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Created May 26, 2015 18:01
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Ollie 10 sentences
# Line 1: "The Cleveland Rams selected Graf in the 1942 NFL Draft, but he instead attended Harvard Business School. "
# Semantic graph: [selected/VBD
# nsubj:[Rams/NNPS det:The/DT nn:Cleveland/NNP]
# dobj:[Graf/NNP
# prep:[in/IN pobj:[Draft/NNP det:the/DT num:1942/CD nn:NFL/NNP]]]
# cc:but/CC
# conj:[attended/VBD
# nsubj:he/PRP
# advmod:instead/RB
# dobj:[School/NNP nn:Harvard/NNP nn:Business/NNP]]]
# Detected 2 clause(s).
# - SVO (V: selected@5, S: Rams@4, O: Graf@6)
# - SVO (V: attended@16, S: he@14, A?: instead@15, O: School@19)
1 "The Cleveland Rams" "selected" "Graf in the 1942 NFL Draft"
1 "he" "attended" "Harvard Business School instead"
1 "he" "attended" "Harvard Business School"
# Line 2: "In addition to being the current, principal bassoonist of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, he has also served as principal bassoonist of the Hofer Symphoniker in Germany. "
# Semantic graph: [served/VBN
# prep:[In/IN
# pobj:[addition/NN
# prep:[to/TO
# pcomp:[bassoonist/NN
# cop:being/VBG
# det:the/DT
# amod:current/JJ
# amod:principal/JJ
# prep:[of/IN
# pobj:[Orchestra/NNP
# det:the/DT
# nn:Alabama/NNP
# nn:Symphony/NNP]]]]]]
# nsubj:he/PRP
# aux:has/VBZ
# advmod:also/RB
# prep:[as/IN
# pobj:[bassoonist/NN
# amod:principal/JJ
# prep:[of/IN pobj:[Symphoniker/NNP det:the/DT nn:Hofer/NNP]]]]
# prep:[in/IN pobj:Germany/NNP]]
# Detected 1 clause(s).
# - SVA (V: served@20, S: he@17, A?: In@2, A?: also@19, A!: as@21, A?: in@28)
2 "he" "has served" "as principal bassoonist of the Hofer Symphoniker In addition to being the current principal bassoonist of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra"
2 "he" "has served" "as principal bassoonist of the Hofer Symphoniker also"
2 "he" "has served" "as principal bassoonist of the Hofer Symphoniker in Germany"
2 "he" "has served" "as principal bassoonist of the Hofer Symphoniker"
# Line 3: "Then, he visited the Fundacion Instituto San Jose. "
# Semantic graph: [visited/VBD
# advmod:Then/RB
# nsubj:he/PRP
# dobj:[Jose/NNP det:the/DT nn:Fundacion/NNP nn:Instituto/NNP nn:San/NNP]]
# Detected 1 clause(s).
# - SVO (V: visited@5, S: he@4, A-: Then@2, O: Jose@10)
3 "he" "visited" "the Fundacion Instituto San Jose"
# Line 4: "Jaccome Gonsalves was the eldest son of Thomas Gonsalves and Mariana de Abreu, living in the parish of Our Lady of Pity (Piedade), Divar, Goa. "
# Semantic graph: [son/NN
# nsubj:[Gonsalves/NNP nn:Jaccome/NNP]
# cop:was/VBD
# det:the/DT
# amod:eldest/JJS
# prep:[of/IN
# pobj:[Gonsalves/NNPS
# nn:Thomas/NNP
# cc:and/CC
# conj:[Abreu/NNP nn:Mariana/NNP amod:de/IN]
# partmod:[living/VBG
# prep:[in/IN
# pobj:[parish/NN
# det:the/DT
# prep:[of/IN
# pobj:[Lady/NN
# poss:Our/PRP$
# prep:[of/IN
# pobj:[Pity/NNP
# appos:Piedade/NNP
# appos:[Goa/NNP
# nn:Divar/NNP]]]]]]]]]]]
# Detected 5 clause(s).
# - SVC (C: son@7, V: was@4, S: Gonsalves@3, A?: of@8)
# - SVA (V: "be living", S: Gonsalves@10, A!: in@17)
# - SVO (S: Our@21, V: "has", O: Lady@22)
# - SVC (S: Pity@24, V: "is", C: Piedade@26)
# - SVC (S: Pity@24, V: "is", C: Goa@31)
4 "Jaccome Gonsalves" "was" "the eldest son of Thomas Gonsalves and Mariana de Abreu living in the parish of Our Lady of Pity"
4 "Jaccome Gonsalves" "was" "the eldest son"
4 "Thomas Gonsalves and Mariana de Abreu" "be living" "in the parish of Our Lady of Pity"
4 "Our" "has" "Lady of Pity"
4 "Pity" "is" "Piedade"
4 "Pity" "is" "Divar Goa"
# Line 5: "From 1988 to 1993, Lord Oxburgh was chief scientific adviser to the Ministry of Defence, and Rector of Imperial College London from 1993--2000."
# Semantic graph: [adviser/NN
# prep:[From/IN pobj:[1993/CD num:1988/CD dep:to/TO]]
# nsubj:[Oxburgh/NNP nn:Lord/NNP]
# cop:was/VBD
# amod:chief/JJ
# amod:scientific/JJ
# prep:[to/TO pobj:[Ministry/NNP det:the/DT prep:[of/IN pobj:Defense/NNP]]]
# cc:and/CC
# conj:[Rector/NNP
# prep:[of/IN
# pobj:[London/NNP
# nn:Imperial/NNP
# nn:College/NNP
# prep:[from/IN pobj:1993/CD]]]
# dep:2000/CD]]
# Detected 1 clause(s).
# - SVC (C: adviser@12, V: was@9, S: Oxburgh@8, A?: From@2, A?: to@13)
5 "Lord Oxburgh" "was" "chief scientific adviser and Rector of Imperial College London from 1993 2000 From 1988 to 1993"
5 "Lord Oxburgh" "was" "chief scientific adviser and Rector of Imperial College London from 1993 2000 to the Ministry of Defense"
5 "Lord Oxburgh" "was" "chief scientific adviser and Rector of Imperial College London from 1993 2000"
# Line 6: "He then served as defensive line and strength coach for Shepherd College from 1988 to 1990. "
# Semantic graph: [served/VBD
# nsubj:He/PRP
# advmod:then/RB
# prep:[as/IN
# pobj:[line/NN
# amod:defensive/JJ
# cc:and/CC
# conj:[coach/NN nn:strength/NN]
# prep:[for/IN pobj:[College/NNP nn:Shepherd/NNP]]]]
# prep:[from/IN pobj:[1990/CD num:1988/CD dep:to/TO]]]
# Detected 1 clause(s).
# - SVA (V: served@4, S: He@2, A-: then@3, A!: as@5, A?: from@14)
6 "He" "served" "as defensive line and strength coach for Shepherd College from 1988 to 1990"
6 "He" "served" "as defensive line and strength coach for Shepherd College"
# Line 7: "He has been a visiting professor at Stanford, Caltech, and Cornell. "
# Semantic graph: [professor/NN
# nsubj:He/PRP
# aux:has/VBZ
# cop:been/VBN
# det:a/DT
# amod:visiting/VBG
# prep:[at/IN pobj:[Stanford/NNP conj:Caltech/NNP cc:and/CC conj:Cornell/NNP]]]
# Detected 1 clause(s).
# - SVC (C: professor@7, V: been@4, S: He@2, A?: at@8)
7 "He" "has been" "a visiting professor at Stanford Caltech and Cornell"
7 "He" "has been" "a visiting professor"
# Line 8: "He attended Graduate School at Stanford University, California, where he graduated in 1985 with an MA degree in Political Science."
# Semantic graph: [attended/VBD
# nsubj:He/PRP
# dobj:[School/NNP
# nn:Graduate/NNP
# prep:[at/IN pobj:[University/NNP nn:Stanford/NNP appos:California/NNP]]]
# advcl:[graduated/VBD
# advmod:where/WRB
# nsubj:he/PRP
# prep:[in/IN pobj:1985/CD]
# prep:[with/IN
# pobj:[degree/NN
# det:an/DT
# nn:MA/NNP
# prep:[in/IN pobj:[Science/NNP nn:Political/NNP]]]]]]
# Detected 3 clause(s).
# - SVO (V: attended@3, S: He@2, O: School@5, A?: graduated@14)
# - SVC (S: University@8, V: "is", C: California@10)
# - SVA (V: graduated@14, S: he@13, A?: where@12, A!: in@15, A?: with@17)
8 "He" "attended" "Graduate School at Stanford University where he graduated in 1985 with an MA degree in Political Science"
8 "He" "attended" "Graduate School at Stanford University"
8 "Stanford University" "is" "California"
8 "he" "graduated" "in 1985 where"
8 "he" "graduated" "in 1985 with an MA degree in Political Science"
8 "he" "graduated" "in 1985"
# Line 9: "Afterwards, he met with young university professors gathered at the Basilica de San Lorenzo de El Escorial. "
# Semantic graph: [met/VBD
# advmod:Afterwards/RB
# nsubj:he/PRP
# prep:[with/IN
# pobj:[professors/NNS
# amod:young/JJ
# nn:university/NN
# partmod:[gathered/VBN
# prep:[at/IN
# pobj:[Basilica/NN
# det:the/DT
# prep:[de/IN
# pobj:[Escorial/NNP
# nn:San/NNP
# nn:Lorenzo/NNP
# amod:de/IN
# nn:El/NNP]]]]]]]]
# Detected 2 clause(s).
# - SVA (V: met@5, S: he@4, A?: Afterwards@2, A!: with@6)
# - SVA (V: "be gathered", S: professors@9, A!: at@11)
9 "he" "met" "with young university professors gathered at the Basilica de San Lorenzo de El Escorial Afterwards"
9 "he" "met" "with young university professors gathered at the Basilica de San Lorenzo de El Escorial"
9 "young university professors" "be gathered" "at the Basilica de San Lorenzo de El Escorial"
# Line 10: "Oberg earned a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of British Columbia, attended the University of Pittsburgh, where he earned a master's degree in economics, and earned his doctorate from University of Chicago which linked economics and the social organization among the Tlingit, an Alaskan Native tribe."
# Semantic graph: [earned/VBD
# nsubj:Oberg/NNP
# dobj:[degree/NN poss:[bachelor/NN det:a/DT possessive:'s/POS]]
# prep:[in/IN pobj:economics/NNS]
# prep:[from/IN
# pobj:[University/NNP
# det:the/DT
# prep:[of/IN pobj:[Columbia/NNP nn:British/NNP]]]]
# conj:[attended/VBD
# dobj:[University/NNP
# det:the/DT
# prep:[of/IN
# pobj:[Pittsburgh/NNP
# rcmod:[earned/VBD
# advmod:where/WRB
# nsubj:he/PRP
# dobj:[degree/NN
# poss:[master/NN
# det:a/DT
# possessive:'s/POS]]
# prep:[in/IN pobj:economics/NNS]]]]]]
# cc:and/CC
# conj:[earned/VBD
# dobj:[doctorate/NN poss:his/PRP$]
# prep:[from/IN
# pobj:[University/NNP
# prep:[of/IN pobj:Chicago/NNP]
# rcmod:[linked/VBD
# nsubj:which/WDT
# dobj:[economics/NNS
# cc:and/CC
# conj:[organization/NN
# det:the/DT
# amod:social/JJ]]
# prep:[among/IN
# pobj:[Tlingit/NN
# det:the/DT
# appos:[tribe/NN
# det:an/DT
# amod:Alaskan/JJ
# amod:Native/JJ]]]]]]]]
# Detected 9 clause(s).
# - SVO (V: earned@3, S: Oberg@2, O: degree@7, A?: in@8, A?: from@10)
# - SVO (V: attended@17, S: Oberg@2, O: University@19)
# - SVO (V: earned@34, S: Oberg@2, O: doctorate@36, A?: from@37)
# - SVO (S: bachelor@5, V: "has", O: degree@7)
# - SVOO (V: earned@25, S: he@24, A?: where@23, O: degree@29, A?: in@30, IO: Pittsburgh@21)
# - SVO (S: master@27, V: "has", O: degree@29)
# - SVO (S: his@35, V: "has", O: doctorate@36)
# - SVO (V: linked@42, S: University@38, O: economics@43, A?: among@48)
# - SVC (S: Tlingit@50, V: "is", C: tribe@55)
10 "Oberg" "earned" "a bachelor 's degree in economics"
10 "Oberg" "earned" "a bachelor 's degree from the University of British Columbia"
10 "Oberg" "earned" "a bachelor 's degree"
10 "Oberg" "attended" "the University of Pittsburgh"
10 "Oberg" "earned" "his doctorate from University of Chicago"
10 "Oberg" "earned" "his doctorate"
10 "a bachelor" "has" "degree"
10 "he" "earned" "a master 's degree Pittsburgh where"
10 "he" "earned" "a master 's degree in economics Pittsburgh"
10 "he" "earned" "a master 's degree Pittsburgh"
10 "a master" "has" "degree"
10 "his" "has" "doctorate"
10 "University of Chicago" "linked" "economics and the social organization among the Tlingit"
10 "University of Chicago" "linked" "economics and the social organization"
10 "the Tlingit" "is" "an Alaskan Native tribe"
"The Cleveland Rams selected Graf in the 1942 NFL Draft, but he instead attended Harvard Business School. "
0.863: (The Cleveland Rams; selected Graf in; the 1942 NFL Draft)
0.804: (The Cleveland Rams; selected; Graf)
0.653: (he; instead attended; Harvard Business School)
0.579: (Graf; be selected in; the 1942 NFL Draft)
"In addition to being the current, principal bassoonist of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, he has also served as principal bassoonist of the Hofer Symphoniker in Germany. "
0.824: (he; has also served as; principal bassoonist of the Hofer Symphoniker)
0.571: (he; has also served in; addition to being the current , principal bassoonist of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra)
0.511: (addition; to being the current , principal bassoonist of; the Alabama Symphony Orchestra)
"Then, he visited the Fundacion Instituto San Jose. "
0.524: (he; Then visited; the Fundacion Instituto San Jose)
"Jaccome Gonsalves was the eldest son of Thomas Gonsalves and Mariana de Abreu, living in the parish of Our Lady of Pity (Piedade), Divar, Goa. "
0.933: (Jaccome Gonsalves; was the eldest son of; Thomas Gonsalves and Mariana de Abreu)
0.787: (Jaccome Gonsalves; was; the eldest son of Thomas Gonsalves)
0.539: (eldest; was son of; Thomas Gonsalves and Mariana de Abreu)
"From 1988 to 1993, Lord Oxburgh was chief scientific adviser to the Ministry of Defence, and Rector of Imperial College London from 1993--2000."
0.926: (Lord Oxburgh; was chief scientific adviser to; the Ministry of Defence)
0.826: (Lord Oxburgh; was chief scientific adviser from; 1988)
0.808: (Lord Oxburgh; was; chief scientific adviser to the Ministry of Defence , and Rector of Imperial College London)
0.778: (Lord Oxburgh; was chief scientific adviser from; 1993--2000)
0.509: (Lord Oxburgh; be Rector of; Imperial College London)
"He then served as defensive line and strength coach for Shepherd College from 1988 to 1990. "
0.859: (He; then served as; defensive line and strength coach)
"He has been a visiting professor at Stanford, Caltech, and Cornell. "
0.733: (He; has been a visiting professor at; Stanford)
"He attended Graduate School at Stanford University, California, where he graduated in 1985 with an MA degree in Political Science."
0.859: (he; graduated in; 1985)
0.826: (he; graduated with; an MA degree)
0.792: (He; attended Graduate School at; Stanford University)
0.738: (Graduate School; be attended at; Stanford University)
0.734: (He; attended; Graduate School)
"Afterwards, he met with young university professors gathered at the Basilica de San Lorenzo de El Escorial. "
0.691: (he; Afterwards met with; young university professors)
"Oberg earned a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of British Columbia, attended the University of Pittsburgh, where he earned a master's degree in economics, and earned his doctorate from University of Chicago which linked economics and the social organization among the Tlingit, an Alaskan Native tribe."
0.9: (Oberg; earned a bachelor 's degree in economics from; the University of British Columbia)
0.871: (Oberg; earned; a bachelor 's degree)
0.822: (a bachelor 's degree; be earned from; the University of British Columbia)
0.792: (he; earned; a master 's degree)
0.784: (he; earned a master 's degree in; economics)
0.779: (a master 's degree; be earned in; economics)
0.763: (Oberg; attended; the University of Pittsburgh)
0.722: (Oberg; earned; his doctorate)
Completed in 18.04 s seconds
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