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Created December 16, 2018 07:47
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Route::get('put', function() {
$member = App\Member::with([
$memberNames = explode(" ", $member['full_name']);
$name = isset($memberNames[0]) ? (string) $memberNames[0] : "" ;
$fathorName = isset($memberNames[1]) ? (string) $memberNames[1] : "" ;
$grandName = isset($memberNames[2]) ? (string) $memberNames[2] : "" ;
$surnName = isset($memberNames[3]) ? (string) $memberNames[3] : "" ;
// dd($member);
$pdf = new Mpdf\Mpdf(config('pdf'));
// Add The First Page
$tplIdx1 = $pdf->ImportPage(1);
// Member Code
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['member_code'],'','','R');
// Member Personal Photo
$pdf->Image(asset('images/personals/default.png'), 20, 20, 25, 30, 'png', '', true, false);
// $pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, ,'','','R');
// First Name
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $name,'','','R');
// Second Name
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $fathorName,'','','R');
// Third Name
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $grandName,'','','R');
// Fourth Name
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $surnName,'','','R');
// Born At
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, \Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('Y m d '),'','','R');
// Identity Number
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['user']['identity_number'],'','','R');
// Identity Expired At
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['id_expired_at'],'','','R');
// Job In Id
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['job_in_id'],'','','R');
// Social Status
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['social_status'],'','','R');
// Social Status
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['social_status'],'','','R');
// Phone Number
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['user']['phone_number'],'','','R');
// Email
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['user']['email'],'','','R');
// Study Level
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['study_level'],'','','R');
// Major
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['major'],'','','R');
// Address
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['address'],'','','R');
// Residence
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['residence'],'','','R');
// Residence Type
'background' => '#DDD'
$pdf->WriteCell( 10,30, $member['residence_type'],'','','R');
// $pdf ->Line(0, 0, $pdf -> w, $pdf -> h);
// Add The Second Page
$tplIdx2 = $pdf->ImportPage( 2);
// $pdf->WriteFixedPosHTML("
// <p style='font-family: 'Taha Naskh' !important;'>حمزة مالم موسى</p>
// ", 160, 120, 50, 90, 'auto');
// $pdf->WriteFixedPosHTML('This text will appear just where I want it!', 160, 120, 50, 90, 'auto');
$pdf->SetFont('XB Riyaz','',18);
Route::get('put/wss', function() {
$member = App\Member::with([
// $pdf = \PDF::loadView('admin.exports.members.pdf.form',['member' => $member]);
// dd($member->full_name);
$memberNames = explode(" ", $member->full_name);
$name = isset($memberNames[0]) ? (string) $memberNames[0] : "" ;
$fathorName = isset($memberNames[1]) ? (string) $memberNames[1] : "" ;
$grandName = isset($memberNames[2]) ? (string) $memberNames[2] : "" ;
$surnName = isset($memberNames[3]) ? (string) $memberNames[3] : "" ;
$pdf = new Mpdf\Mpdf(config('pdf'));
//Loading data
$pdf->SetTopMargin(20); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(20); $pdf->SetRightMargin(20);
// Print the edge of
$pdf->Image(public_path('images/cert2.png'), 20, 20, 780);
// Print the certificate logo
$pdf->Image(public_path('images/tt1.png'), 140, 180, 240);
// Print the title of the certificate
// $pdf->SetFont('Arial','I',14);
// $pdf->SetXY(370,280);
// $message = "ON COMPLETION OF";
// $pdf->MultiCell(350,14,$message,0,'C',0);
$signataire = "TheTUTOR";
//// $pdf->mpdf->SetWatermarkImage(public_path('images/formRegister.png'));
//// $pdf->mpdf->showWatermarkImage = true;
//// $pdf->mpdf->watermarkImageAlpha = 0.5;
//// $pdf->SetTopMargin(20); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(300); $pdf->SetRightMargin(20);
//// $pdf->AddPage();
//// $pdf->Image(public_path('images/formRegister.png'), 0, 0, 210, 297, 'png', '', true, true);
// $pdf->mpdf->SetFont('Arial','',11);
// $pdf->mpdf->SetXY(0,0);
//// $pdf->mpdf->WriteCell(50,50,$name,0,1,'R');
// $pdf->mpdf->WriteCell(152,-399,$name,0,1,'R');
//// $pdf->SetFont('Arial','',11);
// $pdf->mpdf->SetXY(0,0);
// $pdf->mpdf->WriteCell(126,-399,$fathorName,0,1,'R');
//// $pdf->SetFont('Arial','',11);
// $pdf->mpdf->SetXY(0,0);
// $pdf->mpdf->WriteCell(98,-399,$grandName,0,1,'R');
//// $pdf->SetFont('Arial','',11);
// $pdf->mpdf->SetXY(0,0);
// $pdf->mpdf->WriteCell(73,-399,$surnName,0,1,'R');
//// $pdf->SetFont('Arial','I',34);
//// $pdf->SetXY(0,0);
//// $pdf->Cell(0,0,'Hamza',"B",0,'C',0);
//// $pdf->SetFont('Arial','I',14);
//// $pdf->SetXY(0,0);
//// $message = "ON COMPLETION OF";
//// $pdf->MultiCell(0,0,$message,0,'C',0);
//// $pdf->mpdf->Output();
// return $pdf->stream();
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