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Last active June 20, 2024 14:24
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🍎 zod's tip oh no not ... jason's suggestions for macOS use with some sanity (v1)

MacOS ZipZ

cuz like, Zod's tIPs oh no

by @zudsniper on github


MacOS is pretty good, in my opinion. It has some helpful native features. It also has various flaws, and areas where the community has had to pick up the slack and create the thing for good ol' bad Apple.

The Package Manager

It's called Homebrew github or just brew on the command line. This is apt for Mac, and honestly I would say it's better, as it uses the beer emoji! so cute. 🍺


Install Homebrew
Check their website for the 1-liner installer. Then add the bindings to your ~/.zprofile (just copy and paste what it tells you to after the installation is finished.) and you're good to go Ohhh wait yeah ok so

We use zsh instead of bash for some reason. Your macOS will also ship with bash installed at /bin/bash but it's likely version 3.2.2 or older -- this can be remedied with brew, like most problems, but anyway,

please do not change the default shell

I mean, you can, but it will just give you a headache later. YMMV.

OH, also, the Homebrew installation will force you to install the XCode Developer Tools. That may have been more helpful as a warning earlier. Wish I could move this. Oh well.

OH x2!

The Terminal

We don't really like Terminal.app12 because idk iTerm2 github is just more customizable, has better tab/window system, lots of reasons actually just look around it its cool. Shit maybe you can install it with brew!
Don't remember, maybe try

$ brew install --cask iterm2

Narrator: he did know.

What's a cask? like an external repo idk who cares moving on to something I just remembered that you're going to LOVE

The Hotkeys


    Open Spotlight Search This is basically a command palette for your entire system, similar to JetBrains IDE's Shift Shift menu. Pretty good for opening apps by name quickly. Do NOT try to get to printer settings, as you will go to the printer sharing center as it comes up first and punch through your computer, and that will be fairly valid of you.
  • CMD + TAB
    Swap FORWARDS between open Applications
  • CMD + ~/ `
    Swap between open Windows of the same Application Only after using CMD TAB: swap BACKWARDS between open applications


  • CMD + SHIFT + 4
    Take a screenshot of a region of your screen.3
    Open ☺️ Emoji πŸ€ͺ Viewer!

I add 1 hotkey for an app I mention later maccy which I find helpful but YMMV actually i'm gonna not go into these here because I just remember rectangle is just hotkeys LOL


(this is the file explorer with the lil smile! πŸ˜„ we love emojis so much)

  • CMD + SHIFT + G
    Go to Path

CMD + CTRL + .
Toggle "Show Hidden Files & Folders"

those are the ones I use, mostly just the first one, seriously Finder is LACKING without the navbar.

Oh other recommendations for within Finder -- Hold CMD while clicking on the icon + name that is shown where the path should FUCKING be and it'll kinda show you a file hierarchy kinda still kinda stupid tbh use the terminal and open on folders and stuff.

The Apps

  • Rectangle github
    Tiling / Pane manager, I use this to move windows around and stuff but not stuff only to move windows around
  • Maccy github
    Clipboard history but its actually really cool? You'll have to add your own hotkey to open it at cursor - I use CMD + ALT + CTRL + V
  • Kap github
    This one is pretty sweet for screen recording -- you can also screen record through Preview but that is bulky and stupid, this app is nice, and adds the sensible hotkey CMD + SHIFT + 5 to initiate a region screen recording.
    I already mentioned the others.

Oh yeah I do heavily recommend iTerm2 github as I mentioned, but on that note, always check if something is installable with brew before using a goddamn wizard installer .dmg bullshit fake drive thing. IMHO at least.

Oh I remembered more but I don't have time to make them look pretty atm

  • LuLu
    Network traffic monitor with blocking rules and shit, I use it to stop Adobe services from receiving any sunlight
  • Keka
    Archive Utility, the default MacOS compression tool, is fine, but Keka is usually (always) faster.
  • Android File Transfer
    SURPRISINGLY seamless official mac app for managing files between an attached Android device.
    and OF COURSE...




aight that's a wrap for now I spent way too long on this but it was fun

oh also my ~/.zshrc of course, use

$ curl -sSL -o ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc

to get rid of your stupid ~/.zshrc and use my... more... bloated... one...
Please contribute to this repo in any capacity I will instantly like you

Thanks For Reading!

Hope it helps. 🍏


  1. SHIT I have to explain how to turn on file extensions for everything uhhhh oh yeah: Open Finder > Settings, click Advanced button, Show all filename extensions. Nice. ↩

  2. also a .app is literally just a folder that is also executable? cool stuff. ↩

  3. if you have a Touch Bar macbook, first off my condolences, second you can use that to specify a lot of helpful stuff while taking your region screenshot. One of the things the touchbar was useful for. Possibly the only one... ↩

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