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Created June 5, 2019 18:19
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# Let's see the indices already in ES
GET _cat/indices
# Setup: delete products index in case it exists
DELETE products
# Create product index
PUT /products
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"number_of_shards" : 1,
"number_of_replicas" : 0
"mappings" : {
"properties" : {
"name" : {
"type" : "keyword"
# Add a sample document
POST /products/_doc
"name" : "My cool new product"
# We're done with setting up an index on cluster1
# 2. Let's make sure cluster2 knows where cluster1 is
# We started Elasticsearch on port 9200 (for cluster1)
# port 9300 (usually 100 higher) ES <-> ES communication
# Port 9300 should be used when defining our connection to cluster1
PUT /_cluster/settings
"persistent" : {
"cluster" : {
"remote" : {
"cluster1" : {
"seeds" : [
# Verify the connection exists
GET /_remote/info
# 3. Now, let's follow our products index from cluster1
PUT /products-copy/_ccr/follow
"remote_cluster" : "cluster1",
"leader_index" : "products"
# 4. We can check if any documents have started appearing
GET /products-copy/_search
# Nothing yet, let's add a few documents on the leader (cluster1)
POST /products/_doc
"name" : "My cool new product"
# 4. How about if we need to use an auto-follow pattern
# We'll use this command in our next example below
PUT /_ccr/auto_follow/beats
"remote_cluster" : "cluster1",
"leader_index_patterns" :
"follow_index_pattern" : "{{leader_index}}-copy"
# Now let's revisit the commands above within the Kibana UI
# Replicate Metricbeat metrics across our Elasticsearch clusters
# 1. Download Metricbeat (and unzip)
# Setup
DELETE metricbeat*
# 3. Start following Metricbeat indices from our follower
PUT /_ccr/auto_follow/beats
"remote_cluster" : "cluster1",
"leader_index_patterns" :
"follow_index_pattern" : "{{leader_index}}-copy"
# 4. Start Metricbeat, and write to cluster1
# Ensure documents are being populated
GET _cat/indices
GET metricbeat*/_search
# 5. Now let's go back to our following cluster and see the writes coming in
GET _cat/indices
GET metricbeat*/_search
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