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Last active April 21, 2023 01:05
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<script runat="server">
try {
//API authentication
var authEndpoint = ""; //provide authentication endpoint
var payload = {
clientId: "", //provide Client Id
clientSecret: "" //provide Client Secret
var url = authEndpoint + "/v1/requestToken";
var contentType = "application/json";
var accessTokenRequest = HTTP.Post(url, contentType, Stringify(payload));
if(accessTokenRequest.StatusCode == 200) {
var tokenResponse = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(accessTokenRequest.Response[0]);
var accessToken = tokenResponse.accessToken;
//make a call using the messageContact route
var headerNames = ["Authorization"];
var headerValues = ["Bearer " + accessToken];
var smsEndpoint = ""; //provide rest endpoint
var smsPayload = {
"mobileNumbers": [
"" //pass phone number
"Subscribe": true,
"Resubscribe": true,
"keyword": "" //provide KEYWORD
var smsUrl = smsEndpoint + "/sms/v1/messageContact/xxxxxxxxx/send"; //provide message API key
var sendSMS = HTTP.Post(smsUrl, contentType, Stringify(smsPayload), headerNames, headerValues);
} catch (error) {
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this code is broken in every way, the HTTP.Post doesn't work at all

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@rain89146 I just checked and the code works just fine, I even set up a CloudPage with the above code (unfortunately it only works with Polish phone numbers) -
I suggest you take your code to and have someone help you fix it there instead of making vicious comments

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Hi @zuzannamj Thank you for posting this! How to modify this code to send to a Data Extension with over 100 records? Cannot wrap my head around it. Thank you!

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