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* Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this
* file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __ASL_H__
#define __ASL_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <Availability.h>
/* Version number encodes the date YYYYMMDD */
#define ASL_API_VERSION 20150225
typedef struct __asl_object_s *asl_object_t;
typedef asl_object_t aslclient;
typedef asl_object_t aslmsg;
typedef asl_object_t aslresponse;
/*! @header
* These routines provide an interface to the Apple System Log facility.
* The API allows client applications to create flexible, structured messages
* and send them to the syslogd server. Messages received by the server are
* saved in a data store, subject to input filtering constraints.
* This API also permits clients to create queries and search the message
* data store for matching messages.
* NOTE FOR HeaderDoc
* These are added to allow headerdoc2html to process
* the prototypes of asl_log and asl_vlog correctly.
* The "-p" option to headerdoc2html is required.
#ifndef __printflike
/*! @parseOnly */
#define __printflike(a,b)
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock Log Message Priority Levels
* Log levels of the message.
#define ASL_LEVEL_CRIT 2
#define ASL_LEVEL_ERR 3
#define ASL_LEVEL_INFO 6
/*! @/defineblock */
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock Log Message Priority Level Strings
* Strings corresponding to log levels.
#define ASL_STRING_EMERG "Emergency"
#define ASL_STRING_ALERT "Alert"
#define ASL_STRING_CRIT "Critical"
#define ASL_STRING_ERR "Error"
#define ASL_STRING_WARNING "Warning"
#define ASL_STRING_NOTICE "Notice"
#define ASL_STRING_INFO "Info"
#define ASL_STRING_DEBUG "Debug"
/*! @/defineblock */
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock Attribute Matching
* Attribute value comparison operations.
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_CASEFOLD 0x0010
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_PREFIX 0x0020
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_SUFFIX 0x0040
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_NUMERIC 0x0080
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_REGEX 0x0100
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL 0x0001
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_GREATER 0x0002
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_LESS 0x0004
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_LESS_EQUAL 0x0005
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL 0x0006
#define ASL_QUERY_OP_TRUE 0x0007
/*! @/defineblock */
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock Message Attributes
* These attributes are known by ASL, and are generally
* associated with all log messages.
* Additional attributes may be added as desired.
#define ASL_KEY_TIME "Time" /* Timestamp. Set automatically */
#define ASL_KEY_TIME_NSEC "TimeNanoSec" /* Nanosecond time. */
#define ASL_KEY_HOST "Host" /* Sender's address (set by the server). */
#define ASL_KEY_SENDER "Sender" /* Sender's identification string. Default is process name. */
#define ASL_KEY_FACILITY "Facility" /* Sender's facility. Default is "user". */
#define ASL_KEY_PID "PID" /* Sending process ID encoded as a string. Set automatically. */
#define ASL_KEY_UID "UID" /* UID that sent the log message (set by the server). */
#define ASL_KEY_GID "GID" /* GID that sent the log message (set by the server). */
#define ASL_KEY_LEVEL "Level" /* Log level number encoded as a string. See levels above. */
#define ASL_KEY_MSG "Message" /* Message text. */
#define ASL_KEY_READ_UID "ReadUID" /* User read access (-1 is any user). */
#define ASL_KEY_READ_GID "ReadGID" /* Group read access (-1 is any group). */
#define ASL_KEY_EXPIRE_TIME "ASLExpireTime" /* Expiration time for messages with long TTL. */
#define ASL_KEY_MSG_ID "ASLMessageID" /* 64-bit message ID number (set by the server). */
#define ASL_KEY_SESSION "Session" /* Session (set by the launchd). */
#define ASL_KEY_REF_PID "RefPID" /* Reference PID for messages proxied by launchd */
#define ASL_KEY_REF_PROC "RefProc" /* Reference process for messages proxied by launchd */
#define ASL_KEY_AUX_TITLE "ASLAuxTitle" /* Auxiliary title string */
#define ASL_KEY_AUX_UTI "ASLAuxUTI" /* Auxiliary Uniform Type ID */
#define ASL_KEY_AUX_URL "ASLAuxURL" /* Auxiliary Uniform Resource Locator */
#define ASL_KEY_AUX_DATA "ASLAuxData" /* Auxiliary in-line data */
#define ASL_KEY_OPTION "ASLOption" /* Internal */
#define ASL_KEY_MODULE "ASLModule" /* Internal */
#define ASL_KEY_SENDER_INSTANCE "SenderInstance" /* Sender instance UUID. */
#define ASL_KEY_SENDER_MACH_UUID "SenderMachUUID" /* Sender Mach-O UUID. */
#define ASL_KEY_FINAL_NOTIFICATION "ASLFinalNotification" /* syslogd posts value as a notification when message has been processed */
#define ASL_KEY_OS_ACTIVITY_ID "OSActivityID" /* Current OS Activity for the logging thread */
/*! @/defineblock */
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock ASL Object Types
* The library uses only one opaque type - asl_object_t.
* Many of the routines can operate on several different types.
* For example, asl_search() can be used to search a list of messages,
* an ASL database directory or data file, or the main ASL database.
* It can even be used to check a single message against a query
* message, or against another message to check for exact match.
* The first three types are container objects - messages, queries,
* and lists of messages or queries. The following types are
* abstractions for ASL data files and ASL data stores (directories
* containing data files).
* ASL_TYPE_CLIENT is a high-level object that abstracts ASL
* interactions. It may access ASL stores or files directly,
* and it may communicate with ASL daemons.
#define ASL_TYPE_UNDEF 0xffffffff
#define ASL_TYPE_MSG 0
#define ASL_TYPE_QUERY 1
#define ASL_TYPE_LIST 2
#define ASL_TYPE_FILE 3
#define ASL_TYPE_STORE 4
/*! @/defineblock */
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock search directions
* Used for asl_store_match(), asl_file_match(), and asl_match().
/*! @/defineblock */
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock Filter Masks
* Used in client-side filtering, which determines which
* messages are sent by the client to the syslogd server.
#define ASL_FILTER_MASK_ERR 0x08
/*! @/defineblock */
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock Filter Mask Macros
* Macros to create bitmasks for filter settings - see asl_set_filter().
#define ASL_FILTER_MASK(level) (1 << (level))
#define ASL_FILTER_MASK_UPTO(level) ((1 << ((level) + 1)) - 1)
/*! @/defineblock */
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock Client Creation Options
* Options for asl_open().
* Note that ASL_OPT_NO_DELAY no longer has any effect.
#define ASL_OPT_STDERR 0x00000001
#define ASL_OPT_NO_DELAY 0x00000002
#define ASL_OPT_NO_REMOTE 0x00000004
/*! @/defineblock */
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock File and Store Open Options
* Options for asl_open_path().
#define ASL_OPT_OPEN_WRITE 0x00000001
#define ASL_OPT_CREATE_STORE 0x00000002
/*! @/defineblock */
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock File Descriptor Types
* Instructions on how to treat the file descriptor in asl_log_descriptor().
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock Output file message and time formats.
* These select internally defined formats for printed log messages for
* asl_add_output_file(). Custom message and time formats may also be
* used. These pre-defined formats and custom formats are described in detail
* in the syslog(1) manual page.
#define ASL_MSG_FMT_RAW "raw"
#define ASL_MSG_FMT_STD "std"
#define ASL_MSG_FMT_BSD "bsd"
#define ASL_MSG_FMT_XML "xml"
#define ASL_MSG_FMT_MSG "msg"
#define ASL_TIME_FMT_SEC "sec"
#define ASL_TIME_FMT_UTC "utc"
#define ASL_TIME_FMT_LCL "lcl"
#pragma mark -
/*! @defineblock Text Encoding Types
* These are used by the library when formatting messages to be written
* to file descriptors associated with an ASL client handle with
* asl_add_output_file(). The syslog(1) manual page describes text encoding
* in detail. ASL_ENCODE_ASL corresponds to the "vis" encoding option
* described in the syslog(1) manual. ASL_ENCODE_XML should be used in
* combination with ASL_MSG_FMT_XML to ensure that special XML characters
* are correctly encoded.
#define ASL_ENCODE_ASL 2
#define ASL_ENCODE_XML 3
#pragma mark -
* ASL_PREFILTER_LOG is a macro similar to asl_log(), but it first checks
* if the message will simply be ignored due to local filter settings.
* This prevents the variable argument list from being evaluated.
* Note that the message may still be processed if it will be written
* to a file or stderr.
* @param client
* (input) An ASL_TYPE_CLIENT object.
* @param msg
* (input) An asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_MSG (default attributes will be supplied if msg is NULL).
* @param level
* (input) Log level (ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG to ASL_LEVEL_EMERG).
* @param format
* (input) A printf() - style format string followed by a list of arguments.
#define ASL_PREFILTER_LOG(client, msg, level, format, ...) \
do { \
asl_object_t _client = (client); \
asl_object_t _msg = (msg); \
uint32_t _asl_eval = _asl_evaluate_send(_client, _msg, (level)); \
if (_asl_eval != 0) _asl_lib_log(_client, _asl_eval, _msg, (format), ## __VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#pragma mark -
/* ASL Library SPI - do not call directly */
int _asl_lib_log(asl_object_t client, uint32_t eval, asl_object_t msg, const char *format, ...) __printflike(4, 5);
uint32_t _asl_evaluate_send(asl_object_t client, asl_object_t msg, int level);
* Initialize a connection to the ASL server.
* This call is optional in many cases. The library will perform any
* necessary initializations on the fly. A call to asl_open() is required
* if optional settings must be made before messages are sent to the server.
* These include setting the client filter and managing additional output
* file descriptors. Note that the default setting of the client filter is
* messages are not sent to the server by default.
* A separate client connection is required for multiple threads or
* dispatch queues.
* Options (defined above) may be set using the opts parameter. They are:
* ASL_OPT_STDERR - adds stderr as an output file descriptor
* ASL_OPT_NO_REMOTE - disables the remote-control mechanism for adjusting
* filter levers for processes using e.g. syslog -c ...
* @param ident
* (input) Sender name.
* @param facility
* (input) Facility name.
* @param opts
* (input) Options (see Client Creation Options).
* @result Returns an ASL client handle (asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_CLIENT).
asl_object_t asl_open(const char *ident, const char *facility, uint32_t opts) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Open an ASL database or ASL data file for read or write access.
* Opens an ASL database if the path specifies a directory, or
* an ASL data file if the path specifies a file. Opens the system
* ASL database if path is NULL.
* If the ASL_OPT_OPEN_READ option is specified, the database or data file may be
* searched with asl_search() or asl_match(). asl_next() and asl_prev() may be used
* to iterate over the messages in the database or file.
* If the ASL_OPT_OPEN_WRITE option is specified, an existing file or database is
* opened for writing. New messages may be added to the file or database using
* asl_append(), asl_send(), asl_log(), or asl_vlog(). Existing messages in the
* store or file may not be deleted or modified.
* If the path does not exist, asl_open_path() will create a new database if
* ASL_OPT_CREATE_STORE is set in the options, or a new data file otherwise.
* The file will be created with the user's effective UID and GID as owner and
* group. The mode will be 0644. If a different mode, UID, or GID is desired,
* an empty file or directory may be pre-created with the desired settings.
* @param path
* (input) Location of the ASL database or ASL data file in the filesystem.
* A value of NULL may be used to open the system's database.
* @param opts
* (input) Options (see File and Store Open Options).
* @result Returns an ASL object of type ASL_TYPE_STORE or ASL_TYPE_FILE, or NULL on failure.
asl_object_t asl_open_path(const char *path, uint32_t opts) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Shuts down a connection to the server.
* This routine is identical to asl_release().
* @param obj
* (input) An ASL object.
void asl_close(asl_object_t obj) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Write log messages to the given file descriptor.
* Log messages will be written to this file as well as to the server.
* This is equivalent to calling:
* @param client
* (input) An ASL client handle (asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_CLIENT).
* @param descriptor
* (input) A file descriptor.
* @result Returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
int asl_add_log_file(asl_object_t client, int descriptor) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Write log messages to the given file descriptor.
* Log messages will be written to this file as well as to the server.
* This routine extends the basic interface offered by asl_add_log_file(),
* allowing control of the format used to write log message written to the file.
* control of the time zone used when printing time values, and allowing
* individual filtering control for each log file.
* @param client
* (input) An ASL client handle (asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_CLIENT).
* @param descriptor
* (input) A file descriptor.
* @param mfmt
* (input) A character string specifying the message format.
* @param tfmt
* (input) A character string specifying the time format.
* @param filter
* (input) A filter value.
* @param text_encoding
* (input) A text encoding type.
* @result Returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
int asl_add_output_file(asl_object_t client, int fd, const char *mfmt, const char *tfmt, int filter, int text_encoding) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Write log messages to the given file descriptor.
* Sets or changes a filter value for filtering messages written to a file associated
* with an ASL client handle using asl_add_output_file() or asl_add_log_file().
* @param client
* (input) An ASL client handle (asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_CLIENT).
* @param descriptor
* (input) A file descriptor.
* @param filter
* (input) A filter value.
* @result Returns the previous filter value.
int asl_set_output_file_filter(asl_object_t client, int fd, int filter) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Stop writing log messages to the given file descriptor.
* The file descripter is not closed by this routine.
* @param client
* (input) An ASL client handle (asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_CLIENT).
* @param descriptor
* (input) A file descriptor.
* @result Returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
int asl_remove_log_file(asl_object_t client, int descriptor) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Set a filter for messages being sent to the server.
* The filter is a bitmask representing priorities. The ASL_FILTER_MASK
* macro may be used to convert a priority level into a bitmask for that
* level. The ASL_FILTER_MASK_UPTO macro creates a bitmask for all
* priorities up to and including a given priority.
* Messages with priority levels that do not have a corresponding bit
* set in the filter are not sent to the server, although they will be
* sent to any file descripters added with asl_add_log_file().
* The default setting is ASL_FILTER_MASK_UPTO(ASL_LEVEL_NOTICE).
* Returns the previous filter value.
* @param client
* (input) An ASL client handle (asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_CLIENT).
* @param f
* (input) A filter value.
* @result Returns the previous filter value.
int asl_set_filter(asl_object_t client, int f) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Examine attribute keys.
* @param msg
* (input) An ASL message or query (asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_MSG or ASL_TYPE_QUERY).
* @param n
* (input) An index value.
* @result Returns the key of the nth attribute in a message (beginning at zero),
* or NULL if n is greater than the largest message index.
const char *asl_key(asl_object_t msg, uint32_t n) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Examine attribute keys.
* @param msg
* (input) An ASL message or query (asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_MSG or ASL_TYPE_QUERY).
* @param key
* (output) key at the given index. May be NULL.
* @param val
* (output) val at the given index. May be NULL.
* @param op
* (output) op at the given index. May be NULL.
* @param n
* (input) An index value.
* @result returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
int asl_fetch_key_val_op(asl_object_t msg, uint32_t n, const char **key, const char **val, uint32_t *op) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Create a new log message, query message, message list, or a connection to the system database.
* @param type
* @result Returns a newly allocated asl_object_t of the specified type.
* @discussion
* New objects of type ASL_TYPE_CLIENT will be created with default settings for
* a client connection, equivalent to asl_open(NULL, NULL, 0).
* The Sender and Facility values associated with an ASL_TYPE_CLIENT may
* be reset using asl_set().
asl_object_t asl_new(uint32_t type) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Set or re-set a message or query attribute.
* May also be used to set values associated with an ASL_TYPE_CLIENT object,
* such as Sender and Facility.
* @param obj
* (input) An ASL object of type ASL_TYPE_MSG, ASL_TYPE_QUERY, or ASL_TYPE_CLIENT.
* @param key
* (input) Attribute key.
* @param value
* (input) Attribute value.
* @result returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
int asl_set(asl_object_t obj, const char *key, const char *value) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Remove a key/value attribute.
* @param obj
* (input) An ASL object of type ASL_TYPE_MSG, ASL_TYPE_QUERY, or ASL_TYPE_CLIENT.
* @param key
* (input) Attribute key.
* returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
int asl_unset(asl_object_t obj, const char *key) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Get the value associated with an attribute key.
* @param obj
* (input) An ASL object of type ASL_TYPE_MSG, ASL_TYPE_QUERY, or ASL_TYPE_CLIENT.
* @param key
* (input) Attribute key.
* @result Returns the attribute value, or NULL if the object does not contain the key.
const char *asl_get(asl_object_t msg, const char *key) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Log a message with a particular log level.
* @param obj
* (input) An asl_object_t or NULL.
* @param msg
* (input) An asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_MSG (default attributes will be supplied if msg is NULL).
* @param level
* (input) Log level (ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG to ASL_LEVEL_EMERG).
* @param format
* (input) A printf() - style format string followed by a list of arguments.
* @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
* @discussion
* The input object may be of any type.
* In typical usage, obj is of type ASL_TYPE_CLIENT or obj is NULL.
* NULL causes the library to use the default ASL client handle.
* This routine prepares a message for tranmission to the ASL server daemon (syslogd),
* The message is sent to the server subject to filter settings. The message may also
* be formatted and printed to various output files.
* For ASL_TYPE_MSG, this routine will set all key/value pairs in the input object as
* they would appear if the message were being sent to the server. This includes
* setting alues for ASL_KEY_TIME, ASL_KEY_TIME_NSEC, ASL_KEY_HOST, and so on.
* If the object is of type ASL_TYPE_STORE or ASL_TYPE_FILE, a message will be
* constructed (as above) and saved in the file or data store. No filtering is done.
* If obj is of type ASL_TYPE_LIST, a message is created and appended to the list.
* The object type ASL_TYPE_QUERY is supported, but the key/value pairs set in the
* object will have an operator value of zero.
int asl_log(asl_object_t client, asl_object_t msg, int level, const char *format, ...) __printflike(4, 5) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Log a message with a particular log level.
* This API is a simplified version of asl_log(). It uses the default (NULL) ASL client handle,
* and does not have a msg parameter to supply additonal key/value pairs to be attached to the
* message sent to the syslogd server.
* @param level
* (input) Log level (ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG to ASL_LEVEL_EMERG).
* @param format
* (input) A printf() - style format string followed by a list of arguments.
* @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
int asl_log_message(int level, const char *format, ...) __printflike(2, 3) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Log a message with a particular log level.
* Similar to asl_log, but takes a va_list argument.
* @param asl
* (input) An ASL object or NULL.
* @param msg
* (input) An asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_MSG (default attributes will be supplied if msg is NULL).
* @param level
* (input) Log level (ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG to ASL_LEVEL_EMERG).
* @param format
* (input) A printf() - style format string followed by a list of arguments.
* @param ap
* (input) A va_list containing the values for the format string.
* @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
* @discussion
* See the discussion for asl_log() for a description of how this routine treats different
* types of input object.
int asl_vlog(asl_object_t obj, asl_object_t msg, int level, const char *format, va_list ap) __printflike(4, 0) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Log a message.
* This routine may be used instead of asl_log() or asl_vlog() if asl_set()
* has been used to set all of a message's attributes.
* @param asl
* (input) An ASL object or NULL.
* @param msg
* (input) An asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_MSG.
* @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
* @discussion
* See the discussion for asl_log() for a description of how this routine treats different
* types of input object.
int asl_send(asl_object_t obj, asl_object_t msg) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* DEPRECATED: Free an ASL object and all internal resources associated with it.
* This routine is identical to asl_release(), which should be used instead.
* Note that we don't issue a deprecation warning - yet.
* @param obj
* (input) An ASL object to free.
void asl_free(asl_object_t obj) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Increment the internal reference count of an ASL object.
* @param obj
* (input) An ASL object to retain.
* @result Returns the object.
asl_object_t asl_retain(asl_object_t obj) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Decrement the internal reference count of an ASL object.
* Frees the object when the reference count becomes zero.
* @param obj
* (input) An ASL object to release.
void asl_release(asl_object_t obj) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Get the internal type of an ASL object.
* @param obj
* (input) An ASL object.
* @result Returns the object type.
uint32_t asl_get_type(asl_object_t obj) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Set arbitrary parameters of a query.
* This is similar to asl_set, but allows richer query operations.
* See ASL_QUERY_OP_* above.
* @param msg
* (input) An ASL object of type ASL_TYPE_QUERY.
* @param key
* (input) Attribute key
* @param value
* (input) Attribute value
* @param op
* (input) An operation (ASL_QUERY_OP_*)
* @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
int asl_set_query(asl_object_t msg, const char *key, const char *value, uint32_t op) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* Search for messages matching the criteria described by an query object.
* The caller should set the attributes to match using asl_set_query() or asl_set().
* The operation ASL_QUERY_OP_EQUAL is used for attributes set with asl_set().
* @param obj
* (input) An ASL object to search.
* @param query
* (input) An asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_QUERY or ASL_TYPE_MSG.
* query may be NULL, which matches anything.
* @result Returns an ASL object containing messages matching the query, or NULL if there are no matches.
* @discussion
* The object to search may be of any type.
* ASL_TYPE_CLIENT searches the main ASL database.
* ASL_TYPE_STORE searches an ASL database in the filesystem.
* ASL_TYPE_FILE searches an ASL data file in the filesystem.
* ASL_TYPE_LIST searches for matches in a list of messages.
* A NULL query matches anything.
* If obj is of type ASL_TYPE_MSG and query is of type ASL_TYPE_QUERY, obj is matched against the query,
* and a list containing the "obj" object is returned if the match succeeds.
* If both obj and query are objects of type ASL_TYPE_MSG or both are of type ASL_TYPE_QUERY,
* they are tested for exact match. A list containing the "obj" object is returned if the match is exact.
* If obj is of type ASL_TYPE_QUERY and query is of type ASL_TYPE_MSG, the routine returns NULL.
asl_object_t asl_search(asl_object_t obj, asl_object_t query) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_4, __IPHONE_2_0);
* DEPRECATED: Iterate over messages in an asl_object_t (same as an aslresponse).
* This routine is identical to asl_next().
* @param list
* (input) An asl_object_t (aslresponse).
* @result Returns the next message contained in an ASL object, or NULL when there are no more messages.
* @discussion
* This routine is deprecated in favor of asl_next().
asl_object_t aslresponse_next(asl_object_t obj) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_10_4,__MAC_10_10,__IPHONE_2_0,__IPHONE_7_0, "Use asl_next instead");
* DEPRECATED: Free an asl_object_t.
* This routine is identical to asl_release().
* @param list
* (input) An asl_object_t (aslresponse).
* @discussion
* This routine is deprecated in favor of asl_release().
void aslresponse_free(asl_object_t obj) __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_10_4,__MAC_10_10,__IPHONE_2_0,__IPHONE_7_0, "Use asl_release instead");
* Append messages to an object of type ASL_TYPE_LIST. The input "obj"
* parameter may be of type ASL_TYPE_MSG or ASL_TYPE_QUERY, in which case
* the object is appended to the list, or "obj" may be of type ASL_TYPE_LIST,
* in which case each object in that list is appended to the "list" object.
* Does nothing if either list or obj are NULL.
* @param obj
* (input) An object of type ASLTYPE_CLIENT or ASL_TYPE_LIST, or an object of type
* ASL_TYPE_FILE or ASL_TYPE_STORE that is open for write operations.
* @param obj_to_add
* (input) An object of type ASL_TYPE_MSG, ASL_TYPE_QUERY or type ASL_TYPE_LIST.
void asl_append(asl_object_t obj, asl_object_t obj_to_add) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Prepend messages to an object of type ASL_TYPE_LIST. The input "obj"
* parameter may be of type ASL_TYPE_MSG or ASL_TYPE_QUERY, in which case
* the object is prepended to the list, or "obj" may be of type ASL_TYPE_LIST,
* in which case each object in that list is prepended to the "list" object.
* Does nothing if either list or obj are NULL.
* @param obj
* (input) An object of type ASL_TYPE_LIST.
* @param obj_to_add
* (input) An object of type ASL_TYPE_MSG, ASL_TYPE_QUERY or type ASL_TYPE_LIST.
void asl_prepend(asl_object_t obj, asl_object_t obj_to_add) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Get the number of key/value pairs in an object of type ASL_TYPE_MSG or ASL_TYPE_QUERY,
* or the number of components in an object of type ASL_TYPE_LIST.
* @param obj
* (input) An asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_MSG, ASL_TYPE_QUERY, or ASL_TYPE_LIST.
* @result The number of components in the object.
* Returns zero if object is empty or NULL, or if the type is not
size_t asl_count(asl_object_t obj) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Retreive a message from an object of type ASL_TYPE_LIST.
* @param obj
* (input) An asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_LIST
* @result Returns the message (an object of type ASL_TYPE_MSG or ASL_TYPE_QUERY) at the specified index.
* Returns NULL if the index is out of range or if list is not an object of type ASL_TYPE_LIST.
asl_object_t asl_get_index(asl_object_t list, size_t index) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Remove the message at a specified index from an object of type ASL_TYPE_LIST.
* @param list
* (input) An object of type ASL_TYPE_LIST.
void asl_remove_index(asl_object_t list, size_t index) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Creates an auxiliary file that may be used to save arbitrary data. The ASL message msg
* will be saved at the time that the auxiliary file is closed with asl_close_auxiliary_file().
* The log entry will include any keys and values found in msg, and it will include the title
* and Uniform Type Identifier specified. If NULL is supplied as a value for the uti parameter,
* the type "" is used. will display a hyperlink to the file.
* Output parameter out_descriptor will contain a readable and writable file descriptor for the new
* auxiliary file.
* By default, the file will be world-readable. If the message contains a ReadUID and/or a
* ReadGID key, then the values for those keys will determine read access to the file.
* The file will be deleted at the same time that the message expires from the ASL data store.
* The aslmanager utility manages message expiry. If msg contains a value for ASLExpireTime,
* then the message and the file will not be deleted before that time. The value may be in
* seconds after the Epoch, or it may be ctime() format, e.g "Thu Jun 24 18:22:48 2010".
* @param msg
* (input) An object of type ASL_TYPE_MSG.
* @param tite
* (input) A title string for the file.
* @param uti
* (input) Uniform Type Identifier for the file.
* @param out_descriptor
* (output) A writable file descriptor.
* @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
int asl_create_auxiliary_file(asl_object_t msg, const char *title, const char *uti, int *out_descriptor) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_7,__IPHONE_5_0);
* Close an auxiliary file opened by asl_create_auxiliary_file() when writing is complete.
* syslogd will log the message provided to asl_create_auxiliary_file() when this routine
* is called.
* @param descriptor
* (input) The file descriptor
* @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
int asl_close_auxiliary_file(int descriptor) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_7,__IPHONE_5_0);
* Sends an ASL message to syslogd along with a title string, Uniform Resource Locator,
* and Uniform Type Identifier specified. will hyperlink the title string to
* the specified URL. If NULL is supplied as a value for the uti parameter, the default
* type "" is used.
* @param msg
* (input) An object of type ASL_TYPE_MSG.
* @param title
* (input) A title string for the file
* @param uti
* (input) Uniform Type Identifier for the file
* @param url
* (input) Uniform Type Locator
* @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
int asl_log_auxiliary_location(asl_object_t msg, const char *title, const char *uti, const char *url) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_7,__IPHONE_5_0);
* Creates an object of type ASL_TYPE_CLIENT for logging to a file descriptor.
* The file must be opened for read and write access. This routine may be used in conjunction
* with asl_create_auxiliary_file() to save ASL format log messages to an auxiliary file.
* When logging to the file is complete, the returned object should be released with asl_release().
* The file descriptor should be closed using asl_close_auxiliary_file() if it was returned by
* asl_create_auxiliary_file(), or close() otherwise.
* The returned client object is thread-safe. It contains a lock that is aquired by
* the calling thread. Note that this may cause unexpected syncronization behavior
* if multiple threads log to the returned object, or in applications that use the
* object in multiple dispatch queues.
* Note that per-message read access controls (ReadUID and ReadGID) and message expire
* times (ASLExpireTime) keys have no effect for messages written to this file.
* Also note that files are NOT truncated. This is a change in OS X 10.9 and iOS 7.0.
* Previous versions of this routine truncated the file before writing. Callers
* may use ftruncate() to truncate the file if desired. If an existing non-empty
* file is used, it must be an ASL format data file.
* @param descriptor
* (input) A file descriptor
* @param ident
* (input) Sender name
* @param facility
* (input) Facility name
* @result An object of type ASL_TYPE_CLIENT.
asl_object_t asl_open_from_file(int descriptor, const char *ident, const char *facility) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_7,__IPHONE_5_0);
* This API provides functionality to use file descriptors to send logging
* data to ASL.
* asl is retained by ASL and must still be closed by the caller by calling
* asl_close() if the caller loses reference to it. msg is copied by ASL and
* similarly must still be freed by the caller by calling asl_free() if the
* caller loses reference to it. Any changes made to it after calling
* asl_log_descriptor() are not applicable to the message used. descriptor
* is treated differently based on the value of fd_type.
* If fd_type is ASL_LOG_DESCRIPTOR_READ, the descriptor must be open for read
* access. ASL uses GCD to read from the descriptor as data becomes available.
* These data are line buffered and passed to asl_log. When EOF is read, the
* descriptor is closed.
* Example:
* If fd_type is ASL_LOG_DESCRIPTOR_WRITE, the descriptor is closed and a new
* writable descriptor is created with the same fileno. Any data written to
* this new descriptor are line buffered and passed to asl_log. When EOF is
* sent, no further data are read. The caller is responsible for closing the
* new descriptor. One common use for this API is to redirect writes to stdout
* or stderr to ASL by passing STDOUT_FILENO or STDERR_FILENO as descriptor.
* Example:
* @param client
* (input) An ASL object of type ASL_TYPE_CLIENT.
* @param msg
* (input) An asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_MSG (default attributes will be supplied if msg is NULL).
* @param level
* (input) Log level (ASL_LEVEL_DEBUG to ASL_LEVEL_EMERG)
* @param descriptor
* (input) An open file descriptor to read from
* @param fd_type
* @result Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure
int asl_log_descriptor(asl_object_t asl, asl_object_t msg, int level, int descriptor, uint32_t fd_type) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_8,__IPHONE_5_1);
#pragma mark -
* Creates a string representation of an ASL message.
* This utility creates a character string suitable for printing an ASL message.
* The returned string ends with a newline character. The caller is responsible
* for freeing the returned string.
* The message is formatted according to the specified format string. Timestamps
* are formatted accoring to the specified time format string. Special characters
* are enoded as specified by the text_encoding parameter.
* @param msg
* (input) An asl_object_t of type ASL_TYPE_MSG.
* @param fmt
* (input) A format specification string. See "Output file message and time formats"
* for standard formats. See the syslog(1) man page for more discussion on formats.
* @param fmt
* (input) A time format specification string. See "Output file message and time formats"
* for standard formats. See the syslog(1) man page for more discussion on time formats.
* @param text_encoding
* (input) Text encoding control (for special characters). See "Text Encoding Types".
* @result Returns a character string, or NULL in case of a failure.
char *asl_format(asl_object_t msg, const char *msg_fmt, const char *time_fmt, uint32_t text_encoding) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Encodes a buffer with embedded nul characters into a nul terminated C string.
* The result must be freed by the caller.
* This utility is used to encode the value associated with ASL_KEY_AUX_DATA
* in an ASL_TYPE_MSG object. An ASL_KEY_AUX_DATA key/value pair is used to hold the
* data written to a file descriptor created by asl_create_auxiliary_file on iOS
* systems, where the ASL database is stored in memory.
* @param buf
* (input) Pointer to a data buffer.
* @param len
* (input) Length (in octets) of data buffer.
* @result Returns an encoded character string.
char *asl_encode_buffer(const char *buf, size_t len) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Decodes a C string previously created by asl_encode_buffer back into a buffer,
* possibly containing embedded nul characters. Allocates memory for the buffer
* and returns a pointer in an output parameter "buf".
* The caller is responsible for freeing the buffer.
* This routine should be used to decode the value associated with an
* ASL_KEY_AUX_DATA key in an ASL_TYPE_MSG object.
* @param in
* (input) Pointer to nul-terminated string created by asl_encode_buffer.
* @param buf
* (output) Pointer to a newly allocated data buffer.
* @param len
* (input) Length (in octets) of data buffer.
* @result Returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
int asl_decode_buffer(const char *in, char **buf, size_t *len) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Iterate forward through messages in an asl_object_t.
* The asl_object_t object maintains an internal position index for the underlying
* collection of ASL messages, whether the asl_object_t represents a list, a
* data file, or an ASL database. The position index is moved forward and the
* "next" message is returned.
* @param obj
* (input) An asl_object_t.
* @result Returns the next message (an object of type ASL_TYPE_MSG or ASL_TYPE_QUERY) from the object,
* Returns NULL when there are no more messages or if obj is not a type that holds messages.
asl_object_t asl_next(asl_object_t obj) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Iterate backwards through messages in an asl_object_t.
* The asl_object_t object maintains an internal position index for the underlying
* collection of ASL messages, whether the asl_object_t represents a list, a
* data file, or an ASL database. The position index is moved backward and the
* "previous" message is returned.
* @param data
* (input) An asl_object_t.
* @result Returns the previous message (an object of type ASL_TYPE_MSG or ASL_TYPE_QUERY) from the object,
* Returns NULL when there are no more messages or if obj is not a type that holds messages.
asl_object_t asl_prev(asl_object_t obj) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Reset internal interation index in an asl_object_t.
* @param obj
* @param position
* (input) Use 0 to position the internal interation index at the beginning of the asl_object_t object,
* and SIZE_MAX to position it at the end. Other values of position may cause unpredictable behavior.
void asl_reset_iteration(asl_object_t obj, size_t position) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
* Searches an asl_object_t.
* The search is controlled by a list of queries, and returns a list with matching messages.
* A message is returned if it matches any of the queries in the query list.
* A NULL querylist matches anything.
* The caller may provide a starting ASL message ID, a direction, and a count.
* A start ID value of 0 means that matching should commence at the beginning of the target obj.
* A value of SIZE_MAX indicates that matching should commence at the end (most recent message)
* in the target. If a non-zero count value is supplied, the routine will return when it has
* found that many messages, or it has checked all messages. If a non-zero duration is supplied,
* the routine will return after the specified time (in microseconds).
* If both count and duration are non-zero, the routine will return when the desired number of
* items has been matched or when the specified duration has been exceeded, whichever occurs first.
* The routine sets the value of the out parameter last to be an index of the last message
* checked while matching. To fetch matching messages in batches (using a small count or
* duration value), the start value for each iteration should be set to (last + 1) if searching
* forward, or (last - 1)for reverse search.
* @param data
* (input) An asl_object_t object.
* @param querylist
* (input) An asl_object_t object containing zero or more queries.
* @param last
* (output) An internal position index of the last message checked while matching in the asl_object_t object.
* @param start
* (input) A position index specifying where matching should commence.
* @param count
* (input) The maximum number of messages to be returned in the res output list (zero indicates no limit).
* @param duration
* (input) A limit (in microseconds) on the time to be spent searching for results. Zero indicates no time limit.
* @param direction
* @result Returns an ASL object containing messages matching the querylist, or NULL if there are no matches.
asl_object_t asl_match(asl_object_t data, asl_object_t querylist, size_t *last, size_t start, size_t count, uint32_t duration, int32_t direction) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_10, __IPHONE_7_0);
#endif /* __ASL_H__ */
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