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Last active September 14, 2017 01:01
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Tokenize text naively based on unicode character properties"""
import json
import regex
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
PUNCT = regex.compile(r'\p{P}')
SPACE = regex.compile(r'\p{White_Space=Y}')
Token = namedtuple('Token', ['text', 'start', 'end', 'type'])
def c_type(c, non_punct='_-%$#@'):
if PUNCT.match(c) and (c not in non_punct):
return 'punct'
if SPACE.match(c):
return 'space'
return 'word'
def c_types(blob):
return ((c, c_type(c)) for c in iter(blob))
def tokenize(blob):
text, start, end, t_type = '', 0, 0, None
for c, ct in c_types(blob):
if t_type is None or ct == t_type:
text, end, t_type = text + c, end + 1, ct
yield Token(text, start, end, t_type)
text, start, end, t_type = c, end, end + 1, ct
if text:
yield Token(text, start, end, t_type)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
'-l', '--lower',
help='transduce tokens to lowercase'
'-w', '--word', '--words',
help='output word tokens'
'-p', '--punct', '--puncts', '--punctuation',
help='output punctuation tokens'
'-s', '--space', '--spaces',
help='output whitespace tokens'
args = parser.parse_args()
enabled = vars(args)
lower = enabled.pop('lower')
tokens = tokenize(
# if no type options are specified, act as if all are enabled
if not any(enabled.values()):
enabled = {k: True for k in enabled}
for token in tokens:
if enabled[token.type]:
if lower:
token = token._replace(text=token.text.lower())
print(json.dumps(token._asdict(), ensure_ascii=False))
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