1,
"95": 1,
"96": 1,
"98": 1,
"99": 1,
"100": 1,
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"102": 1,
"104": 1,
"106": 1,
"107": 1,
"108": 1,
"109": 1,
"110": 1,
"111": 1,
"113": 1,
"115": 1,
"116": 1,
"117": 1,
"118": 1,
"119": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests::SortWhenTwoPackagesDependOnSameUpstream()": {
"Lines": {
"124": 1,
"125": 1,
"126": 1,
"127": 1,
"128": 1,
"130": 1,
"131": 1,
"133": 1,
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"135": 1,
"136": 1,
"137": 1,
"138": 1,
"140": 1,
"142": 1,
"143": 1,
"146": 1,
"147": 1,
"148": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests::SortWhenDependenciesAreCircular()": {
"Lines": {
"153": 1,
"154": 1,
"155": 1,
"156": 1,
"158": 1,
"159": 1,
"160": 1,
"161": 1,
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"166": 1,
"169": 1,
"170": 1,
"171": 1,
"172": 1,
"173": 1,
"175": 1,
"177": 1,
"178": 1,
"179": 1,
"180": 1
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests::OnePackageUpdateSet(System.String,System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageDependency>)": {
"Lines": {
"185": 15,
"186": 15,
"188": 15,
"189": 78,
"191": 24,
"194": 15
"Branches": [
"Line": 189,
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"EndOffset": 55,
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"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 24
"Line": 189,
"Offset": 80,
"EndOffset": 82,
"Path": 0,
"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 15
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests::MakePackageInProjectFor(NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity)": {
"Lines": {
"199": 24,
"200": 24,
"201": 24,
"202": 24,
"203": 24
"Branches": []
"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet> NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests::Sort(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
"Lines": {
"208": 6,
"209": 6,
"210": 6
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortDependencyTests::.cctor()": {
"Lines": {
"18": 1
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Engine/Sort/PackageUpdateSortTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::CanSortWhenListIsEmpty()": {
"Lines": {
"24": 1,
"26": 1,
"28": 1,
"29": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::CanSortOneItem()": {
"Lines": {
"34": 1,
"35": 1,
"37": 1,
"39": 1,
"40": 1,
"41": 1,
"42": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::CanSortTwoItems()": {
"Lines": {
"47": 1,
"48": 1,
"49": 1,
"50": 1,
"51": 1,
"53": 1,
"55": 1,
"56": 1,
"57": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::CanSortThreeItems()": {
"Lines": {
"62": 1,
"63": 1,
"64": 1,
"65": 1,
"66": 1,
"67": 1,
"69": 1,
"71": 1,
"72": 1,
"73": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::TwoPackageVersionsIsSortedToTop()": {
"Lines": {
"78": 1,
"79": 1,
"80": 1,
"81": 1,
"82": 1,
"83": 1,
"84": 1,
"86": 1,
"88": 1,
"89": 1,
"90": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::WillSortByProjectCount()": {
"Lines": {
"95": 1,
"96": 1,
"97": 1,
"98": 1,
"99": 1,
"100": 1,
"102": 1,
"104": 1,
"105": 1,
"106": 1,
"107": 1,
"108": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::WillSortByProjectVersionsOverProjectCount()": {
"Lines": {
"113": 1,
"114": 1,
"115": 1,
"116": 1,
"117": 1,
"118": 1,
"119": 1,
"121": 1,
"123": 1,
"124": 1,
"125": 1,
"126": 1,
"127": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::WillSortByBiggestVersionChange()": {
"Lines": {
"132": 1,
"133": 1,
"134": 1,
"135": 1,
"136": 1,
"137": 1,
"139": 1,
"141": 1,
"142": 1,
"143": 1,
"144": 1,
"145": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::WillSortByGettingOutOfBetaFirst()": {
"Lines": {
"150": 1,
"151": 1,
"152": 1,
"153": 1,
"154": 1,
"155": 1,
"157": 1,
"159": 1,
"160": 1,
"161": 1,
"162": 1,
"163": 1
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::WillSortByOldestFirstOverPatchVersionIncrement()": {
"Lines": {
"169": 1,
"170": 1,
"171": 1,
"172": 1,
"173": 1,
"174": 1,
"176": 1,
"178": 1,
"179": 1,
"180": 1,
"181": 1,
"182": 1
"Branches": []
"System.String NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::SelectedVersion(NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet)": {
"Lines": {
"186": 9
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageInProject NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::MakePackageInProjectFor(NuGet.Packaging.Core.PackageIdentity)": {
"Lines": {
"191": 66,
"192": 66,
"193": 66,
"194": 66,
"195": 66
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::OnePackageUpdateSet(System.Int32)": {
"Lines": {
"200": 13,
"201": 13,
"203": 13,
"204": 132,
"206": 53,
"209": 13
"Branches": [
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"EndOffset": 63,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 53
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"Offset": 88,
"EndOffset": 90,
"Path": 0,
"Ordinal": 0,
"Hits": 13
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::MakeTwoProjectVersions()": {
"Lines": {
"214": 2,
"216": 2,
"217": 2,
"218": 2,
"219": 2,
"220": 2,
"221": 2,
"222": 2,
"224": 2
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::PackageChange(System.String,System.String,System.Nullable`1<System.DateTimeOffset>)": {
"Lines": {
"229": 9,
"230": 9,
"232": 9,
"234": 6,
"237": 9,
"238": 9,
"239": 9,
"240": 9,
"242": 9
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"EndOffset": 42,
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"Hits": 6
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"Offset": 40,
"EndOffset": 54,
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"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 9
"System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet> NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::Sort(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<NuKeeper.Inspection.RepositoryInspection.PackageUpdateSet>)": {
"Lines": {
"247": 10,
"248": 10,
"249": 10
"Branches": []
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Engine.Sort.PackageUpdateSortTests::.cctor()": {
"Lines": {
"19": 1
"Branches": []
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Commands/GlobalCommandTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests": {
"NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests::GetCollaborationFactory()": {
"Lines": {
"22": 10,
"24": 10,
"25": 10,
"26": 10,
"27": 10
"Branches": []
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndNotSucceedWithoutParams>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndNotSucceedWithoutParams>d__1::MoveNext()": {
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"33": 1,
"34": 1,
"35": 1,
"36": 1,
"38": 1,
"40": 1,
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"Offset": 245,
"EndOffset": 309,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndSucceedWithRequiredGithubParams>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndSucceedWithRequiredGithubParams>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"53": 1,
"54": 1,
"55": 1,
"56": 1,
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"60": 1,
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"62": 1,
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"67": 1,
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"Offset": 279,
"EndOffset": 343,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 5,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<ShouldPopulateGithubSettings>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<ShouldPopulateGithubSettings>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"76": 1,
"78": 1,
"80": 1,
"81": 1,
"82": 1,
"83": 1,
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"87": 1,
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"90": 1,
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"Line": 78,
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"EndOffset": 98,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInRequiredParams>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInRequiredParams>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"96": 1,
"98": 1,
"100": 1,
"101": 1,
"102": 1,
"104": 1,
"105": 1,
"106": 1,
"107": 1
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInDefaultSettings>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInDefaultSettings>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"114": 1,
"116": 1,
"117": 1,
"118": 1,
"120": 1,
"121": 1,
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"125": 1,
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"127": 1,
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"Line": 114,
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"EndOffset": 98,
"Path": 1,
"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<WillReadApiFromFile>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<WillReadApiFromFile>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"138": 1,
"139": 1,
"140": 1,
"141": 1,
"143": 1,
"145": 1,
"146": 1,
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"EndOffset": 109,
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<WillReadLabelFromFile>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<WillReadLabelFromFile>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"153": 1,
"154": 1,
"155": 1,
"156": 1,
"158": 1,
"160": 1,
"161": 1,
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"EndOffset": 120,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<WillReadRepoFiltersFromFile>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<WillReadRepoFiltersFromFile>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"171": 1,
"172": 1,
"173": 1,
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"176": 1,
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"EndOffset": 120,
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"Ordinal": 1,
"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<WillReadMaxPackageUpdatesFromFile>d__9": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<WillReadMaxPackageUpdatesFromFile>d__9::MoveNext()": {
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"189": 1,
"190": 1,
"191": 1,
"192": 1,
"194": 1,
"196": 1,
"197": 1,
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"Line": 194,
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"EndOffset": 111,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<WillReadMaxRepoFromFile>d__10": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<WillReadMaxRepoFromFile>d__10::MoveNext()": {
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"205": 1,
"206": 1,
"207": 1,
"209": 1,
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<>c__DisplayClass11_0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<>c__DisplayClass11_0::<CaptureSettings>b__0(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<CaptureSettings>d__11": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.GlobalCommandTests/<CaptureSettings>d__11::MoveNext()": {
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"219": 8,
"220": 8,
"222": 8,
"224": 8,
"225": 8,
"228": 8,
"229": 8,
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"231": 8,
"232": 8,
"233": 8,
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"237": 8,
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"EndOffset": 422,
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"Hits": 8
"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Commands/InspectCommandTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndSucceed>d__0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndSucceed>d__0::MoveNext()": {
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"21": 1,
"22": 1,
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"EndOffset": 301,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInDefaultSettings>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInDefaultSettings>d__1::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<WillReadMaxAgeFromFile>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<WillReadMaxAgeFromFile>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"62": 1,
"63": 1,
"64": 1,
"66": 1,
"68": 1,
"69": 1,
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"EndOffset": 128,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<InvalidMaxAgeWillFail>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<InvalidMaxAgeWillFail>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"77": 1,
"78": 1,
"79": 1,
"81": 1,
"83": 1,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<WillReadIncludeExcludeFromFile>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<WillReadIncludeExcludeFromFile>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<LogLevelIsNormalByDefault>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<LogLevelIsNormalByDefault>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"EndOffset": 161,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<ShouldSetLogLevelFromCommand>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<ShouldSetLogLevelFromCommand>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"126": 1,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<ShouldSetLogLevelFromFile>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<ShouldSetLogLevelFromFile>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"146": 1,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<CommandLineLogLevelOverridesFile>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<CommandLineLogLevelOverridesFile>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<LogToFileBySettingFileName>d__9": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<LogToFileBySettingFileName>d__9::MoveNext()": {
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"192": 1,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<LogToFileBySettingLogDestination>d__10": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<LogToFileBySettingLogDestination>d__10::MoveNext()": {
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"213": 1,
"214": 1,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<ShouldSetOutputOptionsFromFile>d__11": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<ShouldSetOutputOptionsFromFile>d__11::MoveNext()": {
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"234": 1,
"235": 1,
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"Hits": 1
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<WhenFileNameIsExplicit_ShouldDefaultOutputDestToFile>d__12": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<WhenFileNameIsExplicit_ShouldDefaultOutputDestToFile>d__12::MoveNext()": {
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"252": 1,
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<WhenFileNameIsExplicit_ShouldKeepOutputDest>d__13": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<WhenFileNameIsExplicit_ShouldKeepOutputDest>d__13::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<ShouldSetOutputOptionsFromCommand>d__14": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<ShouldSetOutputOptionsFromCommand>d__14::MoveNext()": {
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"285": 1,
"286": 1,
"287": 1,
"289": 1,
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<>c__DisplayClass15_0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<>c__DisplayClass15_0::<CaptureSettings>b__0(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<CaptureSettings>d__15": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.InspectCommandTests/<CaptureSettings>d__15::MoveNext()": {
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"301": 8,
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"310": 8,
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Commands/OrganisationCommandTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests": {
"NuKeeper.Collaboration.CollaborationFactory NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests::GetCollaborationFactory()": {
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"24": 13,
"25": 13,
"26": 13,
"27": 13
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndNotSucceedWithoutParams>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndNotSucceedWithoutParams>d__1::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndSucceedWithRequiredGithubParams>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndSucceedWithRequiredGithubParams>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<ShouldPopulateGithubSettings>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<ShouldPopulateGithubSettings>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"76": 1,
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInDefaultSettings>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInDefaultSettings>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<WillReadApiFromFile>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<WillReadApiFromFile>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<WillReadLabelFromFile>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<WillReadLabelFromFile>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"136": 1,
"137": 1,
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<WillReadRepoFiltersFromFile>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<WillReadRepoFiltersFromFile>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<WillReadMaxPackageUpdatesFromFile>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<WillReadMaxPackageUpdatesFromFile>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<WillReadMaxRepoFromFile>d__9": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<WillReadMaxRepoFromFile>d__9::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<CommandLineWillOverrideIncludeRepo>d__10": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<CommandLineWillOverrideIncludeRepo>d__10::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<CommandLineWillOverrideExcludeRepo>d__11": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<CommandLineWillOverrideExcludeRepo>d__11::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<CommandLineWillOverrideForkMode>d__12": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<CommandLineWillOverrideForkMode>d__12::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<CommandLineWillOverrideMaxRepo>d__13": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<CommandLineWillOverrideMaxRepo>d__13::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<>c__DisplayClass14_0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<>c__DisplayClass14_0::<CaptureSettings>b__0(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<CaptureSettings>d__14": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.OrganisationCommandTests/<CaptureSettings>d__14::MoveNext()": {
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"/NuKeeper/NuKeeper.Tests/Commands/RepositoryCommandTests.cs": {
"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests::Setup()": {
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"33": 16
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"NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ICollaborationFactory NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests::GetCollaborationFactory(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.IEnvironmentVariablesProvider,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<NuKeeper.Abstractions.CollaborationPlatform.ISettingsReader>)": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndNotSucceedWithoutParams>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndNotSucceedWithoutParams>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndSucceedWithRequiredGithubParams>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndSucceedWithRequiredGithubParams>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldInitialiseCollaborationFactory>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldInitialiseCollaborationFactory>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldInitialiseForkModeFromFile>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldInitialiseForkModeFromFile>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldInitialisePlatformFromFile>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldInitialisePlatformFromFile>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldPopulateSourceControlServerSettings>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<ShouldPopulateSourceControlServerSettings>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInDefaultSettings>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInDefaultSettings>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<WillReadApiFromFile>d__9": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<WillReadApiFromFile>d__9::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<WillReadLabelFromFile>d__10": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<WillReadLabelFromFile>d__10::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<WillReadMaxPackageUpdatesFromFile>d__11": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<WillReadMaxPackageUpdatesFromFile>d__11::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<WillReadConsolidateFromFile>d__12": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<WillReadConsolidateFromFile>d__12::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<WillNotReadMaxRepoFromFile>d__13": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<WillNotReadMaxRepoFromFile>d__13::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<MaxPackageUpdatesFromCommandLineOverridesFiles>d__14": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<MaxPackageUpdatesFromCommandLineOverridesFiles>d__14::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<LabelsOnCommandLineWillReplaceFileLabels>d__15": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<LabelsOnCommandLineWillReplaceFileLabels>d__15::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<>c__DisplayClass16_0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<>c__DisplayClass16_0::<CaptureSettings>b__0(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<CaptureSettings>d__16": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<CaptureSettings>d__16::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<UseCustomTargetBranchIfParameterIsProvided>d__17": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<UseCustomTargetBranchIfParameterIsProvided>d__17::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<UseCustomTargetBranchIfParameterIsProvidedForLocal>d__18": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.RepositoryCommandTests/<UseCustomTargetBranchIfParameterIsProvidedForLocal>d__18::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndSucceed>d__0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<ShouldCallEngineAndSucceed>d__0::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInDefaultSettings>d__1": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<EmptyFileResultsInDefaultSettings>d__1::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadMaxAgeFromFile>d__2": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadMaxAgeFromFile>d__2::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadIncludeExcludeFromFile>d__3": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadIncludeExcludeFromFile>d__3::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadVersionChangeFromCommandLineOverFile>d__4": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadVersionChangeFromCommandLineOverFile>d__4::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadVersionChangeFromFile>d__5": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadVersionChangeFromFile>d__5::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadMaxPackageUpdatesFromFile>d__6": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadMaxPackageUpdatesFromFile>d__6::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadMaxPackageUpdatesFromCommandLineOverFile>d__7": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<WillReadMaxPackageUpdatesFromCommandLineOverFile>d__7::MoveNext()": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<>c__DisplayClass8_0": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<>c__DisplayClass8_0::<CaptureSettings>b__0(NuKeeper.Abstractions.Configuration.SettingsContainer)": {
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"NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<CaptureSettings>d__8": {
"System.Void NuKeeper.Tests.Commands.UpdateCommandTests/<CaptureSettings>d__8::MoveNext()": {
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