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Created March 3, 2016 20:09
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/* Usage:
public class Something
private var _mutex:Mutex;
private var _commands:WorkerConnection;
public function say( message:String ):void
trace( message );
public function helloworld( lang:String, from:uint ):void
switch( lang )
case "fr":
trace( from + ": bonjour le monde" );
case "cn":
trace( from + ": ni hao shijie" );
case "en":
trace( from + ": hello world" );
// main
public function main():void
_mutex = new Mutex();
_commands = new WorkerConnection( WorkerConnection.getPrimordial(), _mutex );
_commands.client = this;
var childID:uint = 0;
// main loop
while( true )
if( testCondition() )
var newChild:Worker = WorkerDomain.current.createWorkerFromPrimordial();
newChild.setSharedProperty( "childID", childID );
newChild.setSharedProperty( "mutex", _mutex );
_commands.fetch(); //at the end of loop
private function _randRange(minNum:Number, maxNum:Number):Number
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxNum - minNum + 1)) + minNum);
// child worker
public function background():void
var child:Worker = Worker.current;
var ID:uint = child.getSharedProperty( "childID" );
var mutex:Mutex = child.getSharedProperty( "mutex" ); // by reference
_mutex = mutex;
_commands = new WorkerConnection( WorkerConnection.getPrimordial(), _mutex );
say( "Child Worker " + ID );
say( "state " + child.state );
say( "hello world" );
var langs:Array = [ "fr", "cn", "en" ];
var lang:String = langs[ _randRange(0,2) ];
while( true )
if( someOtherCOndition )
say( "id: " + ID + " is alive and " + child.state );
_commands.send( "helloworld", lang, ID );
say( "child " + ID + " terminated" );
import flash.system.Worker;
import flash.system.WorkerDomain;
import flash.concurrent.Mutex;
* The WorkerConnection class is modelled after the LocalConnection class
* and allow to pass shared properties objects between Workers.
* There are three ways to add callback methods to a WorkerConnection object:
* <ul>
* <li>
* Subclass the WorkerConnection class and add methods.
* </li>
* <li>
* Set the <code>WorkerConnection.client</code> property
* to an object that implements the methods.
* </li>
* <li>
* Create a dynamic class that extends LocalConnection
* and dynamically attach methods.
* </li>
* </ul>
public class WorkerConnection
public static function getPrimordial():Worker
var current:Worker = Worker.current;
if( current.isPrimordial )
return current;
var wdomain:WorkerDomain = WorkerDomain.current;
var workers:Vector.<Worker> = wdomain.listWorkers();
var worker:Worker;
for( var i:uint = 0; i < workers.length; i++ )
worker = workers[i];
if( worker.isPrimordial )
return worker;
return null;
private const _NAME:String = "commands";
private var _worker:Worker;
private var _mutex:Mutex;
private var _client:Object;
private var _commands:Array;
public function WorkerConnection( worker:Worker, mutex:Mutex )
_worker = worker;
_mutex = mutex;
_client = this;
private function _reset():void
_commands = [];
_worker.setSharedProperty( _NAME, _commands );
public function get client():Object
return _client;
public function set client( value:Object ):void
_client = value;
public function send( methodName:String, ... arguments ):void
var data:Array = [ methodName ];
data = data.concat( arguments );
_commands = _worker.getSharedProperty( _NAME );
_commands.push( data );
_worker.setSharedProperty( _NAME, _commands );
public function fetch():void
var i:uint;
var command:String;
var data:Array;
var args:Array;
_commands = _worker.getSharedProperty( _NAME );
for( i = 0; i < _commands.length; i++ )
data = _commands[i];
if( data && (data.length > 0) )
command = data.shift();
args = data;
if( _client[command] )
if( args && (args.length > 0) )
_client[command].apply( _client, args );
_client[command].apply( _client );
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