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Last active October 13, 2017 13:13
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Attempt to take notes from Haskell eXchange talks

Alois Cochard :: Welcome to the Machines

History of data streaming


We want:

  • interleaving effects
  • constant space/time
  • strong compasability/reusability
  • We could try the List, but it doesn’t allow effects
  • We could interleave effects via monads (mapM etc), but no constant space/time then and/or lazy IO, meh
  • We can write specialized loops, but that’s not reusable

Existing implementations

lazy IO
Iteratees and Generators
  • producers/consumers/processors are separate types
  • strong emphysasis on exception and resources handling
  • lots of combinators and ecosystem
  • used a lot, especially in the “haskell web stack”
  • a lot like conduit in terms of functionality, but a bit more “principled”
  • doesn’t handle resource management
  • constraints to simple input topology
  • best asymptotic complexity (compared to mentioned above at least)


  • except for resource hnadling, machines does everything that other thing do
  • conduit mixes lots of things together
    • there are purescript-machines!!!!
    • ???

The Kmett’s Machines


Matthew Pickering :: A look inside GHC’s optimiser

  • TODO: see last year talk on Core by SPJ
  • Source is desuraged into Core
  • Various operations are applied to the Core to optimize it:
    • float in
    • float out
    • simplification
    • inlining
    • specialisation
allocation -> more memory
evaluation -> more time
  • TODO: Read ‘A transformation-based optimiser for Haskell’
    • shorter
    • read first
  • TODO: Read ‘Compilation by Transformation in Non-Strict Functional Languages’
    • good bed reading
    • many sections



  • recursive things don’t get inlined


  • small local transformation
    case of case
    the shallow (top) branching of nested cases gets pushed into the deeper branches
    case of known constructor
    if the body of `case` is known the whole case expression can be removed


  • the desugaring of type classes happens by passing their dictionaries as arguments
    • which can be simplified further, especially by inlining!!!!
  • specialized versions of the generic functions can be created
    • but when it’s imported from another module, it won’t be specialized
      • unless you tell it via INLINABLE pragma
      • but this potentially call’s a lot of specialized versions all other the place
      • so instead you could use SPECIALISE pragma to specialize it for specific types only

Float Out

  • move computations which shouldn’t be repeated to the top-level

Float In

  • enables further optimisation opportunity by pushing lets closer to use sites

Join points

  • encode the info about your program into the optimizer??
  • see Simon’s talk tomorrow

{#- INLINE #-} Hammer

  • makes compiler VERY keen to inline the annotated thing at the call sites
  • inlines precise RHS
  • specialisation works across modules

Ritesh Ragavender :: Algebraic Design of DSLs

Big goal: flexible nice programs, that are yet well type-checked and safe

Phantom types

  • keep value-thing isomorphic, but yet distinguish different types of things on the type level

Use cases

  • type-level permissions
    • e.g. read/write-only handles

Free monad DSLs

  • clear to define and extend
  • the logic of domain code is separated from the primitives (e.g. graph search vs graph access operations)

David Luposhainsky :: Change in an Immutable World

  • Side effects are:
    • evil
    • hard
    • unmaintanable
    • unfunctional
    • THE point of running the program
  • Can mitigate the bad parts, allow side effects, but allow making it
    • still easy to reason about
    • stay maintainable
    • stay functional
    • still do IO
  • Map to effectful primitives, maintain functonal API. Have the compiler do the dirty work



Normally compiler can reorder things, but with side-effects it’s not a good idea.


A thingy like state monad with ‘token’

  • passes around a ‘token’ that directs side effects and keeps the state
  • let requires a couple of heap allocations
    • one way to mitigate is move it to case matches, that usually allocate on stack
  • extra tuple is allocated
    • use onboxed tuples inside the case match

Get rid of a token’s value

  • make a ‘Discard’/’State#’ phantom type with no constructors
  • apply it to a token type
  • pass it around in the state-like thingy
  • no values
  • no allocations
  • ordered
  • RealWorld is that ‘token’
  • the ‘token’ can’t really be a value, but ‘main’ provides it to the program, as an act of magic

Hierarchy of unsafety

  1. ‘unsafePerformIO’ :: relatively safe
    • has implicit mutex
    • will just perform the action
      • maybe multiple times
      • but won’t perform it concurrently multiple times
  2. ‘unsafeDupablePerformIO’ :: relattivelyyyyy sssaaffe
    • like ‘unsafePerformIO’, but also might end up acting concurrently
  3. ‘inlinePerformIO’ :: quite not safe
    • performs IO, but also might inline the action
    • might result into weird arbitrary things


  1. Order computations via token
  2. Make token symbolic and don’t have a value for it
  3. RealWorld is a token and never exists therefore
  4. Deligate all the work to STG primitives

Julie Moronuki :: A Monoid for all Season


propositions, Aristotelian logic
middle ages
syllogistic mnemonics


  • binary operation
  • associative
  • has unit value
  • commutative


  • can be inclusive or exclusive
  • analogous for booleans and binary numbers
  • distributive

Sums and products

  • distrbutive property is analogous to disjunction

Union and intersection

Set operations

Disjoint union vs Cartesian product

Arnauld Spiwack :: Distributed Programming with Linear Types

Garbage collection, latency, synchronisation

  • GC pauses are costly. Especially in distributed settings

Generational hypothesis

  • the heap is split in ‘old’ and ‘young’ generation
  • ‘young’ is cheaper, so short-lived data stay there
  • ‘young’ data dies sooner (hypothesis)
  • ‘old’ is more expensive to collect, and causes real pauses
    • we might want to manage this pauses manually
    • but we want to do it safely
    • linear types can help

Linear functions

  • the functions that would consume all the arguments exactly once, however the branching goes



Storable a => IO (tr a)
Ptr a ⊸ IO ()
  • do
    • x <- malloc
    • x’ <- doSomething x
    • free x’
    • doMore
  • ^^ linear, which enforces valid sequence of malloc/free


Storable a => a -> (Ptr a ⊸ ()) ⊸ ()
Ptr a ⊸ ()
  • malloc init $ λx -> let x’ = doSomething x in free x’ `seq` doMore


  • allocations in the fused code aren’t so obvious
  • who is allocating?
  • what if we write to mmap
  • FFI?
  • consumer not inlined?
  • another computer?
  • or maybe we know the size upfront and actually want to allocate

Destination-passing style

Andrey Mokhov :: Algebraic Graphs


  • graphs are quite easy to express in haskell
    • see Data.Graph
  • but enforcing the validity of the graphs on the type levnel isn’t that simple

Algebraic Graphs

  • data Graph a where
    Graph a
    a -> Graph a
    Graph a -> Graph a -> Graph a
    • union of vertices + union of edges
    • (v1, e1) + (v2, e2) = (v1 ∪ v2, e1 ∪ e2)
    Graph a -> Graph a -> Graph a
    • a union of vertices + a union of edges + new edges
    • new edges are created by connecting the edges of both graphs
  • this gives us a way to construct any valid graph
  • overlay is like addition, commutative and associative
  • connect is like multiplication, associative
  • intuition: any graph expression can be broken down into an overlay of vertices and edges
  • unexpectedly, graph isn’t a semiring because ‘identity’ is the same for buth ‘multiply’ and ‘add’

How is it useful

allows to do interesting transformations, mapping one-or-more vertices to another vertice (e.g. for joining them)
allows to split the vertices
allows to actually filter nodes out

Cartesian graph product

  • fairly easy via fmap and msum

Might be even more useful via an associated type family

  • class Graph h where
    • type Vertex g
    Vertex g -> g
    g -> g -> g
    g -> g -> g
  • this makes it even easier to define a bunch of stuff like:
    • vertices
    • clique
    • edge
    • star
    • biclique
    • isSubgraphOf
    • hasEdge

Jasper Van der Jugt :: Getting Things Done in Haskell

Types module


  • instances must go there too, but instances need functions, so everything gets pulled in there
  • defining ad-hoc data types (to avoid algebraic blindness) might be awkward if they aren’t next to the actual usage


  • use domain terminology when organizing modules
  • use internal modules for stuff that doesn’t have a good place to be put into

Utils module

  • Just use the ‘Extended’ modules instead

Naming and qualified imports

  • design for qualified imports

Impure things

  • Just use sensible OOP practices
  • `bracket` usage might look a bit row, so wrapping it in e.g. ‘withHandle’ function is a good idea
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