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Created May 12, 2021 19:16
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An old Plutus smart contract mostly as a historic relic due natural changes on Plutus.
module MyCrowdFunding where
import qualified Language.PlutusTx as PlutusTx
import qualified Ledger.Interval as Interval
import Ledger.Slot (SlotRange)
import qualified Ledger.Slot as Slot
import qualified Language.PlutusTx.Prelude as P
import Ledger
import qualified Ledger.Ada.TH as Ada
import Ledger.Ada (Ada)
import Ledger.Validation
import Playground.Contract
import Wallet as Wallet
data Campaign = Campaign
{ campaignDeadline :: Slot
, campaignTarget :: Ada
, campaignCollectionDeadline :: Slot
, campaignOwner :: PubKey
} deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Campaign
data CampaignAction = Collect | Refund
deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
PlutusTx.makeLift ''CampaignAction
myValidatorScript :: Campaign -> ValidatorScript
myValidatorScript campaign = ValidatorScript $ Ledger.applyScript validator (Ledger.lifted campaign)
validator = $$(Ledger.compileScript [||
\Campaign{..} (contributor :: PubKey) (action :: CampaignAction) (ptx :: PendingTx) ->
let success = ()
failWith msg = $$(PlutusTx.error) ($$(P.traceH) msg ())
and :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
and = $$(PlutusTx.and)
signedBy :: PendingTx -> PubKey -> Bool
signedBy = $$(txSignedBy)
PendingTx txIns txOuts _ _ _ range _ _ = ptx
in case action of
Collect ->
raisedAmount :: Ada
raisedAmount =
let contributions = txIns
amountOf (PendingTxIn _ _ amount) = $$(Ada.fromValue) amount
add contribution total = $$( total (amountOf contribution)
in $$(P.foldr) add $$( contributions
isCollectionTime :: Bool
isCollectionTime =
let collectionRange = $$(Interval.interval) campaignDeadline campaignCollectionDeadline
in $$(Slot.contains) collectionRange range
wasTargetReached :: Bool
wasTargetReached = $$(Ada.geq) raisedAmount campaignTarget
isCampaignOwner :: Bool
isCampaignOwner = signedBy ptx campaignOwner
if isCollectionTime `and` wasTargetReached `and` isCampaignOwner
then success
else failWith "Can't collect funds, check the terms in the contract."
Refund ->
isRefundTime :: Bool
isRefundTime =
let refundRange = $$(Interval.from) campaignCollectionDeadline
in $$(Slot.contains) refundRange range
verifyContribution :: PendingTxOut -> Bool
verifyContribution contribution = case $$(pubKeyOutput) contribution of
Nothing -> False
Just supporter -> $$(eqPubKey) supporter contributor
haveContributed :: Bool
haveContributed = $$(P.all) verifyContribution txOuts
isContributor :: Bool
isContributor = signedBy ptx contributor
if isRefundTime `and` haveContributed `and` isContributor
then success
else failWith "Can't refund contribution"
contractAddress :: Campaign -> Address
contractAddress campaign = Ledger.scriptAddress $ myValidatorScript campaign
contribute :: MonadWallet m => Campaign -> Ada -> m ()
contribute campaign value = do
_ <- if value <= 0
then throwOtherError "Must contribute a positive value"
else pure ()
ownPK <- ownPubKey
let dataScript = DataScript $ Ledger.lifted ownPK
range = Wallet.defaultSlotRange
amount = $$(Ada.toValue) value
address = contractAddress campaign
tx <- payToScript range address amount dataScript
logMsg "Submitted contribution"
register (refundTrigger address) $ refundHandler campaign (Ledger.hashTx tx)
logMsg "Registered refund trigger"
refundTrigger :: Address -> EventTrigger
refundTrigger address = hasFunds `andT` isRefundTime
hasFunds = fundsAtAddressT address $ Wallet.intervalFrom ($$(Ada.toValue) 1)
isRefundTime = slotRangeT $ Wallet.intervalFrom 15
refundHandler :: MonadWallet m => Campaign -> TxId -> EventHandler m
refundHandler campaign txid = EventHandler $ \_ -> do
logMsg "Claiming refund"
let redeemerScript = RedeemerScript $ Ledger.lifted Refund
range = Wallet.intervalFrom 15
validatorScript = myValidatorScript campaign
collectFromScriptTxn range validatorScript redeemerScript txid
collectFundsTrigger :: Campaign -> EventTrigger
collectFundsTrigger campaign = hasFunds `andT` collectionTime
hasFunds = fundsAtAddressT (contractAddress campaign) $ Wallet.intervalFrom ($$(Ada.toValue) 1)
collectionTime = slotRangeT $ Wallet.interval 10 15
collectFundsHandler :: MonadWallet m => Campaign -> EventHandler m
collectFundsHandler campaign = EventHandler $ \_ -> do
logMsg "Collecting funds"
let redeemerScript = RedeemerScript $ Ledger.lifted Collect
range = Wallet.interval 10 15
validatorScript = myValidatorScript campaign
collectFromScript range validatorScript redeemerScript
scheduleCollection :: MonadWallet m => Campaign -> m ()
scheduleCollection campaign = do
register (collectFundsTrigger campaign) (collectFundsHandler campaign)
$(mkFunctions ['contribute, 'scheduleCollection])
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