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When you get an error code in with the domain kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, you can generally find the error codes in SecureTransport.h which is in /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework. Here are the error codes:
enum {
errSSLProtocol = -9800, /* SSL protocol error */
errSSLNegotiation = -9801, /* Cipher Suite negotiation failure */
errSSLFatalAlert = -9802, /* Fatal alert */
errSSLWouldBlock = -9803, /* I/O would block (not fatal) */
errSSLSessionNotFound = -9804, /* attempt to restore an unknown session */
errSSLClosedGraceful = -9805, /* connection closed gracefully */
errSSLClosedAbort = -9806, /* connection closed via error */
errSSLXCertChainInvalid = -9807, /* Invalid certificate chain */
errSSLBadCert = -9808, /* bad certificate format */
errSSLCrypto = -9809, /* underlying cryptographic error */
errSSLInternal = -9810, /* Internal error */
errSSLModuleAttach = -9811, /* module attach failure */
errSSLUnknownRootCert = -9812, /* valid cert chain, untrusted root */
errSSLNoRootCert = -9813, /* cert chain not verified by root */
errSSLCertExpired = -9814, /* chain had an expired cert */
errSSLCertNotYetValid = -9815, /* chain had a cert not yet valid */
errSSLClosedNoNotify = -9816, /* server closed session with no notification */
errSSLBufferOverflow = -9817, /* insufficient buffer provided */
errSSLBadCipherSuite = -9818, /* bad SSLCipherSuite */
/* fatal errors detected by peer */
errSSLPeerUnexpectedMsg = -9819, /* unexpected message received */
errSSLPeerBadRecordMac = -9820, /* bad MAC */
errSSLPeerDecryptionFail = -9821, /* decryption failed */
errSSLPeerRecordOverflow = -9822, /* record overflow */
errSSLPeerDecompressFail = -9823, /* decompression failure */
errSSLPeerHandshakeFail = -9824, /* handshake failure */
errSSLPeerBadCert = -9825, /* misc. bad certificate */
errSSLPeerUnsupportedCert = -9826, /* bad unsupported cert format */
errSSLPeerCertRevoked = -9827, /* certificate revoked */
errSSLPeerCertExpired = -9828, /* certificate expired */
errSSLPeerCertUnknown = -9829, /* unknown certificate */
errSSLIllegalParam = -9830, /* illegal parameter */
errSSLPeerUnknownCA = -9831, /* unknown Cert Authority */
errSSLPeerAccessDenied = -9832, /* access denied */
errSSLPeerDecodeError = -9833, /* decoding error */
errSSLPeerDecryptError = -9834, /* decryption error */
errSSLPeerExportRestriction = -9835, /* export restriction */
errSSLPeerProtocolVersion = -9836, /* bad protocol version */
errSSLPeerInsufficientSecurity = -9837, /* insufficient security */
errSSLPeerInternalError = -9838, /* internal error */
errSSLPeerUserCancelled = -9839, /* user canceled */
errSSLPeerNoRenegotiation = -9840, /* no renegotiation allowed */
/* more errors detected by us */
errSSLHostNameMismatch = -9843, /* peer host name mismatch */
errSSLConnectionRefused = -9844, /* peer dropped connection before responding */
errSSLDecryptionFail = -9845, /* decryption failure */
errSSLBadRecordMac = -9846, /* bad MAC */
errSSLRecordOverflow = -9847, /* Record Overflow */
errSSLBadConfiguration = -9848, /* configuration error */
errSSLLast = -9849 /* end of range, to be deleted */
So it looks like maybe the server's certificate isn't valid.
Maybe you're connecting to a development server? Maybe you want to decrease some of the security checks?
// Allow expired certificates
[settings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
forKey:(NSString *)kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates];
// Allow self-signed certificates
[settings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
forKey:(NSString *)kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot];
// In fact, don't even validate the certificate chain
[settings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]
forKey:(NSString *)kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain];
Credit to:!topic/xmppframework/K2iIPX1f3lM
-Robbie Hanson
-Deusty Designs
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