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Last active March 24, 2020 02:51
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Extracts a slice of bytes from file or stdin, outputs binary to file/stdout. "-x" to dump hex to STDERR
import sys
import os
import argparse
from io import BytesIO
from textwrap import wrap
class DummyWriter(object):
def write(self, x):
def close():
class IntParserActionPos(argparse.Action):
"""Parse Positive Interger base 10 or hex"""
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
v = values
if values.startswith('0x'):
v = int(values, 16)
v = int(values)
if v < 0:
ValueError("Must be greater than zero")
setattr(namespace, self.dest, v)
class IntParserAction(argparse.Action):
"""Parse Interger base 10 or hex"""
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
v = values
if values.startswith('0x') or values.startswith('-0x'):
v = int(values, 16)
v = int(values)
setattr(namespace, self.dest, v)
class InFileAction(argparse.Action):
"""Handles a filename or buffers STDIN,
creating a "$(name)_size" value in namespace"""
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
fh = None
filesize = 0
if values == "-":
fh = BytesIO(
filesize =, 2), 0)
fh = open(values, 'rb')
filesize = os.path.getsize(values)
setattr(namespace, self.dest + "_size", filesize)
setattr(namespace, self.dest, fh)
class OutFileAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
v = None
if values == "-":
v = sys.stdout.buffer
elif values is None:
v = DummyWriter()
v = open(values, 'wb')
setattr(namespace, self.dest, v)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-b', '--begin', default=0,
help='Start position of bytes - positive integer "0x"\
for hex or base10.')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('-e', '--end', default=None, action=IntParserAction,
help='End position of bytes - integer "0x" for hex or\
group.add_argument('-l', '--length', default=None,
help='Length of bytes - positive integer "0x" for hex\
or base10.')
parser.add_argument('-x', '--print-hex', action='store_true',
help='prints extracted bytes to STDERR in hex')
parser.add_argument('infile', action=InFileAction,
help='"-" for STDIN or filename')
parser.add_argument('outfile', nargs="?", action=OutFileAction,
help='Blank for no output, "-" for STDOUT, or\
args = parser.parse_args()
# print("infile", type(args.infile), args.infile)
# print("outfile", type(args.outfile), args.outfile)
filesize = args.infile_size
start = args.begin
end = args.end
if end is not None:
if end == 0:
end = filesize - start
elif end < 0:
end = (filesize - start) + end
end = end
elif args.length is not None:
end = start + args.length
end = filesize
ifh = args.infile
ofh = args.outfile
pos = ifh.tell()
while ifh.tell() < end:
readn = min(end - pos, 32)
haveread =
pos = ifh.tell()
if args.print_hex:
echo = haveread.hex()
print(" ".join(wrap(echo, 8)), file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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