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Last active November 13, 2021 00:01
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An asyncio program that runs rows into a Postgresql database
"""A plain asyncio program that uses asyncpg to run some rows into a table and
select them.
This is a "control" program which we will compare to the one which uses calls
from an implicit IO greenlet at
Performance against a PG database over a wired network
Ran 40000 records in 40 concurrent requests, Total time 5.560306
import asyncio
import random
import asyncpg
if __name__ == "__main__":
async def add_and_select_data(conn, data):
row = await (
"insert into mytable(data) values ($1) returning id", data
id_ = row[0]
result = await (
conn.fetchrow("select data from mytable where id=($1)", id_)
return result[0]
async def setup_database():
conn = await (
user="scott", password="tiger", host="pg12", database="test",
await (conn.execute("drop table if exists mytable"))
await (
"create table if not exists "
"mytable (id serial primary key, data varchar)"
await conn.close()
concurrent_requests = 40
num_recs = 1000
async def run_request():
conn = await (
user="scott", password="tiger", host="pg12", database="test",
for i in range(num_recs):
random_data = "random %d" % (random.randint(1, 1000000))
retval = await add_and_select_data(conn, random_data)
assert retval == random_data, "%s != %s" % (retval, random_data)
await (conn.close())
async def main():
await setup_database()
await asyncio.gather(
*[run_request() for j in range(concurrent_requests)]
import time
now = time.perf_counter()
"Ran %s records in %s concurrent requests, Total time %f"
% (
num_recs * concurrent_requests,
(time.perf_counter() - now),
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