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Last active September 13, 2016 06:13
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String Comparisons
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import math
import numpy as np
import argparse
FFT = np.fft.fft
IFFT = np.fft.ifft
zprint = globals()['__builtins__'].print
def pad(x, n):
"""Pads an 1-D vector x until its length is n"""
return np.pad(x, (0,n-x.size), mode='constant', constant_values=0)
def flip(x):
"""Converts 0's from a binary 1-D vector to -1's"""
return 2*x - 1
def calc_delta(u,v):
"""Finds the number of different bits at each index between two binary vectors"""
flat = lambda x: len(x.shape) == 1
assert flat(u) and flat(v), "Vectors must be 1-D not %s and %s" % (u.shape, v.shape)
if v.size > u.size: # guarantee u >= v
u,v = v,u
u,v = flip(u), flip(v)
big_size = u.size
small_size = v.size
# now we need to get the minimum size greater than u's size
# that's a power of 2 so we can fit our values
padded_size = 2 ** (int((math.log(u.size,2))) + 1)
# for magic multiplication we need to flip our big vector and pad to fill for fft
# flipping is required for easy indexing the result
u = pad(np.flipud(u), padded_size)
v = pad(v, padded_size)
print("Padded and aligned Vectors:\nU: %s\nV: %s" % (u,v))
uu, vv = FFT(u), FFT(v)
# we flip our result again to line up with the original indices
result = np.flipud(np.real(IFFT(uu*vv)))
# print("Raw results including garbage coefficients:\n%s" % np.round(result))
# now we throw away invalid coefficients
valid = result[padded_size-big_size:-small_size+1]
# delta = ( virus length - coefficients ) / 2
# print(np.round((small_size - result ) / 2))
delta = np.abs(np.round((small_size - valid ) / 2))
print("Delta:\n%s" % delta)
return delta
def brute_force(u,v):
flat = lambda x: len(x.shape) == 1
assert flat(u) and flat(v), "Vectors must be 1-D not %s and %s" % (u.shape, v.shape)
# u, v = u.astype(np.bool_), v.astype(np.bool_)
if v.size > u.size: # guarantee u >= v
u,v = v,u
comparisons = u.size-v.size+1
# '''
delta = np.zeros(comparisons)
for i in xrange(comparisons):
delta[i] = np.sum(np.mod(np.add(u[i:i+v.size],v), 2))
# delta[i] = np.sum(np.logical_xor(u[i:i+v.size],v))
# strided source:
as_strided = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
strides = as_strided(u, (comparisons, v.size), (1,1))
delta = np.sum(np.logical_xor(strides, v),1)
print("Delta:\n%s" % delta)
return delta
def generate_rand_strings(size=100):
u = (np.random.random(size) >= 0.5) # * 1
v = (np.random.random(size//2) >= 0.5) # * 1
# this will allow for m-n+1 delta comparisons,
# which suits our needs quite well
return (u,v)
def benchmark(naive=True, sizes=[]):
globals()['__builtins__'].print = lambda *args, **kws: 42
if not sizes:
sizes = [10, 10**2, 10**3, 10**4, 5*10**4, 10**5, 10**6, 5*10**6, 5*10**6]
zprint("Testing method %s" % ("brute_force" if naive else "fft"))
for (i, s) in enumerate(sizes):
start = time.time()
if naive:
if s >= 10**5:
# Don't kill your computer!
delta = brute_force(*generate_rand_strings(s))
delta = calc_delta(*generate_rand_strings(s))
zprint("Iteration %s | Size %s | %0.3f ms" % (i,s, 1000 * (time.time()-start)) )
def test(naive=True):
u = np.array([1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1])
# u = np.array([1,0,0,1,1])
v = np.array([0,0,1])
# v = np.array([1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0])
print("U: %s" % u)
print("V: %s" % v)
if naive:
delta = brute_force(u, v)
delta = calc_delta(u, v)
return delta
def get_user_input(name, default):
vector = raw_input('Enter a space seperated bit-string (the %s)\n' % name).strip().split()
vector = np.array(vector, dtype=int)
except Exception:
vector = default
print("Error with input, using default:\n%s" % vector)
if not vector.size:
vector = default
print("No input entered, using default:\n%s" % vector)
return vector
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('-b', "--benchmark", help="benchmark mode", action="store_true")
group.add_argument('-f', "--fft", help="fft mode", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.benchmark:
sizes = [10, 10**2, 10**3, 10**4, 10**5, 10**6, 5*10**6, 5*10**6]
naive = not args.fft
u_default, v_default = np.array([1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1]), np.array([0,0,1])
u = get_user_input("RAM", u_default)
v = get_user_input("virus", v_default)
if naive:
print("Using brute force method")
brute_force(u, v)
print("Using fft method")
calc_delta(u, v)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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zzeleznick commented Sep 13, 2016

$ python -b
# sample output
Iteration 0 | Size 10 | 0.490 ms
Iteration 1 | Size 100 | 1.478 ms
Iteration 2 | Size 1000 | 14.999 ms
Iteration 3 | Size 10000 | 506.938 ms
Iteration 4 | Size 50000 | 11773.097 ms
Testing method fft
Iteration 0 | Size 10 | 1.233 ms
Iteration 1 | Size 100 | 2.542 ms
Iteration 2 | Size 1000 | 7.975 ms
Iteration 3 | Size 10000 | 4.805 ms
Iteration 4 | Size 50000 | 18.234 ms
Iteration 5 | Size 100000 | 45.549 ms
Iteration 6 | Size 1000000 | 379.606 ms
Iteration 7 | Size 5000000 | 3378.271 ms
Iteration 8 | Size 5000000 | 2966.037 ms

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