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Last active May 13, 2017 19:57
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package repositories
import javax.inject.{Singleton, Inject}
import com.os.shared.contentapi.api._
import com.os.shared.contentapi._
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticDsl._
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.QueryDefinition
import common.Logging
import implicits.ESFormats
import implicits.Lists.RichLists
import lib.ElasticSearch.ESConfig
import models._
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import scala.concurrent.Future
class ContentRepository @Inject() (esConfig: ESConfig) extends Logging {
val client = esConfig.client
val index = esConfig.index -> "item"
import ESFormats._
def GetItem(id: String, showFields: Seq[String], showTags: Seq[String], pageSize: Int, pageNumber: Int): Future[ItemResponse] = {
val esQuery = client execute {
val req = search in index limit 1 query {
bool {
must(matchAllQuery) filter {
termQuery("id", id),
termQuery("webPath", id),
termQuery("content.fields.shortPath", id)
log.debug("[GetItem] Searching: " +
esQuery.flatMap { resp =>
log.debug("[GetItem] Request response: " + resp.toString)
resp.hits.toSeq.flatMap { hit =>
log.debug("[GetItem] Hit response: " + hit.sourceAsString)
val esContentItem = Json.parse(hit.sourceAsString).as[ESItem]
val maybeItemResponse: Option[Future[ItemResponse]] = => parseESContent(d, showTags) { content =>
status = "ok",
content = Some(content)
}) orElse { t =>
val contentF = SearchContent(
ContentQueryCriteria(q = "", orTagIDs = Some(Seq(,
contentF.flatMap { docResp =>
parseESTag(t) { tag =>
status = "ok",
total = Some(,
tag = Some(tag),
pageSize = Some(docResp.pageSize),
currentPage = Some(docResp.currentPage),
pages = Some(docResp.pages),
orderBy = Some(docResp.orderBy),
results = Some(docResp.results)
} orElse { s =>
val contentF = SearchContent(
ContentQueryCriteria(q = "", sectionIDs = Some(Seq(,
contentF.flatMap { docResp =>
parseESSection(s) { section =>
status = "ok",
total = Some(,
section = Some(section),
pageSize = Some(docResp.pageSize),
currentPage = Some(docResp.currentPage),
pages = Some(docResp.pages),
orderBy = Some(docResp.orderBy),
results = Some(docResp.results)
} orElse Some(Future.failed(new ApiException("Couldn't parse the response")))
private def parseESSection[A](esSection: ESSection)(f: Section => A): Future[A] = {
log.debug("[parseESSection] Parsing response as Section")
private def parseESContent[A](esContent: ESContent, showTags: Seq[String])(f: Content => A): Future[A] = {
log.debug("[parseESContent] Parsing response as Content")
val tagIDs =
val tagsF = tagIDs.fold(Future.successful(Seq.empty[Tag])) { ids =>
if (showTags.contains("all"))
else {
val filteredTagIDs = ids.intersect(showTags)
val sectionF = getSectionByIDs(Seq(
val elements = esContent.elements.fold(Seq.empty[Element]) { elements =>
elements map ESElement.convertToDTO
val references = esContent.references.fold(Seq.empty[ReferenceMetadata]) { references =>
references map ESReferenceMetadata.convertToDTO
val maybeLeadTagID = esContent.tags.flatMap(_.find(_.lead == true)).map(
for {
tags <- tagsF
section <- sectionF
if section.nonEmpty
} yield {
val maybeLeadTag = maybeLeadTagID.flatMap { leadTagID => tags.find( == leadTagID) }
val tagsWithLeadTagFirst = maybeLeadTag map { tags.toList.toHead } getOrElse tags
f(ESContent.convertToDTO(esContent, section.head, tagsWithLeadTagFirst, elements, references))
private def parseESTag[A](esTag: ESTag)(f: Tag => A): Future[A] = {
log.debug("[parseESTag] Parsing response as Tag")
val sectionsF = esTag.section map { esSection =>
} getOrElse Future.successful(Seq.empty)
sectionsF map { sections =>
val section = sections.headOption
f(ESTag.convertToDTO(esTag, section))
def SearchTags(criteria: TagQueryCriteria, pageSize: Int, pageNumber: Int): Future[SearchResponse[Tag]] = {
val queries =
if (criteria.q.isEmpty)
bool {
matchQuery("id", criteria.q),
matchQuery("tag.webTitle", criteria.q)
val sectionFilter: Option[QueryDefinition] = Option(criteria.sectionIDs).filter(_.nonEmpty)
.map (ids => termsQuery("", ids: _*))
val filters = Seq(existsQuery("section")) ++ sectionFilter
val esQueryBody =
if (sectionFilter.nonEmpty)
bool { must(queries) filter must(filters) }
val offset = pageSize * (pageNumber - 1)
val esQuery = client execute {
search in index limit pageSize from offset query {
} sourceInclude "tag"
esQuery flatMap { resp =>
val futures = resp.hits.toSeq flatMap { hit =>
val esContentItem = Json.parse(hit.sourceAsString).as[ESItem]
esContentItem.tag map(t => parseESTag(t)(tag => tag))
Future.sequence(futures) map { tags =>
status = "ok",
total = resp.totalHits.toInt,
pageSize = pageSize,
pages = Math.ceil(resp.totalHits.toDouble / pageSize).toInt,
currentPage = pageNumber,
orderBy = "relevance",
results = tags
def SearchSections(criteria: SectionQueryCriteria, pageSize: Int, pageNumber: Int): Future[SearchResponse[Section]] = {
val queries =
if (criteria.q.isEmpty)
bool {
matchQuery("id", criteria.q),
matchQuery("section.webTitle", criteria.q)
val offset = pageSize * (pageNumber - 1)
val esQuery = client execute {
search in index limit pageSize from offset query {
bool {
must {
} filter {
must {
} sourceInclude "section"
esQuery flatMap { resp =>
val futures = resp.hits.toSeq flatMap { hit =>
val esContentItem = Json.parse(hit.sourceAsString).as[ESItem]
esContentItem.section map(s => parseESSection(s)(section => section))
Future.sequence(futures) map { sections =>
status = "ok",
total = resp.totalHits.toInt,
pageSize = pageSize,
pages = Math.ceil(resp.totalHits.toDouble / pageSize).toInt,
currentPage = pageNumber,
orderBy = "relevance",
results = sections
val docOrderByScoreDesc = scoreSort().order(SortOrder.DESC)
val docOrderByDateDesc = fieldSort("content.firstPublishedDate").order(SortOrder.DESC)
val docOrderByDateAsc = fieldSort("content.firstPublishedDate").order(SortOrder.ASC)
def SearchContent(criteria: ContentQueryCriteria, showFields: Seq[String], showTags: Seq[String], maybeOrderBy: String, pageSize: Int, pageNumber: Int): Future[SearchResponse[Content]] = {
val queries =
if (criteria.q.isEmpty)
bool {
must {
commonQuery("content.webTitle") query criteria.q lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch 2,
commonQuery("content.fields.headline") query criteria.q lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch 2,
commonQuery("content.fields.standFirst") query criteria.q lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch 2,
commonQuery("content.fields.trailText") query criteria.q lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch 2,
commonQuery("content.fields.body") query criteria.q lowFreqMinimumShouldMatch 2
) should matchPhraseQuery("content.fields.body", criteria.q).setLenient(true)
val idsFilter: Option[QueryDefinition] = criteria.ids filter(_.nonEmpty) map { ids =>
bool {
should (
termsQuery("id", ids: _*),
termsQuery("content.internalID", ids: _*),
termsQuery("content.fields.shortPath", ids: _*)
val sectionFilter: Option[QueryDefinition] = criteria.sectionIDs.filter(_.nonEmpty)
.map(termsQuery("", _: _*))
val orTagsFilter: Option[QueryDefinition] = criteria.orTagIDs filter(_.nonEmpty) map { ids =>
nestedQuery("content.tags") query {
termsQuery("", ids: _*)
val andTagsFilter: Option[QueryDefinition] = criteria.andTagIDs.filter(_.nonEmpty).map( { id =>
nestedQuery("content.tags") query {
termQuery("", id)
}).map(filter => bool(must(filter)))
val notFilter : Option[QueryDefinition] = criteria.notTagIDs filter(_.nonEmpty) map { ids =>
not {
nestedQuery("content.tags") query {
termsQuery("", ids: _*)
val mustFilters = existsQuery("content") +: (idsFilter ++ andTagsFilter ++ sectionFilter ++ orTagsFilter).toSeq
val esQueryBody =
if (mustFilters.nonEmpty)
bool { must(queries) filter must(mustFilters) not notFilter }
val offset = pageSize * (pageNumber - 1)
val sortBody = maybeOrderBy match {
case "relevance" => Seq(docOrderByScoreDesc, docOrderByDateDesc)
case "oldest" => Seq(docOrderByDateAsc)
case _ => Seq(docOrderByDateDesc)
val esQuery = client execute {
val req = search in index limit pageSize from offset query {
} sort(sortBody: _*) sourceInclude(showFields: _*)
log.debug("[SearchContent] Searching: " +
esQuery flatMap { resp =>
val futures = resp.hits.toSeq flatMap { hit =>
val esContentItem = Json.parse(hit.sourceAsString).as[ESItem]
esContentItem.content map(d => parseESContent(d, showTags)(content => content))
Future.sequence(futures) map { listOfContentItems =>
status = "ok",
total = resp.totalHits.toInt,
pageSize = pageSize,
pages = Math.ceil(resp.totalHits.toDouble / pageSize).toInt,
currentPage = pageNumber,
orderBy = "relevance",
results = listOfContentItems
private def getTagsByIDs(ids: Seq[String]): Future[Seq[Tag]] = {
val esQuery = client execute {
val req = search in index query {
bool {
filter {
bool {
termsQuery("id", ids: _*)
} sourceInclude "tag"
log.debug("[getTagsByIDs] Searching: " +
esQuery.flatMap { resp =>
log.debug("[getTagsByIDs] Total hits: " + resp.totalHits)
val items = => Json.parse(esItem.sourceAsString).as[ESItem]).toSeq
val sectionIDs = items.flatMap(
val sectionF = Option(sectionIDs).filter(_.nonEmpty) map getSectionByIDs getOrElse Future.successful(Seq.empty[Section]) { sections =>
items flatMap { item =>
item.tag map { t =>
val section = t.section flatMap (s => sections.find( ==
ESTag.convertToDTO(t, section)
private def getSectionByIDs(ids: Seq[String]): Future[Seq[Section]] = {
val esQuery = client execute {
val req = search in index query {
bool {
filter {
bool {
termsQuery("id", ids: _*)
} sourceInclude "section"
log.debug("[getSectionByIDs] Searching: " +
esQuery map { resp =>
log.debug("[getSectionByIDs] Total hits: " + resp.totalHits)
resp.hits.toSeq.flatMap { h =>
log.debug("[getSectionByIDs] Converting hit to DTO")
val item = Json.parse(h.sourceAsString).as[ESItem]
item.section map ESSection.convertToDTO
package lib.ElasticSearch
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticDsl._
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.analyzers.StandardAnalyzer
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.mappings.{FieldType, TypedFieldDefinition}
object Mappings {
lazy val sectionMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("id") typed FieldType.StringType copyTo "id" index "no",
field("webPath") typed FieldType.StringType copyTo "webPath" index "no",
field("internalID") typed FieldType.IntegerType,
field("webTitle") typed FieldType.StringType analyzer "english_s_stemmer"
lazy val sectionRelMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("id") typed FieldType.StringType index NotAnalyzed,
field("internalID") typed FieldType.IntegerType,
field("webTitle") typed FieldType.StringType index "no"
lazy val elementAssetTypeDataMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("source") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("photographer") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("credit") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("displayCredit") typed FieldType.BooleanType,
field("altText") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("captionTitle") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("caption") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("description") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("embedType") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("thumbnailUrl") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("durationSeconds") typed FieldType.IntegerType,
field("embeddable") typed FieldType.BooleanType,
field("blockAds") typed FieldType.BooleanType,
field("ageRestricted") typed FieldType.BooleanType,
field("mediaID") typed FieldType.StringType index "no"
lazy val elementAssetFilesMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("url") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("mimeType") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("width") typed FieldType.IntegerType,
field("height") typed FieldType.IntegerType,
field("isMaster") typed FieldType.BooleanType
lazy val assetMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("type") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("files") typed FieldType.NestedType nested(elementAssetFilesMapping: _*),
field("typeData") typed FieldType.ObjectType inner(elementAssetTypeDataMapping: _*)
lazy val elementMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("id") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("type") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("relation") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("galleryIndex") typed FieldType.IntegerType index "no",
field("assets") typed FieldType.NestedType nested(assetMapping: _*)
lazy val referenceMetadataMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("type") typed FieldType.StringType index NotAnalyzed,
field("id") typed FieldType.StringType index NotAnalyzed
lazy val tagRelMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("id") typed FieldType.StringType index NotAnalyzed,
field("internalID") typed FieldType.IntegerType,
field("lead") typed FieldType.BooleanType
lazy val reviewMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("score") typed FieldType.DoubleType,
field("pros") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("cons") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("bottomLine") typed FieldType.StringType index "no"
lazy val tagMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("id") typed FieldType.StringType copyTo "id" index "no",
field("webPath") typed FieldType.StringType copyTo "webPath" index "no",
field("type") typed FieldType.StringType index NotAnalyzed,
field("internalID") typed FieldType.IntegerType,
field("section") typed FieldType.ObjectType as(sectionRelMapping: _*),
field("webTitle") typed FieldType.StringType analyzer "english_s_stemmer",
field("description") typed FieldType.StringType analyzer "english_s_stemmer",
field("references") typed FieldType.NestedType nested(referenceMetadataMapping: _*),
field("firstName") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("lastName") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("contributorImageUrl") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("bio") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("twitterHandle") typed FieldType.StringType index "no" ,
field("byLineImageUrl") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("byLineLargeImageUrl") typed FieldType.StringType index "no"
lazy val contentFieldsMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("shortPath") typed FieldType.StringType index NotAnalyzed,
field("headline") typed FieldType.StringType analyzer "english_s_stemmer",
field("trailText") typed FieldType.StringType analyzer StandardAnalyzer,
field("standFirst") typed FieldType.StringType analyzer StandardAnalyzer,
field("byLine") typed FieldType.StringType analyzer StandardAnalyzer,
field("commentable") typed FieldType.BooleanType,
field("showInRelatedContent") typed FieldType.BooleanType,
field("commentCloseDate") typed FieldType.DateType,
field("lastModifiedDate") typed FieldType.DateType,
field("body") typed FieldType.StringType analyzer "html_analyzer",
field("review") typed FieldType.ObjectType as(reviewMapping: _*)
lazy val contentMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("id") typed FieldType.StringType copyTo "id" index "no",
field("webPath") typed FieldType.StringType copyTo "webPath" index "no",
field("type") typed FieldType.StringType index NotAnalyzed,
field("internalID") typed FieldType.IntegerType,
field("section") typed FieldType.ObjectType as(sectionRelMapping: _*),
field("webTitle") typed FieldType.StringType analyzer "english_s_stemmer",
field("firstPublishedDate") typed FieldType.DateType format "epoch_millis",
field("createdBy") typed FieldType.StringType index "no",
field("elements") typed FieldType.NestedType nested(elementMapping: _*),
field("tags") typed FieldType.NestedType nested(tagRelMapping: _*),
field("fields") typed FieldType.ObjectType as(contentFieldsMapping: _*),
field("references") typed FieldType.NestedType nested(referenceMetadataMapping: _*)
lazy val contentItemMapping: Seq[TypedFieldDefinition] = Seq(
field("id") typed FieldType.StringType index NotAnalyzed,
field("webPath") typed FieldType.StringType index NotAnalyzed,
field("content") typed FieldType.ObjectType as(contentMapping: _*),
field("tag") typed FieldType.ObjectType as(tagMapping: _*),
field("section") typed FieldType.ObjectType as(sectionMapping: _*)
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