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Created April 19, 2019 07:46
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Useful Pandas Snippets

Useful Pandas Snippets

A personal diary of DataFrame munging over the years.

Data Types and Conversion

Convert Series datatype to numeric (will error if column has non-numeric values)
(h/t @makmanalp)

pd.to_numeric(df['Column Name'])

Convert Series datatype to numeric, changing non-numeric values to NaN
(h/t @makmanalp for the updated syntax!)

pd.to_numeric(df['Column Name'], errors='coerce')

Change data type of DataFrame column

df.column_name = df.column_name.astype(np.int64)

Exploring and Finding Data

Get a report of all duplicate records in a DataFrame, based on specific columns

dupes = df[df.duplicated(
    ['col1', 'col2', 'col3'], keep=False)]

List unique values in a DataFrame column
(h/t @makmanalp for the updated syntax!)

df['Column Name'].unique()

For each unique value in a DataFrame column, get a frequency count

df['Column Name'].value_counts()

Grab DataFrame rows where column = a specific value

df = df.loc[df.column == 'somevalue']

Grab DataFrame rows where column value is present in a list

test_data = {'hi': 'yo', 'bye': 'later'}
df = pd.DataFrame(list(d.items()), columns=['col1', 'col2'])
valuelist = ['yo', 'heya']

Grab DataFrame rows where column value is not present in a list

test_data = {'hi': 'yo', 'bye': 'later'}
df = pd.DataFrame(list(d.items()), columns=['col1', 'col2'])
valuelist = ['yo', 'heya']

Select from DataFrame using criteria from multiple columns
(use | instead of & to do an OR)

newdf = df[(df['column_one']>2004) & (df['column_two']==9)]

Loop through rows in a DataFrame
(if you must)

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    print (index, row['some column'])

Much faster way to loop through DataFrame rows if you can work with tuples
(h/t hughamacmullaniv)

for row in df.itertuples():

Get top n for each group of columns in a sorted DataFrame
(make sure DataFrame is sorted first)

top5 = df.groupby(

Grab DataFrame rows where specific column is null/notnull

newdf = df[df['column'].isnull()]

Select from DataFrame using multiple keys of a hierarchical index

    ('index level 1 value','index level 2 value'),
    level=('level 1','level 2'))

Slice values in a DataFrame column (aka Series)


Get quick count of rows in a DataFrame


Get length of data in a DataFrame column


Updating and Cleaning Data

Delete column from DataFrame

del df['column']

Rename several DataFrame columns

df = df.rename(columns = {
    'col1 old name':'col1 new name',
    'col2 old name':'col2 new name',
    'col3 old name':'col3 new name',

Lower-case all DataFrame column names

df.columns = map(str.lower, df.columns)

Even more fancy DataFrame column re-naming
lower-case all DataFrame column names (for example)

df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.split('.')[-1], inplace=True)

Lower-case everything in a DataFrame column

df.column_name = df.column_name.str.lower()

Sort DataFrame by multiple columns

df = df.sort_values(

Change all NaNs to None (useful before loading to a db)

df = df.where((pd.notnull(df)), None)

More pre-db insert cleanup...make a pass through the DataFrame, stripping whitespace from strings and changing any empty values to None
(not especially recommended but including here b/c I had to do this in real life once)

df = df.applymap(lambda x: str(x).strip() if len(str(x).strip()) else None)

Get rid of non-numeric values throughout a DataFrame:

for col in refunds.columns.values:
  refunds[col] = refunds[col].replace(
      '[^0-9]+.-', '', regex=True)

Set DataFrame column values based on other column values
(h/t: @mlevkov)

df.loc[(df['column1'] == some_value) & (df['column2'] == some_other_value), ['column_to_change']] = new_value

Clean up missing values in multiple DataFrame columns

df = df.fillna({
    'col1': 'missing',
    'col2': '99.999',
    'col3': '999',
    'col4': 'missing',
    'col5': 'missing',
    'col6': '99'

Doing calculations with DataFrame columns that have missing values. In example below, swap in 0 for df['col1'] cells that contain null.

df['new_col'] = np.where(
    pd.isnull(df['col1']), 0, df['col1']) + df['col2']

Split delimited values in a DataFrame column into two new columns

df['new_col1'], df['new_col2'] = zip(
        lambda x: x.split(': ', 1)))

Collapse hierarchical column indexes

df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0)

Reshaping, Concatenating, and Merging Data

Pivot data (with flexibility about what what becomes a column and what stays a row).

  index=['col1', 'col2', 'col3'], #these stay as columns; will fail silently if any of these cols have null values
  columns=['col4']) #data values in this column become their own column

Concatenate two DataFrame columns into a new, single column
(useful when dealing with composite keys, for example)
(h/t @makmanalp for improving this one!)

df['newcol'] = df['col1'].astype(str) + df['col2'].astype(str)

Display and formatting

Set up formatting so larger numbers aren't displayed in scientific notation
(h/t @thecapacity)

pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3f' % x)

To display with commas and no decimals

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.0f}'.format

Creating DataFrames

Create a DataFrame from a Python dictionary

df = pd.DataFrame(list(a_dictionary.items()), columns = ['column1', 'column2'])

Convert Django queryset to DataFrame

qs = DjangoModelName.objects.all()
q = qs.values()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(q)
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zwkcoding commented Apr 22, 2019

Title: Pandas Snippets
Date: 2019-04-22
Category: Python-Package

Pandas Snippets

Recommended Practices

  • loc command is the most recommended way to set values for a column for specific indices.



fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16, 6), dpi = 80)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131)  # 1*3 的图像, 在第一个位置
sns.violinplot(x = tmp_series, ax = ax1, label = 'ax1', color = 'y')
ax1.set_title('ax1', fontsize = 22, loc = 'center')
ax1.set_xlim(0, 200)

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133)


values_counts_series = df.groupby['col1']['col2].nunique()
values_counts_series.hist(bins = 50, figsize = (16, 9))


values_counts_series = df.groupby['col1']['col2].nunique()

ax = sns.boxplot(x = df['cols1'])
ax.set_xlim(0, 100)


def autolabel(rects):
    attach some text label
    for rect in rects:
        height = rect.get_height()
        ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2., 1.02 * height,
                '%.2f' % round(height, 2),
                ha = 'center', va = 'bottom')

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
ind = np.arange(3)
width = 0.35
rects1 =, x, width, color = 'b')


df[df['col1'] == m].plot(x = 'col2', y = ['col3', 'col4'], figsize = (16,9))


# from  list of dict 
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(list_dict)

datetime func

# read and convert to datatime64 format
df= pd.read_csv(filepath, parse_dates=['col1','col2'], infer_datetime_formate = True)

# to_datetime
df['col'] = pd.to_datetime(df['col'], format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')

import datetime
pd[pd['date_col'] ==, 12, 9)]
df['date_col'] = df['time_col']
df['month_col'] = df['time_col'].dt.month
df['week_col'] = df['time_col'].dt.weekofyear
df['wd_col'] = df['time_col'].dt.weekday
df['hour_col'] = df['time_col'].dt.hour
df['day_of_year_col'] = df['time_col].dt.dayofyear
df.loc[:, 'minutes_cols'] = (df.loc[:, 'off_time'] - df.loc[:, 'on_time']).apply(lambda x: x.seconds / 60)

# label on holiday and weekday
def labelOnDate(date):
    返回:0:工作日 1: 节假日 2:周末
    holiday_list = []
    workday_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    weekend_list = [5, 6]
    date_str = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    whatday = date.weekday()
    if date_str in holiday_list:
        return 2
    elif date_str in workday_list:
        return 0
    elif date_str in weekend_list:
        return 1

df['label_on_date'] = df['date_cols'].apply(labelOnDate)

# reserve datetimes's hours and minutes
def time_exper_transfer(x):
    if pd.notna(x):
        return x.hour + x.minute / 60

day_df['first_on_time_hour'] = day_df['first_on_time'].apply(time_exper_transfer)

# type convertion
## from object to datetime64[ns]
import datetime as dt
df['dt64_date'] = df['oj_date'].apply(lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d'))

# resample
## 按周统计
tmp = arr.resample('W').sum()
## 按天统计
tmp = arr.resample('D').sum()

unchanged shape operations for a dataframe

operation on rows or columns

# block sample
def block_sample(df=pd.DataFrame(), block_size = 6, num_samples = 3):
    samples = [df.iloc[x: x + block_size] for x in np.random.randint(len(df), size = num_samples)]

# find specific rows or columns
trip_df[(trip_df['odo_dif'] == 0) & (trip_df['did_time'] < pd.Timedelta('00:03:00')) & (trip_df['dis_soc'] < 0.3))]

# 查看缺失行
## 查看缺失行所在索引
all_df.iloc[pd.isnull(all_df).any(1).nonzero()[0], :]
## 查看缺失情况
df.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending = False)
# 查看零值情况
all_df['on_odo'].astype(bool).sum(axis = 0)

## change sequence
df = df.sort_values(by = ['col1', 'col2'], axis = 0, ascending = [True, True])

## str operations
df = df[df['cols'].str.contains('specfic_words | other_words1 | other_words2')]
# remove single quotes
df['str_cols'] = df['str_cols'].str.replace("'", "")
# concat columns
df['str_concat_col'] = df['str1']['str2'], sep = '-')

change shape operations for a dataframe

# add columns based on other columns values or diff values bet rows
df['last_row_diff'] = df['cols_2'] - df.groupby['col_1']['col_2'].shift(1) 
def add_label(row):
    if row['col_1'] >= pd.Timedelta('00:10:00'):
        return row['col_3']
    if pd.isnull(row['last_row_diff']):
        return row['col_3']
    return np.nan;
df['label'] = df.apply(lambda row: add_label(row), axis = 1)

# delete
all_df.drop_duplicate(subset=['vin', 'on_time'], keep = 'first', inplace = True)

# filter
tm_vin = charge_days_series[charge_days_series > 12].index.values
all_df = all_df[all_df['vin].isin(tm_vin)] 
# all_df = all_df[~all_df['vin].isin(tm_vin)]

shift within group

  • shift down values by rows within a group
gb = df.groupby('vin)
df['last_odo] = gb['odo'].shift(1)

or use transform

df['B_shifted'] = df.groupby(['A'])['B'].transform(lambda x:x.shift())

In pratice, a time-saving method as follows:

df = df.sort_values(by=['name','timestamp'])
df['time_diff'] = df['timestamp'].diff()
df.loc[ !=, 'time_diff'] = None


  • sort by multiply columns
    charge_df.sort_values(['vin', 'on_time'], ascending = ['True', 'True'], inplace = True)

add/delete columns

# based on  other columns of other rows
def diffFunc(arr):
    return (arr - arr.shift(1)).apply(lambda x:x.days)
df['diff_days'] = df.groupby('bycol').transform(diffFunc).fillna(0)

# based on other columns within same rows
df['new_col'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['col1'] / x['col2'], axis = 1)

# delete duplicate

# add columns based on 'windows-like' rows
df['windows_key_list'] = pd.Series(df['key'][df.groupby(['bycol']).shift(-i)['key'] for i in range(1, windows_size)], sep = ' ')

# add columns based 'str-value' column 
def lenOfStr(x):
    return len(str(x).split())
df['new_col'] = df['str_col'].apply(lenOfStr)

# add columns  counting depulicated times across rows
def countRepeat(x, duplicate_times):
    if pd.isnull(x):
        return np.nan
        L = str(x).split()
        filtered_L = [item for item, count in collections.Counter(L).items() if count >= duplicate_times]
        return filtered_L
df['filter_duplicate_item'] = df['duplicate_str_col'].apply(countRepeat, args = (duplicate_times, ))

changes columns values

# fill zero value with other columns values
charge_df['on_odo'] = np.where(charge_df['on_odo'] == 0, charge_df['off_odo'], charge_df['on_odo'])

# replace
df['cols'] = df['cols'].replace({0 : np.nan})

# fillna with mean
df['cols'] = df['cols'].fillna(df.groupby(['vin', 'on_odo'])['cols'].transform('mean'))

# fillna 
df['cols'].fillna(method='ffill', inplace = True)

# fillna with 0

# fillna with mean within group
def replace(g):
    mask = g == 0
    g[mask] = g[~mask].mean()
    return g

df['gnss'] = df.groupby(['vin', 'on_odo'])['gnss'].transform(replace)
# or
df['gnss'] = df.groupby(['vin', 'on_odo'])['gnss'].transform(lambda x: x.where(x != 0).fillna(x[x != 0].mean()))

# fill with other columns values of last row 
cond = ((df['on_odo'] != 0) & (df['on_odo'] == df['off_odo'].shift(1)))
df['on_gnss'] = df['on_gnss'].mask(cond).fillna(method = 'ffill')

create a dataframe based on a dataframe

copy vs slice

df1 = df.copy()


def func(x):
    v1 = len(x)
    # v2 = 
    return pd.Series([v1, v2], index = [v1_name, v2_name])
df_gby = df.groupby('bycol')
df_temp = df_gby.apply(func)


# groupby + agg
df_gby_agg = df.groupby('col1').sum().reset_index()
  • basic agg on many columns groupby one column
agg_df = df.groupby('vin).agg({
    'on_odo': 'min', 'off_odo': 'max', 'loss_odo': np.sum})
  • agg on many columns using built-in func
new_df = df.groupby(['bycol1', 'bycol2']).agg({'col1': 'first', 'col2': 'last'}).reset_index()
  • agg use self-defined func
def col_avg(arr):
    tmp = arr.value_counts()
    tmp = tmp.reindex(range(tmp.index.min(), tmp.index.max() + 1), fill_value = 0)
    return tmp.mean()
col_vag_df = df.groupby('bycol')['col'].agg(col_avg)
  • agg on many columns and on same column with different func
def head_ind(x):
    return x.iloc[0]
df = df.groupby(['bycol1', 'bycol2']).agg({'col1': 'min', 'cols2': 'max',
                                          'col2': [('total', np.sum), ('head', head_ind)]}).reset_index()
df.columns ='_'.join)
# or as follows
df_temp = df[['col1', 'col2']].groupby(['bycol']).agg({'col1':[func1, func2],
'col2':[('func1', func1), ('func2', func2)]})
df_temp.columns = df_temp.columns.get_level_values(1)


df = pd.concat(df1.iloc[m1:m2, :],df2.iloc[m1:m2, :], ignore_index = True)

# concat by adding columns
merge_df = pd.concat([df0, df1, df2], axis = 1)


merge_df = df.merge(df0, on = 'key', how = 'left').merge(df1, on = 'key', how = 'left').merge(df2, on = 'key', how = 'left')

operations on index

charge_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace = True)

# change columns sequence
col_names = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4']
df = df.reindex(columns = col_names)

df.columns ='_'.join)

# change name
df.rename(columns = {'old_col1': 'new_col1'}, axis = 1, inplace = True)



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create a dataframe based on a dataframe

def top_value_count(x, n = 5):
    return x.value_counts().head(n)

gb = df.groupby(['name', 'date']).cod
df_top_freq = gb.apply(top_value_count).reset_index()
df_top_freq.rename(columns=dict(level_2='cod', cod='count_cod'))

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