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Last active March 2, 2021 10:12
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Set icons for JetBrains Toolbox installed Applications (eg. IntelliJ, Goland, etc) on Chrome OS

This gist is a simple bash script for properly setting the icons for JetBrains applications installed with JetBrains Toolbox app on Chrome OS using Crostini (Linux Apps). Prior to running this script, make sure to install the Linux version of JetBrains Toolbox on your Chromebook:

  1. Download JetBrains Toolbox and share Downloads for Linux use
  2. Extract content: sudo tar -xvf jetbrains-toolbox-1.16.6067.tar.gz -C /opt/
  3. Run toolbox: cd /opt/jetbrains-toolbox-1.16.6067/ ; ./jetbrains-toolbox
  4. Install the JetBrains applications you expect to use
  5. Run configuration script: ./

Once run, icons should now properly load instead of the default penguin icon. Unfortunatley every time a new update is applied to your IDEs this may be necessary, but at least you can quickly run the script instead of manually updating the desktop files.

# Set if .mime.list doesn't exist in user home
if [ -f "~/.mime.types" ]; then
echo "Copying /etc/mime.types to user home"
cp /etc/mime.types ~/.mime.types
# Make icon directory for storing if doesn't exist
#if [ ! -d ~/.local/share/icons ]; then
if [[ ! -d $ICONS_DIR ]]; then
echo "Creating icons directory: $ICONS_DIR"
mkdir $ICONS_DIR
# Set png icon for each Jetbrain application installed
for f in ~/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-* ; do
filename="$(basename -- $f)"
if [[ $f =~ "toolbox" ]]; then
if [[ ! -f $ICONS_DIR/toolbox.png ]]; then
echo "Adding toolbox.png icon included with gist" # No png included with toolbox installation
cp ./toolbox.png $icon_path
echo "Updating icon for $filename to $icon_path"
sed -i "s|Icon=.*|Icon=$icon_path|" $f
# Get location of executable
exec="$(grep Exec $f | sed -e "s/^Exec=\"//" | sed -e "s/\".*//")"
# Replace extension with png
if [ -f $app_icon_path ]; then
# Copy to icons directory
cp $app_icon_path $ICONS_DIR
icon_name="$(basename -- $app_icon_path)"
echo "Updating icon for $filename to $icon_path"
sed -i "s|Icon=.*|Icon=$icon_path|" $f
echo "Triggering refresh of icons"
sudo touch /usr/share/applications/.garcon_trigger
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