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Julia tricks
# # One-liners
low, high = minmax(4,3)
low, high = extrema([1,3,5,7])
# double factorial
dfactorial(n::Int) = prod(n:-2:1)
# Non equivalent pairs
_pairs(n::Int) = ((i,j) for i in 1:n for j in 1:(i-1)) # upper triangle without diagonal
_pairs_wself(n::Int) = ((i,j) for i in 1:n for j in 1:i) # upper triangle with diagonal
_pairs_all(n::Int) = ((i,j) for i in 1:n for j in 1:n) # all indices of matrix
triangleneq(i::Int) = div(i*(i+1),2)
#triangleneq(i::Int,j::Int) = i < j ? triangleneq(j-1)+i : triangle(i-1)+j
triangleneq(i::Int, j::Int) = ifelse(i < j, triangleneq(j-1)+i, triangleneq(i-1)+j )
# Fibonacci
# | 1 0 |^n = | Fn+1 Fn |
# | 1 0 | | Fn Fn-1 |
F0 = [ 1 0; 1 0]
fib(n) = (F0^n)[1,2] # or [2,1]
n = 3
true || error("Something wrong")
true && @info "Some info"
# # Looping
v = rand(8)
sum(v[1:end .!= 5]) # ∑i≠5 vᵢ
prod(v[1:end .!= 5]) # ∏i≠5 vᵢ
# cumsum, diff, ...
foreach( x -> x^2-3, [1,2,3,5])
collect(1:8) .+ rand(8) .+ range(0,stop=3,length=8) .+ [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
# Comprenhensions
[i for i in 1:4 if i != 3] # allocates an array
(i for i in 1:4 if i != 3) # generator
# ∼ Python decorators
@time (
for i in 1:4
@time begin
for i in 1:4
end end
# Nested loops syntactic sugar
for i in 1:5, j in 1:5
for i in 1:5 for j in 1:5
end end
# The same as for i,j,k in itertools.product(occupied, repeat=3) in Python
occupied = 1:2
for (i,j,k) in Base.product(fill(occupied,3)...)
# It is not very clear
@show i,j,k
function cart_prod(rango,times)
# An alias
for (i,j,k) in cart_prod(occupied,3)
# Better
@show i,j,k
matrix = rand(5,5)
for ind in CartesianIndices(matrix)
i,j = Tuple(ind)
@show i,j
for (i,j) in Tuple.(CartesianIndices(matrix))
@show i,j
index_symat0(i,j) = max(i,j)*(max(i,j)+1)÷2 + min(i,j) # 0 based indexing
index_symat1(i,j) = max(i-1,j-1)*(max(i-1,j-1)+1)÷2 + min(i-1,j-1) + 1 # 1 based indexing
# Generator
function fibonacci(n)
Channel() do ch
a, b = 1, 1
for i in 1:n
put!(ch, a)
a, b = b, a + b
@time for f in fibonacci(10)
for (i,elem) in enumerate(rand(8))
elem + i
U, V = rand(5), rand(5)
for (u,v) in zip(U,V)
u + v
# Flatten nested arrays (e.g. DiffEq sol)
a = [[[i * j * k for i in 1:4] for j in 2:5] for k in 1:3]
flatten(x::Array{<:Array,1}) = Iterators.flatten(x) |> collect |> flatten
flatten(x::Array{<:Number,1}) = x
aref = [i * j * k for i in 1:4, j in 2:5, k in 1:3]
@assert reshape(flatten(a), (4,4,3)) == aref
# # Algebra
import LinearAlgebra
eye(n) = LinearAlgebra.I(n)
# Sometimes these two are denoted with the same symbol but they are not the same
⊗(x,y) = kron(x,y) # Kronecker tensor product (vectors & matrices)
outer(x::Vector,y::Vector) = x * y' # outer product
# Test equivalence
u = rand(3); v = rand(3)
kron(u,v) == vec(outer(v,u)')
kron(u,v') == outer(u,v)
# Hadamard product (def. over matrices)
# in Julia is broadcast multiplication .*
hadamard(x::Matrix,y::Matrix) = x .* y
function direct_sum(x::Matrix,y::Matrix)
if size(x) == size(y)
return hvcat((2,2),x,zero(x),zero(y),y)
nrowx = size(x)[1]
ncolx = size(x)[2]
ret = zeros(size(x) .+ size(y))
ret[1:nrowx,1:ncolx] = x
ret[1+nrowx:end,1+ncolx:end] = y
return ret
A = rand(8,8); v = rand(8)
x = A \ v # Ax = v
# # Compositon
# Piping and anonymous function
3.0 |> n -> convert(Int,n)
# Function omposition
@assert (sin ∘ abs)(-1) === sin(1) #0.8414709848078965
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