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Created October 12, 2018 15:23
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  • Save zwbetz-gh/1a1cb4ea41527c74ea3f6c7bf4c2eb1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zwbetz-gh/1a1cb4ea41527c74ea3f6c7bf4c2eb1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Output of, take two
IEUser@IE11Win7 MINGW32 /c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script (master)
$ ./
Using for theme site
Using for example site
Using themes dir /c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes
Using site dir /c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite
Cloning into 'themeSite'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1959, done.
remote: Total 1959 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1959
Receiving objects: 100% (1959/1959), 144.56 MiB | 6.12 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (540/540), done.
Checking out files: 100% (786/786), done.
Submodule 'themes/gohugoioTheme' ( registered for path 'themes/gohugoioTheme'
Cloning into 'C:/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/themeSite/themes/gohugoioTheme'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 11, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Total 2029 (delta 3), reused 7 (delta 3), pack-reused 2018
Receiving objects: 100% (2029/2029), 3.60 MiB | 4.98 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1227/1227), done.
Submodule path 'themes/gohugoioTheme': checked out '7bf1b1bb6893db9db094541190c9faa6b8da1b23'
Cloning into 'exampleSite'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 172, done.
remote: Total 172 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 172
Receiving objects: 100% (172/172), 3.15 MiB | 5.26 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (45/45), done.
BUILDING FROM /c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite
==== PROCESSING .github ======
cp: cannot stat '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/.github/images/screenshot.png': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/.github/images/tn.png': No such file or directory
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-.github.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-.github.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme .github using config "/tmpconfig-.github.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/.github/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for .github
cat: /c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/.github/theme.toml: No such file or directory
cat: /c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/.github/ No such file or directory
==== PROCESSING academic ======
Building site for theme academic using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/academic/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING aerial ======
Building site for theme aerial using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/aerial/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': No such file or directory
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:09:40 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:09:40 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:09:40 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for aerial
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING agency ======
Building site for theme agency using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/agency/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:09:44 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:09:44 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:09:44 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for agency
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING aglaus ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-aglaus.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-aglaus.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme aglaus using config "/tmpconfig-aglaus.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/aglaus/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for aglaus
==== PROCESSING air ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-air.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-air.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme air using config "/tmpconfig-air.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/air/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for air
==== PROCESSING airspace-hugo ======
Building site for theme airspace-hugo using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/airspace-hugo/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:09:53 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:09:53 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:09:54 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:09:54 Error while rendering "page" in "home\\": template: _default/single.html:20:126: executing "_default/single.html" at <.Site.Params.datefor...>: invalid value; expected string
FAILED to create exampleSite for airspace-hugo
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING allegiant ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-allegiant.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-allegiant.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme allegiant using config "/tmpconfig-allegiant.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/allegiant/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for allegiant
==== PROCESSING AllinOne ======
Building site for theme AllinOne using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/AllinOne/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:00 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:00 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:00 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:00 Error while rendering "404" in "": template: 404.html:11:9: executing "header" at <partial "page-header...>: error calling partial: template: partials/page-header.html:1:22: executing "partials/page-header.html" at <len .Site.Params.sli...>: error calling len: len of untyped nil
FAILED to create exampleSite for AllinOne
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING alpha-church ======
Building site for theme alpha-church using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/alpha-church/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:02 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:02 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:02 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for alpha-church
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING amp ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-amp.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-amp.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme amp using config "/tmpconfig-amp.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/amp/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for amp
==== PROCESSING angels-ladder ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-angels-ladder.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-angels-ladder.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme angels-ladder using config "/tmpconfig-angels-ladder.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/angels-ladder/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for angels-ladder
==== PROCESSING anybodyhome ======
Building site for theme anybodyhome using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/anybodyhome/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:07 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:07 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:07 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for anybodyhome
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING arabica ======
Building site for theme arabica using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/arabica/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:10 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:10 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:10 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for arabica
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING artists ======
Building site for theme artists using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/artists/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:12 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:12 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:12 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for artists
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING athena-hugo-theme ======
Building site for theme athena-hugo-theme using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/athena-hugo-theme/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:15 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:15 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:15 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:15 Error while rendering "section" in "tutorial\\": template: section/list.html:26:13: executing "section/list.html" at <partial "post_block....>: error calling partial: template: partials/post_block.html:6:121: executing "partials/post_block.html" at <.Site.Params.datefor...>: invalid value; expected string
FAILED to create exampleSite for athena-hugo-theme
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING base16 ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-base16.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-base16.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme base16 using config "/tmpconfig-base16.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/base16/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for base16
==== PROCESSING basics ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-basics.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-basics.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme basics using config "/tmpconfig-basics.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/basics/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for basics
==== PROCESSING beautifulhugo ======
Building site for theme beautifulhugo using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/beautifulhugo/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:19 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:19 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 2 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for beautifulhugo
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING beg ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-beg.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-beg.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme beg using config "/tmpconfig-beg.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/beg/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for beg
==== PROCESSING BeyondNothing ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-BeyondNothing.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-BeyondNothing.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme BeyondNothing using config "/tmpconfig-BeyondNothing.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/BeyondNothing/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for BeyondNothing
==== PROCESSING bilberry-hugo-theme ======
Building site for theme bilberry-hugo-theme using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/bilberry-hugo-theme/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:24 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:24 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:24 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:24 error: failed to transform resource: TOCSS: failed to transform "sass/combined.scss" (text/x-scss): this feature is not available in your current Hugo version
Error: Error building site: logged 4 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for bilberry-hugo-theme
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING black-and-light ======
Building site for theme black-and-light using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/black-and-light/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:27 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:27 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:27 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for black-and-light
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING blackburn ======
Building site for theme blackburn using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/blackburn/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:28 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:28 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:28 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for blackburn
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING blank ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-blank.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-blank.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme blank using config "/tmpconfig-blank.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/blank/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for blank
==== PROCESSING bleak ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-bleak.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-bleak.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme bleak using config "/tmpconfig-bleak.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/bleak/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for bleak
==== PROCESSING BluestNight ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-BluestNight.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-BluestNight.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme BluestNight using config "/tmpconfig-BluestNight.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/BluestNight/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for BluestNight
==== PROCESSING bootie-docs ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-bootie-docs.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-bootie-docs.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme bootie-docs using config "/tmpconfig-bootie-docs.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/bootie-docs/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for bootie-docs
==== PROCESSING bootstrap ======
Building site for theme bootstrap using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/bootstrap/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:35 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:35 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:35 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:35 Error while rendering "section" in "tutorial\\": template: _default/section.html:6:29: executing "_default/section.html" at <.Paginator.Pages>: undefined variable: $index
FAILED to create exampleSite for bootstrap
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING bulma ======
Building site for theme bulma using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/bulma/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:37 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:37 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:37 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for bulma
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING cactus ======
Building site for theme cactus using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/cactus/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:41 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:41 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:41 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for cactus
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING capsule ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-capsule.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-capsule.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme capsule using config "/tmpconfig-capsule.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/capsule/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for capsule
==== PROCESSING casper ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-casper.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-casper.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme casper using config "/tmpconfig-casper.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/casper/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for casper
==== PROCESSING castanet ======
Building site for theme castanet using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/castanet/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:48 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:48 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:48 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:48 Error while rendering "page" in "home\\": template: _default\single.html:4:3: executing "_default\\single.html" at <partial "head.html" ...>: error calling partial: template: partials/head.html:2:3: executing "partials/head.html" at <partial "head/>: error calling partial: template: partials/head/seo.html:1:3: executing "partials/head/seo.html" at <partial "head/seo/op...>: error calling partial: template: partials/head/seo/open_graph.html:38:77: executing "partials/head/seo/open_graph.html" at <>: can't evaluate field facebook in type interface {}
FAILED to create exampleSite for castanet
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING charaka-hugo-theme ======
Building site for theme charaka-hugo-theme using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/charaka-hugo-theme/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:51 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:51 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:51 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:51 Error while rendering "404" in "": template: 404.html:1:3: executing "404.html" at <partial "header" .>: error calling partial: template: partials/header.html:17:13: executing "partials/header.html" at <.Site.Params.highlig...>: can't evaluate field style in type interface {}
FAILED to create exampleSite for charaka-hugo-theme
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING classless-hugo ======
Building site for theme classless-hugo using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/classless-hugo/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:54 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:54 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:54 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for classless-hugo
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING cocoa ======
Building site for theme cocoa using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/cocoa/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:58 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:58 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:58 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:10:58 Error while rendering "404" in "": template: 404.html:1:3: executing "404.html" at <partial "header.html...>: error calling partial: template: partials/header.html:18:26: executing "partials/header.html" at <readDir (printf "sta...>: error calling readDir: Failed to read Directory static/portrait.jpg with error message open C:\Hugo\Sites\hugoThemes\_script\hugoThemeSite\exampleSite2\static\portrait.jpg: The system cannot find the file specified.
FAILED to create exampleSite for cocoa
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING cocoa-eh-hugo-theme ======
Building site for theme cocoa-eh-hugo-theme using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/cocoa-eh-hugo-theme/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:01 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:01 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:01 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:01 Error while rendering "section" in "tutorial\\": template: _default/section.html:11:31: executing "_default/section.html" at <partial "li.html" .>: error calling partial: template: partials/li.html:2:44: executing "partials/li.html" at <.Site.Params.datefor...>: invalid value; expected string
FAILED to create exampleSite for cocoa-eh-hugo-theme
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING crab ======
Building site for theme crab using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/crab/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:04 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:04 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:04 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for crab
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING creative ======
Building site for theme creative using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/creative/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:07 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:07 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:08 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for creative
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING crisp ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-crisp.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-crisp.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme crisp using config "/tmpconfig-crisp.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/crisp/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for crisp
==== PROCESSING cstate ======
Building site for theme cstate using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/cstate/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:14 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:14 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:14 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for cstate
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING darksimplicity ======
Building site for theme darksimplicity using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/darksimplicity/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:18 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:18 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:18 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for darksimplicity
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING detox ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-detox.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-detox.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme detox using config "/tmpconfig-detox.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/detox/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for detox
==== PROCESSING dimension ======
Building site for theme dimension using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/dimension/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:25 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:25 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:25 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for dimension
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING docdock ======
Building site for theme docdock using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/docdock/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:30 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:30 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 2 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for docdock
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING docuapi ======
Building site for theme docuapi using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/docuapi/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:38 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:38 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:38 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for docuapi
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING elephants ======
Building site for theme elephants using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/elephants/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:42 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:42 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:42 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for elephants
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING engimo ======
Building site for theme engimo using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/engimo/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:48 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:48 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:48 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:49 Error while rendering "page" in "publication\\": template: _default/single.html:1:3: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "header" .>: error calling partial: template: partials/header.html:4:3: executing "partials/header.html" at <partial "head/head" ...>: error calling partial: template: partials/head/head.html:2:5: executing "partials/head/head.html" at <partial "head/meta" ...>: error calling partial: template: partials/head/meta.html:6:3: executing "partials/head/meta.html" at <partial "head/opengr...>: error calling partial: template: partials/head/opengraph.html:1:38: executing "partials/head/opengraph.html" at <partial "data/title"...>: error calling partial: template: partials/data/title:23:31: executing "partials/data/title" at <partial "data/author...>: error calling partial: template: partials/data/author/displayName:12:17: executing "partials/data/author/displayName" at <index $>: error calling index: index of untyped nil
FAILED to create exampleSite for engimo
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING er ======
./ line 209: /tmpconfig-er.toml: Permission denied
./ line 210: /tmpconfig-er.toml: Permission denied
Building site for theme er using config "/tmpconfig-er.toml" to ../themeSite/static/theme/er/
Error: Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.
Run `hugo help new` for details.
FAILED to create demo site for er
==== PROCESSING forty ======
Building site for theme forty using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/forty/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:54 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:54 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:54 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for forty
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
==== PROCESSING foundation-theme ======
Building site for theme foundation-theme using its own exampleSite to ../themeSite/static/theme/foundation-theme/
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/exampleSite': File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes/hugoThemes': File exists
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:58 Unable to locate template for shortcode "alert" in page "talk\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:58 Unable to locate template for shortcode "fragment" in page "slides\\"
ERROR 2018/10/12 10:11:58 Unable to locate template for shortcode "gallery" in page "post\\getting-started\\"
Error: Error building site: logged 3 error(s)
FAILED to create exampleSite for foundation-theme
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2/themes': Is a directory
rm: cannot remove '/c/Hugo/Sites/hugoThemes/_script/hugoThemeSite/exampleSite2': Is a directory
FAILED: Too many (51) errors!
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