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zyilmaz /
Created July 10, 2020 11:27 — forked from msrose/
How to combine two git repositories.

Combining two git repositories

Use case: You have repository A with remote location rA, and repository B (which may or may not have remote location rB). You want to do one of two things:

  • preserve all commits of both repositories, but replace everything from A with the contents of B, and use rA as your remote location
  • actually combine the two repositories, as if they are two branches that you want to merge, using rA as the remote location

NB: Check out git subtree/git submodule and this Stack Overflow question before going through the steps below. This gist is just a record of how I solved this problem on my own one day.

Before starting, make sure your local and remote repositories are up-to-date with all changes you need. The following steps use the general idea of changing the remote origin and renaming the local master branch of one of the repos in order to combine the two master branches.

Update 28 July 2019: An updated version of this guide for Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS is now available. Feel free to check it out.

Update 23 May 2020: This guide is ALREADY OUTDATED and might no longer work with new versions of Ubuntu and VirtualBox. Please consider switching to the updated guide instead. I will no longer respond to the replies to this gist. Thank you.

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