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Created December 3, 2015 09:53
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An integer class with high precision support using strings
// test2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string> // 用字符串来表示HugeInt,方便输出
using namespace std;
// HugeInt的每一位
struct HugeIntDigit
int data; // 每一位可取 0 ~ 9,用int表示
HugeIntDigit* next; // 更高一位
HugeIntDigit* front; // 更低一位
HugeIntDigit() {
next = NULL;
front = NULL;
data = 0;
typedef const HugeIntDigit* CONST_LPDIGIT;
class HugeIntList
HugeIntDigit* head;
int bit_count;
HugeIntList() {
head = new HugeIntDigit;
head->next = head;
head->front = head;
bit_count = 0;
~HugeIntList() {
void PushBack(int new_digit) {
HugeIntDigit* pNewDigit = new HugeIntDigit;
pNewDigit->data = new_digit;
pNewDigit->front = head->front;
head->front->next = pNewDigit;
head->front = pNewDigit;
pNewDigit->next = head;
void PushFront(int new_digit) {
HugeIntDigit* pNewDigit = new HugeIntDigit;
pNewDigit->data = new_digit;
pNewDigit->next = head->next;
head->next->front = pNewDigit;
head->next = pNewDigit;
pNewDigit->front = head;
int GetDigitCount() const { return bit_count; }
const HugeIntDigit* Begin() const { return head->next; }
const HugeIntDigit* End() const { return head; }
const HugeIntDigit* rBegin() const { return head->front; }
const HugeIntDigit* rEnd() const { return head; }
// 直接返回指针将可以修改链表值,这两个函数仅为了使用乘法方便
HugeIntDigit* mutable_begin() { return head->next; }
HugeIntDigit* mutable_end() { return head; }
void Clean() {
HugeIntDigit* p = head->next;
while (p != head) {
HugeIntDigit* old_p = p;
p = p->next;
old_p->front->next = old_p->next;
old_p->next->front = old_p->front;
delete old_p;
bit_count = 0;
//declare the class of HugeInt
class HugeInt
// 构造函数
HugeInt(int lNum); // 使用一个普通int构造HugeInt 默认值为0
HugeInt(const char *szNum); // 使用一个形如"12345...67890"的超大字符串构造HugeInt
// 拷贝构造函数
HugeInt(const HugeInt &other); // 使用另一个HugeInt来复制出一个HugeInt对象
// 赋值
HugeInt& operator=(const HugeInt& other); // 把other的值赋予本HugeInt
// 计算操作
HugeInt operator+(const HugeInt& other) const; // 加上一个HugeInt
HugeInt operator-(const HugeInt& other) const; // 减去一个HugeInt
HugeInt operator*(const HugeInt& other) const; // 乘以一个HugeInt
// 比较操作
bool operator<(const HugeInt& other) const; // 是否比other值小
bool operator==(const HugeInt& other) const; // 是否与other相等
bool operator>(const HugeInt& other) const; // 是否比other值大
const char* ToString(); // 把HugeInt的值用字符串表示出来
HugeIntList m_data;
std::string m_str;
bool m_negative; // 是否为负数
HugeInt::HugeInt() {
m_negative = false;
HugeInt::HugeInt(int lNum)
int s = 0; // 绝对值
if (lNum < 0) { // lNum为负数
s = -lNum;
m_negative = true;
} else {
s = lNum;
m_negative = false;
if (0 == s) { // 待转换的整数为0
// 挨个取出s每一位的值,添加到HugeInt对应的list里
int remain = s % 10; // 余数
while (remain != 0) {
s /= 10;
remain = s % 10;
HugeInt::HugeInt(const char *szNum)
int pos = 0;
if ('-' == szNum[pos]) { // 负数
m_negative = true;
} else if ('+' == szNum[pos]) { // 正数
m_negative = false;
} else { // 没有标明,默认为正数
m_negative = false;
while (szNum[pos] == '0'){ // 跳过前面多个连续的0
for ( ; szNum[pos] != '\0'; pos++) {
m_data.PushFront(szNum[pos] - '0'); // 因为字符串从高位开始数起,每次取出一位要加到链表最前
HugeInt::HugeInt(const HugeInt &other)
// 挨个遍历other的每一位,加到自己的bit链表最后
for (const HugeIntDigit* pDigit = other.m_data.Begin(); pDigit != other.m_data.End(); pDigit = pDigit->next) {
m_negative = other.m_negative;
HugeInt& HugeInt::operator =(const HugeInt &other) {
// 挨个遍历other的每一位,加到自己的bit链表最后
for (const HugeIntDigit* pDigit = other.m_data.Begin(); pDigit != other.m_data.End(); pDigit = pDigit->next) {
m_negative = other.m_negative;
return (*this);
HugeInt HugeInt::operator +(const HugeInt& other) const
// 异号整数相加,将后者变号,再做同号减法
if (m_negative != other.m_negative) {
HugeInt inverse(other);
inverse.m_negative = !(inverse.m_negative);
return ((*this) - inverse);
HugeInt sum; // 返回值
sum.m_negative = m_negative;
const HugeIntDigit* p1 = m_data.Begin(); // 取出自己的个位数
const HugeIntDigit* p2 = other.m_data.Begin(); // 取出other的个位数
int add_up = 0; // 保存进位
while (p1 != m_data.End() && p2 != other.m_data.End()) {
int n = p1->data + p2->data + add_up; // 两位相加,加上进位
add_up = n / 10;
n = n % 10;
p1 = p1->next;
p2 = p2->next;
while (p1 != m_data.End()) { // 如果自己还有没加完的高位
int n = p1->data + add_up;
add_up = n / 10;
n = n % 10;
p1 = p1->next;
while (p2 != other.m_data.End()) { // 如果other还有没加完的高位
int n = p2->data + add_up;
add_up = n / 10;
n = n % 10;
p2 = p2->next;
// 自己和other相等,并且最高位需要进位
if (add_up > 0) {
return sum;
bool HugeInt::operator <(const HugeInt &other) const {
// 负数一定小于正数
if (m_negative && !(other.m_negative)) {
return true;
if (!m_negative && other.m_negative) {
return false;
if (m_data.GetDigitCount() > other.m_data.GetDigitCount()) // 位数大的,负数则小,正数则大
return m_negative;
if (m_data.GetDigitCount() < other.m_data.GetDigitCount()) // 位数小的,正数则小,负数则大
return (!m_negative);
// 符号相同,位数也相同,从最高位挨个比较
const HugeIntDigit* p1 = m_data.rBegin();
const HugeIntDigit* p2 = other.m_data.rBegin();
while (p1 != m_data.rEnd() && p2 != other.m_data.rEnd()) {
if (p1->data < p2->data) // 最高位小,正数则小负数则大
return !m_negative;
if (p1->data > p2->data) // 最高位大,正数则大负数则小
return m_negative;
p1 = p1->next;
p2 = p2->next;
return false; // 相等
bool HugeInt::operator ==(const HugeInt &other) const {
if (m_negative == other.m_negative) { // 符号相同
const HugeIntDigit* p1 = m_data.Begin();
const HugeIntDigit* p2 = other.m_data.Begin();
while (p1 != m_data.End() && p2 != other.m_data.End()) {
if (p1->data != p2->data)
return false;
p1 = p1->next;
p2 = p2->next;
if (p1 == m_data.End() && p2 == other.m_data.End()) {
return true;
return false;
bool HugeInt::operator >(const HugeInt& other) const {
// 正数大于负数
if (m_negative && !(other.m_negative)) {
return false;
if (!m_negative && other.m_negative) {
return true;
if (m_data.GetDigitCount() > other.m_data.GetDigitCount()) // 位数大的,负数则小,正数则大
return !m_negative;
if (m_data.GetDigitCount() < other.m_data.GetDigitCount()) // 位数小的,正数则小,负数则大
return m_negative;
// 符号相同,位数也相同,从最高位挨个比较
const HugeIntDigit* p1 = m_data.rBegin();
const HugeIntDigit* p2 = other.m_data.rBegin();
while (p1 != m_data.rEnd() && p2 != other.m_data.rEnd()) {
// p1, p2分别为当前最高位
if (p1->data < p2->data) // 最高位小,正数则小负数则大
return m_negative;
if (p1->data > p2->data) // 最高位大,正数则大负数则小
return !m_negative;
return false; // 相等
HugeInt HugeInt::operator -(const HugeInt& other) const
// 异号整数相减,将后者变号,再做同号加法
if (m_negative != other.m_negative) { // 负-正
HugeInt inverse(other);
inverse.m_negative = !(inverse.m_negative);
return ((*this) + inverse);
if (*this == other) {
return 0;
HugeInt val; // 返回值
const HugeIntDigit* p1 = NULL;
const HugeIntDigit* p1end = NULL;
const HugeIntDigit* p2 = NULL;
const HugeIntDigit* p2end = NULL;
if ((*this) > other) {
val.m_negative = false;
if (m_negative) { // 大负-小负
p1 = other.m_data.Begin();
p1end = other.m_data.End();
p2 = m_data.Begin();
p2end = m_data.End();
} else { // 大正数-小正数
p1 = m_data.Begin();
p1end = m_data.End();
p2 = other.m_data.Begin();
p2end = other.m_data.End();
} else {
val.m_negative = true;
if (m_negative) { // 小负-大负
p1 = m_data.Begin();
p1end = m_data.End();
p2 = other.m_data.Begin();
p2end = other.m_data.End();
} else { // 小正数-大正数
p1 = other.m_data.Begin();
p1end = other.m_data.End();
p2 = m_data.Begin();
p2end = m_data.End();
int borrow = 0; // 借位
while (p1 != p1end && p2 != p2end) {
HugeIntDigit* pDigit = new HugeIntDigit;
int n = p1->data - borrow - p2->data;
if (n >= 0) {
borrow = 0;
} else {
borrow = 1;
n += 10;
p1 = p1->next;
p2 = p2->next;
while (p1 != p1end) {
int n = p1->data - borrow;
if (n >= 0) {
borrow = 0;
} else {
borrow = 1;
n += 10;
p1 = p1->next;
return val;
HugeInt HugeInt::operator *(const HugeInt& other) const {
HugeInt res;
if (m_negative == other.m_negative) { // 同号相乘为正
res.m_negative = false;
} else {
res.m_negative = true;
const HugeIntDigit* p1 = m_data.Begin(); // 自己是被乘数
const HugeIntDigit* p1end = m_data.End();
const HugeIntDigit* p2 = other.m_data.Begin(); // other是乘数
const HugeIntDigit* p2end = other.m_data.End();
// 记录结果与当前乘数对应的前一位,例如当前用乘数的第2位做乘法,则此指针指向计算结果的第1位
HugeIntDigit* p_start = res.m_data.mutable_begin();
HugeIntDigit* p = p_start; // 记录乘的结果应该加在已有结果的哪一位上
int mul_up = 0; // 乘法进位
while (p2 != p2end) {
p = p_start->next; // 加在下一位上
while (p1 != p1end) {
int n = p2->data * p1->data + mul_up;
mul_up = n / 10;
n = n % 10;
if (p == res.m_data.mutable_end()) {
} else { // 该位已存在
n += p->data; // 加上已有的值
mul_up += n / 10; // 增加新的进位
n = n % 10; // 该位的新值
p->data = n;
p = p->next;
p1 = p1->next;
while (mul_up > 0) { // 如果还有没有进位没有加上
int n = mul_up;
mul_up = n / 10;
n = n % 10;
if (p == res.m_data.mutable_end()) {
} else { // 该位已经存在
n += p->data;
mul_up += n / 10;
n = n % 10;
p->data = n;
p = p->next;
p2 = p2->next; // 取出乘数的高一位
p_start = p_start->next; // 对应地应该加在高一位上
p1 = m_data.Begin(); // 被乘数重新从最低位开始
return res;
const char* HugeInt::ToString()
const HugeIntDigit* pDigit = m_data.rBegin();
while (pDigit != m_data.rEnd() && 0 == pDigit->data) { // 跳过前导多个0
pDigit = pDigit->front;
if (pDigit == m_data.rEnd()) { // 已经到最后了,即这个数字只有多个0组成
m_negative = false; // 强制改为正数
return m_str.c_str();
if (m_negative)
m_str.append("-"); // 加上负号
char temp_str[2] = { '0', '\0' };
while (pDigit != m_data.rEnd()) {
temp_str[0] = pDigit->data + '0';
m_str.append(temp_str); // 把数字转换为字符串
pDigit = pDigit->front;
return m_str.c_str();
int main() {
cout << "Input the arithmetic formular: (like 1 + 2, -12 - -5, 0 * 999)" << endl;
string s1, s2;
char op;
cin >> s1 >> op >> s2;
HugeInt h1(s1.c_str());
HugeInt h2(s2.c_str());
HugeInt result;
cout << h1.ToString() << endl;
cout << h2.ToString() << endl;
switch (op) {
case '+':
result = h1 + h2;
case '-':
result = h1 - h2;
case '*':
result = h1 * h2;
cout << "Input error, calculation failed." << endl;
return -1;
cout << s1 << " " << op << " " << s2 << " = " << result.ToString() << endl;
return 0;
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