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Created September 26, 2020 09:29
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#!/usr/bin/env node
import commander from 'commander';
import StatsdClient from 'statsd-client'
import { concurrentMap } from '@celo/utils/lib/async'
import { Validator } from '@celo/contractkit/lib/wrappers/Validators';
import { bitIsSet, parseBlockExtraData } from '@celo/utils/lib/istanbul'
import { cleanupName } from './stats-utils';
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import { initKit, DefaultIPC } from './kit-utils';
const program = commander.program
.option("-n --network <url>", "CELO url to connect to.", DefaultIPC)
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, _promise) => {
// @ts-ignore
console.error('Unhandled Rejection at:', reason.stack || reason)
async function main() {
console.log("START:", new Date(
const opts = program.opts()
const stats = new StatsdClient({host: 'localhost', port: 8125})
const kit = await initKit(
const election = await kit.contracts.getElection()
const current = await kit.web3.eth.getBlockNumber()
const currentEpoch = await kit.getEpochNumberOfBlock(current)
let startBlock = await kit.getFirstBlockNumberForEpoch(currentEpoch)
// No need to fetch full history for quick missed blocks stats.
if (startBlock < current - 1000) {
startBlock = current - 1000
console.log(`fetching blocks: ${current - startBlock + 1}...`)
const blocks = await concurrentMap(
[...Array(current - startBlock + 1).keys()], (i) => kit.web3.eth.getBlock(startBlock + i))
const validators = await kit.contracts.getValidators()
const electedSigners = await election.getCurrentValidatorSigners(startBlock)
const blockBitmaps = => parseBlockExtraData(b.extraData).parentAggregatedSeal.bitmap)
for (let signerIndex = 0; signerIndex < electedSigners.length; signerIndex += 1) {
const signer = electedSigners[signerIndex]
const validator = await validators.getValidatorFromSigner(signer, startBlock)
const name = cleanupName(
if (!name.startsWith("wotrust")) {
console.log(`skipping: ${name} - ${validator.address}`)
missedUptimeForValidator(stats, validator, signerIndex, blockBitmaps)
stats.gauge("stats_reported.missed-uptime", 1)
console.log("END:", new Date(
function missedUptimeForValidator(
stats: StatsdClient,
electedValidator: Validator,
signerIndex: number,
blockBitmaps: BigNumber[]) {
const signer = electedValidator.signer
let missedTotal = 0
let missed = 0
let idx = 0
let missedInLast100 = 0
for (const block of blockBitmaps) {
idx += 1
const signed = bitIsSet(block, signerIndex)
if (signed) {
missed = 0
missed += 1
if (missed >= 12) {
missedTotal += 1
if (idx > blockBitmaps.length - 100) {
missedInLast100 += 1
const name = cleanupName(
console.log(`${name} signer: ${signer} missed: ${missedTotal}, missed in last 100: ${missedInLast100}`)
stats.gauge(`missed_uptime.${name}.${signer.slice(2, 6)}`, missedTotal)
stats.gauge(`missed_signatures.${name}.${signer.slice(2, 6)}`, missedInLast100)
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