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Muzikayise Flynn Buthelezi (zuluCoda) zulucoda

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zulucoda / userLoginSagaRefactor.test.js
Created January 26, 2019 14:35
Unit Test - Login Sagas
describe('Unit Test - Login Sagas', () => {
describe('userLoginSagaRefactor', () => {
describe('when user is authorised', () => {
it('should yield userLoginSagaRefactor saga, which yields getLoginFormState, yield authoriseUser yield LoginActions.clearLogin and yield getUserSettingsSaga', () => {
const generator = userLoginSagaRefactor();
zulucoda / userLoginSagaRefactor.js
Last active January 27, 2019 08:52
After Refactor - user login proccess
* Authorise user
* @param username
* @param password
export function* authoriseUserSaga(username, password) {
try {
// call login Api endpoint with user username and password
const loginService = new LoginService();
const response = yield call([loginService, get, username, password]);
zulucoda / userLoginSaga.js
Last active January 27, 2019 08:53
Before Refactor - user login proccess
* Before Refactor - user login proccess
* @see
export function* userLoginSaga() {
// 1. get the username and password from state.
const { username, password } = yield select(getLoginFormState);
// 2. call login API endpoint with the username and password
zulucoda / create-web-application-in-iis.ps1
Created October 5, 2014 15:07
This is a PowerShell script which can be used to deploy web applications to IIS. Therefore you may use to automate your deployments.
create-web-application - Automatic website creation.
Allows you to create a website and its ApplicationPool.
File Name : create-web-application.ps1
Author : Muzikayise Flynn Buthelezi -
Copyright : MFBproject
PS D:\>create-web-application.ps1 -SiteName TESTSITE -Port 8080 -Environment PREPROD -Runtime v4.0 -Pipeline Classic
zulucoda /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
A small minor issue in Ubuntu. is a random bug which causes the IDEs to loose cursor, therefore it seems like your IDEs is frozen but it's not you still able to perform mouse clicks and select menus but you just can't type. There's a bug open for this issue but because it's difficult to resolve because it occurs randomly. This may seem frustrati…
echo "webstorm or rubymine keyboard input reset"
ibus restart
echo "done"