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Created September 3, 2023 03:04
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My three-way merge algorithm, originally designed for 6.033 DP2.
#!/usr/bin/python -O
# State-Based Text Merging Algorithm
# For 6.033 Design Project 2
# TA: Katherine Fang
# 9 May 2012
# Stephan Boyer
# Ami Patel
# Vo Thanh Minh Tue
# Description:
# Attempts to automatically perform a three-way merge.
# Prints the result to standard output.
# This is a proof of concept. In a real system, we would
# write at least the diff algorithm in a faster language.
# This implementation quickly slows down for large files,
# unless the fast diff approximation is used (see below).
# For more information, see:
# Usage:
# ancestor_file alice_file bob_file
# String Diffing
# represents a change from one string to another
class Change:
# represents adding <text> to string b
class Insert(Change):
def __init__(self, text, pos_a, range_b):
self.text = text
self.pos_a = pos_a
self.range_b = range_b
def __repr__(self):
return "Insert(\"" + str(self.text) + "\", " + str(self.pos_a) + ", " + str(self.range_b) + ")"
# represents deleting <text> from string b
class Delete(Change):
def __init__(self, text, range_a, pos_b):
self.text = text
self.range_a = range_a
self.pos_b = pos_b
def __repr__(self):
return "Delete(\"" + str(self.text) + "\", " + str(self.range_a) + ", " + str(self.pos_b) + ")"
# takes 2 indexable objects (e.g. strings or lists)
# returns a list of Change objects (Delete or Insert)
# guaranteed to produce an optimal diff
def str_diff(a, b):
ls = len(a)
lf = len(b)
memo = {}
def min_diff(si, fi):
if (si, fi) in memo:
return memo[(si, fi)]
ans = []
if si == ls and fi == lf:
ans = []
elif si < ls and fi == lf:
ans = []
for i in range(si, ls):
ans.append((i, "d"))
elif fi < lf and si == ls:
ans = []
for j in range(fi, lf):
ans.append((si, "i", b[j]))
elif a[si] == b[fi]:
ans = min_diff(si + 1, fi + 1)
alts = [(min_diff(si + 1, fi), (si, "d")), (min_diff(si, fi + 1), (si, "i", b[fi]))]
best = min(alts, key=lambda t: len(t[0]))
ans = [best[1]] + best[0]
memo[(si, fi)] = ans
return ans
diff = sorted(min_diff(0, 0), key=lambda x: x[0])
changes = []
pos_diff = 0
offset_b = 0
while pos_diff < len(diff):
length = 0
pos_a_old = diff[pos_diff][0]
while pos_diff < len(diff) and diff[pos_diff][1] == "i":
if diff[pos_diff][0] != pos_a_old:
length += 1
pos_diff += 1
if length > 0:
pos_a = pos_a_old
range_b_0 = pos_a_old + offset_b
range_b_1 = pos_a_old + offset_b + length
changes.append(Insert(b[range_b_0:range_b_1], pos_a, (range_b_0, range_b_1)))
offset_b += length
if pos_diff >= len(diff):
length = 0
pos_a_old = diff[pos_diff][0]
while pos_diff < len(diff) and diff[pos_diff][1] == "d":
if diff[pos_diff][0] != pos_a_old + length:
length += 1
pos_diff += 1
if length > 0:
range_a_0 = pos_a_old
range_a_1 = pos_a_old + length
pos_b = pos_a_old + offset_b
changes.append(Delete(a[range_a_0:range_a_1], (range_a_0, range_a_1), pos_b))
offset_b -= length
return changes
# Here is an alternative version of the str_diff(a, b) function.
# Unlike the version above, it is NOT guaranteed to produce optimal
# diffs. Diffs that are not optimal can sometimes produce unexpected
# results. However, this version is much faster.
import difflib
# takes 2 indexable objects (e.g. strings or lists)
# returns a list of Change objects (Delete or Insert)
# not guaranteed to produce an optimal diff
def str_diff(a, b):
d = difflib.Differ()
diff = list(, b))
changes = []
pos_a = 0
pos_b = 0
pos_diff = 0
while pos_diff < len(diff):
while pos_diff < len(diff) and diff[pos_diff][0] == " ":
pos_diff += 1
pos_a += 1
pos_b += 1
while pos_diff < len(diff) and diff[pos_diff][0] == "?":
pos_diff += 1
length = 0
range_b_0 = pos_b
while pos_diff < len(diff) and diff[pos_diff][0] == "+":
length += 1
pos_diff += 1
pos_b += 1
if length > 0:
changes.append(Insert(b[range_b_0:pos_b], pos_a, (range_b_0, pos_b)))
text = []
range_a_0 = pos_a
while pos_diff < len(diff) and diff[pos_diff][0] == "-":
length += 1
pos_diff += 1
pos_a += 1
if length > 0:
changes.append(Delete(a[range_a_0:pos_a], (range_a_0, pos_a), pos_b))
return changes
# Levenshtein Distance
# compute the Levenshtein distance between two strings
def levenshtein(a, b):
d = {}
for i in range(len(a) + 1):
d[(i, 0)] = i
for j in range(len(b) + 1):
d[(0, j)] = j
for j in range(1, len(b) + 1):
for i in range(1, len(a) + 1):
if a[i - 1] == b[j - 1]:
d[(i, j)] = d[(i - 1, j - 1)]
d[(i, j)] = min([d[(i - 1, j)], d[(i, j - 1)], d[(i - 1, j - 1)]]) + 1
return d[len(a), len(b)]
# Finding Move Actions
# the maximum normalized distance (0-1) between two strings for them to be considered the same
# for the purposes of finding Move actions
# the minimum number of items that can be considered a Move action
# represents moving <text_a> in range <range_a> to <text_b> in range <range_b>
class Move(Change):
def __init__(self, text_a, range_a, pos_a, text_b, range_b, pos_b, first):
self.text_a = text_a
self.range_a = range_a
self.pos_a = pos_a
self.text_b = text_b
self.range_b = range_b
self.pos_b = pos_b
self.first = first
def __repr__(self):
return "Move(\"" + str(self.text_a) + "\", " + str(self.range_a) + ", " + str(self.pos_a) + ", \"" + str(self.text_b) + "\", " + str(self.range_b) + ", " + str(self.pos_b) + ", " + str(self.first) + ")"
# find Move actions in a list of Change objects (mutates the input list).
# a Move action comes from an Insert-Delete pair where the strings differ
# by less than MAX_MOVE_DIST in terms of normalized Levenshtein distance
def find_moves(diff, first):
indices_to_delete = []
for i in range(len(diff)):
if isinstance(diff[i], Delete):
for j in range(len(diff)):
if isinstance(diff[j], Insert):
if not (i in indices_to_delete) and not (j in indices_to_delete):
normalized_dist = float(levenshtein(diff[i].text, diff[j].text)) / max(len(diff[i].text), len(diff[j].text))
if normalized_dist <= MAX_MOVE_DIST and max(len(diff[i].text), len(diff[j].text)) >= MIN_MOVE_LENGTH:
diff.append(Move(diff[i].text, diff[i].range_a, diff[j].pos_a, diff[j].text, diff[j].range_b, diff[i].pos_b, first))
for i in indices_to_delete:
# Text Merging
# represents a list of merge conflicts
class MergeConflictList(Exception):
def __init__(self, conflicts):
self.conflicts = conflicts
def __repr__(self):
return self.conflicts
# takes indexable objects (e.g. strings or lists) a, b and their common ancestor
# returns the merged document
def merge(ancestor, a, b):
# compute the diffs from the common ancestor
diff_a = str_diff(ancestor, a)
diff_b = str_diff(ancestor, b)
# find Move actions
find_moves(diff_a, True)
find_moves(diff_b, False)
# find conflicts and automatically resolve them where possible
conflicts = []
indices_to_delete_a = []
indices_to_delete_b = []
len_diff_a = len(diff_a)
len_diff_b = len(diff_b)
for i in range(len_diff_a):
for j in range(len_diff_b):
if j in indices_to_delete_b:
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Delete) and isinstance(diff_b[j], Delete):
# if two Delete actions overlap, take the union of their ranges
if (diff_b[j].range_a[0] >= diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].range_a[0] < diff_a[i].range_a[1]) or \
(diff_b[j].range_a[1] >= diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].range_a[1] < diff_a[i].range_a[1]) or \
(diff_b[j].range_a[0] < diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].range_a[1] > diff_a[i].range_a[1]):
diff_a[i].range_a = (min(diff_a[i].range_a[0], diff_b[j].range_a[0]), max(diff_a[i].range_a[1], diff_b[j].range_a[1]))
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Delete) and isinstance(diff_b[j], Insert):
# Insert actions inside the range of Delete actions collide
if diff_b[j].pos_a > diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].pos_a < diff_a[i].range_a[1]:
conflicts.append("A is deleting text that B is inserting into.")
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Delete) and isinstance(diff_b[j], Move):
# Delete actions that overlap with but are not fully contained within PsuedoMove sources collide
if diff_a[i].range_a[0] >= diff_b[j].range_a[0] and diff_a[i].range_a[1] <= diff_b[j].range_a[1]:
elif diff_a[i].range_a[0] >= diff_b[j].range_a[0] and diff_a[i].range_a[0] < diff_b[j].range_a[1]:
conflicts.append("B is moving only part of some text that A is deleting.")
elif diff_a[i].range_a[1] >= diff_b[j].range_a[0] and diff_a[i].range_a[1] < diff_b[j].range_a[1]:
conflicts.append("B is moving only part of some text that A is deleting.")
elif diff_a[i].range_a[0] < diff_b[j].range_a[0] and diff_a[i].range_a[1] > diff_b[j].range_a[1]:
conflicts.append("A is deleting text that B is moving.")
# Move destinations inside the range of Delete actions collide
if diff_b[j].pos_a > diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].pos_a < diff_a[i].range_a[1]:
conflicts.append("A is deleting text that B is moving text into.")
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Insert) and isinstance(diff_b[j], Delete):
# Insert actions inside the range of Delete actions collide
if diff_a[i].pos_a > diff_b[j].range_a[0] and diff_a[i].pos_a < diff_b[j].range_a[1]:
conflicts.append("B is deleting text that A is inserting into.")
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Insert) and isinstance(diff_b[j], Insert):
# Insert actions at the same position collide unless the inserted text is the same
if diff_a[i].pos_a == diff_b[j].pos_a:
if diff_a[i].text == diff_b[j].text:
conflicts.append("A and B are inserting text at the same location.")
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Insert) and isinstance(diff_b[j], Move):
# Insert actions at the same location as Move destinations collide unless the text is the same
if diff_a[i].pos_a == diff_b[j].pos_a:
if diff_a[i].text == diff_b[j].text_b:
conflicts.append("A is inserting text at the same location that B is moving text to.")
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Move) and isinstance(diff_b[j], Delete):
# Delete actions that overlap with but are not fully contained within PsuedoMove actions collide
if diff_b[j].range_a[0] >= diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].range_a[1] <= diff_a[i].range_a[1]:
elif diff_b[j].range_a[0] >= diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].range_a[0] < diff_a[i].range_a[1]:
conflicts.append("A is moving only part of some text that B is deleting.")
elif diff_b[j].range_a[1] >= diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].range_a[1] < diff_a[i].range_a[1]:
conflicts.append("A is moving only part of some text that B is deleting.")
elif diff_b[j].range_a[0] < diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].range_a[1] > diff_a[i].range_a[1]:
conflicts.append("B is deleting text that A is moving.")
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Move) and isinstance(diff_b[j], Insert):
# Insert actions at the same location as Move destinations collide unless the text is the same
if diff_b[j].pos_a == diff_a[i].pos_a:
if diff_b[j].text == diff_a[i].text_b:
conflicts.append("B is inserting text at the same location that A is moving text to.")
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Move) and isinstance(diff_b[j], Move):
# PsuedoMove actions collide if their source ranges overlap unless one is fully contained in the other
if diff_b[j].range_a[0] >= diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].range_a[1] <= diff_a[i].range_a[1]:
elif diff_b[j].range_a[0] >= diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].range_a[0] < diff_a[i].range_a[1]:
conflicts.append("A text move by A overlaps with a text move by B.")
elif diff_b[j].range_a[1] >= diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].range_a[1] < diff_a[i].range_a[1]:
conflicts.append("A text move by A overlaps with a text move by B.")
elif diff_b[j].range_a[0] < diff_a[i].range_a[0] and diff_b[j].range_a[1] > diff_a[i].range_a[1]:
# Move actions collide if their destination positions are the same
if diff_a[i].pos_a == diff_b[j].pos_a:
conflicts.append("A and B are moving text to the same location.")
for i in indices_to_delete_a:
for i in indices_to_delete_b:
# throw an error if there are conflicts
if len(conflicts) > 0:
raise MergeConflictList(conflicts)
# sort the actions by position in the common ancestor
def sort_key(action):
if isinstance(action, Delete):
return action.range_a[0]
if isinstance(action, Insert):
return action.pos_a
actions = sorted(diff_a + diff_b, key=sort_key)
# compute offset lists
offset_changes_ab = []
for i in range(len(actions)):
if isinstance(actions[i], Delete):
offset_changes_ab.append((actions[i].range_a[0], actions[i].range_a[0] - actions[i].range_a[1]))
if isinstance(actions[i], Insert):
offset_changes_ab.append((actions[i].pos_a, len(actions[i].text)))
offset_changes_a = []
for i in range(len(diff_a)):
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Delete):
offset_changes_a.append((diff_a[i].range_a[0], diff_a[i].range_a[0] - diff_a[i].range_a[1]))
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Insert):
offset_changes_a.append((diff_a[i].pos_a, len(diff_a[i].text)))
if isinstance(diff_a[i], Move):
offset_changes_a.append((diff_a[i].range_a[0], diff_a[i].range_a[0] - diff_a[i].range_a[1]))
offset_changes_a.append((diff_a[i].pos_a, len(diff_a[i].text_a)))
offset_changes_b = []
for i in range(len(diff_b)):
if isinstance(diff_b[i], Delete):
offset_changes_b.append((diff_b[i].range_a[0], diff_b[i].range_a[0] - diff_b[i].range_a[1]))
if isinstance(diff_b[i], Insert):
offset_changes_b.append((diff_b[i].pos_a, len(diff_b[i].text)))
if isinstance(diff_b[i], Move):
offset_changes_b.append((diff_b[i].range_a[0], diff_b[i].range_a[0] - diff_b[i].range_a[1]))
offset_changes_b.append((diff_b[i].pos_a, len(diff_b[i].text_a)))
# compute the preliminary merge
preliminary_merge = ancestor[:]
pos_offset = 0
for i in range(len(actions)):
if isinstance(actions[i], Delete):
preliminary_merge = preliminary_merge[:actions[i].range_a[0] + pos_offset] + preliminary_merge[actions[i].range_a[1] + pos_offset:]
pos_offset += actions[i].range_a[0] - actions[i].range_a[1]
offset_changes_ab.append((actions[i].range_a[0], actions[i].range_a[0] - actions[i].range_a[1]))
if isinstance(actions[i], Insert):
preliminary_merge = preliminary_merge[:actions[i].pos_a + pos_offset] + actions[i].text + preliminary_merge[actions[i].pos_a + pos_offset:]
pos_offset += len(actions[i].text)
offset_changes_ab.append((actions[i].pos_a, len(actions[i].text)))
# perform the "delete" part of the moves
for i in range(len(actions)):
if isinstance(actions[i], Move):
range_a0 = actions[i].range_a[0]
range_a1 = actions[i].range_a[1]
for offset_pair in offset_changes_ab:
if offset_pair[0] <= actions[i].range_a[0]:
range_a0 += offset_pair[1]
if offset_pair[0] <= actions[i].range_a[1]:
range_a1 += offset_pair[1]
offset_changes_ab.append((actions[i].range_a[0], actions[i].range_a[0] - actions[i].range_a[1]))
preliminary_merge = preliminary_merge[:range_a0] + preliminary_merge[range_a1:]
# perform the "add" part of the moves
for i in range(len(actions)):
if isinstance(actions[i], Move):
pos_a = actions[i].pos_a
for offset_pair in offset_changes_ab:
if offset_pair[0] <= actions[i].pos_a:
pos_a += offset_pair[1]
text_ancestor = actions[i].text_a
if actions[i].first:
text_a = actions[i].text_b
range_a0 = actions[i].range_a[0]
range_a1 = actions[i].range_a[1]
for offset_pair in offset_changes_b:
if offset_pair[0] <= actions[i].range_a[0]:
range_a0 += offset_pair[1]
if offset_pair[0] <= actions[i].range_a[1]:
range_a1 += offset_pair[1]
text_b = b[range_a0:range_a1]
text_b = actions[i].text_b
range_a0 = actions[i].range_a[0]
range_a1 = actions[i].range_a[1]
for offset_pair in offset_changes_a:
if offset_pair[0] <= actions[i].range_a[0]:
range_a0 += offset_pair[1]
if offset_pair[0] <= actions[i].range_a[1]:
range_a1 += offset_pair[1]
text_a = a[range_a0:range_a1]
text = merge(text_a, text_b, text_ancestor)
offset_changes_ab.append((actions[i].pos_a, len(text)))
preliminary_merge = preliminary_merge[:pos_a] + text + preliminary_merge[pos_a:]
return preliminary_merge
# Demo
import sys
# split a string by spaces / newlines, but unlike the built-in split function,
# we want to preserve the separators so we can reconstruct the document
# afterward. to do this, we treat whitespace characters as words.
def smart_split(s):
result = []
was_word = False
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] == " " or s[i] == "\n" or s[i] == "\r" or s[i] == "\t":
was_word = False
if not was_word:
was_word = True
result[-1] += s[i]
return result
# check the number of arguments
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print ""
print "State-Based Text Merging Algorithm"
print "For 6.033 Design Project 2"
print "TA: Katherine Fang"
print "9 May 2012"
print ""
print "Stephan Boyer"
print "Ami Patel"
print "Vo Thanh Minh Tue"
print ""
print "Description:"
print ""
print " Attempts to automatically perform a three-way merge."
print " Prints the result to standard output."
print ""
print "Usage:"
print ""
print " ancestor_file alice_file bob_file"
print ""
# open files a, b, and c (a is the common ancestor)
# note that the merge(ancestor, a, b) function will work on any
# "list - like" object, including strings and lists. instead of
# merging the raw strings of characters, we choose to split the
# text into words and do the merge on that granularity. this
# gives more intuitive results.
a = smart_split(open(sys.argv[1], "r").read())
c = smart_split(open(sys.argv[2], "r").read())
b = smart_split(open(sys.argv[3], "r").read())
print "error: unable to one or more open input files"
# try to merge
# since we merged lists of words rather than the raw strings, we
# need to join the words back into a string for nice printing
print "".join(merge(a, b, c))
# report any conflicts
except MergeConflictList as mc:
for c in mc.conflicts:
print "conflict: " + str(c)
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