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Created August 16, 2020 18:04
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Reimplementation of DEF CON 2020's Pinboool Binary
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List, TypedDict
import copy
import struct
from functools import cached_property
import math
from pwnlib.util.packing import flat, u16
def twos_byte(b):
b = b & 0xFF
if b <= 0x7F:
return b
return b - 0x100
def twos_int(b):
b = b & 0xFF
if b <= 0x7F:
return b
return b - 0x100
def cmd_from_bytes(cmd):
return struct.unpack("<HII", cmd)
class MemAssignment(TypedDict):
addr: int
value: bytes
class GameState:
commands: Tuple[int, int, int]
memory_bank: List[MemAssignment]
command_idx: int = 0
rng_state: int = 0x78a
ball_loc: int = 0xAA
score: int = 0
sr_bonus: int = 0
tilt_points = 0
mission_available = 0
active_mission = 0
cold_war_bonus = 0
watching_bonus = 0
sold_the_moon_bonus = 0
def __init__(self, commands: Tuple[int, int, int], memory_bank: List[MemAssignment]):
serialized_commands = flat([
struct.pack("<HII", command[0], command[1], command[2])
for command in commands
self.commands = commands
self.memory_bank = [
{ "addr": 0, "value": serialized_commands },
self.memory = None
def clone(self):
g = GameState(copy(self.commands), copy(self.memory_bank))
g.command_idx = self.command_idx
g.rng_state = self.rng_state
g.ball_loc = self.ball_loc
g.score = self.score
g.sr_bonus = self.sr_bonus
g.tilt_points = self.tilt_points
g.mission_available = self.mission_available
g.active_mission = self.active_mission
g.watching_bonus = self.watching_bonus
g.cold_war_bonus = self.cold_war_bonus
g.sold_the_moon_bonus = self.sold_the_moon_bonus
def next(self):
self.command_idx += 1
def read(self, addr, len):
return self.memory[addr:addr + len]
def advance_rng(self):
self.rng_state = 214013 * self.rng_state + 2531011
self.rng_state = self.rng_state & 0xFFFFFFFF
ret = (self.rng_state >> 16) & 0x7FFF
return ret
def die(self):
self.ball_loc = 1
def assign(self, assignment: MemAssignment):
def create_memory(self):
mem = [0 for i in range(1024)]
for assignment in self.memory_bank:
for offset in range(len(assignment["value"])):
mem[assignment["addr"] + offset] = assignment["value"][offset]
self.memory = bytes(mem)
return self.memory
def __repr__(self):
return f"<GameState command={self.command} rng={self.rng_state:x} score={self.score}+{self.sr_bonus}>"
def command(self):
byte_command = * 10, 10)
return struct.unpack("<HII", byte_command)
def cmd(self):
return self.command[0]
def addr(self):
return self.command[1]
def len(self):
return self.command[2]
def command_str(self):
cmd = self.command
return struct.pack("<HII", cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2])
def ball(self):
return (self.ball_loc + 0x10000) % 0x100
def from_file(filename):
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
byte_data =
assert len(byte_data) == 1024
g = GameState([], [ { "addr": 0, "value": byte_data }])
return g
def entry(gs: GameState):
correct_header = struct.pack("<4sHI", b"BALL", 10, 100)
if (correct_header[:4] != gs.command_str[:4]):
print("Invalid ball")
return (gs, -1)
while gs.command[0] != 1:
return main_switch(gs)
def rocket_launch(gs: GameState):
file_name =[1], gs.command[2])
print(f"Opening [{file_name}]")
if file_name == b"secret_base":
unique = 14
elif file_name == b"..":
unique = 0
unique = 1
if unique != 0:
if unique < 0x39:
if unique <= 5:
print("Rocket failed")
gs.score += 1
return (gs, 0)
print("Rocket launched")
gs.score += unique
print("JACKPORT (sputnik)")
gs.score += 250
gs.sr_bonus += 20
gs.ball_loc = gs.advance_rng() % 100
print("Doing seccomp crap")
def roswell(gs: GameState):
curr_char = gs.memory[gs.addr + 5]
read_str = [0x20 for i in range(32)]
for i in range(32):
read_byte = gs.memory[gs.addr + curr_char]
if read_byte == 0:
print("Trying to compare secret base to " + bytes(read_str).decode("ascii"))
read_str[i] = read_byte
if read_byte % 2 == 1:
curr_char -= read_byte
curr_char += read_byte
if curr_char > gs.len:
print("Bad ball :(")
return (gs, 1)
gs.ball_loc = gs.advance_rng() % 100
def main_switch(gs: GameState):
if (gs.command[0] == 1):
res = rocket_launch(gs)
if res is not None:
return res
return main_loop(gs)
raise Exception("Thought this was unreachable")
# todo (the rest???)
def rng_then_main(gs: GameState):
ball_loc = gs.advance_rng() % 100
def main_loop(gs: GameState):
gs.sr_bonus += 10
return main_loop_continue_entry(gs)
def main_loop_continue(gs: GameState):
return main_loop_continue_entry(gs)
def main_loop_continue_entry(gs: GameState):
if gs.cmd != 0:
if gs.ball == 0xFF or gs.command_idx - 1 >= 0x64:
# go to end
print("Rocket landed!")
gs.score += gs.sr_bonus
gs.sr_bonus = 0
return (gs, 0)
cmd = gs.command[0]
if cmd == 0:
return main_loop_continue(gs)
if cmd == 1 and gs.ball != 0xAA:
return main_loop_continue(gs)
if cmd == 3:
if gs.ball_loc > 0x64:
return main_loop_continue(gs)
if gs.ball_loc > 0x23 and gs.ball_loc <= 0x40:
return main_loop_continue(gs)
if gs.ball_loc > 0x40:
if cmd == 4:
if gs.ball_loc > 0x64:
return main_loop_continue(gs)
if gs.ball_loc > 0x23 and gs.ball_loc <= 0x40:
return main_loop_continue(gs)
if gs.ball_loc <= 0x22:
return main_loop_continue(gs)
if gs.command[2] > 0x3e7:
print("Bad ball")
return (gs, -1)
if cmd == 1:
res = rocket_launch(gs)
if res is not None:
return res
elif cmd == 2:
tilt_spend = twos_byte(gs.memory[gs.addr]) or 1
tilt_amt = twos_byte(gs.memory[gs.addr + 1])
if gs.tilt_points + tilt_amt > 99:
return (gs, 0)
rand_val = gs.advance_rng() % 100
if rand_val < tilt_spend:
if gs.ball > 0x31 and gs.ball <= 0x64:
gs.ball_loc = min(gs.ball + tilt_amt, 90)
gs.ball_loc = max(gs.ball - tilt_amt, 10)
gs.tilt_points += tilt_spend
elif gs.ball > 0x23 and gs.ball <= 0x4A:
print("Tilt failed")
gs.ball_loc = 0xFF
gs.sr_bonus -= 10
elif cmd == 4:
print("testing command")
read_data =, 4)
if read_data == b"QQQQ":
res = roswell(gs)
if res is not None:
return res
elif read_data == b"\xFF\x00\x00\x00":
ball_step = 3 * (gs.ball - 65)
buffer_offset = 4
accumulator = 1
if gs.mission_available:
for i in range(10):
data_bytes = + buffer_offset, 2)
accumulator *= struct.unpack("<H", data_bytes)
accumulator &= 0xFFFFFFFF
buffer_offset += ball_step
if accumulator == 0x97d7cfc0:
if gs.active_mission == 1:
print("Mission 1!")
gs.score += 200
if gs.active_mission == 2:
print("Mission 2")
gs.score += 400
if gs.active_mission == 3:
print("Mission 3")
gs.score += 1000
gs.ball_loc = 0
gs.mission_available = 0
print("Mission wrong")
ball_loc = gs.advance_rng() % 100
elif read_data == b"\x00\x01`P":
print(gs.len, gs.addr, + 4, 4))
if (
gs.len == 520 and
gs.addr != 0 and
gs.addr != 0xa2a and + 4, 4) == b"\0\0\0\0"
bumper_counter = 0
for i in range(512):
if gs.memory[gs.addr + 8 + i] == 0:
return rng_then_main(gs)
if gs.memory[gs.addr + 8 + i] == gs.ball:
bumper_counter += 1
print(bumper_counter, gs.ball)
if bumper_counter == 100:
print("We're doing crap with some stack pointer and maybe crashing")
gs.score += gs.advance_rng() % 100
bumpers = 1
while ((gs.advance_rng() % 100) > 0x31):
print("Combo bumper!")
gs.score += gs.advance_rng() % 100
bumpers += 1
if bumpers > 4:
print("Jackpot bumper!")
gs.score += 800
return rng_then_main(gs)
elif cmd == 3:
read_data =, 4)
if read_data == b"QQQQ":
res = roswell(gs)
if res is not None:
return res
elif read_data == b"\x04\x03\x02\x01":
copy_buffer = "All Systems GO"
print(gs.mission_available, gs.len)
if gs.mission_available == 0 and gs.len <= 0x100:
gs.assign({ "addr": gs.addr + gs.len, "value": b"\0" * 16 })
rng_state = gs.rng_state
rng_buffer = bytes([gs.advance_rng() % 255 for i in range(100)])
gs.assign({ "addr": gs.addr + gs.len + 16, "value": rng_buffer })
gs.rng_state = rng_state
i = 0
while 3 * i < gs.len:
mem_1, = struct.unpack("<H", + 3 * i + 4, 2))
print(hex(mem_1), + mem_1, 10))
"addr": gs.addr + gs.len + gs.memory[gs.addr + 3 * i + 6],
"value": bytes([gs.memory[gs.addr + mem_1], 0])
i += 1
print( + gs.len, 12))
if + gs.len, 12) == copy_buffer:
gs.active_mission += 1
if gs.active_mission <= 3:
print(f"Active mission: {gs.active_mission}")
gs.sr_bonus += 15
gs.mission_available = 1
print("Mission jackpot")
gs.score += 500
gs.mission_available = 1
gs.ball_loc = gs.advance_rng()
elif read_data == b"P`p\x80":
if gs.ball == 0:
gs.sr_bonus += 5
return main_loop(gs)
if gs.memory[gs.addr + 4] == 0x65:
if gs.cold_war_bonus == 1:
return rng_then_main(gs)
for i in range(4, gs.ball + 14):
if gs.len < i or gs.memory[gs.addr + i] != 0x65:
return rng_then_main(gs)
gs.cold_war_bonus = 1
print("Cold war x 2")
# ???
elif gs.memory[gs.addr + 4] == 0x66:
if gs.cold_war_bonus == 0 or gs.watching_bonus == 1:
return rng_then_main(gs)
for i in range(10 * gs.ball):
if i + 4 > gs.len or gs.memory[gs.addr + i + 4] != 0x66:
return rng_then_main(gs)
gs.watching_bonus = 1
print("Wathcing bonsus!!!!")
elif gs.memory[gs.addr + 4] == 0x77:
if gs.cold_war_bonus == 0 or gs.watching_bonus == 0 or gs.sold_the_moon_bonus == 1:
return rng_then_main(gs)
for i in range(10 ** gs.ball):
if i + 4 > gs.len or gs.memory[gs.addr + i + 4] != 0x67:
return rng_then_main(gs)
gs.sold_the_moon_bonus = 1
print("Sold the moon!!!!!!!!!!!1")
gs.sr_bonus += 5
return rng_then_main(gs)
gs.sr_bonus += 10
return main_loop_continue(gs)
# intial_state = GameState([
# cmd_from_bytes(b"BALL\x0a\x00\x64\x00\x00\x00"),
# [1, 1010, 11],
# *([[5, 0, 0]] * 99),
# ],
# [
# { "addr": 1010, "value": b"secret_base" }
# ]
# )
initial_state = GameState.from_file("boll")
with open("./test", "wb+") as f:
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